Alice the Evil – [ダークファンタジー異世界]

Chapter 21 : Goblin

637 years ago marked the peak of the goblin race. A Goblin Lord emerged to lead a goblin tribe, making them exceptionally powerful. However, the goblin's reign lasted only a dozen years, as other races in the Abyssal Forest united to defeat the Goblin Lord, with the help of humans.

After the demise of the Goblin Lord, the goblins scattered across the world, no longer unified. Many goblins formed small groups and continued to harass humans in various kingdoms. Yet, the direct descendants of the Goblin Lord remained in the Abyssal Forest, forming 13 tribes that persist to this day.

Before his death, the Goblin Lord left a message predicting the arrival of a deity who would bring glory to the goblin race, around 600 years after his death. Using his last ounce of power, he foretold the goblin's future and left this message, seemingly content even as he met his end at the hands of human heroes.

The goblin race's former dominion included the entire Abyssal Forest, parts of the Igrasian Empire, Lumeria Kingdom, and Drazon Empire. It was a vast territory, and the Goblin Lord was one of the most formidable beings in history, feared by humans as a dangerous monster.

On June 2nd, in the year 736, the elders and priests received a prophecy of an impending disaster within ten days. Each tribe interpreted the disaster differently, but many goblin elders across the board received the foreboding prophecy.

In the years leading up to this, goblin tribes often waged wars among themselves for territory, food sources, and water, forming two distinct alliances, the Red Alliance and the Blue Alliance.

The Red Alliance consisted of six tribes:

1. Gigahire

2. Botgrubber

3. Fizzletale

4. Shrillsteel

5. Fizzletwist

6. Vividgrinder

The remaining seven tribes belonged to the Blue Alliance. This alliance had no official name and was simply referred to as the Blue and Red Alliances for simplicity.

The Red Alliance agreed to gather in the village of the Shrillsteel tribe to construct underground shelters to protect all goblin tribe members. After lengthy discussions, the goblin elders in the Red Alliance concluded that the impending disaster referred to a natural calamity rather than an attack or invasion.

In contrast, the Blue Alliance had a different interpretation, believing that the impending disaster would be a massive invasion by other races allied with the Red Alliance to wipe out the Blue Alliance entirely.

The Blue Alliance also decided to remain vigilant, with their location relatively close to the center of the Abyssal Forest. On June 22nd, during the night, everything changed. Terrible magic immediately obliterated the seven tribes of the Blue Alliance, with most dying from the shockwave.

At present, only the Red Alliance of goblin tribes in the east remains. They have built underground shelters for food and supplies and are well-prepared to face the disaster.

On the night of June 22nd, during the calamity, the Red Alliance took shelter underground and survived. When casting the [Hydrogen Explosion] spell, Alice utilized metamagic [Central], focusing the spell on one object and location. However, the shockwave from the spell wiped out all the trees in the Abyssal Forest and races without strong body resilience.

The morning after the disaster, the six tribes of the Red Alliance were utterly astonished. The area, once covered in countless trees, had become a barren wasteland. Despite their shock, they decided to persevere and maintain the existence of their race.

It is currently June 23rd, in the year 736, one day after the disaster. The leaders of the six goblin tribes of the Red Alliance are gathering for a meeting to discuss the future of their tribes. There is also an elderly goblin who will serve as a neutral party and mediator in the meeting.

They are all convening in a very large tent, which appears more luxurious and expensive compared to the others, although all of them seem relatively simple. The leaders of the six goblin tribes are:

1. Rigerd

2. Hurard

3. Gys

4. Gnieks

5. Krass

6. Gesea

They are all males, except for Gesea, who is the only female goblin leader.

"Very well, I, Frulx, as the mediator and neutral party in this crucial meeting, hereby call this high-level gathering to order!"

Frulx's firm voice affirmed that he was opening the meeting. Despite his advanced age, his voice sounded as if he were much younger.

All the goblin leaders nodded and agreed with Frulx, who was opening the meeting. The goblins' appearances were quite similar, making it challenging for other creatures to distinguish them from one another.

Including the goblin leaders, they all bore a striking resemblance except for the female goblin tribe leader, who looked different. They all had humanoid forms and stood between 165 - 180 cm in height. These leaders were not ordinary goblins; they belonged to the middle-tier goblin race.

"Hahaha, even though we've been together for several days - not quite a week yet, we still maintain our formality as usual."

"Yes, because we are all tribal chiefs. We must appear dignified and charismatic before our tribe members."

"I don't know what happened last night, but it was truly terrifying."

"Indeed, the lush forest turned into a barren land."

"It's as if we suddenly moved to a different location."

"That's possible, too."

"As the mediator of this meeting, we have agreed to discuss some important matters. Please, honorable leaders, read the report papers."

All the goblin leaders were currently reading the report papers containing the meeting agenda and the crucial topics to be discussed.

"Very well, let's start with the first point of discussion, which is about the prophecy of the Goblin Lord. The Goblin Lord is a highly significant figure in our tribe's history, uniting all goblins across this continent."

"Before his death, the Goblin Lord left a prophecy about an impending disaster and the descent of the goblin deity."

"This prophecy was conveyed directly to two aides of the Goblin Lord, and after the war, these aides inscribed the Goblin Lord's prophecy in an ancient goblin script."

"So, what we need to discuss in the first point is the leaders' views on this prophecy and who the deity predicted by the Goblin Lord might be. Please, goblin leaders, commence the discussion."

"Thank you, hermit Flurx. In my opinion, it makes sense for a deity to descend after such a dreadful disaster. We don't know how powerful this deity might be, but do you think the deity will truly descend into the Abyssal Forest?"

"Yes, the disaster last night was incredibly frightening, as if the ground was shaking violently, and we heard roaring sounds as well."

"Regarding the legacy inscription of the Goblin Lord, are there any indications about the characteristics of the coming deity?"

"There are no specifics; it only says 'deity' and nothing else."

"Doesn't that mean that the deity who will descend may not be exclusively of the goblin race?"

"I'm curious if other races have similar prophecies."

"Do we need to form a force and explore this entire forest - no, this barren land to find the deity's whereabouts?"

"We don't know where the Deity will descend, so sending a team on such an expedition would only deplete our food supplies."

"That makes sense."

"In that case, I have a suggestion."

A female voice was heard, diverting the attention of all the leaders to her. She was Gesea, the leader of the Vividgrinder tribe.

"If the Deity descends to save or aid us, wouldn't they send a messenger?"

Instantly, all the goblin leaders fell silent.

"I agree!"

Rigerd also concurred with Gesea's statement. The other goblin leaders nodded, considering Gesea's suggestion highly reasonable.

"That makes a lot of sense."

"Yes, if the Deity comes to help us, they should send messengers."


"Hmmmmm, makes sense."

Gesea shifted her gaze to the elderly goblin who was the neutral party and mediator in this meeting.

"What do you think, Hermit Flurx?"

"I will go with the majority opinion, but in my view, it makes sense. After the Deity reveals its existence, we just need to devote ourselves to that Deity for the future of the goblins."

Immediately, everyone appeared enthusiastic after hearing Hermit Flurx's words. The goblins had suffered for decades, and the descent of a Deity was likely to end their suffering.

"Oh, by the way, didn't you and Rigerd patrol earlier?"

Hurard asked Gesea.

"Yes, we patrolled and found some interesting things. This entire forest turned into barren land, and..."

Gesea's expression changed instantly as she recounted what happened when she and Rigerd were patrolling.

A few hours ago, the two of them had experienced something truly horrifying during their patrol, an experience that Gesea and Rigerd were unlikely to forget for the rest of their lives.

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