Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 76. Second Challenger

Looking down at Nate bleeding in dirt from his broken nose, I felt as if all the stress I had been under for the past week was a lie. 

Testing out my new spear with a few jabs in the air. I doubt I'd be able to keep it, but just showing it off to the hostile crowd was a great feeling. 

"Call the match, it's over," directing my statement to guild master Bael, who remained unfazed by my win, smiling just like before. Puzzling me even more about what his motive could be. 

"I believe we have a winner. Congratulations Mr. Keaton on your advancement," Bael said while applauding politely. 

The crowd completely silent, while some of Nate's party looked unsatisfied with the result. Glaring angrily as they helped the rattled adventurer to his unsteady feet. 

Looks like I didn't have any fans here. 

"That was a dirty way of fighting, how can someone like you be the son of a knight?" A big burly man in full plate armor asked me, the great axe strapped to his back emphasizing just how large he was.  He was standing around near Nate's side, so it was easy enough to make the connection. 

It seems they were more upset about my fight than impressed. A little annoyed that they had the gal to complain after losing. I wasn't really even supposed to be a combatant by their standards yet I wiped the floor with their friend. 

"It was a fair fight, and I was the better. That's all there is to it," My confidence restored after beating down my challenger so decisively. 

"Guild master, I request a duel!" The large man asked Bael, unwilling to let things go. The two of them sharing a knowing look, tipping me off again to the connection. What poor acting. 

"I already won my advancement. I have no reason to fight you," I interrupted. They couldn't force me to duel, I knew the rules. 

Ignoring me completely the big man tried appealing to the guild master instead. 

"I can't let things stand as they are, Nate's my friend and this fight was a stain on his honor. Guild master, please approve this fight." 

The guild master just smiled wider, giving me an innocent look. 

"Approved, but what Keaton says is also correct. If he doesn't want to fight, there's no helping it." The guild master shrugging indifferently, not really doing anything to stop the fight.

"I have no reason to fight you. I won. He lost. Get over it."

"No honor!" The man bellowed out, taking a second to spit. "That's what you are, worse than scum."

My face dropping again, I had no grudge with them yet here they are going out their way to offend. It was like every termite in the city was crawling out of their woodworks to rise up against me. Gawn, Nate, and now whoever the hell this guy was. Sometimes you just needed to set an example.

"I tell you what. You make this worth my time and I'll accept... I win and I get to keep this."

Pointing to the spear in my hands. This thing was probably even more expensive than my sword, the metal on the tip was higher grade for sure. Seeing how it had left such a deep gash in my shield from just one blow. 

The man seemed a little bit hesitant now that he heard his friend's weapon was on the line, glancing at the guild master who just nodded in agreement. The little exchange letting me know exactly what was going on with this whole situation, as if it wasn't obvious enough. But even if this was a trap, I didn't care at this point. The entire audience had gotten on my nerves and I felt good dealing with Nate.

With a smile the man put on his helm, learning from Nate's example to not leave his face unguarded. Doing the same, I equipped my helmet and shut the visor.

This was going to be trickier, looking at the club-like axe he was wielding with both arms like a bat. The nasty edge and sheer weight of it giving me some trepidations over taking a hit. 

Switching my classes back to [Swordsman] and [Adventurer], seeing his massive size and plated armor I really wasn't interested in grappling with him. My fifteen strength was a lot for a human, probably even stronger than he was, but if I was wrong about that then the match was over if that's the way I played it. Not to mention his size gave him plenty of advantages in that area, even if it did turn out he was weaker.

"Well... it seems we have another match on our hands. The duel between Balder and Keaton begins," Bael announced much to the enjoyment of the crowd. This guy should be another silver rank, but he looked a lot more intimidating than the scrawny looking Nate. 

The crowd's jeers returning with force causing me to frown. What did I ever to do them? I was the lord's son-in-law, I was a space mage even... I should be someone they envy and respect. But here they are calling for my blood. 

Feeling nothing but contempt for the other adventurers at this point, my cold eyes settling on the mountain of a man in front of me.

What had started out as a game to humiliate me was beginning to turn into something much more savage. Looking at the ferocity of the crowd, and the man in front of me egged on by the hostility of the crowd, I wasn't feeling nearly so playful. 

Gripping my sword with intensity as he charged forward in a rush.

That weapon of his that would absolutely be fatal for anyone else, and even with armor on I felt a little exposed. The force behind a swing would probably punch right through what I had on. 

Watching him thunder up to me with his axe heaved for a swing, escaping to the side as he hit only air. He was strong, but he wasn't very nimble. Not able to maneuver well with the full weight of his plate armor and heavy weapon. Even so, I felt a little helpless. Stabbing at his side, near the armpit, but the blade just scraping off to the side like his whole body was a shield. With that armor on it practically was. I had no blunt weapons to use against him, and his only true weak point was the gap in his visor... or being able to hammer him in the head with my pommel. But from the size of him, I would practically need to leap up to hit him there. 

Steeling myself to use a skill. It was tough with the crowd, but sword edge wasn't the flashiest of skills. If I used it directly against his armor, then it shouldn't be too obvious. 

Watching out for another swing of the axe, staying just out of range, stepping lightly as he charged by me again, the dirt trampling under his feet.

To onlookers it was a perfect stalemate. I couldn't hurt him, and he couldn't hit me.

But I was ready, waiting for him to make the next move. As soon as there was an opportunity I would take him out with my skill. Moving around the enclosure while Balder yelled for me stop running. Knowing full well that I wasn't going to listen as he continued to cuss me out, chasing me around the lot while waving around his giant axe menacingly. 

Rounding one of the corners I started to turn again, preparing to dodge another swing, but surprised at what I saw next. 

Balder, knowing he could never catch me had taken inspiration from my previous match. Hoisting his axe and throwing it from close range. The edge slapping across my shield and cutting the scales protecting my wrist and forearm, the force of the projectile battering me and nearly knocking me to the ground. Feeling a burning sting where I had been hit as the axe continued on embedding itself into the ground nearby.

I glanced at my arm, seeing some blood. I didn't feel hurt, but the attack had shaken me. Only just managing to not lose my sword as he rushed in to grab me.

The sword shouldn't be threatening to him with the armor on, Balder totally ignoring the weapon when he tried to grab at me preparing to take me to the ground. My swordarm whipping forth in retaliation, stabbing at him from the side perfectly in sync with the sword edge skill. The metal evaporating before my blade ever made contact, the immaterial skill punching through the heavy armor like butter and leaving the weapon embedded to the hilt by the time the skill faded. 

Balder's grip on me weakening as he felt the blow, slumping over onto me. Coughing up blood from his visor. 

Bael watching in keen interest as the giant of a man collapsed so suddenly. Clapping excitedly for me while the rest of the crowd tried to comprehend what had happened. 

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