An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 103 - Intervention's Price

The sound of soldiers filled the air, and Riley groaned. She pulled at her blanket, burrowing deeper and trying to ignore the pain. Why does it all hurt? Her body felt like she’d rolled down a mountain. Everything hurt. Her throat was sore, and she coughed.

The smell of blood filled her mouth, the metallic taste clinging to her tongue. Gods, why? The door shut, muting the sound outside.

“Is she awake?” Roger whispered.

“I’m unsure,” a woman replied.

Riley kept her eyes clamped shut. I don’t want to wake up. She listened to the noises outside and coughed. Am I sick too? My throat hurts. A ray of light penetrated her blanket fortress. She hissed.

“Riley?” Roger asked.

“Don’t want to talk,” Riley said raspingly.

“I can get you some soup. It will help, and I have something else for you.” Roger nudged her. “Come on now, get up.”

Her eyes watered, and she sunk into the blanket.

“I need you to drink this,” Roger said, pulling back the blanket and showing her a healing potion.

Riley reached out and took the potion. Popping the cork, she forced herself to sit up, her body shaking as she sat in her bed. Looking out into the room, she blushed. There are six guards now? She swallowed and sipped the potion, feeling a strange burn as it passed down her throat.

She slumped against the wall and sipped.

“It’s been about four hours,” Roger said, sitting beside her. “We were able to drive them into the fort but couldn’t take it. Both sides have been focused on their wounded.” He looked at her.

Riley finished off the potion and pulled up into a ball. She looked at her father and signed, her arm shaking. “It hurts. Why?”

“The assassin severed your spine,” Roger said, grimacing. “Travis has a skill that will save himself or an oathed ally from death, but the pain lingers.”

Riley nodded. So, I would have died. She shivered, and Roger pulled the blanket around her shoulders.

“I’ll get her some soup,” a woman said, walking from the room.

Roger nodded and turned back. “How bad is it?”

“Everything hurts.” Riley grimaced as a cold chill ran through her body. She pulled the blanket closer and leaned against the wall. “Outside?”

“Things are going well. The mages are getting a much-needed rest. Repairs are starting, and neither side has the mana to do much else.”

“Can make blades,” Riley signed to him.

“No, no. You rest,” Roger said. “We can wait. Some rangers are scouting the other forts. So far, we’re in a fine spot.”

Riley nodded and looked at her notifications.

[Your base level has advanced: 316 → 320!]

The door swung open, and a form blurred across the room.

Nicole pulled Riley into a hug. “You aren’t allowed to die, Riley.” She released her and smiled. “That’s from Mom.”

Riley blushed and looked up at the worried face. “When did you get here?”

“They realized I wasn’t you,” Nicole said, stretching and sitting next to her. “So I ran up here. Looks like my plan had one flaw.”

Riley leaned back in her bed.

“Lucas says that ‘he’s sorry.’” Nicole sighed and shook her head. “You do understand, right?”

“Of course. He’d just lose everything.” Riley sighed and shivered. Why’s it cold?

Roger frowned. “Do you have a fever?”

Riley shrugged, propped herself up, and took the bowl of soup from the soldier who’d walked in. Grabbing the spoon, she slowly ate the warm broth. Why is all the food on the front terrible? She sipped the broth and tried to focus on the warmth instead of the taste.

“Watch her. I’m getting a healer,” Roger said, striding from the room.

Riley wearily spooned down a dozen bites before sighing. She looked at her bed. That looks nice. She yawned and looked up.

Nicole stood and took the bowl. “Lie down if you want to.”

Riley nodded and lay on her bed, pulling the blanket closer.

Roger walked into the room, and a healer followed him. The healer walked up and inspected her, his magic washing through her.

“She’s fine,” the healer said, frowning at Roger. “Such trauma takes time. I warned you of this.”

Roger scowled at him. “I don’t care. Be back in two hours for another check, or I’ll come find you.”

The healer sighed and walked out of the room. Riley pulled the blanket up and embraced her churning spirit, letting herself sink into the depths of meditation.

The world faded away, and a field of stars appeared. I wonder where Time is? She conjured the lute and began plucking away at it.

“Time, are you out there listening?

Do you know this place?

Is it somewhere far from time

or does it feel your grace?

What’s up here in the heavens?

How do we travel here?

What’s this glowing mystery?

Can you make it clear?”

Plucking away at the lute, she looked down and saw an elven face with dirty blonde hair. She grinned and watched her reflection do the same. Wish I could try this out there. Maybe when Assassin levels. She smiled and looked into her own eyes.

Focusing on them, they surged, growing around her like a massive storm. A vortex of energy surrounded her, flowing like a tidal wave. Riley gasped, and the storm slowed, falling on her like a mix of rain and snow.

Droplets landed on her. Snow piled on her hair, and Riley chuckled. What is this place? How do you not get lost here? She held out her hands and caught the vibrant blue drops. They streamed along her arms as if she were alive before whirring back into the storm.

Smiling, she sat down and played on the lute, matching the sound of the falling rain.


Nicole leaned against the wall with a stern frown. I can’t believe she almost died. She looked over. Mom would have gone on the warpath. She yawned and looked around the room. Roger was staring at the wall, frustration and worry visible on his face. The other guards were looking at her. She raised a brow.

One walked over and leaned close. “Is it true? If you make an oath of loyalty to her, you always get her auras?”

Nicole nodded. “If she has them equipped.”

“How good are they? That’s what everyone is debating.”

Nicole shrugged and smiled. “Who knows.” She stood and stretched, looking around the room and pondering what to do. “What are the odds of another, Roger?”

Roger looked up. “I’m unsure, but I’m not taking the risk.” He stood and stretched. His frown slowly faded.

Nicole turned and stared. “Is she humming?” She leaned closer and listened to some song that flowed through the room like a trickle of water.

“Yes,” Roger said, a smile spreading across his face. “That’s good news.”

Nicole turned and watched. Riley lay there, a tune leaking from her mouth.

“Is that a lute?” one of the guards asked, confusion visible on her face. “Why do I hear a lute?”

Nicole shrugged. “How should I know?” She reached over and shut the door.

Roger turned to the guards. “It’s likely Mischief, causing trouble.”

Nicole nodded. “How would she play an invisible lute while sleeping?”

The soldier chuckled. “It’s strange.”

Roger stretched, and the door popped open.

Spinning, Nicole looked at the magus and relaxed.

Summer poked her head in and frowned. “Is she alright?”

“Recovering,” Roger said. “In and close the door.”

Summer stepped inside and closed the door. She looked at Nicole. “Is Lucas here?”

“No, no. I still have my duties,” Nicole replied.

Summer shook her head, confusion visible on her face. “I don’t—never mind. Do you think she’d be up to assault their fort this evening? Our hope is that we can start draining their mana in preparation.”

One of the guards turned to the magus. “How do you still have mana?”

Summer smiled and gestured to Riley. “I don’t know the numbers, but she has an aura that’s useful for resource recovery.” She turned to Roger. “Let me know her status over the next six hours, please.” She turned and walked out the door.

Nicole yawned and looked at the humming girl. I’m going to mess with her. She smiled and leaned against the wall.

“Gods,” a guard whispered.

Roger turned. “What?”

“Nothing,” the guard said, looking back at the wall.

Nicole frowned. “What?”

“I have some stamina back without doing anything.” The guard smiled and looked at Riley. “How strong are the auras?”

Roger frowned. This is going to be a problem if the royals get wind of it. He looked at the guards. “Not that strong. Some of the knights have their own skills,” he lied.

“Oh, of course,” the guard said, nodding. He paused and looked back at Riley. “And she’s allowing oaths.”

Roger sighed and nodded. “Please don’t cause a problem for her. She trusts her friends.”

“Never. I made my oath,” the guard said with a growing smile.

Roger turned. “Do you know how many oaths she has, Nicole?”

Nicole shook her head. A smile spread across her face. “No, I’m unsure of that.” We’ll see when my message reaches the council. She paused and looked at Riley. Hopefully, they won’t demand that she be brought home.

A whimper rolled through the room. Nicole grimaced and stood. She moved her chair closer to the bed and touched Riley’s leg. “It’ll be alright, Riley. Just rest.”


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