Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 28 Put That Smug Smile On Your Face, Mr. Buffalo

Chapter 28 Put That Smug Smile On Your Face, Mr. Buffalo
"Although my dueling club is usually only open to students with OWLs certificates, I thought you would be willing to try to participate in an event?"

Professor Flitwick's invitation surprised William - he had never heard of such a dueling club at Hogwarts, and he never expected to be invited!
Although he is short in stature and always smiling, he is deeply loved by the students, but Professor Flitwick was an out-and-out duel champion when he was young, and his skills in spells are probably rare in the entire wizarding world Someone is available.

Rumor has it that he even has some goblin blood.

"Without a doubt, Professor!"

William accepted the invitation without hesitation.

His charm skills hadn't improved substantially in quite some time, and William had a thorny problem to solve.

He found that he had limited power when using emotionally driven spells, black or white.

For this, William searched the library of Ilvermorny, whether it was the allowed area or the restricted area only for professors and principals, but he didn't get a suitable answer.

"The name of my club is Silver Spears. Maybe you've heard of 'Silver Spears'? Of course, that doesn't matter. The first event of the term is next Friday, and I'll write to you ahead of time to let you know where it is."

Professor Flitwick was proud when he mentioned the club.

"I believe that before the event starts, you will be willing to put an end to today's story?"

Professor Flitwick nodded.

"That's natural."

William nodded as well.

Although his first potions class is about to start, Snape will undoubtedly target him and set up difficulties—but in terms of potions, although Snape is a genius in this field in the original book, he also has more It takes a lot of time and accumulation, but William really doesn't think he will lose much.

"I have the best mentors and weapons."

Patting the shoulder bag he always carried with him, William felt full of confidence—during the three years at Ilvermorny, the two courses he spent the most energy on were Charms and Potions, and he also received many suggestions. Unexpected help.

You know, Heisenberg is a potion master praised by "International Alchemist Weekly", a potion madman known for breaking through the framework of wizards and making good use of Muggle equipment. Moss's extremely high evaluation of "it's passable now".

After finally confirming that there was nothing wrong with the items in the shoulder bag, William came to the Potions classroom located underground early, which was much colder than the main building of the castle.

There are many glass containers along the wall, and various biological specimens are contained in the light green antiseptic inside.


Penello also came to the classroom early.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were not many people in the classroom, William whispered to her about the conflict just now and Professor Flitwick's invitation to join the dueling club.

"Professor Flitwick's Dueling Club.
The former student council president mentioned it, but he usually only considers applications from the fifth grade and above, and he heard that the standards for membership are set very harshly.

However, most of the members of the club later achieved excellent results in NEWTs, many of them joined the Ministry of Magic, and even became Aurors. "

Penello casually straightened the long hair that fell on his forehead.

She said enviously:
"But if I were you, I would definitely make preparations before I go—because even if you get Flitwick's invitation, other members of the club may not approve it."

She sat closer, reminding William.

"You know, Robert wanted to apply to join the club last year, and Professor Flitwick agreed, but he only participated in one event before quitting. He never wanted to tell us why, but"

Her breath hit William's cheek.


"He was defeated miserably?"

William took her cue.

They had this lesson with Hufflepuff, and while they were chatting, other people came to the classroom one after another.But it was not until the second before the class bell rang that Snape's figure suddenly appeared at the door of the classroom.

He was wearing the wizard robe that hadn't been washed for an unknown amount of time, and his complexion became more sallow and impatient because of a bad mood.

Snape's dark eyes looked around the classroom.

"Looks like none of you are stupid enough to be late."

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, as though to Snape he was already smiling.

"You are already in the fourth grade.
I don't think I need to emphasize that you are here to learn the delicate art of potion preparation - if any knowledge of the past three years has penetrated even an inch of your heads. "

Snape spoke, his voice barely above the whisper in his ear, but everyone present dared not miss even a word.

"Unlike...schools in some distant places, in my classroom, you don't need to foolishly wave your wand, blushing, trying to make the potion in the pot work.

But I can also understand those people's arrogant thoughts, because they don't know, and have never seen the exquisite potion skills, let alone how much effort a wizard needs to put in to brew a pot of excellent potion, how much time is spent
They should learn to respect. "

He paused briefly.

William knew that he meant something.

"Can you give me your ID card?"

Thinking loosely, William quietly waited for Snape's performance - he would definitely make a move.

"In the first year, I promised to teach you how to increase your prestige, brew glory, and even prevent death—and from this year's course, I will start to fulfill them one by one."


Snape pursed his lips and stopped.

"Mr. Buffalo!

Tell me, I want to adjust the broad-spectrum antidote to a specific antidote against snake venom, how should I do it? "

His eyes suddenly became sharp and dangerous.

"Professor, this is not fair!

The antidote to poison is something that students don't start learning until the sixth grade!The formula of the broad-spectrum antidote is not recorded in the textbook either! "

Penelope raised his hand in protest to Snape.

"Mr. Buffalo, tell me, or are you willing to finally be honest about your ignorance?"

Snape ignored it.

William patted her on the shoulder.

He wanted to signal Penello not to be nervous.

"There is no need to adjust, the types of snake venom are complex and diverse, the broad-spectrum antidote already includes unicorn horn and bezoar, but the best way is always to find the snake gall of that snake.

Adding a small amount of milk thistle can help patients persist longer before finding the type of snake venom; It is used to dissolve the curse in the snake venom of the magical creature type; and after adding the root of the ghost crying vine, it can dissolve the paralysis of the snake venom..."

William stood up, looking Snape straight in the eyes and answered.

This is a trap question.

But his answers were impeccable.

Although William did not describe the materials according to units such as "part", "handle", "pinch", and "root" according to the textbook, but used grams, even Snape had to admit that his correct answer.

Not only is it correct, but the comer is not good.

"Hmph, not so stupid as to be hopeless.

So tell me, what would you do if I asked you to brew a sobriety potion in half an hour? "

Snape's lips parted for the second question.

But this is also a trap problem.

The formula of the Awakening Potion is for third graders. If you want to follow the formula, it will take at least 40 minutes for the long simmering time—but if you adjust the formula in the textbook at will, it will inevitably affect the effect of the potion, or create a potion. The sobering agent comes with serious side effects.

The physicians of St. Mungo's had spent a great deal of energy trying to develop a quick-acting formula for preparing the sobering potion, or to find some way to counteract the side effects of boiling the sobering potion too quickly.

But how to purify the wolfbane aconitum, which is the core raw material, and balance the relationship between it and the other two materials—snake teeth and insect needles—has never been resolved.

But Snape was asking exactly the wrong person.

William's last article as Heisenberg was about a highly efficient preparation method for a sobering agent.

"International Alchemist Weekly" specially opened a special issue for this!

"Take 30g of snake tooth powder and 18g of dry Billywig worm needles. After mixing, add 200ml of universal solution and put it into a wall breaker with maximum power to crush it.

Take out the mixture, heat it in a crucible, pour in 5g of the high-purity extract of chamaejasma aconitum prepared in advance, do you need me to teach you the rest or how to prepare the extract, professor? "

Reciting the contents of the journal word for word, William spread his hands and looked at Snape provocatively.

Although a suitable ointment will be prepared in the future, it will be used to infiltrate this improved awakening agent, reduce its effects and side effects to an acceptable level, and play an important antiseptic effect.

But even after doing all this, William went to play a game of wizard chess, and then wandered back to the classroom slowly, and he might not be able to use up the required 30 minutes.

Snape's black eyes were as deep as black holes.

It wanted to devour the brown eyes and William's whole body.

Brown didn't budge.

The entire classroom was silent.

Everyone held their breath, watching the fight between the gods.

"Buffalo you're fine.

Apparently you read some of that guy's articles.But Heisenberg's wisdom and madness are not the capital that you can underestimate the Potions class. "

The sound was almost squeezed out between teeth.

"The awakening potion needs to spend a lot of time mixing and soaking the snake tooth powder and worm needles. Only when the potion turns clear green can the chamaema aconitum be added, otherwise the other ingredients in the potion will affect the effect of the finished potion.

That guy from Heisenberg just accelerated the process by extracting liquid, and borrowed some toys to reduce the soaking time, but it would also make the potion too powerful to be used directly. "

Snape said dryly.

He didn't admit defeat—in his opinion, William just took a chance and read that report.

Even Snape himself had to admit that he might not be able to continue asking:
William couldn't answer it, it seemed that he was too obviously making things difficult on purpose, and if...just if he could answer it by luck, the situation would be even worse.

"Why don't you write down what I said?"

Snape finally moved away from William's gaze, and said as he scanned the entire classroom fiercely.

"Do you think you've outdone Mr. Buffalo, or myself?"

There was a sudden rustling of pens and paper in the classroom, and everyone, including William himself who was sitting down, was recording Snape's words.

Although he won the round on the scene, William also had to admit that Snape was indeed Snape - just by means of techniques, he could easily analyze the principle of William's preparation of potion and the disadvantages of the finished product.

You know, William himself finally came up with this formula through Hermes' guidance and countless trials and errors.

After what seemed like a long time, and what seemed like only a moment, William suddenly heard Snape say in a very low and reluctant voice:
"Ravenclaw adds 5 points."

"and also.
Put that smug smile off your face, Mr. Buffalo! "

 3.5k word big chapter, congratulations fafafa for the first rudder master!
  Thanks to the paranoid wanderer for the reward.

  In the original book, Harry and the others took the Potions class with Slytherin, so the remaining two are naturally right.

(End of this chapter)

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