After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 2 Happy Birthday Brother!

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Chapter 2  Happy Birthday Brother! by Harem-Fan


     Beep Beep Beep. I opened my eyes painfully to the sound of the vitals-monitor and my head is still splitting like a motherfucker. Sadly it is not from the beating but all of this new knowledge followed through by beat up noggin.

     "So I can feel 4 bruised ribs, a slight concussion. I ran a fever due to the ice packs in the side. Oh, now I know how to safely remove all of the IV needles, nifty, but first let's disconnect the machine before it wakes up my sleeping sister."

     My sister is sleeping in the chair next to the bed, but I leave her for now and look at my vitals on the machine before turning it off. Then I removed the IV-drip and looked for my medical file, ah found it!

     Seems I suffered from a seizure shortly after arriving, and my guess it was caused from the skills being forcefully jammed into my brain and not the attack. Hm, seems my overclocked brain may have been the cause of the fever as well. Looks like I have been stable for two hours, that's good.

     The hospital floor is cold on the bottom of my bare feet, but I noticed I have been using my stealth skill unconsciously to not alert anyone. Nice I have made no sounds while waking.

     "Shit, they had to cut my clothing off, due to all the blood, sigh, that was my favorite shirt. Hmm? Someone is coming."

     As the woman entered the closed curtain, I swiftly put my hand over her mouth with a shushing gesture and looked at my sleeping sister. I look at her name tag and quietly say as I remove my hand and fully see this woman.

    "Please stay quiet, my sister will get emotional and unreasonable if she wakes, so talk quietly Dr Hana Chang"

     Hana Chang is a tall woman in her mid-twenties, young for a doctor. She is beautiful with long blonde-hair in a loose-bun, and sexy-blue-eyes. She screams refined and intelligent. She smells very nice as well.

     She sees the monitors and equipment turned-off and the file in my hands and asks.

     "How do you know how to handle that machine? It should have alerted us that you removed your vitals? And you should not be up with your injuries Mr Lee. you almost died."

     "Don't worry Dr Chang, I am well acquainted with hospitals. I have already assessed my injuries and I am fine to move around slowly for the next 24 hours. Don't worry about the issues with my brain, it was just a side effect of my beating stirring suppressed lost memories."

     She lifted her eyebrow to suppress me. I understood my medical file and she still insisted.

     "Mr Lee, it's my ER and you're not leaving till I look you over so please sit down while I do my job."

     I painfully wink at her using my acting skill and say cheekily.

     "Well they broke my phone, so I can't give you my number, but we can have lunch."

     She in good nature put her hand over her lips and said with a grin.

     "Well that might have sounded a bit more convincing if you did not look like a Panda Bear right now. Well your sense of humor and thinking ability seem to be intact, but sit anyway."

     Dr Hana Chang did a number of minor things like have my eyes follow her pen-light and then strobes her pen to see if my seizure was under control, due to what I told her. She prodded my bruised ribs with a grimace, knowing I took a beating.

     "Alright Mr Lee, please take Officer Lee with you, and take it easy for 24 hours, also do you want a note for your school?"

     I squint my panda eyes and shake my head no, then in a soft tone I say.

     "My good friend Scott is depending on me to be in class, but don't worry, I know how to recover. Thanks Doctor, I enjoyed meeting you, but I would rather not do it as a patient."

     Then Dr Hana Chang just wryly shook her head and left. I then turn to my exhausted sister and rub the top of her head and see her eyes are still puff from crying all night, sigh.

     "Sis, time to wake up, sleepy head."

     My beautiful sister with shorter black-hair and bluish-eyes, still wearing her glasses, slowly opened her eyes to look at my panda face and fat lip.

     "I have been discharged Sis, let's go home and rest. Ah, stop I hurt, fuck!"

     My stupid sister stood up and hugged me tight, while crying on my shoulder. Fuck lady, bruised ribs!

     "Gentle hug you Amazon! They are going to readmit me if you keep squeezing so hard, ha-ha!"

     She grabbed my sore shoulders and glared at me and with an unhappy face, told and asked.

     "Brother you almost died last night! I can't lose you too. And was it Scott Tang?!"

     I pick up her bag and jacket and say to my sister.

     "Let's go, I am naked under this gown, and we can talk in the car."

     Mary, understanding it is pointless to fight here and I am injured, she just nodded and led me out to the parking lot. It is about noon I think.


     The two of us get into her old two door sedan and buckle-up. She starts the car and softly asks me.

     "Brother, how are you really feeling? I hate seeing you like this."

     She slowly drives us home and I see her helpless look. The nobles get away with everything, and even her Police status can't help unless they are caught red-handed. And that is usually impossible, due to the smart ones using servants to do the dirty work to avoid harsh punishment. I said to her.

     "Don't worry, I won't let this happen again. I was being careless, but those guys can't hurt me anymore. I promise you."

     Although it's hard to see my eyes right now, she felt my air had changed, and she just realized something. I am now an adult, and my confidence might be due to that.

     "I almost forgot, happy birthday brother. What a crappy 18th birthday you got, right?"

     Seeing her driving, my Driving skill started to give me lots of information, like how her shifting is kinda harsh and she is really killing her transmission. So I smile and say to my sister.

     "No, last night honestly made me feel blessed like the Azure Dragon had pity on me, and now I feel I can do anything I put my mind to. I am going to pass all of my tests and get into Star University, sister. Then I will make us some money and take care of you for a change."

     She put on a playful smile and played along with my childish fantasy, well in her perceptiveness.

     "Yeah, I think sponging off my little brother sounds like a wonderful idea. So get rich and take care of your sister, ha-ha!"


     Soon we arrived at our six-story apartment complex. We had to sell our homes when our parents passed due to not having enough savings. So we have a one-bedroom apartment, and I sleep on the couch.

     We do own the apartment. We bought outright while the market was cheap.

     The pair of us take the elevator up to the fourth-floor and go to apartment 4-7. My sister unlocks the door and we go in.

     "Sis, let me shower real fast and put some damn clothes on. Have a beer while you wait and then I will cook for us."

     "No, did your brain get damaged? You only know how to make instant noodles and I don't want that."

     I shake my head and lie while acting.

     "I have been practicing in secret, and watching many cooking shows. As a new proud adult, I must know how to make a nutritious meal. I have to get in shape now and not be a couch potato anymore."

     She looked worried and placed her forehead on mine to look for a fever and she grinned.

     "No fever, so I must have brought home the wrong brother."

     I give her the middle finger as she laughs, and I enter the shower with my change of clothing. 15 minutes later...

     My sister is in the bathtub and I found enough ingredients to make a nice meatloaf with mixed vegetables, yeah gross, but my Medical skill tells me it's good for my body for getting stronger and recovering.

     Girls take forever, so by the time her bath was done the meal was ready. The secret to good meatloaf is Ketchup + Brown-sugar, which makes a great sauce.

     My sister sat at our two person table and looked at the meal in shock and disbelief. Yup, it looks good and when she eats it, she might have food-gasm.

     She slowly tried it and her eyes shot open in surprise, she looked at me with stars in her eyes, and told me honestly.

     "Brother you're going to have to keep cooking! You're better than me now. This is fantastic!"

     The two of us had a wonderful meal, and we almost forgot about me almost dying last night. My sister really looked happy, so it's the best gift I could wish for.

     Mary hugged my head and kissed the top of my head and told me good night, then left for her room to sleep. She is sleeping early due to the late shift.

     I turned on the TV for background noise, and when I was sure she would not come out, I picked up my hidden screwdriver and went to the floor vent by the back of my couch. Undoing the two screws, I gently pulled out a large plastic case.

     My mother and sister were unaware of my fathers prized possession, but he had shown it to me just in case. I was too young and inexperienced to ever handle it till this very day. I cry a tear or two thinking how my father is helping me years later.

     I sit on the floor in an open spot and put a clean white cloth on the ground. Then I punched in the code to open the case. When I opened the lid and looked at the Beretta M9A4 9mm ten-capacity handgun, I just thought of my dad.

     I now understand everything about this once scary weapon, its fire rate, range, kick, maintenance, aiming tricks, and much much more. I lift it out and all of the cleaning tools that are included.

     Slide, Chink, Thunk. Soon the gun was disassembled in no time, like I had done this for many years, and I began to polish, oil, and maintain it for ready use.

     Chink Chink Chink Chink! Rapidly I begin to fill the three magazines with the thirty bullets. Sure you can add one bullet in the chamber, but for safety reasons it's just retarded to do it. If an 11th bullet is your trump-card, you're a moron. Never pull the trigger unless you're sure to hit, it saves bullets and lowers the chances a bullet will ricochet.

     With the safety-on, I begin to handle the Beretta M9A4 to get the feel for it.

     Having the memories and skill to use it is different from actually doing it. Like watching porn to learn about sex, but still your first time can be interesting. Well I was a virgin in both lives so I can't really confirm this, but I have watched plenty of porn from two worlds!

     I quickly pick up any evidence of my work and put everything back into its hiding place.

     My father told me this gun was clean without registration and ballistics, so it could be used without fear, as long as the gun is not recovered by authorities.

     My father did this in case he ever needed to shoot someone 'off the clock.' He was a good Police Officer, but he was not blindly ignorant as well. My sister needs to learn flexibility like dad did.

     The next thing I worked on before bed was wiping and resetting my laptop. My computer was definitely not secure, but now it will be a fortress. I can do a lot of things with my Computer Use skill, but for now just restarting from factory settings is the best option.

     At the end of the night in the dark, I am grinning as I enter things like Scott's smartphone and tap into it, and download all his pictures and files.

     "Holy fuck Scott! Your twins Nadia and Nichole are stealing your money under your fucking nose, man I am so fucking shocked?!"

     As the keys have not stopped yet, I smile again and say to the computer. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Girls, you took to little, let me add a zero to that 100000$, now a million even looks better, ha-ha, oh girls you are so fucked! Hacking skills are so fucking fun!"

     I then put my laptop on the charger and cozy-up on the couch with a big smile on my face.

     That night on her way out the door to work, Mary could have swore she heard a sinister ghost chuckling!


Permanent Skills known...


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