Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 91. Reckoning

When Gawn died it was as if her entire world collapsed, everything she cared for was gone in an instant. Her happiness, her plans for the future. All destroyed by Keaton.

She hated Keaton for everything he had done to her, how he had unfairly picked her and tormented her. How her father made her marry such a man, how he had kept her from her happiness. And now Keaton was dead, but what she felt wasn't satisfaction. It was a void. When Keaton died her revenge died with it. Her anger, her hate. All her emotions drained from her, leaving her but an empty shell of what she used to feel. Completely numb as the reality of her situation sunk in. 

The horses were gone, she had desperately tried to find them but they had fled. Tim, Gawn's acquaintance who was supposed to be watching the horses was lying in the mud with his head removed. The sight just revolted her, reminding her again of Gawn's dying image. 

Panic setting in before she calmed herself in resignation. Even with the horses there was nothing she could do, the guides were dead. She had no destination, even if she managed to make it outside the walls she had no direction. Not even mentioning how she was supposed to escape in this situation. Gawn's men seemed to have bought off a few guards, but in this situation with everyone else dead, there was no way they would let her leave alone. 

The reality of her situation sinking in as she realized just how bad it was. The horses were gone, the guides were dead. Gawn was dead. Keaton was dead. And all of their deaths fell on her head. She had no illusions about what would happen if she were caught and yet she had nowhere to run, falling deeper into despair as she wandered the dark aimlessly. 

Her future was gone. There was nobody left for her, she had been so enraptured by the idea of running away together with Gawn that she had never considered what she would do if he was no longer here. 

Her past was gone. The loving father she always looked up to had forced her to marry such an evil man while her family did nothing, blaming her for objecting. Where she previously saw warm memories of home, she could now only see darkness. 

She had always lived life in the moment, enjoying the 'now', doing what she wanted to with everything provided for. But as she stood in the dark, she saw no hope. 

Resigning herself to her unfair fate as she found a spot to lie down. Crying to herself in self-pity as she ignored the rain.

Movement in the night causing her to tense up, she knew the guards were after her but she didn't react. Taking an attitude that whatever happened, happened. 

"Ah, there she is."  An oddly familiar voice spoke calmly in the night.

Her world going black within the next second. 

The dungeons gave out a musty smell, being underground during the rainy season the air was especially moist, something that just further accelerated the rot.

For a city of fifty-thousand souls, the dungeon here was surprisingly empty, only passing a few occupied cells on the top level. Having spent most of my years in this town, I knew that Jagen had a reputation for being lenient, and for most part the townspeople preferred it that way, allowing them to work out crime and punishment themselves. Most of the people who ended up in these cells were criminals whose crimes were severe enough to warrant the guards stepping in. 

Keaton glanced briefly at his prisoner, unconscious as she was, as he carried her on his shoulder like a sack of vegetables. Everyone around him knew who she was, and they knew who he was. None of them batting an eye to see their lord's daughter treated in this way, but cold sweat appearing on their backs as they wondered what this man was intending. 

Every time he took a step, dozens echoed around him. Soldiers surrounded him on all sides, one leading and the rest following.

"Open it." Keaton demanded, as the group came to a sturdy looking wooden door that led down further into the dungeon. One of the guards fishing keys out of their pocket and moving quickly to comply, not daring to disobey. Everyone here knew the circumstances, and from the man's intense gaze each soldier here instinctively knew not to get on his bad side.  

Proceeding down the next flight of stairs led by the contingent of guards and knights. 

Gawn's cell was the first we came across, the massive hole cut through the interior stone surprising all of the guards, causing them to sweat even more nervously.

None of them knew? I thought incredulously. Scoffing to myself as I continued to the next cell. One with some privacy at the end of the hall. 

Another knight came running behind us, carrying something in his hands.

Tristan? I thought to myself after seeing his face. Knowing they probably sent my brother after knowing full well how angry I was with them. 

Peering at the object he held in his hands. A slave's collar, solidly constructed steel with a blueish tint. 

So they did have it, I thought coldly. 

"Is this the lazuli? It looks somewhat different from what I've heard." 

Tristan nodding in response. 

"It's an alloy, the lazuli is mixed in. I've been told it should still be just as effective for suppressing magic."

Motioning for him to attach it, to which he quickly complied. 

A jailor coming up behind us with wrist-irons and manacles, who was helpful enough to take the prisoner and affix her to her cell before handing me the key. 

Summoning a bucket of cold water to hand to Tristan who was standing nearby, my brother looking at me questioningly. 

"Wake the prisoner," I commanded. 

Watching the cascade of cold water being poured over Marcella's head, who did not rouse immediately but was beginning to show some signs of life. Marcella's body subconsciously reacting to the uncomfortable sensation.

"Should we use another?" He asked me, expecting to be directed again, but I just shook my head. 

"That should be fine, now leave us. All of you."

Changing my mind a second later, before stopping Tristan and the rest. 

"How much do you make?" I asked Tristan, who was looking at me uncomfortably. His eyes questioning why I would ask him that here. 

"I want to know."

"Twenty gold a year," he said a little embarrassed by the admission. 

The knights all seemed to nod in agreement, while the soldiers looked somewhat envious. Given that was likely more than they'd make in a lifetime. 

"Work for me and I'll double that, I need trustworthy men." Gold coins filling my fingers as they appeared from thin air.  Even if they understood the trick, it still managed to trigger the men's greed. My brother's eyes similarly lighting up in surprise.

After the attack on my home, I understood that I could no longer rely on the power and authority of others. This was especially important when it came to life and safety of my women. Imagining what would have happened last night if I hadn't been in the perfect place at the perfect time. Even with that, Belle was still injured, quite severely at that. Even if she herself was oblivious to it, her arm had been broken in several places due to that explosion magic. 

Now addressing the entire body of men. 

"I want knights, I want soldiers. As you've heard I'm paying well, and I'll be retaining you for as long as I live. But if you join I expect you to earn your keep. If you die... for the honor of dying in my service your family will be awarded two years of salary as compensation. I'll accept anyone, but Tristan here will be doing the vetting. If he doesn't approve of you... then scram."

The idea of compensating the dead was something that was rare, and with such generous basic salary it was even more tempting. 

Tristan who had yet to accept my proposal was stunned at having been thrust into a position where he was helping me poach guards from his current employer while the other men in earshot were unnerved that I was bold enough to show such disrespect for the lord of the domain, recruiting Jagen's men right under his nose. I didn't care even if he found out about it, rather I hoped he did. 

"We're knights, and you're not even a baron; we would lose our titles. It would be the shame of a knight to abandon his duty for money." Something the knights seemed to agree on, less tempted by money while the soldiers were a little more receptive to my offer.

Deciding to change my tune to fit the audience. 

"Any soldiers who join me now, will be elevated to knights once I attain a suitable rank. You've heard of my powers, you know that it is only a matter of time. Think on it, and leave me for now. I'll be in town a few more days, if you miss your chance you won't get another."

Bidding the group to leave, while bringing my brother in closer. 

"I want men that you trust. Nobody that Gawn was close with, you understand what I'm getting at? Ask our other siblings. I'll make sure you are all appropriately compensated."

Sending Tristan out after he finally agreed, turning to address my unfinished business. 

Now, where were we. 

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