After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 35 Worldview Shattered!

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Chapter 35  Worldview Shattered! by Harem-Fan


     I had a wonderful dream of making love to my new wife Hana Lee. Not only did we get married, but she wanted my child, the ultimate form of love a woman can ask from a man.

     I feel my chest is being gently scratched as my eyes flutter open to see the white ceiling of Hana's, no our bedroom.

     "Good morning dear. You slept in a bit, but sadly you need to get up and help Mary move your things over. I have to work till later tonight, so just see me off. Oh and you worked hard last night, good boy, fufu."

     Kissing her gently, I then said.

     "Only day 2 and I have a Honey-Do List! Alright let's get started."

     We skipped the morning workout, because we worked out. I made a light breakfast and a bagged lunch for Hana before she left for the hospital. Then I called Mary.

     "Good morning Mary, are you ready for the day?"

     [Yeah, I just got up, but I packed last night so I will take a shower, and when you get here I will be done.]

     "Oh? Well if you're taking a shower, then I should wait an hour to even leave to get the stuff?"

     [If you're not here when I get out, you sleep in the exercise room! Click... do do do...]

     "Teasing her never gets old, but I do have to remember, pregnant hormones are not good for husbands life expectancy!"

     I grab the old BMW keys and headout to meet Mary. I will leave this car at the apartment as a backup car like the apartment itself then drive back the hummer while she drives her patrol-car back.


     As I walked into the apartment, I saw about 10 boxes packed with things like [Mary's clothes], [Rick's clothes], and [Mom and Dad's things] written on the sides.

     I wait to start loading the boxes till Mary is out, but I stand in the bathroom to chat.

     "Morning sleepyhead. Oh by the way, I ordered you a King-sized bed and dressers and other bedroom furniture you will need. It will be delivered around noon."

     "Did you pick things you like for both of our rooms? You don't have your own bedroom after-all?"

     "Most of my clothing will be in your room. But I did find a dresser that matched Hana's furniture in her room as well. And as for a room. Actually if you both kick me out, I made a crashing room on the garage-level in a small den-room there. Plus I can keep my guns and things locked in a safe there."

     Mary got out naked and holding a towel I had ready I began to dry her off. Just as she put on her underwear, it happened...

     Blarg Blarg Blarg! Yeah, Mary is bent over the toilet letting out her morning sickness, while I gently rub her back and comfort her.

     We have no doubt now she is most definitely pregnant. Plus she missed her period.

     "Mary dear, at least it happened before a big breakfast."

     Mary gave me a stink-eye seeing my smiling face.

     "Rick, I am happy but your smug face makes me want to punch you, oh no... Blarg!"

     I flush the toilet now it looks like it's over. Not much really came out, just more of a bodily reaction to the new baby.

     "Well if it's a girl, your morning sickness will be harder, but if it's a boy, you might have less. Plus this will only last for about 3 months or so, he-he."

     After rinsing her mouth and using mouthwash, she glared again and pushed me out of the way as she left the bathroom, so cute.

     Now that she is dressed and better, I started to move everything into the hummer which fortunately had enough space to hold everything, so only one trip is necessary.

     So on my way back I stopped at the local fast-food burger joint and picked up 20 value cheeseburgers for our lunch and then made it home, our now new home.

     The basic layout of Hana's two story home is something like this...

     Ground floor... Four-car-garage, a large den, small shower-only bathroom, and storage room. This floor is like a mini-apartment meant for servants or a driver to live in, but naturally Hana used nothing on this level. There is also a staircase in here going up to the back of the upper-house.

     Upper-house... One master-bedroom, four bedrooms with a small shower-tub bathroom each, one shared bathroom for the large living-room and gym. The kitchen is larger and looks like one that would be seen in a small restaurant, funny for a woman that can't cook.

     Out-back... Large brick patio with an outdoor fire-pit and a large-grill. An Olympic sized swimming pool for laps, and a beautiful landscaped flower garden.

     So with this setup, Hana and my main bedroom is the Master bedroom which Mary can sleep with us, not the awesome sleep but you get it.

     Mary has one of the smaller bedrooms for sex with me or sleeping when it's sex night with Hana. I have most of my wardrobe in Mary's room however to assure I must be there more, she insisted.

     One of the last three bedrooms is dedicated as a guest room just in case, and the last two bedrooms are being left for kids rooms going forward.

      My only 'Rick-Only' room is the downstairs den and this is where I will keep most of my Bodyguard and covert activities, or I am in the doghouse with both wives at once. I am not perfect and as a romance noob, this will happen. So the girls don't have to run up and down, there is an intercom to contact me down in the Rick-Cave.

     After Mary and I had the cheeseburger-massacre, the new furniture I bought had arrived.

     Thankfully I made a lot of money working for Feng, and buying all of this was nothing. Feng also hooked me up with some less than legal tools for my collection.

     The newest Suppressor (silencer) for my Beretta M9A4 along with 10, plus 18 round magazines for it. They even hooked me up with a laser-sight and mounting for the gun. As a bonus I was given flash-bang grenades, and ten teargas-canisters. Professional Thieves Tools and Lock-picks, compact and full sets.

     The Feng, well Tina's mother did all of this for me with no questions asked. I know she could tell as a professional assassin that I was preparing for any future troubles.

     So while I was mentally taking stock, the movers finished placing everything, and with a tip, they left us.

     While we unpacked and cleaned up, I took the box labeled mom and dad's things down to my den. I had not looked through this box in years, but apparently neither has Mary. No one likes to open old wounds, but I feel I am now ready due to my dream and new memories.

     Many old pictures of me, Mary , and mom and dad are framed and nostalgic. So I began to hang them in my room down here to remind me of my past, and what future I want.

     And I found my mom and dads old wedding license when I was little. They were very happy together. I miss them both, but life is just like that.

     The next picture I found was of a beautiful woman with long-blonde-hair with the same blue-eyes I have. This was my biological mother, Sally Lee. My dad was married to her for a couple of years before I was born. She was absolutely beautiful, like my Hana.

     My dad only showed this picture to me a couple of times and left it in his drawer. He never talked about her to me, and only told me she was his universe. Seeing his pain, I did not ask much. But now that I see her picture again one thought came into my head.

     "Did I subconsciously like Hana because she is like my real mother? Nah, it does not matter."

     I hang her picture next to the picture of mom and dad, to remember the woman who died for me.

     I take a break from my setup of my man-cave and go to feed Mary then put her to bed for her work later tonight. She was being extra loving due to confirming her pregnancy and her glow was charming.

     As I was saying good night to her early, she asked, no told me.

     "When you sleep late tonight after your race, come and hold me, alright?!"

     "Will do boss lady, now get lots of sleep, you have to take better care of yourself now, and good night."

     After leaving Mary's new room I look at the clock and see it's only  5 pm. Hana will not be home till around 8 pm, so now is the time for me to go down and do my espionage of last night's event and any current movements of my black-book targets.

     Grabbing a beer and cold pizza from my new mini-fridge in the man-cave I began my parsing of events...

     The most noticeable things I learned are...

     [Dad, why did you shame me in front of that little bastard?]

     [I know what you have been doing and you have gone past reconciliation Scott.]

     So his dad knows but does not approve?

     [Are you talking about that little bastard Rick Lee, ha-ha! No, I know who he is, I have since middle-school. He is trash and no Tiger.]

     Huh? So Linda was not the real reason he hates me?

     [You knowingly doing it is even worse, now I can't tell others, tigers don't eat their own, sigh.]

     What does he mean by tigers not eating their own?

     [So you and Rick Lee are childhood rivals, no I meant enemies?]

     So Honda came to Scott for a friend to deal with me?

     [Yeah, but that trash has changed and has been fucking faking being a pig to lower my guard, and now he is making my life awful.]

     No ass-fuck, I was not anything special thanks to you suppressing me. But what do I care about?

     [That's his sister he married, and as for that Hana woman... They are now married and she is now Dr Hana Lee, her father came to us and confirmed their wedding already happened, sorry man she is off the market and spreading her legs for Rick.]

     Honda came for help and just got pushed back at me empty-handed, well at least you're good at one thing Scott.

     [It's only been a few weeks, how? She must be lying! I will be back...]

     Now I know why he was panting in anger. I will make a trip to his home this week, Cat Burglar Skill needs work.

     [I see, a borrowed knife again?]

     I can tell that's Nichole and not Nadia right there.

     [If Little Dick Rick has a good life, then mine will be bad, so yes using this idiot to cause trouble is perfect. Also why are you not drinking wine? And why are you two still not letting me sleep with you again? You're my wife!]

     Because they did not sleep with you at all stupid, what a moron.

     [You know damn well my sister and I hate men, even you. Our agreement was to marry you and give you Tang babies for you, we are most definitely pregnant, so our deal is done. I am not drinking wine, because I don't want the baby in my belly to come out as dumb as you.]

     Pregnant?! How, what is this one of Nichole's schemes to avoid sleeping with him? No, they are on the pill?! Yeah, they must be waiting for the other two girls to announce they have Scott's babies.

     [Marriage is not about love idiot, it was to buy the Ning's loyalty to the Tang, so don't forget it, plus I have helped you make Rick Lee miserable, right?]

     Not so much, you definitely helped me more, hmm, good memories.

     [That's right! Rick Lee signed up for the same computer course as you and Nadia. Make sure to make him miserable. Sabotage his work for me.]

     [Nadia will not do it for free, you know how much she loves money, so...]

     Yeah miser Nadia wants to sleep on a pile of money, actually I find it adorable.

     [Fine, I will give you two an extra 100000 dollars to make him miserable in University, just to make sure he is unhappy.]

     Fuck, if he only knew how broke he is becoming over time, good stuff. They will nickle and dime him.

     [Good husband, I will make him very uncomfortable, and we will screw him over, fufu.]

     No, I know that tone of voice, its like when she tricked me into bed with them, oh fuck me!

     She even calls me Mr Blackmailer, but she is Master Manipulator and I fell for her game, well I liked it though.

     [Your two guards were found beaten unconscious in the bathroom and are currently in the hospital tending their wounds. And my wife, I will ask you only one time, so think about your answer honestly. If you lie I will know. Did you tell Scott about Rick? Lie and I will divorce you...]

     Is Scott's mom responsible for my bullying? And what about me?

     [I was drunk the night I let it slip by accident.]

     [Then the Tang family will not get involved with the fight between Scott and Rick. Even if they kill each-other, you are on your own son, that's what a grown up does, takes responsibility.]


     [No you can't abandon your own son to a bastard! I won't tolerate it, just step on him, he has no one.]

     Why the fuck does this woman have a hate-boner for me? I need to add her to my black-book.

     [You think Rick has no one, huh? This is why you and your stupid mouth are ignorant. You spoiled Scott and now you two made a mess I can't fix for you two idiots. No, Rick is not alone, but I can't even tell you two idiots.]

     What does he know about me? Why does he say I am not alone, is it the Feng?

     [Your older sister, Helen, is the next Head not you. You're a spare who thinks he is the next head of the family. You attacked Rick because he is not a Tang officially and it was for your own insecurity and your Mothers vanity. I hope you and Rick can come to terms, but I doubt you can see the big picture of the Tang.]

     What?! Part of the Tang officially.........

     For some reason hearing his words sank my heart.

     [No, he and I can't walk the same path. He is a stain to the Tang and should never have been born.]


     What is going on?! I am not Tang, I am Lee...

     I remember Anthony having blonde-hair and blue-eyes, then my eyes drift to the picture of my biological mother Sally Lee with the exact same features as Scott's dad, no it can not be right?

     I immediately start to background Sally Lee and only ten minutes later I find so much information that makes my heart break.

     Sally Lee formally Sally Tang. She was disowned like my father for getting married. She was one year older than Scott's dad, and was to be the next Head, till her father, enraged, kicked her from the clan for marrying my dad. Fuck.

     "Fuck me, Anthony Tang is my goddamn uncle, and worse that little backstabbing piece of shit is my blood cousin?! Oh what a good cousin to almost kill your own, that's the tiger thing he meant."

     I grab a couple of beers to numb my brain a bit, and while I drink, I think about everything said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "No, Anthony said he would not get involved even if we killed each other, but I don't believe that. It is still his son, even if trash. So as long as I don't kill him, I can toy him to death though, ha-ha, thanks Head Tang I think I will. I was too soft on you Scott, let's make you cry."

     In my agitation, I had not noticed the few beers I had one too many while upset, and I fell asleep in the man-cave...

     Soon a pair of sexy long legs dressed in a miniskirt came down looking for me.

     Hana had gotten ready for race-night but when she saw the empty beer-bottles and me passed out, she looked to see if I was fine. She saw my laptop open to the information of Sally Tang and sighs knowing I found out and drank myself silly.

     Hana took off my shoes, put a blanket on me, and kissed me before turning off everything, letting me sleep it off.

     "Night dear, we will postpone our race-night till you feel better, now to let Mary know."

     So the two women had a talk on how to make me feel better...

Permanent Skills known...


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