After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 28 Syndicate Meeting, News At 11!

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Chapter 28  Syndicate Meeting, News At 11! by Harem-Fan


     After the meeting started it was rather boring for me, so I used my smartphone to monitor the hotel's security cameras for suspicious activity, especially the elevators.

     Fredrick Di and his five subordinate texts and calls are my primary concern right now. Fortunately, I have found out many interesting things, other than he is guilty as fuck.

     At exactly 3 am, their group is going to make a move and attack the meeting. Not only are the five going to act but some other bought members inside the other gangs. And finally they are going to have outside help attacking the rooftop, but they don't know the details.

     Hmm? No, I am in a pickle and not sure how to deal with this chaos. If they have members like Di who are paid assassins for the Southern Cross, then this roof will erupt in violence for sure. Plus I am less worried about the outside attack. So I sent Jenifer a text to show Tina, since I can't get close.

     [Jenifer, show this to Tina: Di and the Southern Cross are making an assault at 3 am and they have plants in all four groups, so we have to deal with them before they can act. I don't know their traitors in their organizations, so I can't deal with everyone.]

     Jenifer looked startled when she read her text but got up to lean into Tina and held the phone, while the other 3 leaders watched. Tina too looked taken aback at their audacity to assault them all openly. She turned to look at me and waved me over.

     Jenifer sat back down as I approached and the other bodyguards paid attention to my movement because I came out of thin air in their perspectives. Only about ten others truly noticed me this whole time. While whispering in my ear and smelling her body, Tina asks.

     "Are you sure, it's 2:35 now and only a half hour till their plan starts?"

     "Absolutely sure and what shampoo do you use? It's strawberry right?"

     Tina gave me a grin and can tell I am cracking jokes to calm my mood. She then ignored my joke and said.

     "Then watch the other five if they move, while I clean up Di early."

     I unbuttoned my jacket and nodded to her as I went to stand by the front of the gazebo. Seeing that Tina smiled like she was seeing off a lover and said to the other heads.

     "While I take care of internal conflict, please look over these papers and I apologize for my less than ladylike behavior."

     Jenifer, hearing the phrase, handed Tina three folders, which Tina then slid to the other members. As they looked with surprise at the paper inside Tina got up.

     The folder had the information of Fredrick Di, his five men, and the Southern Cross and this is letting the heads know what Tina is now doing so they don't panic.

     In her sexy black-bodysuit, reaches to her lower-back and holds a small bundle of something in her gloved-hand as she came to her group by where I had been sitting.

     She slowly swayed her hips in a belly-dancer movement that makes you want to press her over a table and take her. This is what she is doing on purpose. Even Fredrick Di is having thoughts of ruining his boss before he kills her.

     "The Fire Birds are supposed to be a respectable group with some form of honor, but it seems I have weak-minded greedy birds in my nest, so like the phoenix be reborn!"

     Tina's beautiful face was void of emotion but a calm that lets you know you done fucked up. What Tina has in her hand is two metal-rings with a special piano-like-wire that is an assassins garotte.

     With the rings-around her thumbs and the special leather gloves she wears, her hands are protected from this vicious weapon of personal death. With lightning-speed she had the cord around Fredrick Di's neck from behind as she strangled him with the cord biting into his skin.

     As Di used his hand to remove the cord, a fruitless task, he tried reaching for his gun. But Tina with assassin flexibility and skill used her heels to stop his hand from getting a weapon by kicking his hand away like her leg was a third arm.

     The three leaders put their hands up to calm their groups while they watched the show. None of them a newbie to death, in fact I am the only person here tonight who had never killed, till...

     Fredrick Di's five men seeing their paycheck getting choked to death figured the gig was up and drew their guns and rushed the gazebo to save their boss.

     I had never felt the sensation of my Kung-Fu Grandmaster Skill warn me of real danger, but the five men's action let me feel alert like danger was coming. This martial arts ability is no super-power, magic, but it's instinct from knowing how your five senses can perceive danger and process what is or is not a true threat. This is how my father could fight like a battle god.

     Without any conscious thought from my mind, my body knew Tina would be shot and killed by the first two gunmen and my two-hands moved in a blur.

     Swoosh! Swoosh! Both HK P30's were drawn and safety's off before the most experienced people in the room could sense it, due to no master-level practitioners being present.

     So my quick-draw looked unreal to everyone, especially the five souls that triggered death.

     Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang! My right-hand aimed for all five heads with a burst of five bullets.

     Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang! While my left-hand aimed for all five chest or heart shots in a rapid burst.

     Bang Bang! Fuck one of the two gunman shot me in my stomach! The second shot hit the ground

     Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud! All five bodies hit the ground in a comical fashion with two bullet holes each. My stomach hurts like a motherfucker though like I got kicked.

     When the noise cleared and Di was purple and had joined his boys, Tina calmly asked me as she unwound the cord from his neck.

     "Lee, are you okay?"

     The pain in my stomach is tolerable but they don't tell you bulletproof-vest only keeps the bullet from entering your body, not stopping the impact.

     "I am fine, but it is not over."

     Tina put her cord into a bag with her gloves for cleaning later, and then said to the other 3 leaders.

     "I took care of my traitors, and at 3 am the Southern Cross is going to attack us, and I don't know who in your camps are paid by them, so..."

     Everyone looked at the time and saw it was 2:46 am and the leaders all took different actions.

     Jerry Bing said to his people.

     "Crouching Tigers all kneel and put Your hands on the ground, if you remove your hands you are a traitor and I will kill you!"

     Brenda Sho said to her group.

     "All Black Snakes leave the roof, but my bodyguard."

     Ashley Hue gave her order to the Hidden Dragons.

     "All but my bodyguard go and stand in the bathroom till I call for you, kill anyone starting trouble in there."

     Tina gave her order.

     "Fire Birds surround the gazebo and protect the leaders."

     All four leaders acknowledged their orders and no conflicts occurred. Naturally the plants knew they were screwed and only a couple tried to make a move close to 3 am. But they were swiftly killed.

     I was confused about the five bodies on the ground. While my mind was playing through my actions, I swiftly exchanged my partial magazines for new full magazines.

     Tina came in front of me looking at my face and the hole on my uniform in my abdomen. She used her finger to inspect it and saw no blood, then asked me.

     "Are you alright?"

     Still alert and watching for the attack coming soon I say to Tina.

     "I thought I would be nauseous or regretful for taking a life, but I don't feel anything I expected. I think I am broken inside, maybe?"

     After hearing my words she rolled her eyes at me cutely and poked my bullet-hole sending pain in my belly!

     "Fuck Feng! What are you doing that fucking hurt!"

     "Are you alright, was not about your emotions stupid but your wound. Get your head in the game and focus. You can question life after the ball drops."

     She then left me speechless and went to her bag to pull out her handgun.

     There are only 3 reasons I can think of to explain my indifference to killing enemies.

     The first one is seeing my family die in front of me and my two weeks of loss. Not because my dad died, but seeing him in action, the look of doing what must be done.

     The second one is the fact I was a suicidal man reincarnated? This might have something to do with my outlook on life and death.

     The third thing could be when the System jammed my brain with excessive knowledge it broke something in me, or it made me like this, and my Grandmaster skill might be involved here?

     Or is it not answers A, B, or C but a mix of two or all three answers? Well I guess we should not look a gift horse in the mouth, right?

     Although all of this is passing through my-head, I am not lost in my vigilance of the danger we are in.

     I have holstered my sidearms and am watching the video cameras to see if foes are using the stairwell or elevators to come to the roof. Then my answer came in a surprise fashion!

     Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh! A white Channel 7 News Helicopter was flying straight for our location with its spotlight showing on the rooftop?!

     My danger sense from my training from Grandmaster warned me this is not right! So to Tina's surprise, I had pushed her under-me as the helicopter spun to show us its side.

     "Stay down and hide, don't look out!"

     As my words finished, two men armed with some kind of M-16 like assault rifle started to spray shots on the rooftop aiming for large groups of people.

     I could tell Tina was not moving due to my words and me being pressed on her to shield her, I then rushed to the elevator-bank for a better shooting platform.

     While I was dashing for my goal, I had not noticed the fact I had pressed down on Tina a bit too close and even depressed her breasts, leaving her face red in shame.

     Yes, she is a killer and seductive in-order to bring her targets down, but in fact, she had never been that close to a man before, so her brain was partially muddled while hiding from the ambush.

     Many of the gangsters were returning shots from their handguns, but most had shit-aim at this range and ability, but it did save lives making the two gunmen more cautious of targets.

     Using my Cat Burglar Skill to parkour up the side of elevator-banks walls and making it to the top like Spider-man. Getting a better view of the target and being closer in range I can see the two men are strapped in so they won't fall out.

     The pilot and gunmen do not have news outfits so I am guessing they hijacked it for this raid.

     Now shooting-down a helicopter is tricky business and difficult with only handguns. The two main ways is to aim for the pilot or the tail. But I do not need to take the helicopter down, so I only need to kill the two gunmen.

     Pulling out my HK's I take aim at both men, one gun for each target. I intend to not save bullets and unload all 15 rounds into each target assuming at least half will definitely miss due to them being at my long range.

     Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang etc...!

     Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang etc...!

     I smile at the fact I can clearly see each man took at least 4 to 7 rounds each and killed them, making them hang limply from the helicopter as their guns fell from their hands. But...

     Just as I was smiling and thinking 'I won', I had not expected the 30 rounds I fired into the open-side-door would have any effect on the helicopter,, but...

     One of my ricochet bullets ripped out half of the pilot's neck and he was holding the wound and trying to land for medical help!

     Yeah that guy won't make it for sure, but I was horrified to see when he spun the helicopter the tail end was swinging around and it was going to pass over the elevator-bank I am currently on and turn me into shredded-cheese! Fuckballs!

     I quickly dove off the roof of the bank I was on barely missing the rotating tail-blades as it passed my legs!

     Thankfully I have master level Acrobatics Skill and I safely tuck and roll avoiding instant-death! My forehead is definitively sweating now and I felt the reaper's scythe on my neck there!

     The helicopter spun in circles as it rapidly lost altitude and smashing right into the Hotels main-fountain destroying it and making the water flow everywhere.

     Unlike the movies there was no explosion, just smoke and debris. The top of the elevator-bank lost a bit of roof but not enough to break the elevators. Shit that would have been me!

     Jerry Bing stood where the wall of glass was shattered by the helicopter, and looked down at the crash then looked at me getting up and changing magazines and said in all-seriousness.

     "Fuck man, how badass is your shooting to even bring down the helicopter?!"

     I blush a bit due to the fact I only did that by sheer dumb-luck and was not trying to kill the helicopter.

     Ashley Hue the pink-eyed woman also went to the ledge to see my kill (fluke) and then looked at me funny. I think like me she could tell I was strong in martial arts, but to be just as good in shooting at 18 was abnormal and Victoria was definitely wrong here!

     Tina came to my side and said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "That was so amazing, I won't kill you for taking advantage of me before."

     I looked at her in confusion and irritation then said.

     "The fuck you smoking, woman? What take advantage of you? Why the hell would I even want to do that? Do you not think I have a home for my little-buddy already?"

     Insulted for not even being worthy of my lust, she pointed to where I pushed her down and said.

     "You clearly pressed yourself on me more than necessary back there!"

     After all of this shit my eyebrow twitched with a look of 'I was going to spank her in-front of everyone', and not in asexual way, then calmly told her.

     "Tina Feng, I am going to be the first Bodyguard ever to shoot my contractor!"

     Zap Zap Zap! Tina with a grin, held up a hand-stunner near my balls and let the blue-spark dance.

     "Then we will go down in mutual destruction, Ufufu!"

     "Sigh, I give up, you win. Oh and tell your father that's 8 men I got, so that's 16000 dollars, he-he!"

     Now I won because her eye is twitching. Then looking over the edge and hearing the police sirens, I joked with her.

     "News chopper 7 down at the Hilton, News at 11!"

     Then the many hour police investigation took place, thankfully this is not Mary's beat or I would have been in more trouble!

     Just to make sure nothing bad happened to me, I called my new lawyer Nick Soto who made sure I didn't go into lockup!


Permanent Skills known...


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