Alternative Stories

Chapter 51 Rewards

I don't exactly know how long I was out for, however when I finally woke up again, well, I definitely wasn't where I was expecting to be to say the least. It took me a quick second to shake off the groggy feeling that covered my mind but eventually I was able to focus properly on my new surroundings. What I saw was a surprise to put it in the simplest way.

I was in a seemingly endless space filled with shifting golden gears and pistons that formed two massive walls on my right and left. I looked up and down for a second only to discover that the walls of shifting clockwork didn't seem to end at all, in fact they just kept going like an infinitely tall and bottomless canyon that stretched for as far as the eye could see.

As for myself, well, I was currently laying on a fancy yet slightly transparent platform that hovered on a shifting cloud of golden particles in the center of this bizarre place. As for the platform itself, well, it was made of both a golden metal covered in rather interesting looking engravings as well as fragmented dark ruby red glass that shimmered like shards of crystal in the strange glittering light that filled this place, a light that seemingly had no actual origin at all but seem to emanate from every direction simultaneously.

To say that I was rather bewildered with my current situation would be a massive understatement. In fact several dozen questions were currently running through my mind, several of which I could actually guess the answers too pretty easily.

It was around this moment that a familiar voice echoed out. "So, you're finally up I see." 

(Where the hell are...we...?) Only to realize that the voice hadn't come from within my head this time and in fact came from behind me.

Turning around I was met with quite the sight indeed. (Oh...)

"Yes yes, I know, I'm magnificent." The truly gigantic entity before me muttered with a cocky and prideful chuckle.

Before me, perched atop some kind of overly extravagant looking pedestal, was a monumentally large entity. A massive mechanical creature that looked like some kind of mixture between a horned owl and bald eagle, its wingspan alone had to have been several kilometers in width at the very least.

Its body was made out of golden metallic plates that constantly clicked and whistled with every movement, all the while a burning white glow emanated from within, like the glow given off by molten metal. It also had multiple rings circling around its body, each of which was made of rapidly warping white lightning that crackled and sparked every so often. As for its eyes, well, it had four of them, each of which was filled with three pupils that looked like mini black and gold suns.

It definitely wasn't hard for me at all to figure out just who exactly this was. (I knew that you were a self-righteous asshole but don't you think this is a bit much?)

"Good to see you can still be so cheeky while in my grandiose and magnificent presence." Goldy smirked, his massive head lowering slightly to look closer at me. "Oh and by the way, I can't be bothered communicating with you telepathically anymore, as such..."

[//Name: Verbal Communication

//Type: Growth 

//Rank: 1 (Max)

//Grade: F


Effect 1: Allows the user to communicate verbally even without the necessary biological function.

//Notes: none]

Feeling the usual barrage of information flood into my mind, it took me a quick second to realize what it was that I had just been given. "I...I can speak now?!"

"Yep." Goldy shrugged nonchalantly.

"Why couldn't you have just done that before?" I asked in both confusion and frustration.

"Couldn't be bothered."

"I...fuck you..." I growled, causing him to chuckle.

"Anyway, congratulations on becoming a full-fledged Alternative by the way, I must say I'm very impressed." Goldy hummed and I honestly couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. "After all, I thought that you'd have died almost immediately, or at the very least gone completely insane."

"Thanks for having such "confidence" in me." I muttered while shaking my head.

"You're welcome." He smiled proudly.

Seeing that this conversation was going nowhere I decided to change the subject to something far more important. "By the way, what happened to my hive? My thralls?"

"Everything that the System recognised as yours from the Trial is probably being stored inside of your Sanctuary, however if you want to claim stuff as your own in the future you'll have to use your Primordial Essence." He answered, however that only left me with more questions.

"What's a Sanctuary?"

"You'll have to ask my sister about that when you meet her, that is her domain of influence after all." 

Slightly annoyed about not actually getting a proper answer to my question I just decided to move on. "What is a...Primordial Essence or whatever you called it?"

"Simply put, the Primordial Essence is something that every being like you has, however for each Concept and their designated underlings it's slightly different. For example, the one that all Alternatives have access to is called the Essence Of Change." He explained with a yawn.

"I'm guessing that's because of Chaos, right?"

"I won't explain it fully as that's not in my job description." Goldy hummed with a bored Expression. "However, I will say this, the Essence Of change, has a lot of different advantages and disadvantages, however one such advantage is the ability to shatter and corrode the Chains Of The World."

"Basically these Chains Of The World are there for one purpose and one purpose only, to stop people like you from taking living beings and objects from whatever universe you are currently visiting. The more important and vital said thing is to that universe's fate as a whole the stronger the chain attached to it will be." 

"And I'm guessing this is what stops every single Alternative and those like us from just walking around with an Infinity Gauntlet." I mused, causing him to nod.

"Pretty much, although you can weaken the Chains Of The World and even break them outright if you're strong enough. To put it simply, say you have a particular thing you want in mind, there are two main ways to get your hands on it." Goldy said before seemingly pausing for dramatic effect. "Firstly, your Essence Of Change can slowly erode the Chains Of The World attached to whatever it is you want over a period of time. Secondly, the more you alter the fate of said being or thing in question, the more the chains will weaken over time making them far more brittle and easier to break."

"In fact if you bring some of your followers along with you to a world they will have a similar effect on everything around them, this effect is much weaker of course but it could still help I suppose."

"Well, that's good to know I guess..." I hummed to myself.

"So is that everything that you had wanted to know?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head.

"For now."

"Good, let's move on to your rewards shall we." As he said that a large greyish holographic panel appeared in front of me.

{Analyzing Overall Performance...} 

{Analysation Complete.}

{Calculating Rewards...}

{Calculations Complete.}

{Displaying Now.}

{Main Objective Completed...

Description: Kill the Xenomorph Queen that not only abandoned you at birth but also attempted to exterminate you.

Reward: 750RP.}

{Overall Universe Alterations...

Grade: Light Green

Description: 1,300RP.}

{Bonus rewards.}

{Newly Added Optional Objective Completed...

Description: Kill or subjugate all hostile Yautjas that desire to take your head for themselves.

Rewards: 600RP}

{Trial Completion Bonus...

Reward: 300RP}

{Having To Deal With Goldy Bonus...

Note: I'm surprised you didn't go insane with him constantly yapping in your head all this time, good job keeping it together little one.

Rewards: 250RP.}

{Total: 3,200RP}

"Wait! What do you mean "Having To Deal With Goldy Bonus"?!" Goldy growled much to my amusement.

"I'm guessing one of your siblings is in charge of giving rewards?" 

"Fucking Grey that little..." He cursed under his breath.

Hearing him ranting on like this I couldn't help but laugh lightly to myself. "I'll take that as a yes." 

"You think it is funny do you? Well, let's see if you're laughing after your next set of "rewards" shall we." He said while glaring at me.

"Wait...there's mor-AAAAAAAH FUCK!" I yelled as an absurd amount of information slammed into my head.

[//Name: Warp Conversion

//Type: Inheritance

//Rank: None

//Grade: None


Effect 1: The user is capable of absorbing most kinds of energies and converting them into Warped Ether, the stronger the energies absorbed the greater the conversion rate.

//Notes: When absorbing energies the user will be unable to use most non-passive type Gifts leaving them somewhat vulnerable. Additionally, Warped Ether can be used for a variety of things such as, increasing the rank of growth type Gifts, enhancing the body and weapons, it can even be turned into a kind of currency.]

[//Name: Minimize

//Type: Inheritance

//Rank: None

//Grade: None


Effect 1: Allows the user to shrink their overall size  and become far smaller as well as more compact.

//Notes: The amount that the user can actually shrink depends on their current size. It can also not be modified, meaning the user can either be a shrunken down version of themselves or their full size, there is no in between. Additionally the user's overall capabilities and strength will also be reduced while in this form.]

[//Name: System Access 

//Type: Inheritance

//Rank: None

//Grade: None


Effect 1: Allows the user access to the system functions, such as the shop, the information screen and so on.

//Notes: No one can see the user's system panel without your permission, however certain Gifts or abilities may be able to bypass this fact.]

[//Name: Universal Clock 

//Type: Inheritance

//Rank: None

//Grade: None


Effect 1: Allows the user to fully keep track of the time within their vicinity as well as any place or world they mark beforehand.

Effect 2: The user can set alarms that will change automatically to fit the flow of time around the users location.

//Notes: This may not seem useful, however the user will be thankful when they realize just how confusing time dilation can be in the Omniverse.]

[//Name: Fate's Bane

//Type: Inheritance

//Rank: None

//Grade: None


Effect 1: Once activated the user gains the ability to see the Chains Of The World.

Effect 2: The user gains a complete immunity to both fate and destiny, and as such can break the fates of others.

//Notes: The user will more then likely be eternally hated by beings such as gods of fate or other such entities if ever discovered.]

"So satisfying~" Goldy practically sang the words as I held my head in pain.

"Oh..fuck bloody prick..." I hissed, causing him to grin.

Cursing to myself multiple times under my breath I decided to take my mind off of it by asking a question. "What the hell does "inheritance" mean anyway?"

"There are two types of Gifts, Inheritance and Growth." Goldy hummed, still looking rather smug, a fact that annoyed me to no end.

"Growth type Gifts are the normal ones that you can buy with RP from the System." He explained with a shrug. "Inheritance Gifts are things that you unlock over time by either getting stronger or meeting certain requirements, all Alternatives will eventually unlock most of them given enough time."

"So someone who was reborn as a small species after becoming an Alternative wouldn't be able to gain the Minimize Gift?" I asked for clarification.

"Correct, they wouldn't have met the requirements, as such they wouldn't end up unlocking it."

"Good to know I guess."

"Now that's enough questions, if you have any more ask your Mentor." Much to his annoyance that just gave me another question to ask him.


"Another Alternative that will keep an eye on you for your first two years or so." He answered, slightly irritated.

With that all said and done with, he quickly motioned with one of his wings behind me where a glowing crystalline archway made of multicolored light had appeared. "The exit?" I asked and he nodded.

"Oh right, before I let you go." He suddenly hummed, catching my attention once again before I could even take one step. "Consider this both a farewell present and a thank you for entertaining me." He muttered with an evil grin and before I could say anything at all, more information poured into my head like a chaotic wave crashing into my mind.

[//Name: Empress's Redemption 

//Type: Growth 

//Rank: 1

//Grade: C


Effect 1: A spiritual entity passively protects the user from various non-physical based assaults, such as mind control as well as forced mental intrusion.

Effect 2: LOCKED.

Effect 3: LOCKED.

//Notes: The spirit in question can be damaged and rendered inoperable if it is overpowered by a stronger force, however it will regenerate and reform given enough time to recuperate.]

"Thanks...I guess..." I said with a tone that was filled with suspicion.

"Yeah yeah whatever, just go already."

Rolling my head at him I turned towards the glowing archway only to realize something...I was far too big to fit through the portal. "Okay...errm...but how exactly do I leave?"

"Just go through there." He muttered while looking at me as if I was an idiot. 

"How the hell am I supposed to fit through that?" I clarified with a slight hiss in my voice.

"Use the Minimize Gift that I just gave you! I mean seriously, did you suddenly go brain dead now that you are not in mortal danger or something?"

"An asshole to the end I see..." I sighed causing him to grin slightly.

"You know it bitch!" 

Shaking my head at him I turned to leave. "Let's hopefully never meet again after this."

"Just get the hell out of here before I start getting emotional you brat."

"Whatever you say."

(Well, let's see what this new life of mine has in store shall we...) I thought to myself only to stop in my tracks once more when a sudden realization hit me.

I could practically feel that annoying fucking look on his face as he spoke up again with an amused tone in his voice. "You have no idea how to use it, do you?"

"Just...just shut the hell up and give me a second to figure this out..."

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