Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 595: A symbol of hope

First, he outlined that his army must not simply sweep through the Three Kingdoms. He did not want to raze it all down. 

His aim to conquer is not motivated by some desire to exploit the people of the Thirteen tribe. Instead it is motivated by a glorious purpose.

He wanted to fulfil the destiny that he was prophesied to fulfil. It is a quest of redemption. Saving these people is his redemption.

He did not wish to create casualties that is more than necessary. He wanted to save them and not kill them

And a stable empire could never be built on a foundation of pillaging. The economy of the Three Kingdom is very…. primitive.

But it could be slowly established. He did not need to rush like what he did in Davarus. He could slowly take his time

For now, he tries to maintain the status quo. He did not execute all of the nobles of the state of Balhae. 

Those who could be used would be used. Those who could not be used would be replaced. 

And those who submit will be added to his court after making sure that their performance is on par.

The first point, no pillaging. Arial is confident that his army could win this war even without resorting to such method.

Because Amara told him, that he was to set an example. He was to be the beacon of hope for the Thirteen Tribe, an ideal to strive toward.

A force for good. 

He needs to transcend to become more than human. This did not refer only to his physical attribute but also his conduct

As such, he need to possess a heart that could embrace anyone even those who denounce him, even those who fought against him and he needs to have hope that people could be better

He needs to embody these ideal. 

Not for himself. 

But for the people that follow him and the people that would continue to watch, see, hear and record his deed.

He could not be that mortal Emperor he has always been. If he were to fight against the Darkness that is coming, his heart must be strong.

And strong here did not mean the strength to kill or to act mercilessly. 

It is the strength to forgive, the strength to hope when there is no hope, to believe even in the darkest night that light will appear.

He needs to become more than just human. He needs to become an incorruptible symbol for good.

Amara instruct him on these matter. She said that killing and vengeance and all of this stormy emotions is normal for human

It is even common. 

But human emotion clouds one judgment. 

Anger fills one heart and blinded them and by the time they were snapped out of it, the result of that anger, leaves only regret and guilt

Amara did not need a powerful Emperor that could command an army. And that is not what the world wanted.

There is countless of warlords who fought for domination and fought for power. 

She needed someone who could embody the ideals of good. To inspire hope and good. To inspire people to live and live righteously and kindly.

To sprout more flowers than destroying it.

Asrana is the Conqueror of the Darkness. 

That is his name translated.  It is not only the Darkness of the Void that Asrana should fight. It is the darkness in one heart

In his heart. 

And in the heart of the people. He is sent to the people to be savior, to be a Light among the Darkness. 

When he first heard it, he was…. afraid. Afraid he could not live up to such expectation. Amara expected a lot of him

If she had expected a warrior, or a king, he would be confident of it. But to be that man she had described, a man that seems to be a Savior not only of life but of the hearts, bringing prosperity and a golden age of Light, Arial don't think he could live up to it

Since he had embarked in the journey of fighting against fate, he had walk toward corruption. 

Most of his war was justified. 

But the death of his wife pushed him to almost an insanity

An insane monarch is never a good combination. Luckily enough, his insanity only affects his enemies

But it did not erase the fact that he had corrupted himself. The blood of the innocent stained his hand.

Each time he thinks of this, he could not help but sighed. his eyes would be unfocused and he would regret it all over again.

There were many dark tricks and cunning scheme he employed when he was conquering the Human Continent. 

Especially relating to Zettel. War is not a place where one could control the casualty. It is a place of misery and death.

But up until the Invasion of Zettel, Arial war has always been in an effort to protect. 

It is war not entirely wage because of his own personal desires but toward the great cause of the survival of humanity

He fought the Alans, subjugated the noble lords, raise up the King of Aetherland, the north tremble under his name and Vern at the mercy of his sword.

He has campaigned throughout the realm even before he reaches the age of thirty. His name is Arial the Dragon and people fear him and were at awe at him

He fought for the people and averted the great war between demons and humans, ushering a new great peace with Arakath

His early years was years filled with fighting. But each fight was fought for the right reason. 

He protected the smile of his people, protected the happiness of his love one and the prize was the peace that he so long wanted

But when he reached at that point, he realizes that life is not a fairytale. 

He had planned all of it very carefully. 

What he did not plan however, the one thing he failed to foresee was that when he had reached such a high position, it is not up to him to just retreat back and live in seclusion

Arial actually envy Silas. 

Silas at the height of his fame and power in the court could just let it all go away and strip himself of all the authority he had and live happily in seclusion with his wife.

But Arial could not. 

Because the position between him and Silas is different. Silas is a subordinate. Arial was the superior. 

If he wanted to let it all go, who does he tend his resignation to?

Arial still remember some of his old dream. A little wish of him that was buried deep in his heart after the death of his wife.

After the peace has been achieved between Arakath and Davarus, he naively thought he could just lay back and live in his castle, and no longer have to care about the matters of the world.

Peace has been achieved.

With all the wealth he had because of his family business and the thriving community of Arrandy where his family is based, it would not be hard for him to spend all that gold and still have a lot of it for a lifetime

He planned to tour the dukedom, resting and playing songs. It would get pretty boring after a while but that kind of ordinary life is what he wanted

An ordinary boring life in a peaceful world. 

But, the past keep catching up to him. 

Harald at that time had risen in Vangua, old enemies is still there, Aetherland look at them with wary eyes, Vern fears the growing power of Arrandy to dictate the matters of the central region, the southern kingdoms also began to scheme

How could he then just let it all go? To let go means for him to die. To let go of his power means to break the shield that he had created

He could not resign like Silas because unlike Silas, there is no one that would shield him if he retreated.

If he retreated, he lost power, the very same power that he needed to protect the people he loves. He has no other choice then to keep moving forward

That when he knew he could not escape fighting.

He schemed against Vern, fought Vangua and he thought it was enough

But even then, it was still not enough. He was already tired of fighting. He wanted to rest. He wanted to have his prize.

Maybe, this is his destiny. To fight endlessly. And then Zettel, this shadow in his heart that he could not erase

The things he did in that war… is horrendous. This was not a war waged for the good of the people. This is a war to satiate anger.

And the one suffering the most is the people. 

Yes, Arial was able to vent his anger. 

But how many innocent people have to die just because of his anger? 

What does a farmer in some city in Zettel had to do with the death of his wife?

Yet, they die all the same. They and all of their family dies because of the wrath of one man. 

How could such a man…. deserve redemption?


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