Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 582: The ally and rival of the empire i

Many of the citizens believe that the reason the Empire of Eden did not attack Renasia is because the strong relationship between the two Empires.

The truth however is a bit darker than that.

To the mind of the citizens, if the Eden Empire truly move against Renasian, it would be without a shred of doubt, that Eden would win.

The reason for this confidence is because in any of the war that the Empire had participated before, they have never lost any of it. 

They might lose a few battles here and there, but in the end, the war would still have been won by the Empire

Victory had made the people believe strongly in Eden superiority over others. But that is not the only reason for such optimism.

Many people and citizens of the Empire believe that the current Eden is the Eden of a golden age.

Prosperity, knowledge, trade, culture. All of it is in the rise and everyone way of life had risen to a comfortable level.

The wealth of the people had risen considerably in just a few decades since the rise of the Vermont family.

The Emperor as the sole authority of the land co the nobles into submission. There is Laws that is carved into stone tablets, a rule that would be enforced by the enforcers of the Empire

While nobles still have some privileges in something, most of their other privileges like being able to absolve themselves of crime was taken. 

In front of the Law, they are equal. 

The Emperor surveil the officials, the officials surveil the people and the people surveil the Emperor.

As such, there is a lot of the citizens of the Empire that believe in this golden age of the Empire, how could Renasia stand under the onslaught of the Empire soldiers?

And it is not like Arial would try to diffuse this sentiment since why would he put down himself to lift up his rival?

The truth however is a bit different

In the past the Twelve Generals of the Empire once me with each other in an event called the Meeting at Flower Valley to discuss this very thing and the conclusion that they derive was shocking

Flower Valley is in the state of Qi, at Vern. At that time, it was after the victory in Zettel and the generals were gathering near Vern

One of the generals send the messages to others to meet and drink and discuss the matter of the world

All eleven agreed and they rode their horses to Vern. It took a few weeks before they were all gathered in that valley.

Qi is then under the control of Southern Tai. 

When the Austen family heard the Twelve Great General of the Empire was heading to his land, reportedly he was almost fainted with fear in his castle

He thought that the Twelve Generals is about to deal with Southern Tai. 

But when one of the messenger of the generals come to his castle and explain that the generals is only converging to meet with each other, the vassal king of Southern tai is finally relieved and even sent some gifts

At that time, the name of the Twelve Great Generals is well known, feared and respected. 

Each one of them could fight against a country since they have the right to wage war on behalf the Empire.

And so, the twelve generals of the Empire gather on one of the mountain peak of the Flower Valley.

They set up tables, a lot of wine jars and all kinds of meat. 

Some of them they bought in the market cities near the Flower Valley, others they hunt and they make a competition of it.

Even when the Emperor heard it, he did not do anything. 

Since the conquest War begins, the Empire had been fighting nonstop. Since Zettel was finally conquered, the generals could use a rest

They meet with each other and even competed with each other. Some of them like Wang Mu like to fight and contest his strength with others.

Some of them just like to drink. But they talk with each other and as they are all leaders of the military, soon the topic seems to touch upon Great Renasia.

The topic was how about to conquer Great Renasia if the Emperor have such desires. What countermeasures that they should have and what kind of things that they need to prepare if they were to undertake such task?

It is clear at that time, not everybody was ready to stop fighting. 

The Great Generals is quite eager to start another war and truly finished conquering every piece of land in the Human Continent

Eden had conquered, subjected and subordinated most of the small states and most of the land under the Heavens was already under the rule of the Empire.

In the maps of the Empire, some small states did not even have names as they were integrated into the larger kingdoms and was marked as some city or some villages, integrating them into the Empire. 

But even though south, north and west of the Empire had all been conquered, on the far East there is still Renasia.

There is the largest force of the East, a force that had repelled many invaders from the Central Land for most of its existence.

The Twelve Generals debated the matter and they come into the conclusion, that if they did not prepare enough supplies and did not construct any out of the box strategies, they would suffer losses that the Empire could not sustain.

It is not that the Twelve General believe that Renasia could defeat the Empire forces if they invade. 

It is the fact that if Eden invades the land of Renasia, Renasia would have enough power not only to repel the Empire from their backyards, they would even inflict enough damage to destabilized the Empire

The reasons for these concerns was grounded by facts. 

Unlike the other lands of the states and kingdoms that the Empire had conquered, Renasia was different in geography and their environment.

Most of the kingdoms that the Empire had engaged with had the same geography and topography as Arrandy. Which means there is green grass, plains hills and mountains. 

And the Empire soldier is accustomed to this kind of terrain to fight as they were familiar with it

From the cold weather is Dostov, to the rainy season of Aetherland and even the mountainous area of Vangua

But not the true hot desert of Renasia and its sandstorms. Not to mention there was still Seren in the way

The Twelve Generals was worried that they would not even reach Renasia lands before they would be stopped at the border of Seren

Of course, one might argue that Zettel also had desert. 

Yes, they do. 

But their desert is unlike the desert of the Renasian. There is a reason why Renasia worship the Sun God and venerate the Water Maiden.

The Sun is hotter and they venerate the Water Maiden because the Water Maiden gives them rain and bring out rivers from underneath the ground

Zettel had the same terrain as Renasia but they did not have frequent sandstorms. 

They did not have sand holes, their sun did not bake people like they were bread, their winds at night would not be too cold that people would die of freezing 

All in all, Zettel had the appearance of Renasia but essentially the weather was the same like that of Arrandy 

Renasia was different. They were more dangers.

It is only when you come closer to the mountainous area that separates the desert of Renasia that you would see that Renasia is a paradise on Earth.

There is thick trees and date farms among other fruits and plants. 

Alongside the opening of the mountains that would lead to the cities of Renasia, there you would see that Renasia did not lack any forest.

There are rivers that is said in the Temples of the Sun God, were formed when the Water Maiden accidentally drop her jar of water when she was startled by the Sun God advances

This river is called the Ufratu River where many cities and villages was opened around that river.

All in all, before reaching the inner part of Renasia, they have to deals with the desert and the dangers of the desert. 

This is one of the reason why Renasia rarely was defeated in their own lands by foreign invaders.

And if that is not enough, there is two tall mountains with rugged terrains that protected the capital of Renasia

This is one of the reason why Renasia is easy to hold but hard to conquer. Knowing this, most of the rulers of Renasia very much emphasizes in internal matters since it is not easy for external factors to bring them down 

Unless one did not care about the casualties and the development afterwards, people would be very cautious in trying to take Renasia

There is the desert that have harsh environment that would force most of the foreign invaders to their limit 

Then there are the mountains when you came deeper toward the heartland of Renasia

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