After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 25 You Are Harry, And You Are A Wizard

Harry stared blankly at the old lady who suddenly appeared in front of him, forgetting to speak.

"You...all what you said is true?"

Of course it was all true, and no one knew the truth of all this better than her.

Grandma Sun Zhu said in her heart.

Sure enough, he was still a child, so he was easy to coax, but it was not enough.

"Tell me, child..." She bent down slightly, and continued to whisper: "What happened to make you cry here alone?"

Harry still shook his head subconsciously, but under her gentle gaze, he murmured uncontrollably, "I'm not a freak..."

"Well, of course you are not." "Grandma" echoed.

"But they all said I was, woo woo woo, no one believed me." He covered his face with his thin hands.

"What they say doesn't count." The kind but firm voice continued: "I believe in you, you are a good boy and you will not lie."

"But I... I don't know, I suddenly appeared on the roof, but I don't understand what happened." He choked up and cried, "Maybe I really..."

"No, you're not." Sun Zhu almost couldn't pretend, she forcefully suppressed the soreness in her heart, and continued: "You suddenly appeared on the roof, right? Ordinary people can't do this, so your classmates don't believe it you?"

"Yes..." Harry nodded slightly.

"That's right, because you are not an ordinary person."

The hands that covered his face moved away, and Harry's clear green eyes were full of shock.

"I... I'm not an ordinary person? Then I really—"

"You are not an ordinary person, let alone a freak. You are a little wizard with magical powers. It's a pity that you still can't control your power, so you will suddenly appear in unexpected places."

After Sun Zhu finished speaking in one breath, Harry's eyes widened as expected.His face was wet with tears, like a poor stray cat.

"Wizard... what is that?" He was a little scared, "I'm not, I'm Harry, not a wizard."

"You are Harry, you are also a wizard, and you will become a great wizard in the future." Sun Zhu felt that she must have overdrawn her acting skills in the next three years, but now she must do so.

It is true that if she does not calm Harry's emotions in this way, he can also grow into a qualified "savior".

But these negative emotions should not be borne by a young child. If Dumbledore, Sirius, Hagrid and anyone who cared about him knew that Harry was so lonely and confused, they would definitely help him .

Perhaps Dumbledore wanted him to grow stronger and braver because of the savior's development plan, but he didn't want his childhood to be so bleak.

How much Harry wanted the company of real family, she knew it.Naturally, she can't be his family, and it's not convenient for her to be his friend now-it's too sudden, and just a friend is not enough.

So what she can do now is to tell Harry that you have a family and you have people who love you.You should have expectations for the future, and don't doubt your shady identity.

Originally, when she came here today, she didn't intend to tell Harry directly that he was a wizard, but she couldn't bear to see him sitting on the side of the road crying like this.

Just let her be impulsive once.

"Harry, tell me, do things like this happen to you often?" She settled down, simply sat beside him, and continued to ask: "Suddenly appearing in other places like this, and similar things, right? ?"

"Yes, once Dudley...was someone I didn't like. He tried to laugh at my glasses. I was so angry that suddenly he flew up like a balloon. Also, my aunt wanted to dress me in ugly clothes." Clothes, I don't want them, so the clothes keep getting smaller, and finally become only the size of a palm..."

Sun Zhu nodded while listening: "Good boy, so you shouldn't be afraid of your identity as a wizard. Listen to me, wizards are not bad people, although there are indeed bad wizards. But just as people also have the difference between bad people and good people, So you shouldn't panic because you are a wizard, because your magic power has been protecting you."

"Protect me?" Harry couldn't help thinking back.

"Yeah, because you don't want to, the clothes become smaller and no one can force you to wear them. Because you are angry, the people who bully you, 'whoosh' - fly to the sky. See, you are a person who does not need adults to teach , you can learn to protect your little wizard.”

"But, why am I a little wizard?" Harry sounded as if he had accepted his status as a wizard. Children always accept new things much faster than adults, because they are so innocent. Kindness tends to believe.

Sun Zhu sighed and said, "The magic on you is the 'power of love' left to you by those who care about you in order to protect you."

"Protect me?" Harry repeated sadly: "But if they don't leave me, I won't be bullied."

"They don't want to leave you either. Their love is always with you and will never be parted from you."

For children who lost their parents, Sun Zhu didn't know how to comfort them, in fact, any comfort seemed powerless.

The thin boy under the moonlight suddenly wiped away his tears and nodded.

"I see, I'm not a freak, I'm a wizard." He looked at her again as if to confirm.

"of course."

"But, how do you know?" Harry only remembered to ask this question at this moment.

Sun Zhu smiled without saying a word, with an inscrutable expression on his face.

She took out a golden wand and waved it at the grass next to her. A cluster of golden flowers emerged from the soil and bloomed under the moonlight.

She plucked the flowers and stuffed them into the hands of a stunned Harry.

"Because, I am also a wizard. I heard a sad little wizard calling, so I want to tell you, you are a good boy, don't be sad for people who don't understand you. You will eventually meet your own family and friends."

" too?" Harry said incoherently, he looked at the flower in his hand, and then at the "grandma" in the moonlight.

"Are you here to save me?" he asked cautiously.

"Son, I'm just a passer-by in your life, you still have to stay here, but I can assure you that things will get better soon."

" magic, can I be like you?"

"You're too young to control it now. When you're a little older, of course you can. That day will come soon."

"Did you really not lie to me? I..."

"Harry? Where did you go? Harry! Dead boy, how dare you not go home... Let's see what Vernon will teach you later."

A woman's shrill voice suddenly came from a distance, Sun Zhu looked around, and saw a thin woman coming towards the moonlight, she was still muttering something, but Sun Zhu couldn't hear clearly.

Harry shrank his neck in fear: "Oops, I..."

"Don't be afraid." Sun Zhu got up and patted him on the shoulder, "Go back first and take this bouquet of flowers. Remember, what I told you, don't tell anyone. I shouldn't have said to the little wizard These."

"Will you show up again?" Seeing that Petunia was coming soon, Harry asked loudly.

"When you need it, there will always be someone to help you." Sun Zhu didn't answer directly, but caught a trace of imperceptible worry on the woman's face when she approached.

"Okay, how dare you hide here! Harry! Do you want to stay in the cupboard tonight?" the woman yelled.

Harry tried to hide the flowers in a panic, but found that Aunt Petunia didn't seem to notice at all, she grabbed his ear and scolded as she walked, "Learned to run away from home? If we didn't kindly give you food, would you Don't know where yet! Good you Harry!"

Harry turned his head in panic, only to see Sun Zhu showing him a last smile and then disappearing in place.

He couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

Aunt couldn't see his flowers, and neither could Granny the Wizard.

She wouldn't let him tell anyone about him.

So is all this really true?

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