After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 25 Tina Feng Gave Me a Hummer!

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Chapter 25  Tina Feng Gave Me a Hummer! by Harem-Fan


     Wednesday night before Mary goes to bed...

     "Alright Mary to make sure a call does not come at a bad time, you know while hiding from a killer and someone calls you revealing your under the bed, I altered my call settings."

     "Not funny Rick, so what do I need to know?"

     I show her my phone and point out some things.

     "If you want to talk just call like normal but my phone will just warn me with vibration on my smartwatch. This way I wont be noticed. But if you're in a life threatening situation, that requires me there at the cost of my job, then call three times in a row back to back and my phone will ring no matter what, even on silent. Your life and safety are my only concern, get it?"

     Mary hugs me and puts her forehead on mine.

     "Just text me with [I love you] every-once and a while and I will know you are fine. And if you need me, call me as well. I am the cavalry."

     "I left two days of food in the fridge with instructions for you so I know you won't starve, love you wife."

     After a few minutes of mushy-Mary, she went to bed.

     Now I am getting my Bodyguard equipment maintained and ready for work tomorrow when I go to pick up Tina Feng.

     My gear includes... slash-resistant-long-coat, concealable bulletproof-vest, mini-surgery kit, my two HK P-30's plus 6 extra magazines, 2 titanium telescopic batons, and my laptop inside a bulletproof-case.

     Finally two sets of uniforms in my Kung-Fu design. This will go into my waterproof black-gym-bag while the weapons are on me.

     Before my early bedtime, I call Hana to let her know my calling situation and remind her to be safe.

     I realize that I am glad I only have two lovers, because I don't think I could handle a third. But my lovers are older women and are patient with me in my young age.

     Then setting my alarm, I spoon Mary and drift into dream land.

     I had a dream about events of my past life and discovered I was one of those shut in Neets that was afraid of the outside world. I also confirmed, I was suicidal with clinical depression. So he really did stumble upon the system on a suicide site, strange that a system would be there, right? Or better yet strange that a System even existed in the first place?

     Beep Beep Beep! I slowly wake up and feel the empty bed, but still smelling Mary and my heart feels warm.

     "Fuck! Really Mary, are you a kid?!"

     In the bathroom mirror I see my dumbfounded face, covered with about ten lipstick-print kisses that Mary left on my face before she left. So I grab my phone and take a picture for evidence. I can judge her crimes later.

     Then I pack some emergency protein bars in my black-bag and some water,  due to never knowing if you will be trapped for a day or two. Gotta plan for the zombie apocalypse when I have the time, just kidding. If that ever happened I would get bit on purpose and join the zombies.

     I lock up after triple checking everything and go to my old BMW and punch in the GPS to go to Tina's home. She of course lives down south in the upscale hills.

     After a 20 minute drive, I finally arrive at the sprawling estate with high-walls and a four story mansion that is too big for a normal family.

     Naturally I was stopped at the gate to have my identity verified. Confirming with the young lady they directed me to the parking lot. After I parked and locked up my car, I removed my carry bag with me.

    "Rick Lee, my name is Jenifer Han, please follow me."

     I see it's the secretary of Tina, a girl with long brown-hair done in an office lady bun and her blue-eyes hidden behind glasses. She kinda reminds me of Mary just a bit but strict.

     When she sees I am following she turns and takes me into the large home.

     Servants are running around everywhere maintaining the home and property. I can tell this is not Tina's own home but the Feng family as a whole and soon I am proven right.

     The two of us enter a large study room with three people sitting having tea. Tina, a woman I assume to be her mother with blond hair but otherwise looks like her, and a man I recognize as her father Mr Feng. He is a well built man and a martial-artist at minimum advanced level. Don't think he is a master though. He has mostly red-hair with splashes of some early grey in there.

     "Rick, right on time, meet my parents."

     Tina introduced us and I stood off to the side of Tina. Tina's mother saw me stand behind and to the side looked confused why I didn't sit on the couch with Tina and she asked. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Rick, why not have a seat?"

     "Huh? No, I am a bodyguard so I need to be ready for work."

     Tina's mother gave her a look that I don't understand but Tina looks embarrassed and explains.

     "Rick got his license and was in need of a client, and seeing his skills I just offered him work..."

     I was unaware of my background at this time and the heads of the four families all know of mine however, but it seems Tina was not told of it as well. In hindsight, Tina's mom felt ashamed to hire someone of my birth.

     Mr Feng asked.

     "You seemed to not know my wife, but your eyes seemed to recognize me, what did you see?"

     "Your one realm above your daughter and use concealing arts for stealth. I recognized you from online research. It would be embarrassing to insult the true person behind my paycheck. But my only concern is to bring Tina back alive."

     Tina pouted and asked.

     "How did you know I used stealth based martial arts?"

     "When you first sneaked up on me in the halls. As for your fighting ability, it's in how you walk and observe. You're a quick and agile type fighter that uses weapons and vital strikes with locks and holds."

     Tina Feng is looking at me like I saw her naked. I shrug. Her father nodded, knowing my father and attributed it to the Lee fighting skill of geniuses.

     "No one here will attack my daughter, so have a seat Rick."

     Her mother is persistent so I best not be too rude here. Before I sit, I remove my coat to put between me and Tina and remove my medical kit and beat-sticks and put them on the coat. Seeing me armed with so much weaponry her eyebrow lifted.

     "I had to remove it or they might damage the nice furniture. Lots of sharps in the bag."

     Her father asked me.

     "I saw you fight with seven, it was impressive, and what are your thoughts on it?"

     "He's a nice guy when you get to know him, but he was defeated before I attacked. Tony waited to see what I could do instead of attacking first. This broke his fighting spirit and he could not defend outside of sport rules."

     "But what about the rankings?"

     "Don't really know anything, he jumped me spouting numbers so I kicked him, then in my investigations, I found I somehow am involved with some martial arts chess game between you and your daughter and Woo is number one with a stick up his rear to fight me, that's all I figured out, but I really don't care. But if Woo touches my wife he is dead game or not."

     The three Feng, hearing my lack of knowledge, and my knowledge I gained with no information, and Woo going after my wife got all three of them in different forms of agitation.

     I pull out my smartphone and I play the recording of Woo cursing and destroying his office about Mary and I getting married and even Mr Feng had an astonished face. I put it away and say.

     "My promise of killing Woo is not without proof, so I hope you understand."

     Tina's mother looks really disgusted about Woo now, I guess he only showed her his nice guy side, and Tina is flatfooted. Mr Feng says to me in sincerity.

     "Please be assured, I will talk with Woo myself today and warn him about your wife. I will personally kill him if he does anything, this you have my promise on, He was my fighter pick after-all."

     "Thank you Mr Feng, I already feel more at ease."

     Mrs Feng, seeing her daughter looking embarrassed, asked me.

     "So you are a part of the fighting tournament and don't know anything about it right, Rick?"

     "That would sum it up, but I do get to beat up Woo in the end, so it's worth it just for that. Otherwise I don't mind fighting as long as they target me and not my family."

     Tina wants to die for the fact she is hiding the game information from me and did not even ask if I wanted to be in it in the first place. I found out later that I was the only involuntary competitor. Her mother with a giggle then said to me.

     "Ufufu, Then I will cheer for you to win and beat up Woo. Just remember you cant use any weapons to win just beat um up with martial arts, so good luck."

     Mr Feng says to me.

     "The danger level should be low at this youth gathering, but be on alert then, just bring Tina back if things go south, and have you had to kill before?"

     I shake my head no but clarify.

     "I won't kill the innocent, but those that want to hurt my family or my charge, like Tina here will get a bullet, no remorse or guilt. My father has told me what and why a man should kill, and I won't emotionally freeze or break-down. I watched him and others die and I already faced murder, so I will be fine."

     Mr and Mrs Feng too saw it, but Tina had not and seeing her parents' faces made her wonder what she did not know.

     "So you don't spare them, if forced to kill, I will compensate you another 2000$ per assassin killed on top of your normal fee, so finish them off if they threaten my daughter, is that fine?"


     Who knew this sly-fox was grooming me to end foes ruthlessly, but it was a good lesson.

     "Then you two kids have fun on your working vacation, go and be safe."

     I recollect my gear and then follow Tina out...

     Mr Feng said to his wife.

     "She just forced him in without asking, sigh, but it's not technically against the rules so I can't scold her. Maybe she out played me this time?"

     "Seeing him is so eerie, it's like seeing his father, the older Rick Lee. I think watching that fight he could even beat me? He did assess me when he came in. I think his talent is at the same level as his dad. He is only 18, he is going to be a monster!"

     "But what if he wins?"

     Tina's mom smiles and says.

     "That is not your problem then, and Tina has to deal with it so don't even lose sleep over it."

     "You are right! Oh and to think that kid has such a drivers license, I think he can handle the new car I pulled out of my garage."

     Back with me and Tina...

     Tina is walking in front of me with her assistant off to her side. And I noticed she is going to her room to change, so I stand outside the door while she gets ready.

     Ten minutes later the two women walked out and her assistant was carrying two bags. I think she was giving me the opportunity to be a gentleman and offer to carry one look.

     I just smile at the assistant looking at my own bag implying, that is all I am carrying. What? I am a body guard not a bell boy and I am not trying to fuck the assistant. Sorry toots!

     So Tina is wearing an interesting outfit, a cheongsam outfit in red, but her breasts are a bit big for it, right?. Tina has E-cups and she kinda stands out in a bad but good way.

     "Something wrong with the dress? I wore it due to your Kung-Fu outfit. China Empire clothing has a refined look for the type of function we are going to."

     "Then why is Jenifer wearing a business suit?"

     "Her? That's all I can get her to wear, she has a businesswoman fixation, Ufufu!"

     Jenifer blushes in shame but did not deny it?

     Soon the three of us made it out to the garage and car-park. Tina reached into her purse then threw me two sets of keys and said.

     "My dad had this sitting in his collection and he wants to get rid of it. It's too big for me to drive, but it is good for keeping me safe. So take this car as a gift from Feng for you to use when you drive me around."

     I look at the keys and my Driving skill identifies the type of car and my eyebrows are raised. I look at the conspicuous car in red with tinted windows.

     Big as fucking day... SUV Humvee 2008 Luxury Edition! With armor treatment for protection. I can tell this has all the bells and whistles on it. And It can't have too many miles on it as well, so it's almost mint condition! Crap the cost in gas on this bad boy is going to kill me!

     "Not bad right Rick?"

     "Tina Feng, I can't believe you're giving me a Hummer!"

     Both women behind me had their faces frozen at my words!


Permanent Skills known...


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