An Exclusive love

Chapter 385 - The Man Who Came Back at Midnight

Chapter 385 The Man Who Came Back at Midnight

Just when Chen Chen was hesitating whether to sleep in the same room with Jiang Rui, he didn’t return home for a few days.

“Mum”, Tuan Zi asked when they were bathing, “Dad hasn’t been back for three days.”

Chen Chen felt relieved and worried at the same time. “It’s normal for a soldier to not be able to come home for a few months when he has a mission.”

“When I grow older, I can help him!” Tuan Zi clenched her fist. Chen Chen pinched her little face and said, “You’ll have to go back to school next Monday and you can think about your studies first.”

On a small island in the Pacific Ocean, the sound of explosions continued and a row of suited soldiers waited seriously by the coastline.

“Master, they are gone.” Bear ran to him with Scar and Xiao Si, “The people they imprisoned are dead.”

Jiang Rui’s face was dark. That was the first time. Their team followed the plane two days to get there, but there was nothing in that island at the moment.

“But, we found a computer in the room. Although it had been shot by someone, it can be restarted with a special circuit board installed.”

Xiao Si was an expert in that field; he had to be confident since he said so.

Bear saw Jiang Rui’s grim expression and smiled. “At least we blew up one of their bases.”

“Send in the files of the man with dark glasses.” Jiang Rui mentioned coldly, “He is of no use now, so I don’t have to be his scapegoat. If the Lu family really wants to be avenged, I really look forward to seeing whether they can find him or not.”

After Tuan Zi went to sleep, Chen Chen watched TV in the living room alone. The TV was playing a gunplay film and the main star was holding a gun, doing all kinds of dangerous movements. Gradually, the man on TV turned into Jiang Rui.

“Bang, bang, bang…” Chen Chen patted on her face. “Wake up, wake up. What are you doing? He just said he liked you. Do you have to think about him all the time?”

She took the remote and switched to a shopping channel. Chen Chen absent-mindedly listened to the host’s crazy recommendations and fell asleep.

When Jiang Rui returned, he saw a person lying on the couch in the living room. He turned off the TV and sat beside Chen Chen to look at her carefully.

Only after a few days of not seeing her, Jiang Rui already missed her greatly. In the past, every time they finished a mission, he would go to shooting to cut down the stress with Bear. But currently, he just wanted to go home. On the way, he felt strange when he thought of going back home.

It was like… like something that was about to burst out, but there was no outlet. So it just ran wildly in his chest.

“Huh, it’s cold.” Chen Chen hummed and her hands moved on the blanket. Jiang Rui carried her back to the bedroom and tucked her into the quilt. He grabbed the white meat balls, which were his favorite spots.

Jiang Rui didn’t know his obsession for women’s breasts was the so-called Oedipus complex. Just like his feeling towards Xin Qing, it was a kind of obsession, affection and even admiration.

Chen Chen rolled in the quilt and became quiet until Jiang Rui placed a pillow in her arms.

“How can you be so sound asleep…?” For a man who could wake up hearing the sound of a second hand, he couldn’t understand Chen Chen’s behavior. “I have to watch you closely from now on, in case you are sold somewhere.”

Seeing Chen Chen in deep sleep, Jiang Rui went to take a shower. Then he got into the quilt and held her soft body to sleep together.

Chen Chen felt hotter and hotter. She tried to move, but she couldn’t. She became scared and opened her eyes, but a bronze-colored chest was exposed to her. She covered her mouth and looked up; Jiang Rui was there staring at her with narrowed eyes.

“You… you’re back?” Chen Chen said happily.

Jiang Rui was obviously satisfied with her expression, “Um, I came back at midnight.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Chen Chen said, and then she realized she was still in the man’s arms and flushed, “Let… let go of me.”

“No.” Jiang Rui refused her directly, “Tuan Zi said you had the habit of sleeping naked. Why haven’t I seen you sleeping naked?”

“Tuan Zi dared to tell you such a thing…” Chen Chen decided that she would smack Tuan Zi’s bum later.

“Sleeping in a stranger’s home and being naked, that is the kind of thing only a psycho would do.” Chen Chen couldn’t push him away, so she could only try to get her legs away from the man. But Jiang Rui held her waist, and clamped her legs with one of his.

Chen Chen’s legs were tangled and couldn’t move. She hurriedly hit on Jiang Rui’s chest. “Let go of me. Just let me go!”

“I’m not a stranger. I’m your legitimate husband according to the law. So even if I take off all your clothes off, you can’t refuse.” Jiang Rui caught her. “Don’t move.”

Chen Chen could clearly feel the thing pointing at her abdomen, and covered her face, “Then let go of me!”

“You have to get used to it.” Jiang Rui’s voice sounded particularly sexy in the early morning. “I’ll give you time to accept me.”

Chen Chen obviously misunderstood Jiang Rui. She thought the man was talking about whether she liked him.

“I… I…”

Jiang Rui looked at her red face and worried expression and felt itchy inside. He was about to reach his hand to touch those white meat balls when someone broke in.

“Dad! Dad!” Tuan Zi rushed in and climbed onto the bed. Hei Zi followed her and jumped in. Then it found the fierce host was in bed, so it stiffened its tail and jumped down.

Jiang Rui retracted his hand and seriously brought Tuan Zi close to him. Then he tucked her into the quilt and asked, “Why are you here in your pajamas?”

“Hahaha!” Tuan Zi took each of her parents’ arms and said happily, “Today is the weekend. Let’s find something delicious to eat, OK?”

Chen Chen jumped out of bed hastily. “I have to go to the restroom.”

“Dad, mum was very worried about you!” Tuan Zi said secretly when Chen Chen was not there, “She slept in the living room every night. I think she couldn’t sleep when you weren’t here.”

Jiang Rui touched Tuan Zi’s head. “From now on, if dad is not home, you should take care of your mum.”

Although it was strange to say it, Tuan Zi was more dependable than Chen Chen in Jiang Rui’s mind.

Chen Chen felt it was quite unfair. Tuan Zi was brought up by her, but Tuan Zi had Jiang Rui’s look and living habits. For example, Chen Chen liked to eat spicy food while Jiang Rui and Tuan Zi liked bland food.

It was three against one, so she had to follow them to eat Yue food. While on their way, Chen Chen pointed at Hei Zi’s head and scolded it, “You are so unreliable. You like to eat big bones stewed with meat. Why did you raise your paws?”

“Woof! Woof!” Hei Zi barked in return.

“Mum, Hei Zi says there are big bones in Yue Cuisine too,” Tuan Zi translated.

Chen Chen looked at Jiang Rui with shock.

Jiang Rui shook his head. “No, it’s just that they have a deep relationship, so Tuan Zi can mostly guess what Hei Zi means.”

“It freaked me out!” Chen Chen reached to him from the passengers’ seat and whispered to him, “If Tuan Zi can understand animal speech, she’ll definitely be locked up for research.”

Jiang Rui found that he felt itchy inside every time he saw Chen Chen’s shiny eyes. He didn’t know there was a way to describe his mood at the moment; he was simply shocked by her cuteness.

“She won’t be. I’m here to protect her.” He turned his face and kissed Chen Chen’s face. Chen Chen sat back with a red face.

“Have you told Bear to pick up Ah Zi?” She changed the subject.

Jiang Rui nodded, “Hmm, they live so close that they might have arrived already.”

“Hum.” Chen Chen stared directly at the window. Jiang Rui became more and more gentle when he talked.

On the top of the mountain was a very exquisite restaurant which offered Yue Cuisine. Many showbiz people liked to eat there because the decoration was private and the sound-proofing was nice. Bear stood in front of a booth and waved to them. “Here, come here.”

Tuan Zi ran over, and Hei Zi proudly followed her under the manager’s keen eye with its tail pointed up. When they passed a booth, a woman walked out.

“Ah!” The woman screamed, “Why is here a dog?”

Hei Zi instantly uplifted its head and started barking. Tuan Zi hurried back and said, “Hei Zi, stop it.”

Zhou Yiting still stared at Tuan Zi, “Where are your parents? How did you bring the dog in?”

“Miss Zhou, I’m sorry,” The manager said naturally, “This dog is a special guest. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Zhou Yiting looked at him, surprised. “What do you mean by stopping worrying? It scared me. Besides, since when did the hotel allow dogs in?”

“Yiting, stop it.” A gentle voice came out from the room and a woman in a long chi-pao walked out. “Officer Jiang, please forgive my younger sister. She didn’t know it was your daughter’s dog.”

Chen Chen yelled out with surprise, “Are you Zhou Yiyun?”

“Mrs. Jiang has seen my films? It is my honor!” Zhou Yiyun appeared to be flattered and her younger sister just watched them speechlessly.

“You are a good actress.” Chen Chen said as she nodded to her, “And you’re pretty for real!”

Zhou Yiyun said quickly, “Mrs. Jiang is prettier.”

Jiang Rui didn’t say a word during that exchange. Zhou Yiyun was very clever and held her sister back. “We won’t bother you, please enjoy your meal.”

Ah Zi had just returned from the restroom and saw them standing by the door.

“Hey, what are you doing? Come in and order. I’m starving!”

After Jiang Rui and all the others went into the nearby room, Zhou Yiting asked curiously, “Sis, who is that? Why were you so polite to them?”

“The Jiang family.” Zhou Yiyun frowned and said, “I’ve told you that this is the capital. Everyone you see here may be very important.”

Zhou Yiting pouted and said, “I didn’t see the people. I just saw that dog!”

“The dog?” Zhou Yiyun smiled bitterly and went on, “Even the dog is more valuable than both of us. Do you think a dog from a normal family can get into this place?”

“I see, I see!” Zhou Yiting shook her arms, “Sis, the Jiang family you just spoke of, you’re not talking about Officer Jiang, the God of War, are you?”

Zhou Yiyun tasted the tea. “Or what?”

“Isn’t he too young?” Zhou Yiting thought about Jiang Rui’s appearance and felt warmer inside. “I thought he would be an old man.”

Zhou Yiyun took a look at her younger sister and warned her, “The director will be here in a minute. You should make the best of this chance to show yourself. This is all I can do for you.”

“Relax, I will!” Although Zhou Yiting seemed obedient to her words, she thought inside that her older sister was just luckier than her, and that she was even prettier in comparison. It was hard to say who would be the helper in the future!

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