Alice the Evil – [ダークファンタジー異世界]

Chapter 33 : White Temple

This is daytime, or more precisely, 8 to 10 hours before the appearance of the Anomaly Goblin Berserker.

The current daytime is very calm. The goblins are going about their activities as usual, behaving much like humans. Warriors are on duty, patrolling to ensure the safety of the inhabitants.

Meanwhile, the residents are also carrying out their respective tasks just like humans. Despite goblins being classified as monsters and having limited intelligence, they must still build a civilization for the next generation.

One factor that allows goblins to establish settlements is the presence of evolution. The evolution of the goblin race significantly enhances their intelligence. Evolved goblins typically don't engage in laborious work but tend to lead projects, construction, and similar endeavors.

Goblins who haven't evolved yet become laborers, as they lack intelligence and are only capable of basic tasks like eating and drinking.

Goblins with higher intelligence compared to their peers often become goblin leaders. These leaders guide other goblins to achieve goals and ensure the development of goblin civilization, as well as their survival.

The Abyssal Forest, before its destruction, was a terrifying place filled with wild creatures, giant trees, dangerous plants, and other threats to the goblins, despite them being monsters.

Previously, a large goblin village occupied this location. Many sturdy buildings made of wood and stone stood as if crafted by humans. However, everything was destroyed in one night. Fortunately, the goblins managed to survive and endure by taking refuge in underground caves.

The destruction forced the goblins to rebuild their shattered village. However, they face significant challenges because natural resources, like wood, have become scarce due to a massive explosion that occurred overnight. Wood is a crucial building material, and it should be abundant in the midst of a forest.

Currently, the goblins have to reside in temporary tents made from simple materials like cloth and leftover wood. They allocate most of their available wood to build fences, as they are concerned about potential attacks once their village is rebuilt.

They are also perplexed due to the lack of resources to reconstruct their village.

Yes, security is a top priority during this crisis for the goblins.

For the goblin leaders, they are well aware that their food and water supplies will run out sooner or later. The morning after the explosion, a team of goblins was dispatched to hunt animals or monsters that could be caught and used as food.

During the daytime, they received two elf visitors who claimed to be messengers of the gods. The bewildered goblins saw a glimmer of hope, although not all of them trusted the two elves.

Some considered the elves to be heretics spreading false teachings. However, as the goblin leaders and the Goblin Berserker accepted them, the residents had no choice but to reluctantly welcome the elves.

That night, there was a welcoming feast for the two elves, which depleted their food supplies. The common goblins didn't understand what was happening, but it appeared that the two elves held significant and respected positions, hence the feast during a crisis.

In the morning, the goblin inhabitants were surprised to find a sturdy temple building in the center of the goblin village. The fact that such a structure could be constructed in a single night reinforced the belief that the two elves were indeed messengers of the gods.

Shortly after, numerous leaflets and rumors began to circulate. These leaflets encouraged the goblins to repent and acknowledge the White God or Goddess. The inhabitants were now allowed to refer to this deity as the God or Goddess.

Of course, many goblins remained skeptical, especially since none of the goblin leaders had been seen entering the temple to repent and adopt this new religion. However, some goblins who believed in the new faith decided to enter the temple. But the majority of them were common goblins with limited intelligence.

A few hobgoblins, who could be counted on one hand, also appeared at the temple. Goblins share a strong bond, so they do not hold resentment if one of them adopts a different faith or belief. It can be said that the brotherhood among the goblins is far stronger than anything else.

The temple in the center of the goblin village stands out with its solid white concrete structure. It has a rectangular shape with two large brown doors at the front, displaying a depiction of Alice stabbing a dragon in the neck. Aether added this detail because Alice had previously battled the True Abyssal Dragon Lord.

In the corners of the building, there are two small towers, also made of white concrete and without interior rooms. At the tops of these towers, a never-extinguishing purple flame burns.

There is certainly a meaning behind that unquenchable purple flame, regardless of how much water is poured on it. It signifies that as long as the purple flame burns, the God they worship is alive. Because the flame is eternal, it suggests that the God they are about to worship is also eternal.

Inside the building, there is a large room. This room serves as a place for worshipers to offer prayers or perform rituals. At the far end of the room stands a large statue of Alice in a pose as if bestowing a blessing upon all, and at the statue's base, there is an offering container.

Although this temple is relatively small, it has considerable height. In the corners on the right and left of the room, near the statue of Alice, there are doors leading to rooms behind the Alice statue. These are currently the chambers of Aether and Saphielle, but their purpose can change over time.

On the right side of the main room, there is a relatively small rectangular space. This space can accommodate only two individuals. In the center, there is a table and a glass partition between the two people.

There is a hole in the center, which serves the purpose of one person passing something or touching the other. Yes, this room functions as a place for confessing sins, repenting, or enrolling in the faith. On one side of the room, there is someone who serves as a guide or, in simpler terms, a priest.

On the other side, there is someone who wishes to confess their sins, enroll, or do other things. Both will sit and interact with each other. Some goblins are also seen waiting to enter this small room.

And on this afternoon, Saphielle is tasked with guiding the goblins into their new faith. A Hobgoblin enters the room and remembers to lock the door.

"Welcome, could you introduce yourself?"

A woman's voice is heard from the other side of the room, and it's Saphielle's voice.

"I am Xak, a Hobgoblin."

"Oh, a Hobgoblin, huh? What brings you to this white temple?"

They both start talking without being able to see each other's faces. The glass that serves as a partition has been enchanted so that others cannot see Saphielle's face, but Saphielle can see the other person's face. Furthermore, the room is very dark, with only a small candle providing a faint light.

Saphielle's voice is very gentle, like that of a pure woman who has never committed any wrongdoings.

"I received something, it's hard to explain with words, but I am very certain that Goddess Alice is the true Goddess, so I want to enroll in this faith."

"Very well, to enroll, is there something you need to know beforehand?"

"What is it? I am ready to accept any requirements. Since your arrival here, I feel like I've received enlightenment."

"Goddess Alice is a deity of great compassion and mercy. It doesn't matter your race or which country you come from; you will be accepted if you enroll."

"Wow... That's truly beautiful."

Hax's expression instantly changes to one of amazement upon learning this. In other words, his new deity accepts any race, humanoid or monster, without discrimination.

"Yes, it is the kindness of the Goddess. By the way, you can call the Goddess Alice. It's a symbol that she can protect you like a father and care for you like a mother," Saphielle explained in a very gentle and soft tone, leaving Hax silent for a moment.

"Alright, I'll call her Goddess Alice, as I believe she is like a mother to all creatures with extraordinary compassion."

"That is also allowed. In that case, I will baptize you if you are certain about enrolling. If you have any doubts, you can come back later. If you are sure, I will do it now."

Xak clenched his hand tightly and closed his eyes for a moment. Although Xak is a Hobgoblin, his life before was very harsh. His wife was taken by someone else, his child was eaten by monsters, and many other tragic fates befell him. He hoped that joining a new religion would change his fate.

"I am very sure!"

With conviction, Xak spoke loudly.

"Very well, extend your hand into this hole."


Xak began to reach his hand and opened his palm. Suddenly, a cut appeared on one of Xak's fingers, causing a drop of blood to emerge. Strangely, Xak didn't feel any pain from the cut because it happened so quickly.

"I will take your blood as official proof that you will worship Goddess Alice."

Xak nodded. Saphielle's index finger, covered by a transparent magical glove, began to collect the drop of blood and place it on a brown piece of paper. A blue flame then ignited the brown paper, indicating that the contract was active.

[Magic: Luck Boost]

[Magic: Custom Purification]

Saphielle pointed her index finger at Xak's palm and cast both of these spells. Instantly, Xak felt like his body had been cleansed of guilt, regret, and more. He also felt as if he had been blessed.

"One last thing, if you betray Goddess Alice, you will suffer."

"Alright, I understand."

"Don't forget, there will be evil creatures attacking at midnight. You can spread this news to the other goblins. Whether they believe it or not, at night, you can bring your relatives around or inside the temple for protection from the evil beings."

"I understand, I will carry out that task."

"In that case, congratulations, you are now an official worshiper. Enjoy your days, you may leave."

"Thank you very much."

Xak then left the room, and Saphielle smiled. All of Aether's assigned tasks were going very smoothly, and it was only a matter of waiting for the night for the climax phase in the plan to conquer the goblin race.


Back to the nighttime, specifically when Drazz faced Aether.


"Saphielle, activate the barrier now. We will commence the operation to truly conquer the goblin race."


[Telepath End]

"The two goblin leaders should have gathered the residents in one place,"

Drazz was confident that his two pawns had already performed the tasks he had given them. However, the real issue now lay in front of Drazz, someone with a level 150 who was obstructing him.

Aether's face displayed a satisfied smile, matching his earlier hopes of Drazz's panic and confusion.

(Although the appearance of the Anomaly is a disturbance in the plan, at least they didn't completely disrupt the plan that had been laid out.)


Drazz's shout prompted the previously seemingly inactive Anomaly Flamegator to become active. After hearing Drazz's cry, the Anomaly Flamegator roared, causing panic in the goblin village.

The atmosphere is like a giant monster roaring right in front of the city gate, ready to destroy the city. The roar wakes up goblins who are resting, and they start running. Even the goblin warriors who were supposed to protect the citizens appear very frightened.

Most of them join the fleeing crowd. After the roar, Flamegator immediately enters the city and starts burning every tent and goblin who is too slow to escape. The calm night turns into a tense and terrifying one.

In just a few minutes, the goblin village is engulfed in flames, and some parts are flooded with lava. However, there's one area that remains unaffected, the vicinity of the white temple.

After a few minutes, Drazz is still confused. This is because Aether remains silent like a statue and hasn't attacked Drazz yet. The nearly 50-level difference is like comparing an ant to a dragon, and Drazz would surely die instantly if Aether were to attack.

The only option besides fighting at this point is negotiation.

"W-what if we negotiate? I know you want to spread your religion here."

A sly smile is visible on Aether's face, making Drazz even more uneasy and restless.

"Negotiation, huh? Yes, it's quite reasonable for the side that's backed into a corner to negotiate."

"So, do you want to negotiate?"

Aether closes his eyes for a moment.

"If I were in your position now, would you be willing to negotiate?"

(This subject must not be killed.)

(At least, I'll use this as a reward for Exypno when Alice-sama summons Exypno to this world.)

(I must be patient and refrain from killing him.)


Yes, this is one of the longest chapters in this novel.

The Goblin Arc has entered its super climax phase, and our MC Alice will play a significant role in the upcoming events!


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