Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 23 Ravenclaw Behavior Award

Chapter 23 Ravenclaw Behavior Award
Following the direction of the marble statue's fingers, William searched carefully in the alcove.

It was an even more bewildering job than he'd imagined—for Merlin's beard sake, the other seniors told him at dinner that the little library in the common room contained many precious books.

"Analysis of Cutting-Edge Spells"

"The Ultimate Magic Potion"

"The Deadly Curse and Its Countermeasures"

——He originally thought it would be like this.

He was careless and didn't flash.

"Study on the Necessity of Egg White and Egg Yolk Separation in Egg Divination". "Smoke Sketching Curse: A Practical Invention", please spare me"

Stuffing the unlucky book "Unrelenting Exploration to Increase the Magnification of the Moon Mirror" back on the shelf, William fell into the ultimate thinking about his life.

"who am I?"

"Where am I from?"

"Where am I going?"

"Also, for Merlin's sake!
Why would there be a wizard who would rather go through untold hardships and spend thousands of Galleons, just to make a piece of glass into the ultimate magic material, so that he can stack a dozen long-sighted spells on it, but he would never think of studying the focal length! "

William thought bitterly.

Although he flipped through it out of curiosity, there were indeed several novel methods recorded in that book, which might be useful in achieving "small goals".

Here, the only thing he found that might be related to the voice he heard earlier was an epic story "Beowulf"-William had not read this epic, but he found a line on the title page:

"To GG:

May you always be as brave as a lion and as bright as the sun. "

He didn't know who GG was referring to, but it was as close to "reliable" as he could find in the alcove.Like the other books in the alcove, the surface of Beowulf has been warded off and enchanted with self-healing.

It's just that the effect of its spell seems to have weakened a lot, so that the originally bright cover looked a little dim and worn under the light of the fire.

This "Beowulf" is recorded in Old English, and it looks very awkward. In less than 2 minutes, it aroused William's already heavy sleepiness.

"It doesn't matter, let's go to sleep first."

William shook his head, put the strange book in his shoulder bag, and walked to his dormitory - he had already consulted Robert, as long as he was interested, all the books in this alcove could be temporarily taken out.

"As long as you are interested"

Although William clearly remembered that when he said this sentence, Robert's expression was also very subtle.

"Finally, the first day at Hogwarts."

Lying on the spacious four-poster bed, William pulled off the sky-blue silk quilt and slept on the side closer to the window.There was wind blowing by the window, and the sound made him feel particularly comfortable.

until now.

The quiet night fell.

He finally had some sense of reality.

A night without dreams.

"Morning, Jimmy."

William got up and changed into his robe, and said hello to his roommate who had just gotten out of bed.

"As early as I remember, we didn't have our first class until the afternoon."

Jimmy Appleby's sleepy-eyed answer - he is a wizard of mixed blood origin, living in Kent, southeast England, and he is also in the fourth grade.

"You have to get acquainted with the castle first."

William answered casually, opened the door and walked out.

The curtains of the common room had been drawn, and from the window, he could overlook almost the entire castle.Perhaps it was because it was still early, and there was no one in the common room at the moment, only the occasional sound of sparks from the half-extinguished coal fire in the fireplace.

Following the route of last night, he descended the winding steps all the way to the auditorium.



"Good morning, William."

Many people who also got up early greeted him with curious eyes, and William responded one by one.He went to the table, got himself cereal, and dunked it in cold milk.

After thinking about it, William added some scrambled eggs and a piece of toast that had been toasted on one side—he has always been grateful for British sausages.

"Second afternoon, Potions. Charms and Transfiguration are tomorrow, and History of Magic."

William checked his timetable—compared to Ilvermorny, Hogwarts' curriculum was much looser.

This just provided him with a lot of free time.


Subconsciously, William suddenly stretched out his right hand, slapped his left shoulder vigorously, and made a loud "pop"—just now, through the corner of his eye, he saw a hand trying to put it on his shoulder superior.

William used a lot of force.

He turned to see two students in Slytherin uniforms - they were staring at him with displeasure.

"Kid William."

One of the boys said bitterly, what he said in a low voice seemed to be a dirty word.He was half a head taller than William, and his left hand was hidden behind his back unnaturally.

It was he who wanted to put William on the shoulders just now.

"Are you beautiful?

William of Ilvermorny.But it seems that in America, no one ever teaches you what manners are. "

Another boy said slowly.

He looked stronger than the previous boys, tall like a giant, and a pair of yellow and black buck teeth were all exposed when he spoke.

"I don't remember your names, and I don't want to have anything to do with you."

William sighed and stood up.

What he said was the truth.

Gathering experience with the guys from the Cat and Leopard Academy in Ilvermorny had already made William feel boring-but he didn't expect that when he arrived at Hogwarts, he would still encounter monsters like this.

"Hey! Marcus, Montague!
What are you two doing! "

shouted Percy, who was coming in from the hall, shifting the two rolls of parchment from his right arm to his left, and trotting towards them.

"Go back to your seats, or I will definitely report to the professor and lock you up! I am the prefect!"

He pointed to his chest.

The P-shaped badge is there to shine.

"Prefect. Good baby Weasley."

The tall boy deliberately dragged his pronunciation for a long time when he spoke, took two steps forward, looked down at Percy, and his hooked nose was about to touch his face.

"We were just chatting and teaching him some truths."

Montague chuckled lightly.

"Go back! This is not the long table of your college."

Percy gritted his teeth, and stared back at Marcus without giving in - the two of them were so close that they could even smell each other's breath.

In the end, Marcus took half a step back first.

"Come on, Monty.

Give Weasley back our North American star. "

Marcus had a mocking expression on his face, and Montague cooperated with him and let out a long "hush".

"If I were you, American boy. I'd be extra careful. You should learn to be respectful.

Hogwarts is not for wildlings who don't even know what a wand is. "

Marcus turned to William, speaking slowly.

"Have a nice day."

William answered his provocation calmly.

Marcus and Montague whistled and walked triumphantly towards the long Slytherin table.

"Don't pay attention to them. At Hogwarts, if they dare to do something wrong, the professors will punish them. They are just jealous of you. They can't see Professor Dumbledore praising you in front of everyone at the dinner party." .”

Percy angrily defended William.

He introduced them both to William.

Montague, a third-year student, and Marcus Flint, a fifth-year student, both belong to the so-called "Holy 28" family.

"Speaking of which, do the two of them have class this morning?" William asked casually as he stuffed the remaining toast into his mouth.

 Thank you for the monthly pass that old people in the deserted city don't meet.

  Thank you for your book list.

  The books in the small library are all written with reference to the descriptions of the college introductions, so they should not be too different.

  Ask for tickets every day.

  I re-watched Les Miserables today, the part of do you hear the people sing is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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