Alpha Strike: [An interstellar Weapon Platform’s Guide to being a Dungeon Core] (Book 2 title)

A New Story on Patreon! “We Lease The Kraken!”

Hello Everyone! I wanted to Announce that I'm starting up an all new, Patreon-only (for now!) Novel! Hurrah!

Why am I doing this now? Why Patreon-only right now? A few reasons.


Partly to try and draw in more Patreon subscribers, I'll freely admit. Money is (really) tight at the moment, more so with the reduction in Patreon members. The hope is that with a second story of a different vibe and genre than Alpha Strike, I can start attracting more readers and subscribers.

This will let me keep doing what I'm doing, and bringing you all more chapters, of better quality.

I'm sure some will be off-put but openly admitting that, but at the end of the day, this is my job, and I promised you all that I would be as open and upfront about that kind of thing as humanly possible.


Partly this is also as a way to try something new other than Alpha Strike.

This DOESN'T mean that I'm going to start neglecting or slow down with Alpha Strike. Rather, this new novel is my way of mixing things up a bit, as I've started to burn out a bit on Alpha Strike (as I'm sure some of you have noticed).

By doing it this way, I also lock myself into getting the job done. I can't just say "Meh, I'll work on it later." Nope, I got a commitment I need to fulfill to my subscribers. That's how I keep myself on track with these kinds of things and keep myself accountable.


The current plan is to Alternate chapters on a day to day bias. So Monday would be the new story, Tuesday Alpha Strike, Wednesday New story, Thursday Alpha Strike, etc etc. Then spend Friday/Sat to do Editing on Book 1 of Alpha Strike.

The first 2 Chapters (the second of which is an entirely new chapter no one has ever seen yet!) are already up on Patreon!

I DO plan on eventually releasing the new novel on Royal Road and other sites, but I want to focus on Patreon first, until both stories are in a better spot. This does mean that each tier will be 2 chapters ahead of the previous one at the start, but I plan on bumping that up in line with Alpha Strike eventually.

For now, I'll be posting the first to Chapters in a little bit, meaning Field Commanders will be the first to see it, with Pathfinders likely getting their first chapter Wednesday.

This ALSO means that Patreon will be the first eyes on the new story, and you feedback/comments will be what fuels the direction of the story, so be sure to tell me what you think!

With that said, take a look at the Synopsis below and tell me what you think!


"We Lease The Kraken!: A Pet Shop/Collection System Story"

Reliquum; the last bastion of reality in a sea of silent stagnation and existential rot.

At its center, lies Nexus, a world where realities overlap and both Heroes and Horrors are born daily.

Jeremiah Bridge is just a mild-mannered veterinary student with a knack for cooking and a sister who’s super (literally) in everything she does.

That cushy life is turned on its head when his sister is killed suddenly and framed for a crime Jeremiah knows in his heart she couldn’t have committed.

With his life overthrow, everything taken from him and all he’d ever been working toward destroyed, Jeremiah struggles to adapt.

One final gift from his sister, however, will drag him kicking and scream out of the depths of his despair, and into a world few on Nexus ever see beyond the screen of their phones. With the help of a mysterious winged guide and an eight-legged companion thrust on him, Jeremiah will begin digging into the dark shadows of Nexus in an attempt to learn the truth about what happened to his sister.

Soon he’ll learn a terrible truth, however.

Some things are best left in the dark.


Inspired by stories like Gourmet of another world, Gourmet food supplier, The Innkeeper, Number One Dungeon Supplier, and other similar types, "We Lease The Kraken!" is a Pet Shop management style story that seeks to blend a few different genres into a unique experience that is comfortable enough to be familiar, but with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing.


What to expect;



System-Based Story: A more traditional "System" story, WLTK takes inspiration from some of the older, more progression style systems like "The Legendary Mechanic" and "Gourmet of Another World", rather than the more game-like system stories. But with a modern flare that will appeal to lovers of both style of stories!


A somewhat dark-minded, but not Edgy MC: Jeremiah starts the story off in a dark place. Hounded by grief and the desire for the truth (or at the very least, vengeance), the story won't start off with sunshine and rainbows. Instead, the vibe I'm going for is a dark and stormy night, that slowly fades away to show the sun shining through once more. At the end of the day, this is a story about healing, and the journey we take, wherever that might lead us.

Jeremiah will heal. Given time, and maybe more than a little blood.


Complex Characters: None of the characters in this story will be simple. Everyone has their own motivations, desires and goals. Nothing is black and white on Nexus, as fitting a place where cultures, values and even minds can be as alien as any of the thousands of worlds connected to it. In Nexus, the "Why" is often just as important as the "What," and the thin line between "Hero" and "Villain" may come down to nothing more than who's watching.


A somewhat slow burn: This story is planned to be a bit of a slow burn. Not terribly so, but don't expect revelation after revelation. This is a story about the Journey, and the march of time.


A story of Action... and healing: While WLTK will have its fair share of dramatic moments and heart pounding action, It is also a story about grief, guilt, and how we heal ourselves of the scars left behind by tragedy. There will be happy times and sad times. There will be points were you want to slap the MC, and time when you'll want to cheer along with him.


No Harem!: Need I say more?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.