After ten years of mining, I have soared from the same spot!

Chapter 299

But this is only a theory, and in fact, most of the monks who can afford to buy high-level spiritual plant seeds are people from big families or big sects.

And the two restrictions are not difficult for them, but it will take a little longer.

But the background of the big sects is often like this, and it is the result of the edification of time.

Compared to the price of high-grade spirit plant seeds, they are more optimistic about the future.

If a seed can be cultivated into a high-level spirit plant, and then cultivated, differentiated, and planted, its value is far from comparable to that of a high-grade spirit valley.

For example, the elixir garden of the Hedao Sect is the result of the accumulation of several generations of monks.

And most of the people who bid now are just monks who make soy sauce.

In fact, it was not what Ji Yang expected, when the price rose to two thousand spirit stones, several monks with a slightly higher realm began to shout the price.

"Two thousand five hundred spirit stones!" "Three thousand

spirit stones!" These people jumped from one hundred spirit stones to five hundred spirit stones

at a price increase, judging from the bland tone of several people shouting the price, they were obviously at ease

! Seeing the powerful monks make a move, the monks who had shouted the price before also closed their mouths one after another, and no longer shouted the price, because they knew in their hearts that with their own strength, they probably couldn't auction it, and they frequently shouted the price, and it was very likely to offend these big sects!

At this time, Ji Yang in the box saw that Boss Wu did not shout the price, and his heart was much more relaxed.

Ten seeds, the first seed and the last seed are particularly competitive, and giving up these two seeds and bidding on the other eight seeds in the middle can be won at a slightly lower price without being too conspicuous.

It seems that Boss Wu also understands this.

But before Ji Yang could be happy, a smile appeared on the face of Boss Wu, who had been silent for a long time.

Well, it's his turn to perform again.

Although it can be seen that the bidders are more powerful now, so what's the matter?

The strength of his black boss is not blown.

When one person had just made a bid to three thousand five hundred spirit stones, Boss Wu slowly got up and raised his palm:

"Five thousand spirit stones!"

Boss Wu's second move still attracted a lot of attention.

After seeing that the bidder was the boss of Wu, everyone looked different.

Just now, Boss Wu didn't auction anything else after buying the spirit plant seeds, which made everyone think that this was the case, and even ignored the existence of this person.

Unexpectedly, when he encountered the spirit plant seed, this person actually began to shout again, and the price shouted was even more excessive than before!

However, the opponent of Boss Wu's auction this time was not weak, after Boss Wu shouted out five thousand spirit stones, the other people did not panic at all, and continued to raise the price.

"Five thousand five hundred spirit stones

!" "Six thousand spirit stones!" The

other two did not forget to sneer after shouting the price again, if they wanted to use such a move against them, then this person was very wrong.

As members of the big sects and big families, they won't have too few spirit stones.

Boss Wu's expression was as usual, and he didn't show any expression because of the price increase of the two, but raised his hand again:

"Eight thousand spirit stones!"

After shouting the price, Boss Wu was proud in his heart!

This is the first seed, can he not show it well?

In the box, Ji Yang's face was as usual, he was not shocked, and he couldn't see the slightest change.

But in my heart, I was already thinking about going to wealth to avoid disasters.

When the auction is over, he should find a chance to run away!

As for those spirit stones, don't do it, it's a big deal to grab Ren Yuning again when he leaves, and make up for his losses.

In the past two days, Ren Yuning has been wielding spirit stones like earth, obviously not poorer than himself.

The interest on Elder Guan's face on the side was a little stronger, Boss Wu made a decisive move, and had a precise goal, obviously this person was here for Linggu and Lingzhi.

At this time, Boss Wu was already a sure target in the eyes of the two elders.

At the same time, Elder Guan did not forget to send a sound notice, and asked the people below to carefully investigate Boss Wu and confirm the identity of this person!

At the auction site, after Elder Wu shouted out eight thousand spirit stones, many people glared again.

It's this despicable method again

! But they don't have many spirit stones in their hands, otherwise they have to compete with this person!

And the other two people who originally participated in the bidding also frowned slightly after Boss Guan quoted this price.

Although they have a lot of spirit stones in their hands, there are still nine seeds left, and if they spend too many spirit stones on the first seed, it will affect the subsequent auctions.

Moreover, the price of high-grade spirit plant seeds is far from being so high, and now it is already a lot of premium, and it is impossible to buy it with more spirit stones.

After some consideration, both men abandoned the auction of the seed.

For a while, there was no one bidding

on the scene! Everyone could only watch this seed fall into the hands of Boss Wu!

The Yuan Infant Host on the stage was very happy to see this, this situation was exactly what he wanted to see, although some of the things in the auction were not from the Heavenly Demon Pavilion, but after the auction, they would also take a cut, so the higher the auction price, the better.

"Eight thousand spirit stones once!" "Eight thousand spirit stones



Just as this seed was about to be sold for eight thousand spirit stones, there was another shout from the auction hall.

"Nine thousand spirit stones!" everyone

looked at the source of the sound in surprise, and after seeing the person bidding from the upper box, they all withdrew their gazes.

Being able to sit in the upper box, it is obvious that the strength of the bidder will not be too low.

In the cultivation world, strength is directly proportional to one's wealth.

Monks of a high realm often don't miss spirit stones

! And this person's bid also made many people feel comfortable!

Whether they can buy it or not, as long as Boss Wu can't buy it, it's okay anyway.

"The guests in box eight bid nine

thousand spirit stones!" "Nine thousand spirit stones once!" "Nine thousand spirit stones


Just when everyone thought that this seed would fall into his hands, Boss Wu said unhurriedly:

"Ten thousand spirit stones!"

Seeing that Boss Wu was still bidding at the moment, the monks present secretly admired his courage.

At the moment, this high-level spirit plant seed has already paid a lot of premium, and there are several seeds behind it, so you can completely give up the first one.

Furthermore, the characters in the box are ordinary monks, and

it is not a wise choice to grudge against them for the sake of a seed.

Often, most ordinary monks will silently give up after seeing the monks bidding in the high-rise box, which is also one of the unspoken rules in the auction.

Of course, it's not monks who don't have heads, but these monks often don't end well.

After all, in the cultivation world, everything depends on strength.

When one's own wealth cannot match the corresponding strength, this wealth will return to the cultivation world in various ways, including but not limited to extreme means such as murder and robbery.

Hearing Boss Wu's shout, there was a silence in the No. 8 box.


With a faint voice of words resounding all around, the owner of the voice did not shout again.

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