All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

Chapter 41

Chapter 41:

“You should remember the friend of mine you saved that day. We went on a barbecue holiday with three other friends. The friend named Keitaro maliciously destroyed a statue dedicated to aborted babies in order to make fun of him during the barbecue.”

This is called death, that guy named Keitarou not only killed himself, but also implicated his friends.

Chapter 43 Arresting the Resentful Spirit

Chen Muyang sighed softly: “That’s right, the statue was enshrined and it has become a magic weapon to imprison the baby’s resentful spirit. The statue was destroyed and the imprisoned resentful spirit was released. Although it has been imprisoned for the past five years. , but the resentment turned out to be heavier, and grew into a resentful spirit that opened up the necromantic barrier.”

“Is it really related to that?” Yashima Reika was a little lost for a while.

Kubo Ayano asked curiously, “Mr. Muyang, you just said the Necromantic Barrier, what is that?”

“Didn’t you see it yourself? That female classmate named Shiori was dragged under the bed and disappeared. There must be no secret passage in the dark room under your bed. How could such a big living person disappear out of thin air? Because of that The resentment is powerful and has opened up a different-dimensional space independent of the real world, because it is a type of undead, so that other-dimensional space is also called the undead space.”

Yashima Reika said sadly: “Xina also disappeared in the changing room of the clothing store like this.”

Suddenly, Yashima Reika exclaimed: “Mr. Muyang, the talisman is suddenly hot!”

Kubo Ayano closed his eyes when he saw the rearview mirror and shouted, “It’s right behind the car!”

Chen Muyang sneered and said: “It doesn’t want us to go to the storage box, which is what I expected, but I have an evil-suppressing amulet and an exorcism amulet in my car, and he doesn’t dare to approach it at all, so don’t worry.”

Yashima Reika and Kubo Ayano breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally came to Shibuya. After Chen Muyang parked the car, he handed them two exorcism charms and asked them to take them with them.

The three came to the storage box, Chen Muyang nodded and said, “Very strong grievances have gathered, that’s right, it’s here.”

“Go away!” A sharp and resentful cry suddenly sounded, causing Reika Yashima and Ayano Kubo to hug Chen Muyang’s arm.

Chen Muyang has no plans to talk nonsense with this resentful spirit at all. The resentment of this little devil has completely eroded the true spirit, and there is no possibility of overcoming it.

How to deal with this resentful spirit, Chen Muyang has an idea, that is to seize it and refine it into a magic weapon.

This resentful spirit has already opened up a dead spirit space. As long as you find the right materials, you can completely refine a magic weapon to accommodate the dead spirit.

Therefore, what Chen Muyang has to do is to catch this resentful spirit.

A talisman appeared in Chen Muyang’s hand and slammed it on the door of the No. 9 storage box.

This place has an extraordinary meaning for the resentful spirit. Chen Muyang’s actions completely angered it. In a shrill, angry and resentful scream, the resentful spirit appeared.

It was a child, he looked five or six years old, his long hair covered most of his face, his eyes full of resentment shot out from the gap in his hair, staring at Chen Muyang.

Chen Muyang suddenly turned his hand, and the resentful spirit was seriously injured by the palm thunder once, so he was very vigilant, and the moment Chen Muyang turned his hand, his figure disappeared.

But Chen Muyang didn’t shoot the thunder in his palm, he laughed loudly: “Little devil, you’ve been fooled.”

Yashima Reika and Kubo Ayano looked at each other, this man was not afraid of such a terrifying resentment, but dared to play with resentment like this!

The eyes of the two women were blurred for a while, this is the real man.

“Kill you, I must kill you!” The resentful spirit shouted angrily and resentfully.

“Come here if you want to kill me, I’m waiting for you to kill me.” Chen Muyang continued to tease it.

Suddenly, the resentful spirit appeared behind Chen Muyang, and jumped up to Chen Muyang’s head.

Chen Muyang turned around instantly and snapped his right hand out.

Soul Rejuvenation!

A huge golden seal phantom appeared out of thin air, pressing heavily on the resentful spirit. The resentful spirit was oppressed and unable to act, and could only howl madly, mournfully, and resentfully.

The spell is turned, and the soul is restrained!

A golden chain shot out from Chen Muyang’s fingertips, instantly entangling the resentful spirit, and immediately turned into a golden bead and fell into Chen Muyang’s hand.

Although it seems that catching the resentful spirit is very simple, it is actually because this resentful spirit is too small, just relying on instinct to fight with Chen Muyang, how can he fight Chen Muyang, who is already a third-level heaven of refining Qi and transforming God, and has exquisite magic.

“Okay, the resentful spirits have been taken away by me. In the future, this storage box can no longer kill people.” Chen Muyang said with a smile.

Yashima Reika and Kubo Ayano were already stunned by the magic displayed by Chen Muyang. It was so powerful that the resentful spirit that killed dozens of people was caught so easily. It was incredible, it was amazing.

Yashima Reika pondered for a moment and then asked: “Mr. Muyang, those who are entangled by that resentful spirit will soon be killed. Why does it just entangle us, but not do anything to us?”

Chen Muyang glanced at them and said with a smile: “It’s not that it doesn’t want to do something to you, it’s that you two are surprisingly courageous, she wants to push you to the limit of fear step by step, and then do it to you. ”

Yashima Reika and Kubo Ayano suddenly felt cold.

“Okay, the matter is over, don’t be afraid.” Chen Muyang said amusedly, and then said with a serious tone: “In the future, there will be less places to talk about legends like this, and the exorcism talisman will be with you. If there is any change, call me.”

The two women felt warm in their hearts, and invariably stretched out their arms to embrace Chen Muyang’s arm.

Ayano Kubo’s mother died in childbirth when she gave birth, which led to Ayano Kubo’s father resenting Ayano Kubo, believing that Ayano Kubo killed his wife.

Therefore, he spends most of the year on business trips, and only Kubo Ayano lives at home.

When Chen Muyang sent her home, Kubo Ayano was reluctant to let go of Chen Muyang’s arm, and said, “You, can you accompany me, I’m afraid alone.”

Chen Muyang promised her with a gentle smile and followed her in.

Originally, Chen Muyang thought about sitting in the living room, but Kubo Ayano took him to his bedroom. Ayano Kubo’s bedroom is not big, but it is full of girlish atmosphere.

Chen Muyang sat on the bed, Kubo Ayano brought him a glass of juice, and sat next to him, with two small hands and fingers entangled, obviously very nervous.

Seeing the girl’s nervousness, Chen Muyang found some topics to chat with him, telling some jokes to make her happy.

When the time came to noon, Chen Muyang said: “You don’t have my talisman, and you have been haunted by that resentful spirit during this time, causing resentment to enter your body and hurt your vitality. Let’s go, let’s go buy some traditional Chinese medicine, and I will give you a way to replenish your vitality. Take medicine.”

Kubo Ayano couldn’t help but be overjoyed. On the way to buy medicinal herbs, Kubo Ayano suddenly asked, “Mr. Muyang, do you want to invite Teacher Lixiang to eat together, isn’t she also haunted by resentful spirits for a while? ”

Chen Muyang smiled and said, “She has the exorcism charm I gave her, so there’s nothing wrong, but if you’re worried, you can just ask her to come.”

Chapter 44 Muyang, can you stay tonight?

“Okay, okay, I’ll call Reika-sensei now.” Kubo Ayano happily took out her mobile phone and called Yashima Reika.

When Chen Muyang was busy in the kitchen, Yashima Reika came.

“It’s so fragrant, and it smells like traditional Chinese medicine. Is this a medicinal diet?” Yashima Reika came to Chen Muyang and asked, looking at the soup pot.

Chen Muyang turned to look at her pretty face and smiled, “Yes, this medicinal diet can replenish the vitality of the human body and make you healthier.”

The medicinal meal was ready, and the three of them sat around the table and ate.

“Hmm~, Ouyi!” Kubo Ayano exclaimed in surprise.

Yashima Reika nodded again and again, and every time she swallowed, she felt warm currents flowing in her body, and her whole body quickly warmed up, as if soaking in a hot spring.

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