American Comics: Make Up Containment! I Create A Foundation

Chapter 19 The Containment Is Successful, Pay Tribute To The Decedent!

With one hand, Chen Feng blocked the 939's fang-covered mouthparts, while stabbing its lower jaw with a combat dagger. After a few hits, its howling weakened and stopped moving.

Chen Feng pushed the 939 sub-individuals away, and found that the battle situation was completely heated up. There were at least hundreds of 939 sub-individuals here.

Moreover, due to the complex terrain of this lair, the location of the 939 mother body is even more so in a huge cave extending in all directions.

Once the mother body of 939 escapes, things will only become more difficult.

At the moment Chen Feng saw clearly the specific situation here, a large number of human skeletons.

Next to the skeleton, a pile of dark red eggs with slime? This is where the 939 mother hatched her cubs!

Maybe 939 used those human corpses as nourishment? But according to the Foundation's entries, monsters like 939 obviously don't have a digestive system.

It seems that 939 needs human corpses as nutrients for hatching eggs?

(Here, some changes have been made to the breeding of 939. The original setting method is prone to accidents.)

No wonder 939's mother body didn't escape from here, definitely if 939 finds that it can't destroy the Foundation's containment force, then it will probably escape from the lair as well.

"Ready, ready to launch!" The deputy shooter of the containment team patted the shooter's helmet.

The shooter holding the AT-10 anti-tank launcher opened the safety, and two rockets equipped with high-concentration liquid paralytics accurately hit the 939 mother body.

After the liquid paralyzing drug instantly turned into smoke, 939's movements seemed to slow down a bit.

"Quick! Keep attacking! Keep attacking! Another round!"

As soon as the words fell, the bazooka shooter of the containment team suddenly screamed.

A sharp claw pierced his heart.

The shooter opened his eyes before he was about to die, only to see that the head of the deputy shooter's torso was no longer there.

The members of another containment team were also besieged. Despite the intensive firepower blockade, two 939 sub-instances still rushed past under the desperate offensive of the 939 sub-instances.

The members of the containment team responsible for covering suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

The leader of the containment team only had one right arm left. While coughing up blood, he took out a grenade with his right hand and bit off the insurance. Together with a 939 instance, he exploded into blood mist.

"Captain Lindenwan, cover me! Alpha team, follow me!"

Chen Feng raised his service gun, shot and blasted the 939 sub-individuals that were trying to hinder him, then took out the white phosphorus high-explosive fragmentation grenade, pulled the safety and threw two of them directly and accurately at the sub-units blocking the 939 mother body. among individuals.

Following several explosions, those 939 sub-individuals let out a shrill, human-like wailing sound, and the flames spread across them in an instant.

Beside Chen Feng, 32 assault team members of Alpha Team followed Chen Feng and rushed towards the place where the soldiers of the containment team died in battle.

Chen Feng threw two high-intensity condensation grenades again, turning those 939 sub-units that were trying to block them into ice sculptures.

He picked up the AT-10 and unlocked it.

At this time, the surrounding 939 rushed towards Chen Feng in a desperate frenzy, and the Foundation fighters of the Alpha team almost fought face-to-face with these contained objects.

Captain Lin Dengwan poured all the ammunition into this area.

Did AT-10's anesthesia warhead hit the 939 mother body accurately again? It wailed and seemed to turn around and run away.

Chen Feng once again raised his service pistol to charge a blow, and shot through the 939 sub-units standing in front of him.

Then he picked up the special stun guns for containment next to the corpses of the containment team, and shouted to the soldiers on the side: "Pick up the stun guns of the containment team, it's about to run away!"

Chen Feng led the remaining members of the Alpha group, like a sharp knife, all 939 individuals blocking in front of him were unceremoniously pierced.

Relying on the charge of the service gun to shoot, he led the soldiers of the Alpha Assault Squad to forcefully penetrate the entire front line.

When 939's mother body staggered away, the stick-shaped high-energy charged flying darts precisely hit 939's mother body, and its already sluggish body twitched.

Soon, the second one, the third one... A total of nearly 20 rounds of high-energy charged flying darts were fired, and 939 let out a desperate wail and fell to the ground.

And those 939 offspring were already madly attacking the soldiers of the Foundation after the mother body fell to the ground, but after losing the mother body, they seemed to have no command.

It was only broken one by one by the Foundation soldiers of the Airborne Assault Company, and Chen Feng rushed to the position of 939 with other members of Alpha's containment team to completely control it.

After the mother body was contained, the battle lasted a full 30 minutes before it was completely over.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was at its thickest, a group of Foundation soldiers who seemed to have just experienced a war walked out of the nest one by one.

Tony, Natasha Romanoff, and Skye realized how brutal the battle was when they saw the Foundation soldiers come out.

At least 130 people and 3 assault groups entered the lair.

After all, it is such a complicated terrain, and too many troops can't exert their combat effectiveness. They can only deploy small troops and fight in the way of commandos.

That's why Tony, Natasha Romanoff and Skye didn't make it.

It's just that they were all silent at this time. When they went there, there were 130 people in high spirits. When they came back, they were one-fourth less, and there were still many wounded left.

When Natasha Romanoff saw the huge amounts of mother body of 939 enclosed in an iron cage, she knew that the battle was won.

All the Foundation soldiers who stayed behind suddenly shouted: "Salute to the decedent!"

They saluted a foundation military salute in unison.

In Chen Feng's mind, a reminder that the system was contained successfully sounded.

Seeing that Chen Feng still had some self-blame on his face, Captain Lin Dengwan walked aside and said in relief: "Sir, you don't need to blame yourself, you commanded very well, if it was me, at least the casualties would increase Double."

"Challenging the gods with a mortal body is an inevitable price."

Watching this scene, Skye breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion: "They... are all heroes, the Foundation, what a great organization."

Tony always felt that he was touched by these heroes, and couldn't help sighing: "I really hope to be able to fight side by side with them!"

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