Amelia the Level Zero Hero

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

I refuse, Kallistus Kal said simply, facing down the rest of the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns.

He couldnt see most of their faces. They were merely projections shadowed figures that were assembled around the room. But despite that, he saw the way they visibly reacted. They shifted back, hearing his rejection of their leader.

The Archmage King was the only one who didnt wear a hood. His brows snapped together, and he narrowed his eyes. His piercing gaze bore into the [Hero King].

What did you say? Leonhard asked dangerously.

He evidently wasnt simply asking Kallistus Kal to clarify anything. The Archmage King was issuing a threat. If the [Hero King] repeated himself, it would officially mark him as an enemy of the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns.

Kallistus was being given one final chance to rescind his refusal he was given one final chance to pledge his loyalty back to the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns. However, Kallistus Kal weighed his options, and his answer remained the same.

I said, I refuse.

And a susurration washed over the gathered group. The shadowed figures in the back grew restless. A few of them shouted in outrage, while others just exchanged confused glances. They couldnt believe it. They stared at Kallistus Kal in sheer disbelief.

Is he crazy? one of them asked.

Another one said, Has he lost his mind?

Silence, Leonhard bellowed, cutting off the rest of them. They snapped to attention as Kallistus Kal raised a brow. The Archmage King stepped forward. Do you not comprehend the consequences of your decision?

It was a rhetorical question. Kallistus knew the answer to that. So he just nodded. I do.

You will be making an enemy out of all of the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns, the Archmage King said.

I am aware of that, the [Hero King] thought in response. And I do not care. For I no longer need you. I no longer need the help of your organization.

Kallistus had joined them to learn more about the Void. But now, he had ascended to a power that none of them could ever reach. So there was no need for him to waste his time with them any longer.

I do not care, he finally said as he turned around.

Leonhards image flickered. His facial expression didnt change. He simply continued to stare into the [Hero King]s back. Until, finally

Very well. But know this, [Hero King] the Kyn-Leard said in a warning voice. You will die for your betrayal.

And with that, the spell circle casting the projections flashed. The room dimmed as the members of the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns vanished. All that remained now was Kallistus Kal standing there, craning his neck back fractionally.

The [Hero King] heard that threat. But he shrugged it off as he walked away towards the exit of the room. There was nothing the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns could do to stop him from reaching his goals. After all

What happens now? a voice asked.

And Kallistus Kal looked up. He saw Ammon the Arcane Archsorcerer standing down the hallway with wide eyes. He had overheard the entire discussion with the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns.

Will you put an end to the war against the Astrad Kingdom now that you are no longer associated with the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns? Ammon asked, pursing his lips.

The [Hero King] continued walking forward as he shook his head. No. There is no need.

Ammon blinked, and Kallistus Kal explained.

The war can continue to be a backdrop the Kingdom of Kal can remain a distraction. To me, it matters not what happens. Even if the Astrad Kingdom emerges victorious, or the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns razes my cities to the ground, the outcome shall remain the same.

This was the main difference between the [Hero King] and the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns. They wanted to serve the Void, but he

He closed his eyes, before raising a hand. Another rift began to tear open before him as a savage smile spread across his lips.

I shall take control of the Void, and then nothing will ever stand in my way again.

The tale has been stolen; if detected on Amazon, report the violation. But before Kallistus Kal could summon another clone to send into the Void, he paused. His eyes flickered as he sensed something appearing in the skies above his city. The smile briefly disappeared from his face, and he chuckled mirthlessly.

Oh? So you have finally decided to show up?

Ammon blinked, hearing the [Hero King]s words. What is it, my King?

It is nothing, Ammon, Kallistus said, grinning as he took a step back. It simply appears that an old foe has decided to show up for a rematch. But this time I will not be needing your assistance.

The Arcane Archsorcerer just raised a brow, completely perplexed. And the [Hero King] continued to walk forward.


And up in the sky, far above the clouds, a majestic beast soared high. Its crimson scales glittered under the sunlight. Its massive wings spread wide, showing its splendor and might. If anyone saw this sight, they would scream, then faint, then wake up, then faint again in sheer disbelief, in that exact order. After all, it was not an ordinary creature here that was taking the sky. It was no, he was

He was an Elder Dragon.

So this is Kalis, the Elder Dragon said, overlooking the Capital City of the Kingdom of Kal.

His name was Grat-razun. He was the Great Rakaarzun. He was the Glorious Terror of Mount Arkais. He was Ignizs Arcane Champion. He was the King of the Crimson Flames. And he was one of the last Elder Dragons left alive in all of Vacuos.

It had been a long time since he last took the skies of this region of Laxo. The last time he had been here, it had been the city of Sibylla standing beneath him the Capital City of the Morius Empire. But it had long since fallen, and now, it was the land where his enemy lay.

Grat-razun was here for one reason and one reason only for the [Hero King] Kallistus Kal. The Elder Dragon never forgot the day he had been ambushed by Kallistus and his minions. Each and every one of them had been blessed by the Void. And they had defeated him with their combined power.

The Elder Dragon would have died that day. Fortunately for him, he had been saved by a nearby SS-ranked elf adventurer. So he barely escaped with his life, and he was recovering with the elf for months. Until Guardian Angel Z357 revealed himself to them.

After that, Grat-razun recovered, and Guardian Angel Z357 went off to slay the [Hero King]. But even after months of waiting, Grat-razun never saw Guardian Angel Z357 return.

That was why the Elder Dragon was here today. To investigate what had happened back then. His eyes flashed with a blue light as his vision expanded beyond what he simply saw before his eyes. His gaze pierced through the veil of the white cloud beneath him, before arriving at the city of Kalis.

He saw everything as if he was descending down there by himself, even if he hadnt moved. He swept over the sea of people, passing over all kinds of buildings from tall towers made of marble to large houses covered in flowers. Although, some of the many structures were damaged and under repairs for whatever reason

Grat-razun focused on the palace up ahead. He saw heavily-armored [Knights] gathered there right at the courtyard. He saw the [Royal Guards] lining the ornate halls, and he saw the [Mages] studying in the libraries. But then his gaze went on ahead, until he arrived in the throne room.

There, he saw Kallistus Kal sitting down, giving orders to an [Archmage] and a group of his advisors. It was as Grat-razun expected.

The [Hero King] is still alive, he whispered as he watched this scene unfold from high above the clouds. His eyes flickered, letting the realization slowly set in. But that is the case, then that means

Guardian Angel Z357 is dead, a voice replied.

And the Elder Dragon blinked. He immediately exited the scrying spell, but it was too late. He couldnt react in time. A powerful strike dug into his back as he roared in pain. He looked back to see a familiar figure standing there, sword digging into his side.

Kallistus Kal? But how? Grat-razun stared in horror at the [Hero King].

The Elder Dragon couldnt comprehend it. He had just seen Kallistus Kal down below, in the throne room at the city of Kalis. But now, the [Hero King] was here? Was it some kind of illusion? Some kind of trick?

Grat-razun didnt have time to think about it. He felt the blade of the [Hero King] dig deeper into his scales, and the Elder Dragon opened his mouth.

BURN! he screamed, unleashing the full might of his dragonfire at his enemy.

But even as his flames bathed the sky with their intensity, causing the clouds to evaporate, Kallistus Kal didnt move. The [Hero King] took the full force of the Elder Dragons flaming breath without flinching.

Grat-razun paused when he realized his attack had been wholly ineffective. His flames faded away, and he just gaped at Kallistus Kal.


I have grown much stronger since we last met, Kallistus said. You are now nothing but a pest to me.

And the [Hero King] swung up once, shearing off one of the Elder Dragons wings. Grat-razun began to tumble from the sky as Kallistus Kal leapt back with a sadistic smile.

The two of them fell next to each other as Grat-razun roared in pain. The world spun around him. Everything was a daze, and his back burned in pain, But still, he saw a flash of purple light through his minds haze.

Kallistus Kal raised his sword, aiming the weapon at the Elder Dragon, ready to finish the job. Somehow, he was far stronger than before, and there was nothing Grat-razun could do to fight back. Which meant there was only one option for the Elder Dragon.

He had prepared himself to make a quick escape even before he had come here. Because he had been afraid he would be overpowered by the [Hero King]s goons once more. And while the Elder Dragon didnt expect this situation to arise, he was still ready to escape.

So he raised his claw and bellowed, [Pre-Cast Spell: Greater Teleportation]!

It was a Skill that let him prepare a spell any spell, even if it was a ritual before a battle. This time, he opted for a teleportation spell, which would bring him to a set location he had in mind. He hadnt wanted to go there, because his pride wouldnt let him ask for the help of others. But he knew when to run, and he knew when he had to abandon his pride. So his body flashed.

The [Hero King]s brows snapped together. He shouted something, before swinging down with his glowing sword. But it was too late. The Elder Dragon was gone.

And Kallistus Kals attack struck nothing but the air. He continued to bumble down alone, before he landed in the middle of a forest. He gritted his teeth as he dug his blade to the ground, and he whispered to himself.


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