Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 31 Someone Has to Be Responsible for Interpreting

Chapter 31 Someone Has to Be Responsible for Interpreting

"William, why don't you come in and have a cup of tea?
I, an old man, just needed a break. "

Dumbledore extended an invitation to William.

His wand lightly tapped the frame of the mirror, and the clusters of light that were intertwined before suddenly became dim.

The chandelier in the classroom suddenly lit up, and an exquisite tea table and two colorful high-back chairs appeared beside Dumbledore.

There was the tea set that William had seen before.

William pushed the door open and walked into the small empty classroom.

Although he tried his best to avoid passing by the mirror, he couldn't help but glance at the mirror surface—fortunately, Dumbledore extinguished all the light clusters.

William only saw fog on the mirror, as if something was moving, and it seemed to be just some dust.He turned his head and sat down across from Dumbledore.

"To be honest, I just thought it was some senior student who wanted to sneak into the restricted area, or was curious about the secrets of the corridor on the fourth floor.

Excellent disillusionment spell, I must admit. "

As Wizard Bai said, he tapped the tea table twice with his knuckles, and the teapot began to heat up.

"It's a pity that the professors at Ilvermorny didn't discover your exceptionally keen perception of magic power, otherwise Professor Fontana would have thought more carefully before kicking you out of school."

"But he still does it, doesn't he?"

William shook his head—before he entered school, the atmosphere in the wizarding world in the United States had actually become very tense—in the first hundred years since Ilvermorny was established, most of the graduates came from Indian tribes.

In the early wizarding world of America, Indians formed a significant portion of the wizarding population.

But now, with the changes in ordinary people's society, the proportion of Indian wizards from "No-Maj" has been declining rapidly in the past two to three hundred years.

They have seen their compatriots genocide like animals, driven like vagabonds to remote conservation areas, and now have almost lost all their heritage.

However, the Magic Congress of the United States has always implemented an extremely strict isolation policy, prohibiting all contact between wizards and the "No-Maj" society, and monitoring their behavior.

This made the Indian wizards extremely dissatisfied.

In the rise of the "Second Salem" organization half a century ago, there was their shadow of fueling the flames. Only when the movement was stopped by an uninvited guest who turned out to be out of nowhere, the Magic Congress was able to maintain a fragile balance.

Not only that, in recent years, those African-American and Latino wizards have also begun to feel that their "families" are being oppressed, and they have always wanted to do something to change this segregation policy.

It was reported that they even successfully assassinated a "No-Maj" commander at one point, and pushed the deputy commander under the control of their Imperius Curse to the position.

It was only after their plan was discovered by the Magic Congress that the Imperius Curse on that unlucky guy or the lucky one was lifted in time.

This anger has been simmering for too long.

Although the professors of the Magic Congress and Ilvermorny are unwilling to admit it, a secret society mainly composed of Indians and advocating "change" has quietly sprung up.

They named themselves the "Star Club", and the banner they are holding high today is exactly some of Heisenberg's remarks.

"Milk, or sugar?"

Dumbledore didn't answer William directly.

"A little milk, thanks."

William learned the lesson of last time.

He took a sip first.

The mellow aroma of milk offset a lot of the bitterness from the bad tea, and the warm liquid reached his stomach, making him feel warm all over.

"Honestly, I thought our second meeting was going to happen some good night, and we'd be sitting in my office talking about something that should be more interesting than today and here."

As Dumbledore said, he added a lot of milk and sugar to his tea as last time.

"But life always needs a little surprise."

William answered.

Since Wizard White didn't talk about the mirror, William also tacitly didn't mention it—he instinctively felt a sense of fear for the mirror.

"But life's need for unexpected encounters is not a good reason for Hogwarts to lift the curfew for students, is it?"

Dumbledore smiled and drank the tea in his cup—a certain feeling told William that the curfew that the white wizard said was not really the curfew.

"Strictly speaking, I didn't violate the 'curfew'. I just had my own interpretation of the curfew - someone has to be responsible for interpreting it."

The "curfew" that William said was naturally not a curfew.

"What about Professor Snape's explanation of the curfew?"

Dumbledore sat up slightly.

"His standards don't seem very accurate."

William sat back slightly, leaning against the back of his chair.

Dumbledore looked at him quietly, his sky blue eyes were still bright even under the dim light of the small classroom.

None of them spoke.

It seemed that after a long time, and it seemed that it was only because the small classroom was too quiet that it felt like an excessively prolonged time, the white wizard finally spoke and broke the silence here.

"I think it's getting late, William, you should go back to the common room."

He said calmly:

"To be honest, an elderly person like me can't afford too many such surprises. In our opinion, maintaining a reasonable life schedule is a very serious matter."

Dumbledore obviously wasn't talking about "work and rest".

But William had already understood what Dumbledore meant.

Confusion spells are obviously not acceptable.

"It depends on how you translate surprise.
But to be honest, even for young people, staying up all night is a physical injury.

So unless it is necessary, we will happily choose to go to bed early and get up early, and take classes seriously. "

William spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

"Of course it couldn't be better."

Dumbledore finally nodded.

"But for the sake of the rest of the tea, maybe William you'd like to stay a little longer and listen to me tell a little story—perhaps as a relaxing pastime before bed?"

He also leaned on the back of the chair, his long white beard fell naturally in front of his nightgown, and said with a relaxed expression.

"Please say."

William didn't quite understand where the conversation was headed.

This unexpected encounter obviously disrupted Dumbledore's plan, and the white wizard wanted to make sure that he would not do "extraordinary" things like he did to Marcus and Montague today.

William was also sure that he had clearly stated his attitude.

——He just wants to go to school seriously, and has no intention of tossing about other things here.

He believed that between himself and Professor Dumbledore, or between Heisenberg and Professor Dumbledore, a very subtle consensus had just been reached.

But what about this bedtime story?

"I once had a student who made a serious mistake during a magic experiment—a very powerful confusion spell hit him, convincing him that the world he lived in was actually just a beautiful dream.

In the dream, he can do anything, and even if he fails, he will wake up immediately-to the surprise of all of us, that failure has made him a success, making him who was originally timid become confident , Not only passed the 11 NEWTs tests, but also joined Gringotts and became a curse-breaker. "

Dumbledore said calmly.

"You know what he did the day after he woke up from St. Mungo's under the Confusing Charm?"

Without waiting for an answer, he went on:

"He climbed up to the roof of the hospital, jumped down from the roof, and just a second before approaching the ground, he used perhaps the most outstanding flying spell since he was born."

 The Jiageng plan hasn’t come out yet, but a group has been formed, so as not to be worried about running away, please feel free to vote for monthly tickets and rewards. After the shelves are released, the Jiageng will go back to the time when the book was opened.

  (Although there are currently only two people in the group)

  The modern history of American magic society is completely empty. However, when Ilvermorny was founded, it was clearly mentioned that the founder absorbed a lot of indigenous students and magic, so the setting was established.

(End of this chapter)

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