American Comics: Start With An Eye Of God

Chapter 166: Both Sides React! (Ask For Flowers And Collections!)

In the distant universe, a pitch-black cross warship hiding in the interstellar ruins gradually glows scarlet.

The battleship, which had been sleeping for nearly five thousand years, was awakened after the Tai particles woke up.

The leader of the dark elves, Malekith, was also awakened from the sleeping cabin after the battleship system was activated.

The awakened Malekith was silent for a moment, his cloudy eyes gradually became clear.


Malekith came down from the sleeping cabin, and looked at the elite fighters who were awakened one after another: "The ether has awakened us, and the open-body convergence has begun again..."

"Soldiers, get ready, we will welcome the return of the ether, and completely plunge the universe into darkness, and we will make Asgard pay the price!"

As Malekith's voice fell, the awakened dark elves raised their hands and cheered ~.

Malekith waved his hand: "Make all the preparations before the battle, I will lock the bit of ether..."

Before he finished speaking, Bucky's face changed suddenly.

His inseparable connection with the ether... has been broken at this moment!

"Malekis, what's the matter?" Algolim, the second head of the dark elf who also woke up, naturally saw the change in Malekith's expression, and his heart immediately bulged.

"Ether..." Malekith's eyes flickered with anger: "The connection between Ether and me has been interrupted."

"How is this possible?" Algolim retorted subconsciously, and then said: "How could this be? The ether is directly connected to you, how could it be interrupted?"

"Things that Bol can't even do, how can that brat in his family...

"I don't know either!" Malekith's face was gloomy: "But before the ether connection was cut off, the last location I sensed was at home!"

"Let's go home first, and if we can't find it, then kill Asgard."

"Once the ether is regained, Asgard will repay the suffering we have suffered, and I will restore our world and completely end this dilapidated universe!"

"We must win!"

Algolim said in a deep voice: "I will bring you victory!"

"Algolim!" Malekith was silent for a few seconds, and said in a deep voice, "We only have the last one left, and you will accept the power of the cursed warrior."

Algolim said: "I am willing to give my life to bring you victory."

Malekith handed the last cursed stone to Algolim: "You will be cursed until you are completely assimilated by it. At that time, our enemies will no longer be able to stop you!"

"I'll smash them all!"

Algolim took it without any hesitation, and crushed it with a calm face, allowing the power of the curse to spread throughout his body until he was completely assimilated into a cursed warrior.

"Let's go home!"

Suppressing his grief, Malekith suddenly turned his head, battleship, set off!

The space jump is activated, and the target is directed at Walter Alheim, the kingdom of darkness.

At the same time, Jing Kong, who received Tai particles, also brought Wanda and Pietro to the surface of the planet in the dark kingdom, quietly waiting for the arrival of the dark elves!

Ready to wipe it out.

With different positions and different camps, none of the three would have any compassion for this dark elf whom they had never met before.

The dark elves want to plunge the entire universe into darkness, and they are destined to stand on the opposite side of all creatures from the very beginning.

Including Jing Kong, Wanda and Pietro.

This is a battle for survival, either you die or I die, what kindness is there?

At the same time, God King Odin, sitting on the throne of Asgard, seemed to have noticed something, and left the heroes who were having a celebration banquet and went straight to the secret room.

He took out his father's relics and opened the notes left by him. The sealing technique on one page had been broken, and his expression sank immediately.

"Heimdall, I need you to see Walter Alheim."

There is not much information left by his father, but Odin is not stupid, after all, he once tried to collect infinity stones, but gave up later.

He understood what his father had sealed in Walterheim.

That is the weapon used by the dark elves to erode the universe. Tai particles are more likely to be the real rough stones out of the ten of wooden wood rough stones.

The gathering of celestial bodies is in front of him, but now his father's seal has been blasted by external force, he can't help but think about it.

It wasn't long before Bifrost was repaired, and the Nine Realms finally regained its stability. If someone with a good heart got hold of that thing, it would not only be a disaster for the Nine Realms, it would definitely be a disaster for the entire universe.

And this disaster is likely to be imminent.

...asking for flowers......

After all, the convergence of celestial bodies is just around the corner.

It didn't take long for Heimdall's report to ring in Odin's head.

"Wang, I saw an acquaintance, a holy place magician, he brought two children, both from Midgard, and seemed to be waiting for something, my gaze was spotted by him, do you want to take the initiative to communicate?"

"..." Odin was silent for a moment, and then said: "Notify Thor, let him come to see me in secret, and also, take your gaze away."


Not long after, Thor in black robe came in.

Looking at Odin with a serious face, Thor whispered: "Father, what do you want from me?"

"Thor..." Odin said in a low voice, "remember that holy place magician who fought with you on Midgard?"


"Definitely remember!" Thor nodded slightly, the two had a good fight back then, Thor could be said to be fresh in his memory, and then said:

"Does this matter have anything to do with him?"

"Yeah!" Odin nodded slightly, opened a book at random, and put it in front of Thor: "There are some things, maybe I should let you know!"

"This is not a story, but something that really happened. In addition, there are many secrets beyond the story, and I will explain them to you."

"Okay!" Although Thor was a little puzzled, he still took the book handed over by Odin, looked at it carefully, and then the corner of his eye twitched.

Looking at Thor's expression, Odin didn't intend to hide it, and told everything: "The gathering of celestial bodies once every five thousand years is just around the corner, the ether wakes up, and the dark elves make a comeback..."

"Father, what do I need to do?" Thor asked directly.

"I need you to go to Walt Alheim!" Odin said in a deep voice: "Stop the dark elves from getting the ether, and destroy them!"

"The holy place magician is also in Walter Alheim. This time, you remember to bring the Tesseract. The binding effect of the contract in your soul is still there and must be cleared."

"Contract..." Seemingly remembering something bad, the corners of Thor's eyes and mouth twitched slightly, and he said immediately: "I see, I'll go to the treasure house right away, and then set off for Walter Alheim!"

"Go, my child!" Odin nodded with a smile, raised his hand and patted Thor's shoulder: "I've always been proud of you!"


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