Chapter 4: Breakout
Three weeks, tons of pages about the alien abduction theory, so many soccer games, and way too many painful headaches. Between Mick and Fitz, there were so many dangling strings but nothing seemed to hold any weight. All Fitz could remember was the blackout and the buzzing noise, Mick only adding the voice of a strange person, assumed to be a man. Trying to solve this puzzle without the help of the rest of the team was like trying to suck an elephant through a straw.
Davis had been gone for quite a while, Mick assumed either an assignment or they no longer trusted him. Although it could just be a punishment for Mick for having no results. Fitz seemed to be fairing just as poorly though, but neither one was ready to throw in the towel. The only problem, they were running out of viable intel to surrender to Hale, and more than likely when that ran out, so would their chance at finding their friends.
In the sixth month of their captivity, Mick now had a full on beard. He hated it; the patches, how much it itched, and how it looked on him. General Catherine Hale had become frustrated with their lack of progress on finding the their team. She'd taken away everything by this point. No longer could he write to Fitz, no more soccer, no more reading, only solitude. On the plus side, he was in better shape than he had been since high school, being that all he had was time, and decided it would be best to exercise. There were nights where he could've sworn he saw Daisy watching him as he lie on the slab of a bed, begging him to come save her. Maybe when the guards came in this time, maybe he could attempt a break out? Surely his powers and fighting prowess could get him out. What about Fitz though?
Last time he wrote to Fitz, he seemed quite upset. Not in the losing hope sense, but more of a I deserve this way. That kind of mentality would make it very difficult to escape. Mick rinsed his face in the small sink then stared at the stranger in the mirror. The whole building shook, some dust and pebbles fell from the roof. Mick glanced around as alarms began sounding. He could hear guards outside the door in a panic. This gave Mick an idea. He could use whatever this was as a means to escape.
He let out an agonized wail as if he were injured, two guards came rushing in. That would be a cake walk. Mick immediately webbed both of their faces, then slammed their heads together. They fell with ease. Freedom for a moment. Now he had to find Fitz.
He grabbed a walkie from one of the soldiers, and listened carefully as they mentioned a conference room under attack, and Fitz's name. That's where he needed to be, but where was this place? He didn't have time to think, three more soldiers saw him as he sprinted in the hallway, he quickly used his webs to blind one foe, and disarm the other two. He quickly slammed the blind one into one attacker, sending them crashing to the ground, the other was a bit more feisty. They traded several blows, until another explosion shook the building. Mick then used the hesitation of his attacker to his advantage knocking the man out with a blow to the back of his head.
He heard several more guards yelling while heading his way, followed by several bullet shots. "Mick?" A voice Mick never expected to hear again came from behind him.
"Hunter?" Mick turned to see him with his shirt hair, facial hair neatly trimmed, and in a nice looking black suit.
"No time for a reunion, your pal ain't the best at distractions, 'an I don't got the best pilot to get us out of here!" Hunter said in his think English accent.
"Where's Fitz now?" Mick asked as Hunter lead the way, firing icers at any soldier that crossed his path.
"Believe the bloke's name is Patten, should be with him!"
"Oh boy," Mick sighed as Hunter seemed quite amused.
They reached the conference room to see Patten and Fitz waiting. "Took you long enough! That idiot is going to get killed!" Patten barked as he and Hunter led the way toward the barely hovering helicopter. No sooner than he said it, the helicopter seemed to spin wildly, buzzing past them, then crashing into a building, going up in flames upon impact.
"Rusty," Hunter frowned as Mick and Fitz stared at him. "He was a good man, may he Rest In Peace."
"If we don't get out of here now, we're going to join him!" Patten yelled as they sprinted out into the field, trying to put space between themselves and the compound.
"What the plan?" Fitz asked anxiously.
"Well, Rusty's RV should be on the other side of this fence," Hunter groaned seeing the ten foot, concertina topped fence.
"Good thing I still have one of these," Patten smirked pulling out an older model, small, laser cutting tool. He quickly cut enough of the fence for them to slide out of, while Hunter continued to blast soldiers with his icer.
"Don't stop running until we get there!" Patten barked as Mick turned back, webbing the fence closed so they couldn't be followed easily. Once they were inside the RV, Hunter made his way to the drivers seat, while Fitz and Mick collapsed on the floor trying to catch their breath.
"What the heck was that?" Mick asked staring at Patten.
"Improv!" Hunter called out as Patten rolled his eyes.
"That was a plan where absolutely nothing went right," Patten sighed.
"Do you mind telling us what was supposed to happen?" Fitz asked harshly.
"El Cheapo here happened," Patten barked as Hunter fussed.
"Look, if Rusty wouldn't have crashed, our escape would've been a lot smoother!" Hunter replied.
"Rusty wasn't fit to fly a broom, much less a helicopter! Especially not one that was held together by rubber bands!" Patten snapped as Mick and Fitz looked at each other and smiled.
"It was the best I could afford after busting you out too!" Hunter groaned.
"At least we're out," Mick said relieved.
"Now we can actually start trying to figure out where the heck the others are," Fitz said firmly.