Alternative Stories

Chapter 49 Drawing The Bitch Out

             _ _ _3rd Person Pov_ _ had started so brightly for her in the beginning, for her hive, for her children. At least until everything suddenly went downhill. Those she believed to be nothing more than hosts for her offspring had invaded her home, killed her brood, before finally capturing and trapping her. And for what? So that they could poke and study her young?! So that they could try and control them?! So that they could steal them away from her?!

Either way it didn't matter now, in the end she had been trapped, unable to escape her prison of metal and steel. Nothing but a tool...a tool for their goals...their she hated their so called "research"...

Things only ended up getting worse from there, after all it was around that time when the twisted one was born, one of her children, one that should have died the moment that it came into existence. Unfortunately the two legged things took the broken child away before she could break free of her restraints and kill it. She screeched and thrashed in rage for what felt like hours after that.

Thankfully she would soon be given a chance, a chance to break those shackles and take revenge on those that trapped her so long ago. She had no idea what actually caused it but suddenly there was chaos, raging flames and violent explosions, some of her children were even freed in the mayhem. The only problem was that this metal prison she was trapped within had begun to plummet at a rather concerning speed, to the point that large sections of it were being ripped off. Several long moments passed afterwards, until she felt the impact of the station slamming into the ground that is.

She survived with only a few injuries however, and now she was free, free to grow her brood once more. The landing had been less than ideal to say the least but that was completely irrelevant, all that mattered was that she as well as her offspring were finally free. This time though, she would not allow those pests to imprison her again.

Unfortunately not everything was completely positive at the moment, this was mostly because the broken child was still very much alive and well, she could feel it in the back of her mind. Not to mention the fact that her lost child was threatening the very existence of their race as a whole. The issue was that her rogue spawn, the twisted one, had begun creating spawn of their own, a fact that could not be allowed to continue. Simply put, they all had to die.

The main problem with this plan, as she would soon learn, was that such a thing was much harder to pull off then she would ever have had expected it to be. Her apparent violet grandchildren were far more relentless and tactical then she was used too. In fact this new strain of her species, these monstrosities, they were far more clever then she'd like to admit. And maybe, just maybe, this fact was the reason she found herself in such a situation currently.

Her children and their enemies dying in the hundreds on her doorstep while invaders forced their way into her only sanctuary. The odd thing was that the invaders weren't exactly what she was expecting at all, the broken child's personal guard along with two powerful yet strange xenomorph variants were one thing, however it was those that were traveling along with them that confused her the most.

Five beings, each somewhat resembling those that had imprisoned her not too long ago yet they were obviously different in many ways. Their weaponry and technology seemed far more advanced, not to mention the fact they were incredibly efficient as they slaughtered their way through her hive. The oddest thing about this whole situation was what she felt deep within her mind when looking at the five of them. This feeling, whatever it was, felt like a mixture between both desire and want but also a primal hatred, like the feeling two ancient enemies got when they encountered each other for the  very first time.

She could feel them moving through her domain, they seemed to be placing strange devices in various chambers throughout her hive. Normally this would be far more difficult for them to pull off so damn quickly, however with the main bulk of her swarm out fighting, well, these invaders were honestly finding it rather easy to just murder their way through what little resistance tried to block them. In fact the only ones that somewhat managed to slow down their advance were the few of her royal guards she sent their way, sadly even they were cut down eventually.

And now? Now something in her instincts was screaming, unlike her children she was smart enough to figure out that something was very wrong. So without much hesitation she began to take action. First she roared, a signal for all her remaining children to head up towards the surface. Next, she tore herself free from her ovipositor, just as several blinding flashes of violent blue light engulfed large sections of the hive

               _ _ _Carmen Pov_ _ _

(Get the hell off of me!) I hissed as I bit into the tail of a Xenomorph who had jumped on to my back before jerking my head sharply and slamming it into the ground.

Without any hesitation I stomped on its head with my foot crushing its skull with little resistance at all. (Is this what the T-rex in Jurassic Park one felt like when those Velociraptors attacked it?)

[Probably, however your clumsy self will never come close to the stealth achieved by that T-rex.]

(Fuck you too then.) I hissed as I moved deeper into my wooded surroundings.

And yeah, if you were wondering, the trees were quite annoying, in fact they were even more irritating considering that they sometimes made it hard to swing my bladed arms properly. Thankfully, getting through them was a lot easier for me compared to the larger enemies I was occasionally running into. For one thing, there were already several paths opened up thanks to the tireless efforts of my foe, however for those patches of trees that did block my way, well, I was able to cut through them without much effort on my part.

Of course the dense tree line still had its advantages, it allowed my smaller forces to attack the larger enemy creatures with far greater safety. Because of this and several other factors we were able to push deeper and deeper into the forest until we reached the other size. Surprisingly the enemy's constant reinforcements had gone from a literal stream to a like drizzle by the time I fought my way to the other side of the wooded region, and I already knew why that was.

Breaching the tree line I was met with quite the sight indeed, my Scavengers and Gargoyles had won the aerial conflict and were now attacking from above. Unfortunately vomiting acid out of their mouths was relatively useless against Xenomorphs, however they were still deadly in other ways. Additionally, my two groups of Crushers, Lancers and Strikers had swept around either side of the forest and had slammed into the enemies sides. And finally, the enemy was beginning to be engaged at the front by the arrival of my smaller violet xeno variants.

(Seems that things are going relatively well.) I hummed as I watched the battle play out for a moment.

[That's what happens when you over prepare.] Goldy huffed, he apparently wasn't a fan of my military buildup. 

(The only reason you're complaining is because you wanted to see things go wrong for your own amusement.) I growled, causing him to whistle innocently.

Shaking my head I continued to just observe for a few moments before then speaking up once again. (It should be happening any second now...)

[Maybe their dea-?]

Just then, almost as if in defiance of what Goldy was about to jokingly say, the cavanus hole where the black hive was located as well as the ground all around it shook as an echoing boom could be heard from below. Immediately I ordered my forces to pull back if they could, and fortunately large numbers of them did just that, however those that were really in the thick of the fighting couldn't even if they wanted to.

Not even a second later did something straight out of a disaster movie occur. In an instant, before most of the enemy could even realize what was going on, massive sections of the ground beneath the battlefield began collapsing in on themselves. I myself was almost swallowed up by one such opening but thankfully I was able to back up just in time to avoid it. Unfortunately however, others weren't as lucky as I was at that moment, in fact several hundred Xenomorphs on both sides of this little war of ours were devoured by the collapsing hive below our very feet.

[Ooooooooo, that was quite the explosion.] Goldy giggled gleefully at the sight before us.

I had to admit, explosives belonging to Yautjas sure as hell packed a bigger punch than the crappy bombs my thralls had put together, not that this was much of a surprise to me at all. (Would you just be serious for once?)

[Never gonna happen kiddo.]


Sighing in frustration I tried to contact the group in question who had caused all of this. <<Are you lot all still alive?>>

<<Indeed clan leader, sadly a few were unfortunately injured in our escape but they should recover relatively soon.>> Enu, one of the more level headed of the Yautja, most of the time that is, was the first to respond to my call.

I had sent the lot of them down into the black hive with a single goal to complete, a goal that was very simple, bring the whole damn place down on that fucking cunt's head. They were given the instructions to target the key areas of the hives that supported its overall structure, a fact that was meant to cause the entire thing to collapse in on itself. However, I had honestly been a bit worried about putting the two groups together, especially when I noticed the arguments that would occasionally pop up between Beta and some of the Yautjas every now and then.

Thankfully Gamma wasn't as aggressive as her sister, although she still had the murderous instincts of a Predalien she was at the very least far calmer in comparison to Beta. Also if things really did end up getting out of control at some point down the line I was hoping that both Alpha and Darook would hopefully be able to deal with it without my assistance.

<<And the Queen?>>

<<We never saw her unfortunately, however we definitely heard the bitch that's for sure.>> Dengwei responded next with a mixture of disappointment at not being able to fight said bitch in question but also a bit of amusement and excitement at the damage they had just caused. <<To put it simply, well, she sounded really, really pissed off to say the very least.>>  

(Good, the more blinded by rage she is the more likely it is for her to not try and escape.) I mused to myself, only for Goldy to once again but in all of a sudden.

[Well, you definitely succeeded in that I suppose.]

(What the hell are you suddenly on about no-?) I tried to ask but he cut me off.

[Your mommy has come out to play.] Was all he said.

Hearing that I quickly glanced around while taking in my surroundings. The fighting had temporarily stopped for a moment as both sides regrouped somewhat, however it would more than likely erupt once again very soon. Overall the whole area had been devastated, not only because of the Hive that had just collapsed in on itself but also because of the large pools of flowing green blood that flowed across the battlefield.

Anyway, for a long moment I didn't see anything, at least not until a frenzied screech filled the air, a screech that was brimming with both rage and pain. The moment I heard it my head snapped in that direction and I finally saw what I was looking for. My rival, my target, my mother, she was pulling herself out of her destroyed home and boy did she look mad when she noticed the carnage all around her.

(So....we finally meet face to face...) I hummed to myself.

Of course, she couldn't actually hear me, however that didn't really matter as I continued on. (Let's see who will be the last one standing...)

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