After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 29 The Coming Christmas and Dad's Forced Overtime

Since there was nothing to worry about, Sun Zhu rested happily for a few days.

Seeing that it is almost December, the Christmas atmosphere on the street is getting stronger and stronger.

Londoners are as enthusiastic about Christmas as Chinese people are about the Lunar New Year. They can even start preparing for this day from October.

Similarly, wizards also attach great importance to the longest holiday of the year, even if they believe in Merlin.

But who doesn't like a vacation?

However, in the past, the Sun family did not treat Christmas with too much grandeur. On the one hand, it was because there were not many people in the family, but the father and daughter—the father’s parents died of illness before Sun Zhu was born, and she only followed Sun Zhengxing. I have been to the cemetery several times on the day of the memorial day, but I don't usually mention it much.As for the mother and relatives of the mother's family who have never appeared, they don't even exist.

On the other hand, Sun Zhengxing did not show any enthusiasm for Christmas at all, and he didn't even realize that Sun Zhu, a "native" Londoner, had the same "cold" attitude towards it.

Someone in London with a Chinese heart said that after living here for ten years, he no longer knows when the Chinese New Year is every year, let alone other festivals.When she takes Christmas seriously, at least until she enters Hogwarts, it will be a luxurious holiday, and the meaning will naturally be different.

However, this year is somewhat different from previous years. After all, in addition to the holidays, Christmas also has a gift-giving session.In the past, she could only get in and out, but this time she may have to worry a lot.

"What should I do, system, I found that my communication skills seem to be zero. I don't know how to prepare presents at all. I can't leave this matter to my father, because he doesn't even know how to do it."

"Host, are you still planning to continue exchanging items from the store?" the system said, "We have changed the packaging to make sure your friends won't find it strange."

"...Thank you, no need. Money should be spent wisely."

The main reason is that she has nothing to change, and she hasn't returned the 35 yet!

Save up for a rainy day.

Hoarding goods is the instinct engraved in the DNA of Chinese people!

"Why don't I go to Hogsmeade again? There are many shops selling things there. Dad has given me a lot of pocket money over the years, including Muggle coins and wizard coins, enough for me to buy some gifts. "

"Are you going to sneak away again?"

"Um, maybe I really need my dad to accompany me, otherwise it will make him worry." Sun Zhu was a little uncertain, "But the closer the holiday is, the more busy the Ministry of Magic is. Although his department has nothing to do, it can't hold him back. , being dragged everywhere to help."

Although Sun Zhengxing works in the Department of Magical Sports and Sports, except for the Department of Mysteries on the ninth floor and the minister's office on the first floor, he has never worked anywhere else.

A good old man who loves to worry and won't refuse. The key point is that he doesn't cheat and play tricks. He can help every time. He will be hell if he is not caught.

"Dad's learning ability is nothing to say. I heard that my grandparents are very powerful scholars. I didn't know why I moved to London. I asked my dad and he didn't tell me. He said he didn't remember. Winclaw won the first grade three times, seven o and two e in the owls, and newt also got at least six certificates. Although he can't compare with geniuses, he is quite good, after all, he is a muggle. wizard."

So he always thought that Sun Zhu would be a Ravenclaw in the future, and if he didn't say anything else, he just rushed to her reading every day, and he loved learning very much at first sight.

But in fact, the books she read may have nothing to do with wizards or exams.

"Because your father is excellent and easy-going, why do you often do jobs that don't belong to him?" The system was puzzled.

"Yes, but I think he can always spare the time to buy gifts with me... right?"

It suddenly occurred to him that he was busy during this time, as if he was assisting the officials of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, and erasing the memory of Muggles together.

The cause was naturally the incident she had with Uncle Long in Godric's Hollow not long ago.

It is said that the wizards who lived there were the first to notice, and they notified the Ministry of Magic immediately.

Later, as the dragon flew higher and higher, the Muggles living around also saw it, and some Muggles even took photos and recorded videos.

To this end, the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters dispatched a subordinate memory write-off headquarters to the Muggle world to erase memories one by one and destroy the "miracles" recorded by Muggle technology.At the same time, officials from the Muggle Liaison Office were sent to contact the Muggle Prime Minister, telling him that all this was just a projection experiment.

Since the Muggles who saw the "Dragon" were scattered all over the place, and word of mouth passed it on, the workload of the amnestics was not insignificant.

They also considered turning to Newt, who is rumored to have handled similar matters in New York.

But because of the dragon, some officials still had concerns about him, and out of some arrogant and stubborn considerations, the upper officials insisted that the Ministry of Magic handle this matter internally.

Likewise, officers from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement were sent to assist, mainly to oversee the work of the amnestics.

The things in those Muggle devices need to be cleared, but the amnestics often don't understand the structure, and may destroy them violently, or cause magical residues, which will affect the subsequent lives of Muggles.

Sun Zhengxing, who was Muggle-born and knew a little about Muggle technology, and Arthur Weasley, who was from the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, became members of the aftermath team.

Although they may not be the actual executors, they still haven't been idle.

Thinking of this, Sun Zhu couldn't help feeling a little guilty.Dad seems to be working overtime these few times, it's all because of her.Whether it is the appearance of the dragon or the disappearance of the dragon, it has something to do with her.

Originally, she asked Uncle Long to show it at Godric's Hollow, and she also had a bit of revenge on the Ministry of Magic.She knew that they had ways to deal with the aftermath, so she didn't care too much about the impact.

Who knew that when he lifted a rock, he shot himself in the foot and put his father in a hole.

But what she didn't know was that Sun Zhengxing and Arthur also became familiar with each other because of the intersection of work.

"It is said that Mr. Sun obtained a certificate in Muggle studies in Newts?" Arthur sounded very curious.

"Yes, this is actually not a difficult task for a witch like me." Sun Zhengxing was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, to tell you the truth, Mr. Sun, I have always found the technology of Muggles very interesting. Their means of transportation, I mean cars with wheels, are still very convenient." Arthur laughed, "But I What's more interesting is their means of transportation that can fly in the sky, it seems to be called an airplane? I can't imagine that there is actually something that can fly in the sky without the help of a broomstick or flying carpet."

"Indeed, the development of Muggle science and technology is really impressive." Sun Zhengxing smiled, "Although they can't apparate, they can use this magical means of transportation to travel from one country to another, and in Soaring high in the sky."

"I've always been curious about the flying principle of this vehicle, what is its structure?" Arthur murmured, "If I figure it out, maybe I can make the car fly like that."

"...a very good idea." Sun Zhengxing continued to smile.

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