After the Eldest Sister-in-law Died Young, Dai Wen Remarried

Chapter 30 Going to the market

After Liu Yuzhi finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave. Yun Qinghuan stopped her, "Mom, wait a moment.

Then he turned around and walked inside, took the change that Grandma Chen gave her in the morning and handed it to Liu Yuzhi, "Mom, this is the money left over from Grandma Chen's shopping in the morning. It's three and a half dollars in total. She asked me to give it to you."

Liu Yuzhi waved her hand and said, "No need to give it to me. This is the money your parents gave you. I have already used it to buy food. You can keep the rest."

At this point, Liu Yuzhi felt very guilty towards her daughter-in-law, and even used the money given to her by her parents to support her family.

The family really doesn’t have much money.

Prepare to return the money to your daughter-in-law when the food and money are distributed soon.

"Mom, what you said is what you said. You also said that we are a family. If a family does not talk about two families, the money should be spent together as a family. What is yours and mine?"

Yun Qinghuan thought that he would have to submit a manuscript, and he would probably have to send it by then. All of this would cost money, and the original owner didn't have much money, so he accepted the three and a half yuan, "Okay, then this money I just took the flowers."

Touching the three and two dollars in my hand, I felt dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that she once had so much wealth that she could not spend it all in a hundred lifetimes, but now that she has traveled through time, she only has three and a half dollars left.

Yun Qinghuan has known the importance of money since she was a child. Now that she has this little money, she feels even more urgent to make money.

Otherwise, I always feel that there is no sense of security at all.

Because she went to bed early at night, Yun Qinghuan woke up at dawn the next day. She looked at the sky outside and subconsciously wanted to check the time.

However, watches are very expensive in this era. Few people have watches at home. Most people tell time by feel.

Therefore, Yun Qinghuan was so fierce that he didn't know the specific time and was still a little unaccustomed to it.

If I remember correctly, there is already a clock now. It seems that I need to write articles quickly to make money. Then I will buy a clock and hang it at home, so that it will be more convenient to tell the time.

When she earns more money, she can buy herself a watch to wear.

An An was still sleeping. She didn't wake up the child. Instead, she opened the door and went out. She found that Liu Yuzhi and Bai Naihan were both awake. Bai Naihan was lifting things in the yard to exercise his arm strength. He was wearing a vest, which was soaked with sweat. I don’t know how long I have been exercising.

Liu Yuzhi was cleaning the yard with a big broom and feeding the chickens and ducks.

In this era, all land was owned by the public. In addition to turning in the grain grown, the rest was distributed according to the number of work points performed.

But each household still has a piece of private land where they can grow vegetables and the like, and the higher authorities don't care about this.

Chickens can also be raised according to the population of the family. Generally, two people can raise one chicken and one duck.

Because there are five people in the Bai family, they raise two chickens and two ducks, both of which are female, and keep eggs for food.

They were probably afraid of disturbing Yun Qinghuan, so they moved very lightly.

Liu Yuzhi noticed that Yun Qinghuan had gotten up, raised her head and smiled at her, "Why do you get up so early? Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"I've slept enough, I can't sleep a little bit. Mom, I want to go to the town for a visit today."

She copied two more manuscripts last night and planned to go to the market today to send two copies to two newspapers. She also kept one as a manuscript. If it failed to be submitted, she would polish it and submit it to other newspapers.

As soon as Liu Yuzhi heard that she was going to the market, she said, "Indeed, you should go out and relax. Mom will give you two yuan later. If you want to eat, you can buy it."

"Also, try to go as early as possible, otherwise the sun will burn you in the afternoon."

Yun Qing said with a smile, "Mom, you don't need to give me money, the three and two dollars from yesterday are enough."

Although money is scarce in this era, it is still valuable. Three and a half dollars can buy a dozen white breads.

But Liu Yuzhi was afraid that she would be reluctant to spend the money, so he gave her another two yuan, "Don't be reluctant to spend it, there is still money at home."

I made polenta paste in the morning, and then baked a few pancakes. Although I didn’t add too much oil, the pancakes were crispy and crispy, especially fragrant. They tasted pretty good. The little guy also knows how to pick the time. He just finished cooking. , ready to ask him to get up to eat, he rubbed his eyes and woke up.

After eating, Yun Qinghuan was going to wait for the ox cart at the entrance of the village. The transportation is not developed now, so many people going to the market either walk or spend a dime to take the ox cart to the town.

Seeing that Yun Qinghuan was going to the market, Bai Jinan's eyes were bright and he obviously wanted to go too.

But he was too sensible and didn't speak.

Yun Qinghuan smiled and waved to the child, "Let's go."

An An came over happily jumping up and down, looking up at her, "Mom, do you really want to take me there?"

"What nonsense." He rubbed the little guy's head.

The two of them were about to go out. Yun Qinghuan took another look at Bai Naihan, who was sitting alone in a wheelchair.

He was looking this way, and there were four tile-roofed houses behind him. The leaves outside were blown into the yard by the wind, spinning on the ground at his feet, looking lonely.

Yun Qinghuan suddenly felt soft.

Thinking that when Liu Yuzhi went to the field, she had already brought the pancakes and corn paste baked in the morning, and had no plans to come back for lunch at noon.

She wanted Yun Qinghuan to go to the market and enjoy shopping without having to rush back to make lunch. She also told Yun Qinghuan to go to a state-owned restaurant to eat when he was hungry, so she took out two crumpled food stamps.

I don’t know how long the food stamps have been there, but I know she must be reluctant to use them.

The family was obviously not well-off and had nothing to eat, but Liu Yuzhi tried her best to give Yun Qinghuan the best.

It would be a lie to say that I am not impressed.

At this moment, thinking that there was no one around at noon, it would be unreasonable to leave Bai NaiHan alone at home, so he simply walked over with his child and said, "NaiHan, you can go to the market with us."

Bai Naihan hesitated, "No, my legs are like this, so don't delay your shopping."

"It's okay. What's the delay? Let's go."

As he said that, he pushed him forward without any refusal.

When we arrived at the entrance of the village, there were already many people waiting there who were going to the market. Some people knew Yun Qinghuan and greeted her, and she responded to them one by one.

Most of the people who go to the market at this time are young people. The elders in the family usually work in the fields and are reluctant to squeeze out time to go to the market.

Not long after waiting at the entrance of the village, dust started flying on the road not far away, and Old Man Li came over with an ox cart.

There were not many people willing to ride in the bullock cart, so he could sit in his bullock cart.

The oxcart is usually used to carry dung, but as soon as Yun Qinghuan got close to it, he smelled the smell of cow dung. The oxcart was still stained with dried cow dung.

Yun Qinghuan looked a little distant.

But the people next to him all took it for granted. They paid a dime and handed it to Old Man Li, and then quickly found a good seat to sit on.

When everyone was almost seated, Old Man Li looked at Yun Qinghuan and knocked on the wooden frame next to him, "Girl, sit down quickly, we are about to set off!"

There was no way. In my memory, the town was more than twenty miles away from here. If I really walked there, it would take two or three hours and my feet would be worn out. So I had to choose to take a bullock cart.

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