Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 46 The Complete Weasley Brothers

Chapter 46 The Complete Weasley Brothers

"Speaking of which, my friends, are you two interested in making a deal?"

William made a suggestion.

"Of course, why not?"

Fred sat down beside him, and George went to the excited house-elves for food and drink.

"I believe that you must know this castle very well? You should also be familiar with the secret passages and secret doors in the castle?"

William said euphemistically—he was not sure when the two brothers got the Marauder's Map, and even if he knew, he couldn't directly ask, "Brother, do you have the Marauder's Map?"

"Of course. As far as Hogwarts is concerned, I dare say no one knows more than we do."

Fred replied proudly.

"Professor Dumbledore, perhaps?"

George came back with a basket of snacks and said casually.

"Well, maybe include him. If you want to know which level of the castle's secret passage, I think we still have some say."

Fred grabbed a sourdough bread and took a bite.

"What I want to know is out of the castle—you know, to Hogsmeade, for example."

William said he wanted to eat a finger biscuit that looked tempting, but he was too full to give up the idea.

"Friend William, this is against school rules."

Fred narrowed his eyes and looked at George.

"We're only allowed to go to that village on certain...weekends, and we have to go through inspection by that nasty old Filch—his nose always smells bad."

George pushed the bread basket a little farther away and sat down beside William, sandwiching him.

"But you know that, don't you?"

Although William knew that Hogwarts had several secret passages leading to Hogsmeade, except for the Whomping Willow, he knew nothing about the specific locations and passwords of the other secret passages.

"Please allow us to show you."

"A good friend of the Nightcrawler."

Fred took out a tattered piece of parchment from his pocket, placed it on the long table in front of them, and smoothed the corners with both hands.George took out his wand and pressed lightly on it.

"I solemnly swear that I have no good intentions."

George whispered the password.

A blotch of ink as thin as a spider's web thread suddenly emerged from the tip of his wand, and then multiplied-the lines merged and crossed each other, extending to every corner of the parchment.

Large curved green characters appear above:

Mister Moonface, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, Auxiliary Suppliers to Magical Mischief Makers, proudly present you the Marauder's Map.

It was the thing that William had seen in the original book.

William saw on the map that Dumbledore was in the corridor at the end of the fourth floor, Filch was on the second floor with his scrawny cat called Mrs. Norris, and Quirrell was prowling the foyer.

It was a pity that "Tom Riddle" was not written in small letters on the back of his head - or should it be "Voldemort", which William had always been curious about.

"Friend William, you know, we paid too much in the past to get it."

Fred pretended to sigh and said.

"That's a really long story—you know, when we were in first grade, there was always a lot of curiosity and energy."

George let out a long sigh.

"So can we skip the middle of this story and go straight to the end?" William interrupted their show.

"Okay, friend William.

We got this map from Filch. "

Fred said helplessly.

George stood up and pointed to several places on the map one by one with his wand, "As far as we know, there are seven passages leading to Hogsmeade - these four are known to Filch, and they may have been discovered by him." blocked."

"The one behind the mirror on the fifth floor is very practical, it's the one we use all the time, it goes directly outside Mrs. Only fools will go away."

Fred added, incidentally, incidentally, his opinion of someone who had seriously considered going this route.

"You might like this one, it's behind a statue of a hunchbacked old woman in the hallway on the fourth floor, and it leads directly to Honeydukes' cellar.

If you do your shopping there and come back the same way, no one will even know you've been to Hogsmeade - you'll find old Ed in the shop a very helpful fellow. "

George pointed another way for William.

He winked.

"Thanks, this is very useful."

William carefully wrote down the locations of these passages and the corresponding passwords, thanked the two brothers, and prepared to return them a small favor by the way:

"I noticed that you are often spotted by Filch when you take a walk at night?"

"Yeah, that old dog Filch.

He is always chasing after our smell, haunting. "

"And his cat."

George echoed the answer.

"I can teach you a spell, I mean, if you're interested—the Disillusionment Charm, you'll find it especially useful when traveling at night."

William snapped his fingers, and in the next second, in the eyes of the twins, his whole body seemed to become a part of this chair inexplicably.

"Merlin's sweater"

Fred and George said in a daze.

William carefully taught them the incantations and movements of the Disillusionment Charm, as well as some points for attention, and made sure that they could at least turn themselves into a translucent appearance.

"After that, all you need to do is practice more."

Seeing the two brothers try it for the last time, William said with satisfaction - he bet that they never took Professor Flitwick's charm class as seriously as they do now.

"As for the cat, the Disillusionment Curse can't cover the smell on your body, and I'm not sure if you will appear abnormal in the cat's vision."

William thought about it for a while, and came up with a very reasonable solution-if he couldn't solve the problem, then he could always choose to solve the person who asked the problem, or the cat.

"Silencio (Soundless)."

He drew an imaginary circle in the air with his wand, and drew it outward, pointing at Fred.A beam of almost transparent gray shot out, right in the chest.

William saw Fred open his mouth to say something, but when it reached his ears, it turned into a sound much smaller than that of a mosquito buzzing in flight.


With a flick of his wand, William canceled the spell's effect.

When the wand is drawn outwards, the spell works on the person hit, muffled to the point where it is almost inaudible; when drawn inwards, it creates a "enchantment" nearby .The sound in this enchantment will almost never be transmitted to the outside world.

This spell has a very significant effect in wizard duels, especially when the opponent is not used to using silent spells.

"Friend William, you must teach us this spell!"

Fred and George grabbed William's shoulders, clamped him firmly, and said sincerely——they seemed to have seen that after mastering these two spells, they wandered freely in the castle, even from Fairfield. Qi walked under the nose of that old dog, a bright future that will not be discovered.

From then on they will truly be perfect.

"Why not?"

William replied with a smile.

He and Filch didn't know each other well.

 Thanks for the monthly pass to the Smurfs.

  Thanks to the old bookworm DAYBREAK for the monthly pass.

  I can't do anything about laying the groundwork for dumplings in these chapters. .After all, there must be a process before it can be introduced, and then there is the first meeting with Quirrell, the duel with the wizard, the start of dumpling, and others.

  Seeking to follow up, now it is almost 500, and I want to advance.

  Also, the secret passage on the fifth floor mentioned by the two brothers in the original text was "destroyed last winter", that is to say, it is still there at this time. As for the location of the exit, it is self-determined.

(End of this chapter)

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