Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 37 I'm Actually Merlin's Bastard Son

Chapter 37 I'm Actually Merlin's Bastard Son
After class, Jimmy stared at William with monster-like eyes and sighed:
"Merlin's beard.
William, are you Merlin's illegitimate son? "

"Well, since you have discovered this secret, I will not hide it. I am actually Merlin's illegitimate son who stayed in Avalon. Because of a failed magic experiment, I was unfortunately sent to the outside world through an unstable portal.

Now I need to raise a sum of Galleons to buy materials and draw the magic circle.If you can sponsor me 5 Galleons, I promise that once I successfully return to Avalon, I will share Merlin's most precious magic book with you. "

William is serious nonsense.

"Damn, where did you make up this story?"

Jimmy lightly patted William's arm and said, thinking of William's performance in the Charms class, he suddenly showed a very hesitant expression, "Or you are really serious, aren't you, right?"

"Of course not, you."

His reaction made Penelope laugh out loud.

"I knew it. How could there be such a good thing
It's only 5 Galleons"

Jimmy muttered softly.

"In your opinion, is it suspicious that you want too few Galleons? I'm just... more diligent."

William shook his head and said - he really wasn't exaggerating at all. In terms of talent in magic spells, he might not even be able to compare with Jimmy. It's just his thinking as a time traveler, damn exuberant curiosity, and a natural crisis Feelings keep driving him forward.

"Okay, we have to go to the classroom of the transformation class."

Penello urged the two of them to leave quickly - they skillfully walked through the magic stairs and walked towards the second floor.

When passing by the west corridor on the second floor of the castle, a familiar figure caught William's eyes.

"Professor Kettleburn?"

William yelled to the Professor of Care of Magical Creatures, who walked on wooden prosthetics but was exceptionally agile, because his movements were so weird.

Professor Kettleburn was holding a small wooden box in both hands, bent over, and carefully walked downstairs.

It's not so much cautious as it is.
"Sneaky?" William thought.


Hearing William's words suddenly, Professor Kettleburn shivered and blurted out subconsciously.He turned his head quickly, and when he saw that it was William and the others, he took a deep breath.

"Buffalo, I thought it was McGonagall just now. Are you going to class, then go there quickly, don't make the professor wait too long.

Remember to say hello to him for me. "

Professor Kettleburn waved his hands vigorously, and said to William with a smile—but his words sounded guilty no matter what.

"you are"

William pointed to the box in Professor Kettleburn's hand, noticing where William's gaze fell, he sealed the box tighter.

"Nothing! A little gift from my friend! It's not dangerous at all! It's not against school rules either!"

Professor Kettleburn spoke aloud, but it sounded empty.From his words, William had already guessed at least two properties of the thing in that box—it might be dangerous if done wrong, and it definitely violated school rules!
"He's really bad at deceiving people."

Jimmy murmured softly.

"Okay, professor, we'll go to the Transfiguration classroom and tell Professor McGonagall that you greeted her."

William pretended to leave.

"Etc., etc!"

As he guessed, Professor Kettleburn was really anxious, he stopped William in a low voice and said:

"No, just say that you didn't see me, say that I didn't show up. In short, don't mention me to Professor McGonagall, okay?"

This made William even more curious.

"Of course"

William pointed to the tight little box covered by Professor Kettleburn.

"Okay, but you have to promise that you must never tell anyone about this."

Professor Kettleburn sighed, beckoned them to come closer, and said in a low voice: "A friend of mine helped me get some eggs of ash snakes, and I'm about to take them to Hagrid, let him have a look." Can you find a way to feed yourself?"

"Eggs of the Ash Snake! Merlin's beard, no wonder Professor Dumbledore has permanently banned you from approaching the owl hut"

Penello covered her mouth and said in a low voice.

"Ash snake eggs will emit extremely strong heat, and they must be preserved with a freezing spell at all times to prevent them from hatching—if they are not well preserved, and the ash snake hatches accidentally, it will only take a while to turn the entire room Burn to ashes.

I heard that the entire hall of Hogwarts was burnt down a few decades ago because a reckless wizard cast a magnification spell on a fire snake while performing pantomime. "

She then realizes that William probably doesn't understand the magical creature, explaining it to him.

"It also has medicinal properties."

Professor Kettleburn said with an embarrassed smile.

"Can we use it as a love potion?! For Merlin's sake, we already have Madam Pomfrey's medicine for malaria, although it's a bit nasty."

Jimmy suddenly became excited.

"Sure! Of course! No! OK!"

Penello looked at Jimmy vigilantly until he backed away embarrassingly, spreading his hands to express that he would give up the idea.

"Professor. I've heard that there is a saying called 'A meeting is divided in half'."

William whispered a suggestion.

"Impossible! Violent Gorgon, do you know how expensive the eggs of the Ash Snake are on the black market!"

Professor Kettleburn refused without hesitation.

"But you can't store them in the castle, can you? If Professor McGonagall finds out"

William's calm voice sounded like a devil's whisper to Professor Kettleburn.

"You mean you don't mean to? Take me"

He pointed to himself, and pointed to the east side of the corridor—there was the direction of Professor McGonagall's office.

"How is that possible? But you can't keep casting Freezing Charms on it, right? If they burn in Hagrid's hut, the Forbidden Forest will be next to it. But what if I can solve all these problems?"

William's words were like knives, cutting through Professor Kettleburn's defense little by little - he didn't need to deceive, because the most powerful weapon at this moment was the truth.

Professor Kettleburn looked at him expectantly.

Like those who gave their souls to the devil.

"I have a way to keep them under the protection of the freezing spell without freezing the larvae inside the snake eggs. If we look at it from another angle, you didn't actually give me half of the snake eggs, but Recovered 50% of the costs that would otherwise have been wasted.”

For economics, William has always had his own unique way of interpretation.

"Hagrid's cabin after dinner, we'll meet you there."

Professor Kettleburn said in a low voice.

Thanks Hogwarts!

For the sake of Merlin's beard, when he was in Ilvermorny, how could he still play with such serious dangerous goods!

 Thanks to PyjUsTnApiO for the reward.

  Thank you Yunyun for your reward.

  I will test the waters on Sunday, please follow up, please support with various votes, thank you.

  Pushing a book that I couldn't get out for two hours, it's really good-looking, just read it and it's over, really.

(End of this chapter)

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