Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 41 Pain and Sweet Investment

Chapter 41 Pain and Sweet Investment
Hagrid's hut was not difficult to find, it was located on the path connecting the castle to the Forbidden Forest, and there was a small field next to it, where pumpkins and the like were still growing in a mess at the moment.

When William saw the red flames flashing faintly on the window glass of Hagrid's hut from a distance, he knew that something bad must have happened.

"Alohomora! (Alohomora Open)"

William walked quickly to the door, pulled out his wand and pointed at the lock——with a "click", the wooden door of the cabin opened in response, and billows of black smoke rushed in!

"Tergeo! (Whirlwind Sweep)"

The wand quickly crosses an ellipse and sweeps down and to the right.

A powerful air flow surged, like a broom, it stopped the black smoke neatly, and knocked it down to the ground.

Then came the sound of kicking footsteps.

"Rage Gorgon! Get out of here!

Oh it's you William, come in. "

Hagrid's huge body appeared through the door, followed by his face so blackened with smoke that it was almost impossible to distinguish skin from hair and beard.

"Looks like you guys need a little help."

William said, squeezed into the hut.

In the next second, he saw at least a dozen gray-black snakes crawling around the hut, trying to get into various hidden corners.

"William! Knock them out!"

Seeing his appearance, Professor Kettleburn shouted happily.He was standing in the center of the room, pointing at the walking Ash Snake with his wand, emitting streaks of red light.

"Stupefy! (passing out)"

He took aim at a fire snake that was about to crawl into the fireplace, uttered a spell, and a red light struck the snake's forehead—and Hagrid strode over to snatch the hapless fire snake in his big hands. The gray snake was thrown into a tin bucket in the corner of the cabin.

William finally understood how Hagrid made his face black and gray.

"Damn it! The temperature here is rising again!"

Professor Kettleburn cursed something loudly, pointed his wand into the air, and shouted, "Cito Glacio!"

A cloud of bluish-white cold air gushed from the tip of his wand and quickly dissipated into the air - but the temperature of the cabin suddenly became cooler again - which is no doubt why the cabin has not caught fire so far.

But that's all for now.

"Think of a way! There are more and more of them!"

Hagrid yelled loudly.

Ash snakes are magical creatures with an extremely short lifespan, at most one hour. They will quickly turn into fly ash after laying eggs.

But their eggs also release a surprising amount of heat, and if they aren't dealt with in time, they will quickly hatch again into more ash snakes.

"I'm thinking about it!"

Professor Kettleburn responded loudly.

The room quickly became hot again.

"Professor, use the Flying Curse!"

After briefly understanding the situation, William shouted to Professor Kettleburn.

"What! Are you crazy!

There are at least two dozen Fire Ash Snakes here!You worm.Stupefy! (faintly) Get off!Let go of my legs! "

As Professor Kettleburn said, he violently kicked away an ash snake that wanted to lay eggs on his ass.

This is a typical refueling tactic.

"Use the Flying Curse, trust me!"

William raised his wand, concentrating.

"Okay! For Merlin's pantyhose sake.

Accio Ashwinder! (Fire ash snake flies)"

Professor Kettleburn raised his wand helplessly.

In the next second, twenty or thirty snakes with black scales that were as long as someone's forearm flew up and rushed towards Professor Kettleburn.

"Protego! (Iron Armor)"

William raised his wand, and released a transparent air barrier above Professor Kettleburn's head, blocking all the ash snakes flying towards him.Then, his wand quickly swept across the air, drawing three runes.


A silver chain bound the three runes tightly, forming a triangular structure, and then William's wand rose slightly and swung downward.

The language of runes!

Before school started, Mr. Ollivander taught William the three-character runic language as a "starting gift" and a "symbol of friendship".

William named it "Glacier".

The gushing spring emerged from the top of William's wand, and as soon as it reached the air, it cooled rapidly and turned into ice!

William manipulated the glacier and extinguished all the ash snakes surrounding Professor Kettleburn. Soon there was only a thick layer of black ash left on the ground, and there were many fire snakes with dark red flames. snake eggs.

Hagrid grabbed a big scary broom and swept the eggs together, and Professor Kettleburn cast a Freezing Charm on them.

The crisis was finally lifted.

"For Merlin's sake."

Professor Kettleburn took a long breath, his white hair and beard turned into a black mass just like Hagrid.

"I thought I'd be able to keep them under control, so Hagrid and I hatched one first. That's such a lively little fellow, what beautiful scales, isn't it?"

As he said, he first tapped himself with the wand to remove all the unsightly black and gray, and then pointed at Hagrid to tidy up his beard and hair.

"Yeah, it has to be as long as my arm."

Hagrid nodded, panting.

Even if they didn't need them to tell the story after that, William could have guessed it - the excited Professor Kettleburn and Hagrid soon hatched more "cute" until they realized that they might Until the situation is out of control.

"Professor, I thought we all agreed to hatch them after I came"

William said helplessly that he was pointing at the mess in the hut with his wand, and using the disappearing spell and cleaning spell to restore the pile of "ruins".

"Haha. You know. Well, I promised you half of the snake eggs in the box, but if it's the part they hatched."

The more Professor Kettleburn spoke, the lower his voice.

"Ahem! It must be the black smoke just now, ahem!"

He pretended to cough to hide his embarrassment.

"But the current situation."

William also has a big head.

On the bright side, his assets have achieved exponential growth that is even more exaggerated than Bitcoin in a short period of time-the original few snake eggs have now conservatively estimated to have become hundreds of them.

But look at it from the bad side.
William's original plan was to make a small box with a constant freezing spell through the existence spell, or in the worst case, the entire refrigerator, and throw all the snake eggs into the freezing layer.

He remembered that in the original book, there was a secret passage leading to the Hogsmeade Shrieking Shack behind a burl in the trunk of the Whomping Willow - he could get a diesel generator there.


William was distressed.

Every ash snake egg can be sold for a high price on the black market - because frozen snake eggs are a main ingredient of the love potion, and the Ministry of Magic prohibits the public sale of such things for safety reasons .

He was a bit reluctant to destroy them all.This batch of snake eggs was frozen by him a bit cruelly, and it would take a lot of effort to expand the scale like before.

but if stay
William didn't have any confidence in Hagrid and Professor Kettleburn at the moment—if they were allowed to keep it, ideally, there might be an additional species called the Fire Snake in the Forbidden Forest—but under unfavorable circumstances, Huo Gwartz may be missing a landscape called the Forbidden Forest.

“It would be nice to have a place similar to the Room of Requirement”

William stepped out of the hut to get some fresh air.

Not far away, the Forbidden Forest was dark.

"Wait. It seems that there really is such a place."

 Thanks to Zheji Chen for the monthly pass.

  There is no original book of the spell of the Freezing Curse, don’t ask, it’s a machine translation of Latin—does anyone really think I know Latin?

  2/2 was completed today.

  Damn, I have added more than 600 favorites today, please leave a comment or something, so that I don't worry so much about following up.




(End of this chapter)

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