Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 5 Super Archery Talent

There is no way to be sure for the time being, David complained in his heart that his golden finger is so unclear, and he has to work hard to figure it out. How good is it to give a system directly? It doesn't need to be complicated, even if there is only a prompt interface, it is clear and straightforward at a glance.

Goldfinger is weak!

Came to the edge of the forest with Fording, and watched the towering trees stand in front of him, David withdrew his messy thoughts: gold fingers, rewards, etc., just think about it slowly when you have time, and now let’s study how to build a house Bar!

These are all high-quality wood. Fording observed carefully for a moment and determined that these woods are very suitable for building a house.

After all, he is a paladin who has led the army and fought against the orcs. He often commands his subordinates to cut down trees and build camps.

The next thing is to cut down the trees. This is not an easy job. They not only have to cut down the big trees, but also clean up all the branches on the trunks, and then carry the whole thick log back to the village. inside.

Although the village is not far from the forest, there is still a certain distance. David looked at the thick trunk, really wondering if he could resist it?

By the way, there is one thing I forgot to ask. Fording was still looking at the surrounding environment, seeing that the trees here are very thick, and the forest is so vast that he can't see the edge at all, which means that they don't have to worry about it at all. Worry about whether the wood is enough.

whats the matter?

What's the name of our village?

... David was stunned when he heard this question, he had never considered this question before.

Although the pioneer camp has been established for nearly two years, due to the unsmooth development process and the continuous decrease of members, it has not been able to establish a real village, so the village has not been given an official name.

Because of various problems, there has been no official name. After answering Fording's question, David also thought about what name should be given to the village.

He didn't think about it before, because he wanted to give up at that time. Now that he has decided to persevere and has thought about the direction of development, the name of the village must be decided as soon as possible.

Not only is it convenient to introduce people who will come later, but also the official village name must be filled in on the development certificate, so that it will be convenient to report to the Kingdom official in the future to obtain various rewards.

That's right! Fording had already selected a big tree, and then he picked up his ax and started cutting wood: Then you have to come up with a good name.

I'll try to think of a name.

David also took out the ax and was about to start cutting trees, but after a few cuts, he found that compared with Fording, the gap between his efficiency was too great.

His current physical fitness is not bad, otherwise he would not be able to survive two winters. As a hunter, he has never been short of meat since he was a child, coupled with years of exercise, it can be said that he is now much stronger than himself in his previous life.

But compared to Fording, who came from Azeroth, the human being degraded from the steel life created by the Titans, and Fording who was baptized by the Holy Light, he was a super weak chicken.

After Fording cut down a tree, he cleaned up all the branches and leaves, and David was still struggling with the first tree trunk.

By the way, there is not much food stored in the village! I think we should collect and store some more food. Fording saw that David's physical fitness was much worse than his own, but he still waited until David cut down the first big tree. Only after the tree does he make his own proposal.

Huh~ David knew that Fording had good intentions. The difference in the efficiency of two people cutting down trees is too obvious. Why don't they act separately and do different jobs to ensure that there will be no shortage of food without affecting the progress of tree cutting: Then here is give it to you.

Don't worry, this kind of work is very easy for me. Fording, who was once respected, did not resist the rough work of cutting down trees. Since he is determined to live a relatively ordinary life in seclusion, he can no longer regard himself as the lord of Hearthglen in the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Now Fording is an ordinary 'farmer', ready to create a new life with his own hands.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that cutting down trees was not so boring, and he even became more motivated, and the speed at which the big trees fell became faster.

David, who was separated from Fording, moved west along the edge of the forest.

The river is in this direction, walking along the edge of the forest to the river bank, and then going north along the river bank, which can ensure that you will not get lost and at the same time, it is easier to find large animals.

This route is not absolutely safe, so David always holds the hunting bow in his left hand, and his right hand always stays above the quiver hanging on the side waist, so that he can take out the bow and arrow to attack at any time.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a shadow passing by, immediately picked up an arrow with his right hand, and completed the actions of nocking the arrow and opening the bow to aim in the shortest time.

At this moment, David felt that everything in his sight seemed to slow down, and at the same time, the shadow that was not very clear became clear, and even magnified a lot, so he could see it more clearly.

Not only that, there was a feeling that seemed to make him realize that he needed to move a few centimeters to the left, and that would be the correct 'crosshair'.

The thumb let go of the bowstring, and as the arrow left the string, it swam towards the target. David even had the feeling that he would definitely hit the target, and he didn't need to make up the knife at all.

Everything that happened next was just as he felt, the arrow accurately shot a pheasant, and the prey was killed neatly, and counting from when David pulled out the arrow until the pheasant was shot Killing, that is, the blink of an eye.

Good guy, my archery ability has improved by a little bit.

Even though he had guessed before that he got the archery ability from Laura, he didn't expect the improvement to be so huge. Apart from the surprise, he thought of one thing: It seems that my original talent in archery is not good. This kind of master who can kill the entire organization on the opposite side with a bow and arrow, the gap is really too big.

I thought I could become a hunter, so I have some talent for archery!

After thinking about it, he thought that even if his talent was not good, but with the help of people like Laura and Fording to upgrade, his future is quite bright.

Recycling the arrow, and hanging the pheasant on the left waist, David is going to continue collecting food. In addition to meat, he also wants to find more wild vegetables, mushrooms, wild fruits, etc., to ensure that the diversity of food is healthier. Life.

Although meat is delicious, no one can stand eating only meat.

He was lucky. He picked some mushrooms and berries. Even if he needed to squat down to pick the berries, he didn't feel impatient at all. He was only full of happiness.

When he was happily picking berries, he suddenly felt that the situation was not right, and he reacted immediately—throwing down a bunch of berries in his hand and throwing himself to the side, he picked up the hunting bow at hand and rolled to catch him .

Although his body was stained with a lot of dirt and grass leaves, he looked very embarrassed, but he perfectly avoided the attack of the wild beast - it was a strong gray wolf.

... Seeing clearly what kind of beast was on the other side, David immediately glanced around, and sure enough, he found more gray wolves in the grass, behind trees and other places.

Slowly moving his position, David moved towards the river to avoid being attacked by the enemy.

The gray wolf on the opposite side seemed to be aware of his thoughts, and pounced on David again while David was still moving slowly, but what greeted the hungry wolf were arrows that flew out almost indiscriminately.

David has been a hunter for so many years, and he can't say that he has no unique skills: he is very good at rapid fire, he can grab three to five arrows at a time, and shoot them all in the shortest time, and ensure that these arrows hit a target that is about the size of a human head. within the circle range.

Now he has been rewarded with archery ability from Laura, he can even compress this range into a circle the size of a fist, and when he concentrates on aiming, it seems that the surrounding is in slow motion, which means that David can Better lock and shoot targets, even if the target is moving at high speed.

The first enemy was easily killed, but now is not the time to relax. David immediately drew two arrows from his quiver, and this time his targets came from two different directions.

He was highly concentrated, and the slow-motion picture gave his brain sufficient time to make judgments: the wolf on the left had already jumped up and made a pounce, while the wolf on the right was still sprinting to accumulate power, and the distance was short. further away.

Although this state cannot make David's physical movements faster, it allows him to make the best judgment in an instant to complete the kill: first left and then right!

Two arrows were shot one after another. Although they failed to kill one arrow, they stopped the two gray wolves from rushing forward and bought David a little time—in just a second or two, several arrows flew towards him immediately. Two gray wolves were killed.

David's movements were very fast. At this time, he did not retreat but advanced. He rushed to the gray wolf that was shot dead by himself first, and stretched out his hand to pull out the arrow that was stuck on the wolf. Immediately afterwards, another shot Rapid fire, again killing a gray wolf.

David, who had completed consecutive kills, reached for his arrows, but when he raised his bow and arrows again, the wolves had turned their heads and entered the forest, and they all ran away without a trace.

Run so fast!

The highly tense spirit relaxed slightly. David observed the surroundings vigilantly, then packed the spilled berries, tied several gray wolf carcasses together behind his back, and walked back along the river bank cautiously .

Thanks Laura!

After confirming that the gray wolves did not catch up, David let out a sigh of relief, and thanked Laura again for providing him with super archery ability.

At the same time, he is looking forward to all kinds of magical rewards provided by Fording and even people who will appear in the future.

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