American: Native Empire

Chapter 125: The Change of the Era.

After the meeting with Kim Ki-woo was over,

The guests from the East toured the empire’s bustling areas and major cities, including the capital.

The climax was when they visited the empire’s top industrial city, Black Sky.

By now, many industrial complexes had sprung up in the north, but as a single industrial city, Black Sky was still the largest.

The group witnessed how raw materials were transported by rail, and how they were processed into products.

After seeing all this, Yi Hwang fell into deep thought.

‘I think I understand why the empire’s products are so abundant.’

The countless factories that led the empire’s mass production were shocking to say the least.

In Joseon, paper similar to hanji, which was so hard to produce, was mass-produced here by a substance called sulfuric acid.

This explained how the paper that went into the books and newspapers that were widely available in the market was supplied.

And that was not all.

The sight of high-quality steel, incomparable to Joseon’s iron, literally spewing out was something he would not forget even in his dreams.

When he saw them being processed into many iron products right away, he had no more strength to marvel.

After the empire tour was over, the group dispersed to their assigned universities.

There were not many who were assigned to the heart of the empire’s scholarship, Imperial University, and one of them was Yi Hwang.

“Are you sure I can study at Imperial University?”

“Haha. It seems that His Majesty likes you very much. I hope you learn a lot before you return.”

“Thank you very much.”

Kim Ki-woo was very considerate of key figures like Yi Hwang and Hojo Ujitsuna.

He told them to learn the imperial language well at the university, and then study the empire’s scholarship in earnest.

Of course, there were many eyes on them as strangers from another land, but Yi Hwang was quite lucky in this regard.

“Are you the person who came from a country called Joseon?”

“Yes. My name is Yi Hwang.”

“Haha! Nice to meet you. Can you spare me some time?”

“That’s fine, but what is it about?”

“I’m very curious about Joseon’s hangul.”


At this time, many of the swift ropes had returned to the empire.

Thanks to this, there were many issues that made the empire noisy, but among them, the hot potatoes were Joseon’s hangul and the existence of King Sejong who created it.

The illiteracy rate of the empire was quite low.

If you exclude those who had recently merged and became imperial citizens, it was so low that you could say it was extremely low.

This was thanks to the policy of mandating writing and basic education.

To these imperial citizens, the appearance of hangul that was identical to the letters they learned was enough to arouse curiosity.

Of course, the swift ropes testified that they had no other contact with the empire or the great spirit other than hangul, but this was not enough to satisfy the curiosity of the imperial citizens.

“It’s not hard, but I don’t know why hangul and imperial letters match either.”

“That’s okay. Just tell me what you know.”

Especially, the scholars’ curiosity was even more outstanding.

And this was the center of scholarship, Imperial University.

Thanks to this, scholars who wanted to study Joseon and hangul frequently called Yi Hwang and asked him numerous questions.

Yi Hwang told them everything he knew and naturally learned more deeply about the empire’s scholarship.

The history of the empire, philosophy, electricity, chemistry, genetics and immunology, medicine, mathematics, astronomy and so on.

Especially, Yi Hwang experienced his fixed ideas being shattered as he observed microorganisms through a microscope for real.

‘What have I been studying all this time…’

The more he learned about the advanced scholarship of the empire, the more Yi Hwang felt engulfed by a deep sense of inferiority.

He felt pathetic for his past self who had devoted his life to studying Neo-Confucianism by reciting Zhu Xi’s words.

The people of the Wakan Tanka Empire did not know about the doctrine of Neo-Confucianism, but they had a very idealistic way of life.

The citizens of the empire enjoyed a prosperous life without greed, and pursued learning and knowledge.

On the other hand, look at Joseon.

The so-called scholars who claimed to be Neo-Confucianists were blinded by selfishness and caused trouble every day.

Countless people were starving from hunger, and foreign invasions were very frequent.

‘Neo-Confucianism is not the answer. Joseon must change like the Wakan Tanka Empire.’

Yi Hwang realized this earnestly.

In his view, this was a time of great upheaval in the world.

Wasn’t the giant dragon that had been crouching in the west stretching its limbs?

The world would change rapidly in the future.

In order for Joseon not to fall behind in this current, it had to carry out reforms like the empire.

Yi Hwang strongly argued his thoughts at a regular meeting with about a hundred scholars.

“I am afraid. I fear that Joseon will continue to walk on the wrong path, while the Wakan Tanka Empire will cause a great change. Look at the empire. Aren’t they constantly developing by the countless scholars and craftsmen who are there right now?”

“…That may be true. But, what can we do if we go back to Joseon now?”

“We have to do anything. In order for Joseon, the country that King Taejo founded, to last forever. I will definitely change Joseon. If not us, who have accurately grasped the reality of the empire, then who can do it?”


The atmosphere became tense at Yi Hwang’s rather radical claim.

But that was only for a moment. 

Soon, people who agreed with Yi Hwang’s claim appeared one after another.

“I will also contribute to Joseon’s change. Even if it ends badly, I have no regrets if I can change Joseon like the empire.”

“Haha! That’s what I’ve been thinking all along while learning from the empire’s scholarship. Good. Let’s give it a try!”

Of course, there were still many scholars who had not made up their minds, but a majority of them agreed with Yi Hwang’s plan and the mood became heated.

Thus, a faction that wanted to reform Joseon was formed around Yi Hwang in this place, the Wakan Tanka Empire.


While such changes were slowly happening in the East, the relationship between the Wakan Tanka Empire and Europe was gradually shifting.

Since the first and second imperial expeditions visited Europe, imperial goods had been imported into Europe.

Moreover, more goods came in through several illegal trades by imperial merchants.

The imperial goods were of very high quality and rare, so they were very expensive.

In this situation, the rough identity of the empire was revealed.

The existence of the Wakan Tanka continent across the western sea, and the Wakan Tanka Empire there.

And that there were many precious items there, including gold and silver.

“There is El Dorado over there!”

“Let’s go!”

Thanks to this, many European ships competed to sail toward the Wakan Tanka continent.

They received national support and headed west.

But as you know, most of them died at sea.

To prevent epidemics.

But it took quite some time for Europeans to realize this fact.

In the meantime, they could not understand why so many ships that sailed did not return.

They even called the western sea the sea of death.

But there is no eternal secret.

This fact was revealed by those who barely survived and returned.

“What? The Wakan Tanka Empire has been sinking all our ships? How dare those ungrateful bastards…!”

This fact spread quickly throughout Europe.

It already cost a lot of money to launch ships, but they had been sunk so vainly like this.

Many kings and nobles in Europe were enraged by this.

The problem was that this was not the end.

“Huh! Spirits? How can such ghosts exist? They are heretics!”

As Kim Ki-woo had once feared, Europeans’ reactions to spirit worship were cold.

Moreover, the fact that Kim Kiwoo was a living spirit added fuel to the fire.

“A human who doesn’t die? Where can you find such a person!”

“That’s impossible.”

They dismissed the fact that Kim Kiwoo was immortal as a mere rumor.

They could never accept such a rumor.

If it was not a rumor but a fact, then it would mean that the spirit faith was right, and this would shake their religious views to the core.

That’s why they had to deny it no matter what.

If this was all, the Europeans’ hostility might have gradually subsided.

But as the Age of Exploration of the Empire began, not of Europe, the fierce competition between the Empire and Europe started everywhere.

The imperial merchants used their overwhelming funds, the very superior goods of the Empire, and the very fast mobility of the Gibeomseon as weapons to dominate the trade markets all over the world.

“Damn! Those damn Wakan Tanka bastards…”

“How can we go back to our country with just this! Damn it!”

The Europeans, who had opened a new route around Cape of Good Hope in Africa and started to gain a lot of profits, were repeatedly frustrated by the imperial merchants.

There, the imperial fleet visited Africa and learned about the reality of the slave trade in Europe, mainly Portugal.

“How can humans treat other humans so horribly as slaves?”

“The white-skinned ones are very treacherous and cruel people.”

The sailors, who were faithful believers of the spirit faith, could not tolerate this inhuman behavior that went against the spirit and will of the Empire.

Therefore, the imperial fleet used their overwhelming firepower to destroy the slave traders and their fortresses.

“Th-thank you so much… Sob!”

And they freed the slaves who had been living a life worse than human.

The use of force against Europeans was not only this.

At that time, colonies such as Goa in India, Malacca in Malay Peninsula, Hormuz in Persian Gulf, etc. were built mainly by Portugal, but the Empire did not approve of such forced occupation against the will of the natives.

This was also influenced by the fact that Europe’s perception was very bad in the Empire at that time.

The imperial fleet contacted the natives of the areas that had been forcibly occupied and asked for their opinions.

“Do you want those pale-faced ones to rule over you like they do now?”

When they asked this question, without exception,

“Of course not! Please, please help us!”

They got similar responses.

Of course, there were some who did not trust the imperial fleet that suddenly appeared, but what did they have to lose?

The imperial fleet attacked many areas that had begun to be colonized and drove them out and freed the natives.

And when they saw this, the natives were astonished.

“Wow! The power of Wakan Tanka Empire is truly amazing…”

This powerful force and peaceful exchange had a very positive effect on the image of the Empire.

Through this process, the name of Wakan Tanka Empire spread throughout the world.

Thanks to this, people who wanted to visit the Empire directly like Joseon, China, and Japan increased day by day, and they were greatly surprised by the sight of highly developed cities after visiting the Empire like the first visitors from East Asia.

Thus began the true age of Wakan Tanka Empire.

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