Adventurer of the Elven World

Chapter 105 Magnetic Force

Chapter 105 Magnetic Force
But why does it grow like this?

Xiu didn't believe there was no reason, there was a reason for these elves to grow up like this, some useless functions had been eliminated long ago.

After staring at Xiu for a while, he realized that he seemed to be making an old mistake again. He was so busy observing that he forgot to communicate with Fritos.

Only now did Xiu understand why Dr. Oki said it was docile. If other wild elves were stared at by him for such a long time, they would definitely make some moves, but Fritos didn’t respond at all. What about a rock.

"Hi, my name is Xiu. I'm the partner of Flying Mantis just now. I'm very glad to meet you."

It wasn't until Xiu spoke that Fritos didn't react a bit, and "raised his head" to look at him.

Xiu found that it was interesting for Fritos to raise his head. It was the first layer of the base that did not move, but the second layer of red that moved.

For some reason, an idea popped into Xiu's mind: why does the first layer look like a piece of clothing.

Because of the closeness, Xiu can see that there is a certain gap between the first floor and the second floor, but when Fritos looked at him, he shifted his sight and did not see anything deeper .

This is really embarrassing, like sitting across from a girl, and when she looked up, she found herself staring at the gap in her clothes...

Thinking of this repair, I felt even more embarrassed, and quickly said with an embarrassed smile: "I need to ask for your advice these few days."

It's just that Fritos didn't pay much attention to him, instead he quickly turned his attention to Casey.

"It's Casey, and it's also one of my partners." Xiu thought he had a bridge for the two of them to communicate, but he didn't know that the two of them had already communicated through telepathy, but the content was unknown to him.

Anyway, Xiu was talking awkwardly aside, while Forretos and Casey were completely communicating on their own.

Looking at the strange appearance of Forretos, Xiu tentatively asked: "Can I touch it?"

Seeing that Fritos didn't respond, Xiu reached out and poked Foreto's shell,
It's just that he didn't expect the consequences at all, the first shell of Forretos was poked crooked by him!

Although it bounced back after only tilting a bit, Xiu felt that he must have seen it right.

The deadly Xiu stretched out his hand to poke again, but this time the force was stronger, and the reaction was more obvious. The first layer slid in the direction of the force, but this time it didn't bounce back, but like a belt. The crooked hat retains that look.

Fuck!What's happening here?Why didn't it bounce back?
He panicked after repairing it. He dared to try that because it bounced back just now. Why didn’t he play it again this time? Could it be that he broke it?

Fritos, who hadn't reacted at first, looked up at Xiu, but the eyes protruding from it made Xiu feel uneasy.

"It's okay... I'll straighten it for you." Xiu stretched out his hand again and helped the first layer back to the middle position. Not to mention, the hand felt very smooth, as if it had been lubricated, but when Xiu let go, the first layer slid down again. It's also very smooth, but this time the direction is different.

Xiu's reaction was so fast, he caught the shell before it fell completely, and helped it back again. After several attempts, he finally fixed it on top of his head.

"Look, I said it's okay..." But before he finished speaking, he fell down again.


Now that Xiu wants to die, why is he so cheap? Curiosity will really kill the cat.

"That's not right~"

The panic was only for a while, and after that feeling passed, Xiu felt a little strange.

After all, there was no reaction to the appearance of Folietos, as if this and it had no feeling.

Just why is the first shell like this?
It was fine just now, why can't it be fixed all of a sudden?

Out of the spirit of research and exploration, Xiu placed his hand on the first layer above Foletos again, and then picked it up slowly.

Fuck!Can really pick it up.

Xiu felt the weight on his hands, and this feeling was absolutely correct.

It's just that when I lifted it a little bit, a strong suction suddenly came from my hand, and the shell was sucked back.

Isn't this familiar feeling the same as when I was playing with magnets when I was a child?

What I don't understand now is that the first layer and the second layer are really separated, and the two are connected by magnetic force.

That is to say, I was tricked by Foretos just now?

It's just that he doesn't have time to care about this now, but thinks of his previous deduction.

This discovery directly verified his previous conjecture that Foletos used magnetic fields to determine the enemy's position.

In addition, this practice is to understand the principle of Foretos' attack.

In fact, when Foletos rotates, it is likely that only the outermost shell rotates, and what is inside is not certain.

Its attack method largely relies on the special structure of the body. The first layer of shell and the second layer are separated, and the two are connected by magnetic force.

By changing the magnetic force to control the shell, make actions such as rotation, bouncing, levitation, etc., and even act as a buffer when being attacked.

In this way, Xiu wants to understand why the first layer of the shell looks like this, and only if it looks like this can it be controlled by magnetic force. The magnetic force can be controlled by different forces on different places on the shell, otherwise it can’t be done. kind of action.

Xiu, who had just been deceived, looked at the stunned Forretos and didn't say anything, but let it stay where it was, and he himself ran to Xiaoben to record this discovery.

It turns out that Foretos really has "clothes", and I don't know what it looks like inside?
Xiu looked at what he had written, and then looked at the motionless Forletos.


On the battlefield in the backyard, Flying Mantis and Frytos were fighting back and forth. The scene was... um... almost the same as before, with Flytos chasing and Flying Mantis running.

Xiu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was a little bored.

It has been two days since the conversation with Dr. Oki that day. According to Dr. Oki's request, Flying Mantis will fight with Frytos several times a day, but Flying Mantis has never won.

Without Xiu's command, the Flying Mantis would not make any attack actions except to avoid the attack of Foretos.

So the fight is not entertaining at all, it's just that Forretos is chasing the flying mantis.

Will not stop until Fritos is tired.

It's also interesting to say that Forretos's physical strength is actually worse than that of the Flying Mantis, and he will shrink up and stay still after a while. But at this time, the Flying Mantis can't do anything about it, so the battle between the two sides is quite a joke in Xiu's opinion. .

The battle soon ended with Fritos exhausted.

The Flying Mantis also completed dodge training.

(End of this chapter)

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