After my sister was killed, I became Zhou Chu to seek revenge

Chapter 2

Mr. Chen's eyes were blurred with tears and his head was dizzy.

His sister was lying there naked, eyes closed, slightly in pain.

Like a specimen.

The most obvious thing on her body was the knife wounds.

There were too many to count.

Every knife was meant to kill her!

She was missing an ear, which was cut off before she died. She was also stabbed in the mouth, which directly disfigured her. There was dirt under her fingernails, and one of her legs was broken, with the kneecap shattered.

There were knife wounds on her face and forehead that were as long as her little finger.

These were the injuries that Mr. Chen could distinguish with his naked eyes.

"My sister……"He stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Yuan. He touched a ball of coldness.

He felt a sweetness in his throat. He fainted directly.

Those who have not experienced this feeling will not understand.

It was also the first time for Chen Sheng.

He was too sad and angry, so he vomited blood and fainted.

He could not care about other things.

Even if he was wronged and bullied, he would accept it.

But this is his sister!

His dearest and most beloved sister!

His sister is dead. She was beaten before she died.

She was just a junior high school student, how could she have encountered such a thing!

How big is the hatred to kill so severely?

Who is it?


Chen Sheng didn't know how long he had been unconscious.

When he woke up, he found himself lying in the ward with an IV drip next to him.

His parents were standing by and crying silently.

Chen Sheng felt a mess in his head.

He closed his eyes and recalled it.

Then he realized that he was not dreaming!

The cold body of his sister and the cold touch just now were real!

His sister is really gone.

He is really dead!

Chen Sheng felt as if a piece of his heart had been dug out. He covered his chest and looked at his father.

""Dad, what's going on! Why did my sister get into trouble! Why did this happen?" Chen Sheng roared loudly.

If there is anyone in this world who can make Chen Sheng possessed, it can only be Chen Yuan!

Chen Jianguo pushed a file over.

This is Chen Yuan's autopsy report.

Chen Yuan was killed last night.

Her body was found in the trash can. She was stabbed 100 times, including 60 in the body, 20 in the limbs, and the rest in the face and neck.

In addition, one of Chen Yuan's eyes was dug out.

One of her ears was cut off, and the most obvious knife wound on her stomach almost opened her stomach.

Her tongue was also cut off before she died.

The left knee was comminuted fractured.

Then there were various tissue contusions...

Chen Sheng felt his hands trembling!

Each of these knife wounds could almost be fatal.

Those people were going to kill Chen Yuan!

But Chen Sheng didn't understand. How could someone be so cruel to his sister who was so pure and kind?

Who had such a big grudge against her?

"This is what Yuanyuan left for you."My father handed me a piece of blood-stained paper.

This is what Chen Yuan wrote before she died.

‘Brother, I'm so happy. You'll be back in a few days. I have so many things to say to you. When you come back, I'll cook you one of my best dishes. I'll go shopping with you. We'll honor our parents together.……’

Chen's eyesight was immediately blurred by tears.

Just the day before the accident, his sister was still thinking about this family.

It was still their family!!

"Who killed my sister? Chen Sheng clenched his fists, his nails digging deep into his flesh, but he was unaware.

Chen Jianguo turned his head away and said:

"She's her classmate.……"


Killed Chen Yuan?

Chen Sheng's eyes suddenly burst into fire.


He learned what happened from his father.

The four classmates who killed Chen Yuan were three girls and one boy.

It turned out that Chen Yuan had been 80 by them for more than a year!

Chen Yuan was a sensible child. She didn't want to make her parents worry. She always felt that she could handle things well. Even when something happened last night, she felt that she could just grit her teeth and get through it.

Even if they went too far, they wouldn't beat her to death.

But she thought it was simple.

Demons are not age-restricted. Some people are bloodthirsty demons from birth!

Her innocence and kindness made her lose her life.

It also made her leave her relatives forever.

Last night, the four people called Chen Yuan out.

They humiliated and beat her!

Chen Yuan was still carrying a schoolbag with the vegetables she bought after school.

She was also planning to cook for her parents.

Just before she died, all she thought about was this family!

How could those people do that!

Chen Yuan never believed until her death that her classmate who had been in the same class for three years would kill her.

She might have thought it was just the ignorance of youth.

She might have thought it was just a fight between classmates, or jealousy, showing off.

But she never thought it was murder!

She was tortured to death!

So many wounds, such cruel means!

How could a few children do this!

No one dared to believe this!

"The families of those four students are very powerful. We can't afford to offend them."

"Yuanyuan is gone, we don't want you to get into trouble again, the other parent will come to identify Yuanyuan's body on behalf of their child, don't be impulsive."Chen Jianguo said weakly beside him.

He was sad, but still had some rationality.

Chen Sheng pushed him away!

Chen Jianguo was pushed to the ground.

Chen Sheng, his own son. He actually pushed him?

At this moment, he saw coldness in Chen Sheng's eyes.

It was a kind of coldness that was close to despair!

"People live to protect the most important thing in their lives. The most important thing in my life is my sister."

"I don't care who the other person is, I only know that killing someone means paying with one's life!"

Chen Sheng pulled out the IV and left the ward. He heard his father's shouting from behind.

Chen Sheng ignored it.

His eyes were red, and at this moment he had���Like his old self.

He was also a cheerful and lively boy, a kind and humble brother in Yuanyuan's eyes, and a filial son in his parents' eyes.

But now.

In an instant.

He has completely changed.

In his heart, there is only revenge!

He wants to make the people who killed his sister pay the price!

Even if they are the kings and the masters, Chen Sheng will fight to the death!

He went out and went to the hardware store next door.

"Boss, buy me a kitchen knife"

"Young man, why are you buying a kitchen knife? The boss looked at him in confusion.

"My mother asked me to go home and help with cooking."

"Uh... thirty yuan!"

Chen Sheng hid the kitchen knife in his arms and returned to the ward.

He squatted in the corner and waited for the other family to show up.

Since there is no justice in this world, I will turn into a devil to protect my family!

In fact, the circle of a person's life is very small. The most important thing for Chen Sheng is his family!

For an afternoon, the other party's parents did not show up at all.

Chen Sheng and his family huddled in the cold and dark ward, with only crying and grief left!

In the end, several identification personnel came and took away Chen Yuan's body.

They also said nice words like the case was under investigation.

Chen Sheng and his parents also went home first.

"Sheng'er, don't worry about this matter, let us handle it."

Several people sat at the dining table, with some leftovers on it, and no one was in the mood to eat.

I'm afraid the family will maintain this atmosphere for a long time.

No one dared to go into my sister's room.

At this time, they were most afraid of smelling the smell of memories.

Chen Yuan has become their lifelong pain!

Chen Sheng didn't say anything, and stirred the leftovers with chopsticks.

"I will make sure they get the punishment they deserve! Yuanyuan is my daughter, I will not let them get away with it! Never!" Chen Jianguo's old face was a little more frosted.

It seemed that he had aged ten years in an instant.

But the punch he hit on the table seemed so powerless.

Because he understood one thing.

In this world, there are too many things they cannot touch.

Their family are all ordinary people.

They can only live in the circle of ordinary people.

And those rich people, those who have strength and means, can crush them at will!

Power is the bottleneck of ordinary people's lives.

"Yuanyuan, my Yuanyuan is gone just like that... She was so sensible and obedient, mom will definitely help you get justice!!"

"I want them to compensate my daughter!"

Li Qiulan cried out in pain and fainted again.

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