American Comics: Start With An Eye Of God

Chapter 169 Plan Execution, The Routine Of The Wanda Brothers And Sisters! (Ask For Flowers And Coll

"G, have you collected anything yet?"

Watching Thor step onto the Bifrost with the dead dog-like Malekith, Jing Kong turned to look at the shrunken Godzilla G.

Godzilla G said in a deep voice: "My lord, all the data have been copied. '

"Okay, Tektronix, human form!" Jing Kong nodded, then gently raised his left hand, the nano-device flowed rapidly, and the sharp-edged Tektronix armor directly turned into a bionic human.

my lord. The bionic man transformed into the Tek armor bowed slightly.

"Tek." Jing Kong nodded with a smile: "In the next period of time, please make peace with me!"

"It's our honor to serve our lord, we will definitely complete the task!" Taike nodded heavily, and then flew straight into the air.

In the sky, Sky One, which had just arrived, also manifested its figure, the hatch opened, and Tek took the initiative to take it in.

The spacecraft is ignited and the space jump is ready.

In the next moment, the two of them disappeared directly through the space node.

Their mission this time is to prepare for the collection of Soul Gem, but this kind of thing doesn't need to be done by Sora himself.

After all, spreading Soul Gem information and spying on Vomir Star, is it possible that he has to go in person? Then the whole galaxy runs around?

It would be too troublesome.

It is enough to take Tek with No. 1. No. 1 is responsible for interstellar navigation and escort work, and Tek is responsible for disseminating Soul Gem information.

With the strength of the two of them, as long as they don't provoke existences like Yi Ge, it's easy to run if they can't beat them.

No matter how bad it is, when you encounter danger, you can also send a signal to Godzilla G, and let Godzilla G come forward to solve it.

If even Godzilla G can't be dealt with, he's not stingy with it.

In short, it is very satisfying to entrust the troublesome things to the subordinates, practice and cultivate by yourself, touch the fish, and enjoy life!

"Let's go, go home, I don't know if the gathering of celestial bodies will make the earth that has just been quiet for a while.".

Watching No. 1 take Tyke away, Jing Kong waved towards Wanda and Pietro.

With her hands behind her back, Wanda walked slowly to Jing Kong's side, and asked softly, "Teacher, do you want to go back and get the time stone first?"

"Don't take it!" Jing Kong shook his head straight: "The next successor of Sorcerer Supreme hasn't grown up yet, and the time stone Ancient One mentor won't let me move, but it's not bad.

"After all, the instructor promised that the thing will be mine in the end."

"Teacher" Pietro rolled his eyes: "What if the next Sorcerer Supreme disagrees?"

Jing Kong smiled softly: "Sorcerer Supreme I only recognize Ancient One mentor, who is the next one?"

Strange, do I know him?

Not to mention other comic universes and the like, the Strange Ability of the movie universe can be poor.

When Ancient One's mentor is around, the multi-universe is a quiet horse. Except for the unyielding Dormammu, don't all monsters and monsters have to lie obediently?

Maybe it's because of the wrong time when Strange came to power, but it can't cover up the shortcoming of Strange's lack of Ability.

But he can't be completely blamed, after all, he was forced to go up. The time for his own cultivation is too short, but the speed of things happening is too fast and too much.

Jing Kong also doesn't want to comment too much, this kind of thing is right.

Just wait, anyway, I have been in this world for several years, and I am waiting for a year or two.

If you really want to get the rough time stone without interfering with the normal development of this world, there are actually many ways, and they are very maneuverable.

But... harming other universes, bringing other universes to a dead end, just for your own benefit, is it really necessary to do such a thing?

Jing Kong wasn't sure, but he didn't like it.

For one's own selfishness, let hundreds of millions of people in the world sacrifice for it. Except for the inhumane and insane guy who can do this kind of thing, who can do it?

Maybe, but now he is definitely not.

As for whether it will be...God knows?

The current Jing Kong may not be 'mature' yet.

Temporarily putting aside superfluous thoughts, Jing Kong took Wanda and Pietro directly back to New York holy place.

With Tai particles in hand, the dark elves are all wiped out, the celestial body gathering is about to pass, and other tasks have been left to Tai Ke and No. 1 to perform, and there is nothing that needs his active attention!

As soon as he returned to the holy place, Pietro next to him couldn't help but rubbed his hands, winked and said: "Teacher, half a year is almost over, when will..."

"Go and play!" Jing Kong glared at Pietro angrily.

"That's right, what are you talking about!" Wanda directly raised her foot and kicked Pietro's calf: "If you are in a hurry, run around until you can't run anymore."

"..." Pietro sighed helplessly, with a distraught look on his face, turned his head and walked into the practice room, and entered the mirror space through the portal set up inside.

When Pietro left, Wanda narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "々Teacher, is there anything else you haven't done here?"

"It should be... gone!" Jing Kong thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

In the past few years, he has changed a lot of things, and the trajectory of many things can no longer be viewed according to the original line.

That is to say, things like celestial body convergence are bound to happen, but others are not necessarily so.

Avengers was gone from the beginning, HYDRA was wiped out early, S.H.I.E.L.D is gone now, Tianjian Bureau is half dead, and the entire regime of the United States was directly subverted by him...

J.A.R.V.I.S succeeded in replacing Vision's superior Ultron must not be born.

He had already taken away the original power stone, and the battle on Xandar would definitely not happen again.

Maybe only Ragnarök in Asgard will follow the original line?

After all, Odin didn't have a good life for a few years, once Odin died, Hela would definitely break out.

(Li Dezhao) This is also a trouble, but it may take several years.

In a short period of time, or in the past two or three years, there will be no major events on the earth, and there will be no good money to fish for.

The only thing that can be harvested at a fixed point is Tony's constantly updated Mark armor series!

As for the Quantum Realm, although this place can be entered and exited at will, Jing Kong has no ideas or plans.

Jing Kong didn't plan to mess around with time travel without knowing whether he was really a three-in-one body, because that would easily cause trouble.

In case I lose myself, where can I cry?

"Then... Teacher..."

"Do you want to consider going to other worlds?"

Wanda opened her eyes and looked at Jing Kong expectantly.

Looking at Wanda's eyes full of hope, the corner of Jing Kong's mouth twitched.

Are you waiting for me too?

You brothers and sisters can do routines! .

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