Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 78. Dark Pact

Bael and I were talking in his office, the upstairs part of the guild that I've never seen used before. Dust covering everything, the furniture only usable because of the cloth coverings that could be removed. A reminder of just how long it had been since the man had visited our city, and readily apparent that he didn't care much for doing his job. 

Much to my relief, my original worry turned out to be unwarranted. Bael wasn't here for Tammy, he was here for me. But that just led to more questions, and the more I spoke with him the more I was given a disturbing look into his mind. Apparent that Bael cared nothing for the people of this world, even Tammy. Shocking me when he offered to kill her himself to prove the truth of his words.

The man was completely abnormal, and the only thing that was on his mind was his devotion to the faith. Thinking of normal people as nothing but cattle, even when it turned out that he was 'normal' as well. With how warped his viewpoint was, I was on edge that he was possibly a system user as well, but with how little regard he showed for his own life, I started to doubt that possibility as well. It was almost like the man was suicidal, offering to harm or kill himself to prove his loyalty just as easily as he offered up the lives of others. Readily apparent that the fanaticism in his eyes was the real deal. 

System in the meanwhile kept repeating over and over about how the heretical forces were not supposed to be here. The universe was composed of many realms just like the one we lived in now, and each god or goddess had their own territory. This wasn't supposed to be a contested sector, and yet here the enemy was, speaking to me while I sat in their office. 

It wasn't that system intentionally withheld this information from me. These guys were just so far outside of their sector that their presence was already an act of war. And from what I could pick up from Bael's conversation, there weren't just a few of their kind roaming around. There were at least several system users like myself on their side, and they were expecting more by the year.

The only thing good about the situation was perhaps that Bael and the rest appeared to have no idea about the beastkin being factioned with a rival force. The beastkin were being swept up so easily given the lack of any dedicated users like myself. And given how fortunate that little misconception was for my own wellbeing, I was not going to be the one to bring it up. Time was on my side; the longer they thought I was one of them, the less of a threat to me they became. 

Besides, I didn't envy the position of anyone going against these fanatics. It's not that killing Bael would particularly upset them, as far as I could tell he wasn't an influential person. But the major problem was that the church was a front for an enemy god. If that was true then possibly all of humanity was already under their grasp. There wouldn't be any places left for me and I was loathe to live the life of an outlaw unless I absolutely had to.

True to his word, Bael had an escort ready for the capital and intended for me to come with him at the soonest opportunity. Something that did trouble me a little now. My impression of the capital was now something akin to an enemy fortress, but weighing my options this was still the best choice. 

System only knew half the picture, and when it came to my double attributes he had no idea. No matter how strong these people were, I had the potential to surpass them.

I had until now been saving up points like my retirement, wanting to squeeze out as much potential from natural means as possible before investing further, the most recent level-up leaving me with thirty points to spare in that regard.

The only thing that made me budge in the current situation was the aching of the wound on my arm. Convincing me to splurge a little bit and put five points down in constitution. Not wanting to deal with this pain for a whole week while the flesh and bones mended. Feeling the muscles knit together once infused with the additional surge of lifeforce. Additionally pouring out a healing potion that Bael had given to me to clean the wound, feeling the sting as the liquid flowed in. I didn't regret it; constitution at this point couldn't be considered a bad investment. I was well passed the point of any natural methods of enhancement. Given how quickly I was healing, I almost felt like a troll. 

Keaton Pel
Level 9
STR 15
DEX 17
CON 50
INT 11
WIS 10
CHA 14


Status Points: 25
Skill Points: 37
Adventurer lvl 24, Swordsman lvl 17
Physical Boost MAX, Inventory lvl 3, Soft Steps lvl 1, Sword Mastery MAX, Sword Edge lvl 5
Available Classes Skills
Adventurer lvl 24 Physical Boost MAX, Inventory lvl 3, Soft Steps lvl 1
Alchemist lvl 15 Identification MAX, Cultivation MAX
Archer lvl 1 Aim lvl 1
Blacksmith lvl 3 Blacksmithing lvl 1
Commoner lvl 4 Lesser Stamina lvl 1
Cook lvl 4 Cooking lvl 1
Farmer lvl 3 Farming lvl 1
Fighter lvl 4 Fighting Sense lvl 1
Leatherworker lvl 3 Leatherworking lvl 1
Pathfinder lvl 10 Navigation MAX, Quick Steps lvl 1
Physician lvl 3 Anatomy lvl 1
Potter lvl 3 Sculpting lvl 1
Swordsman lvl 17 Sword Mastery MAX, Sword Edge lvl 5
Spearman lvl 3 Spear Mastery lvl 1
Steward lvl 3 Management lvl 1
Tailor lvl 3 Tailoring lvl 1

Sighing as I put down my hand mirror. For once not being judged for it, the man already knew I was a system user after all. 

"I can't leave just yet,"  I said while putting my feet up on the desk, not minding the coat of dust covering the surface.

Bael frowned once more, "It can't wait? I don't mean to rush you, but the church is waiting for your arrival."

I looked at him a bit questioningly, with what he believed my status to be I didn't think he would raise any objections but apparently that wasn't true. His fanaticism was like a switch when it flipped, but otherwise the way he acted towards me was shockingly normal. 

Finally deciding to explain my circumstances with Marcella and her knightly admirer to Bael, who just shook his head like my worries were something that should be below a man of my station. Producing a black coin with the kingdom's seal on it, tossing it to me like that would solve everything.


"Much better than that. There's a great deal of authority in that coin, having one means you're an agent of the royal family. I'd never get my hands on one normally, but thanks to you showing up... well, let's just say I feel a bit thankful for that. So I tell you what, I'll let you borrow it for a little while. You settle this, and we'll be on our way." 

The coin was apparently made of aerite. A kind of malleable metal that oxidizes over time, turning completely transparent in a matter of weeks. Only when reforged and re-minted would the coin look as it did now, a smokey coal black.

Anyone with one of these coins, especially a freshly minted coin like this one could basically run rampant, acting as if they were a member of royalty themselves for the duration of the coin. One of the perks for the king's most trusted retainers who acted in the interests of the crown. Creating something of a pseudo-meritocracy, where those who proved themselves invaluable to the country could enjoy greater authority so long as they continued to steadily contribute. 

I looked at the coin under the window's light, turning it over before pocketing it. Knowing exactly what needed to be done. 

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