Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 577: Three lifetimes waiting for you i

He looks back at the Wall behind him and he clenches his fist. 

And then he looks back at the tree and he alternate at looking at both the Wall and the Tree, like he is trying to decide on something.

There is an instinct, a desire that is burning inside his heart. 

This instinct notified him of something, that he knows to be true in his heart.

That he could not enter the Wall yet. His heart is now full with the guidance of the Goddess.

The Land where the Old Gods roamed, he reminded himself. After he enters, who knows if the Goddess blessing would stay on him and his tribe.

He then said to his tribespeople, 

'Let us take a rest beneath the shade of that tree' he said as he pointed his finger toward that tree. 

The other also began to notice the tree. 

But it is not only the tree that they noticed. 

They noticed that on the branches of the tree there is the red sweet lychee fruit.

The Arakian Tree Rings had a lot of such fruit. 

This red sweet lychee fruit give nourishment, and could alleviate thirst and hunger.

It is a very good fruit and beneficial to the body. 

Most hunters of the tribe would search for it when they hunt for beast or food in the forest.

But while the Arakian Tree Ring had such a tree, they rarely bear fruit. As it takes a long time for it to bear fruit.

But on the branches of the tree, they were hundreds of them. Some of them teared up as they were reminded of their home.

The other nodded and agree with Aegir suggestion. It is only now that they realize that they are tired.

And if they continue their journey to enter the Three Kingdom in such a state, who knows what will happen to them

They might get attacked, they might suffer another tribulation and it will be better for them to be fully rested before they started their journey to the land of the Three Kingdoms.

Axum walk toward Aegir and ask his permission to organize the tribe people and assign them seat.

Aegir just nodded. He then walks to that tree and sat under it. 

The drove of caravans that is passing through the gate did not notice the movement of Aegir and his tribespeople.

It was like someone had averted their gaze from this group. When all of Aegir tribespeople take shelter under that tree, no one could see them

But this fact itself is not something that Aegir and the rest of his tribe realizes. 

After all, even though the people that is driving their carriage to the gate and passing the Wall did not greet them, Aegir and his tribe people attributed this to the anxiousness of these people desire to save themselves and run away from the Darkness

How could they have known that they are now unseen? 

How could they have known that the tree only appears and could be seen by them. Tied on a tree, that Goddess smiles become wider

'This child could be guided' she thought as she stares at Aegir. Aegir did not know that he was so close with the Goddess.

Beside her, there is a White Hart that snuggle toward her feet and neighed. 

On the branches there is two ravens. 

One is white as snow, looking like some kind of beautiful and mystical white raven and the other is black as the night, its beak is sharp and its eyes seem to have some ferocity in it that is hard to describe. 

Like the White Hart they are unseen

These two ravens seem to symbolize creation and destruction, death and life, rebirth and endless reincarnations.

In the eyeballs of these two ravens, there is the scenery of mountain and seas. It is the familiars of the Goddess. 

She has many familiars but of the many myths ascribed to her after the Battle of the Gods, these familiars are attributed to her the most.

The ravens that see the Heaven and Earth for her and the White Hart that she sent to her champions, the quest givers of destined ones.

Amara smiles as she looks at the White Hart trying to snuggle to her. 

'Do not be too sad, child. I will be released when the time comes' she said to the White Hart.

The White Hart whimpers and then lay down near the tree. The ravens on the other hand is like usual silence, like always.

But their eyes see so many things and the things that they see, she sees it to

The distance between the Godstree and that large and tall tree under the shadow of the Godstree is only a few hundred meters away

But no one could see the Goddess and her familiars. 

She could reveal herself but that would take a lot of her power. 

Since she could not use it freely as she is bound by his ancient sealing method, she could only choose to use it at the most appropriate moment. 

After all, she knows that this is the calculation of the Creator. 

She did not want to fight it. She only would move with the flow. Mortals have mortal's problems. And deities have deities' problems.

'Tonight' she muttered to herself. 

There is a reason why she had sprouted that tree and give an image of the White hart and planted it in Aegir mind.

She guided his instinct to take a rest under the shade of that huge tree, to partake in the fruit and to rest his body and his heart.

This is not the time yet for Aegir to enter. He should enter the gate tomorrow at dawn. That was the most suitable time for him to enter the Three Kingdoms.

She already calculated it for him

She sighed as she looks toward another direction. There is another person that is also coming here

'That child is a bit troublesome. So much hatred in one heart. That one would be forgiven not to think that such a person has no way of redemption. But, if mortals think redemption is easy, then they would be sorely mistaken. The price of a life, the price of an innocent soul is a heavy price. Taking the life of another has its price. Merit did not erase sin. If that is the case, then anyone could become Saint and Sages' she smiles at herself

Then sighing she said

'But, those who perseveres, who were sincere, steadfast and determined, there is always hope for them. I wish that this child and that child both got their redemption'

She refers to Elkar and Arial. This two had never seen each other yet their fate tangled so deeply. And then there was another child that Amara is also paying attention to

That other child is the child beside the Sun of Asrana, Rhyssa. Amara smile when she thinks of Rhyssa

Even when separated by three timelines, separated by fate and destiny, they were destined to come to each other.

A love that last for three lifetimes. How grand and how epic! 

Death….is powerful. But Love is not too shabby either, she thought to herself. Rhyssa and Arial.

The destined lover. Arial believes that he had lived two lifetime. Instead, he had live three lifetimes. 

No wonder Ashkenael is very mad at Arial. They always brush with each other but Arial seem to never really enter death.

No one should avoid death this much. Ashkenael represented death, destruction but he also represented order.

Arial when he first heard the prophecy doubted that he was Asrana. Because in the prophecy it is told that Asrana would die three times and would be brought back three times

The things were, this is his third lifetime. And Arial did not know it. But Amara is quite aware of it.

The thing was that the first time is not her doing. 

But it is the doing of that Being, the Creator. 

Amara were not able to help him the first time. 

The second time, she knew her role. 

She waited until Arial come to a point of destiny and then activated the Stone of Time and Space to help him travel back in time with his memory intact

In the first life, Arial was a great warrior just like Levitia. 

But he also failed like Levitia. His fate is so eerily similar to Levitia that it felt like there is hand setting it up from the beginning.

His second life, he was a normal soldier, a coward and only at the end of his life he had seem to recover some of that heroic demeanor when he fought of the attack force of the Demon King in the Capital by himself before he died on that dusty library.

In his third life however, he had tick all the boxes. He is awakening to become Asrana. He is a great warrior emperor. 

Having the whole four corners of the world under his feet, (the world here refers to the Human Continent as a figure of speech) the reigning monarch of the most prosperous empire in the world.

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