Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 62. Return of Shame

The two guards peered over the wall, trying to see who was outside. 

"The young lord?" They called out. Surprised to see anyone traveling by night. 

"Where's the rest of your group?"


"It's just me... and him." Motioning to my brother's body slung over my shoulder. 

The small gate creaked open, allowing me to step through. 

The guards staring down at me from their posts. A touch of concern showing on their faces as they climbed down to inspect me. Snapping a quick salute, even if they were only soldiers they knew perfectly well who I was. 

"Are you injured?" One of them asked, looking at the blood on my armor and the blood on Tristan. 

I shook my head, and they seemed somewhat relieved to hear it. 

The two stood around unsure of what to say, given I was technically their superior. 

After some explaining the situation to them, I had them help carry my brother. Bringing a torch from the wall along as we made our way to the mansion.

A set of knights at the entrance, recognizing who I was near immediately despite my helmet and armor, our torch illuminating us perfectly in the night. Seeing our state they understood that something had happened. Ushering us in so that we could give a report to Jagen, while a pair of soldiers came up to take over care of Tristan, hopefully bringing him to a doctor while I took care of business in the mansion.

The blood from the monsters still fresh on my armor, tracking in some on the floor as I was led through by the knights, maids appearing with cleaning equipment, somehow already aware that there was a mess needing to be cleaned. Passing through several corridors, familiar enough with the layout by now to know we were headed to the dining area. Sensible enough given the time, Jagen must be having his meal.

A maid at the door, offered to help me out of my armor, which I agreed. Letting her take off my helmet, she gasped a little in surprise. I did get stabbed through the visor after all, still feeling a bit of a throbbing right under my eye as the maid used a handkerchief to wipe down the blood. Thanking my enhanced constitution for saving me from anything worse. 

With my armor gone, the clothes I wore underneath were relatively clean, only stained by my own sweat and the occasional spot of blood. Enough to be presentable at least. Heading in now that I was ready.

The entire family was there, including Marcella. 

Belle and Tammy as well, sitting by themselves on one side of the table. Their positions clearly arranged with my presence in mind. Seeing that there was already a place laid out for me. Belle sniffing in the air slightly, seeming to be interested in the blood on me, but frowning when she realized some of it was my own. The small scar on my cheek proof enough.

While Tammy was quiet, seeming happy to see me but somewhat reserved. Realizing I wasn't there to escort her back from the guild tonight due to staying out later than I should have, she seemed to have made it back alright. Given that she'd been working a job with such high responsibilities since she was young, she had to have a fairly independent mindset, but for some reason I always felt an urge to protect and shelter her. Looking at her thin frame that she clearly inherited from her mother. 

I stood awkwardly, trying to figure out a way to break the news to Jagen that I'd doomed so many of his precious knights. 

"Take a seat, Keaton." Jagen offered with hospitality.

"Uh, the truth is..." I started.

"Oh! I just remembered. That's right, I have something to show you. So sit, sit." Jagen interrupted again, imploring me to sit. 

I settled down in my chair reluctantly, trying to figure out the best way to explain what had happened to all of the guards.

"I have a surprise for you, Keaton." Jagen was the first to speak as he motioned to Marcella, who was still sitting next to her elder brother, looking at her plate quietly. An unusual sight to see her so timid. 

"She's been training to be a wife. Right, Marcella? Why don't you show your husband what you've learned?" He looked genuinely excited. 

She got up from her chair, seemingly humiliated while she walked over to where I was sitting. Positioned as I was between Tammy and Belle, there wasn't any chair, nor any space for her to sit while her face became even more beet red out of embarrassment. Looking at me with her eyes like she was expecting me to do something.

"Can I sit?" She finally managed to stammer. 

"There's no chair though?" Not seeing what she was getting at.

She pointed to my lap, and I finally realized her intentions. Seeing how Jagen's wives doted on him during meals, she was trying to do the same.

Offering my lap, she sat down awkwardly. Before long a maid came and served me a my meal, carving up the meat into bite sized pieces. 

Once the maid was done, Marcella took over, spearing a piece with a fork, and holding it in front of my face clumsily. Opening my mouth to oblige her, but feeling a tinge of guilt at enjoying myself so much like this after leaving so many of Jagen's men to die. 

Seeing how things were getting, the opportunity to speak up was slipping away from me. Feeling like I shouldn't say anything that would ruin the meal... 

"We were expecting you sooner, did you encounter any problems?" Jagen inquired finally, saving me from my conundrum. 

Taking the time to chew while I mulled over the best way to explain. 

"That's one way you could put it... I'd rather explain it in private." I was ashamed at having lost his men, not to mention the issue of Gawn conspiring with Marcella. 

Marcella preparing another forkful as I let her feed me a second bite. Taking it, I chewed thoughtfully.

"No need for the formalities Keaton, you know we're all family here." Jagen added disarmingly, putting me on the spot with his good nature.

"We ran into some really strange monsters." I finally said with hesitation.

"I wager there were some casualties? Don't worry about it... how bad was it?" Jagen raised an eye, but didn't seem overly concerned. Entirely used to losing men on these types of excursions. 

"Pretty much everyone aside from me is dead." I said abruptly.

Jagen who was sipping on his wine spit out suddenly, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head.

Marcella stopped her hand with the fork, forgetting what she had been doing as she turned her head to look at me. 

"Everyone?" Jagen asked, afraid he had misheard. 

"I'm afraid so... " I continued. 

"Everyone?" Marcella spoke up this time, sounding even more shocked than her father.

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