An Incubus Life

Chapter 27 Abigail

Chapter 27 Abigail

I sat in my seat stunned.  They thought I was a human mage?  That was better than them thinking I was an incubus demon.  “Yeah, I just dabble,” I said not committing to the truth.

“It makes sense that you hang out with Iris,” Mandy said.  “So you know know what we are?”

“I think…you are cat people…cat persons,” I said stumbling over my words while getting prepared to bolt out the door of my own car.  “I asked Jade out because I was curious.”

Jade’s eyebrows rose, “Curious about what?” She purred.  I had impressed them at the climbing gym and apparently garnered their interest. 

I felt that they were also trapping me verbally.  Like two cats playing with a mouse.  I was fairly certain my incubus enhancements were superior to them after the climbing excursion. What should I say?  Should I use sexual innuendo here?  I was curious if their stronger cores could give me a greater amount of life essence.  I went with the middle ground. “I recently became aware of the bigger world and I was curious about demis.”  

The cousins looked at each other then Jade spoke, “Ask away.”

I stumbled for a bit before saying, “So I can see through some demi illusions but both of you appear to have a strong aetheric haze around you.  With James, I can see he is a dark brown furry cat man.  Why can’t I see through your…illusion or screen or whatever it is?”

Jade answered me, “Iris should have told you if she has been teaching you.  Defense always trumps offense.  We have upper-tier 1 obfuscation abilities. James just had a lesser tier 1.” She moved close to me and touched my cheek with a pat. “You must have an upper tier 1 sight ability or item to see through James’ minor illusion,” she guessed.  “Color me intrigued.” A throaty purr followed her continued interest in me.

I didn’t shy away from her touch or her sudden rising interest in me.  Mandy from the back seat said, “My cousin has always been intrigued with power.  Don’t let her seduce you.  If you want I will drop my ability and let you see my true form, Caleb,” Mandy purred as well trying to bring my focus to her. 

I was getting the feeling these two women were competing for my attention.  Before I could respond Jade dropped her illusion first. She was a black, white, and orange-striped tiger woman.  My jaw dropped as her golden eyes stared into me and her mouth showed predatory teeth as her new form smiled at my surprise.  I didn’t retreat and instead got bold and reached to her neck and felt her very soft multi-color coat.  I scratched up behind the tough girl’s ear and she leaned into my hand and purred.  Mandy broke the moment by laughing and Jade grabbed my hand in a flash and forced it back to my side of the front seat. I guess petting and scratching Jade like a pet cat in front of her cousin was a bit demeaning…or enjoying the petting in front of your cousin was.

I looked at Mandy who had transformed as well into a golden cat with green eyes.  When she spoke her voice was a little hard to understand, “I am from the lesser cougar family but I was blessed with upper tier 1 magic.  My cousin is from the tiger family and is an upper tier 1 demi.  So are you an upper tier 1 human mage?”  

So this was an information exchange and I guessed I should reciprocate a little.  “Yes, I have the upper tier 1 aether sight…spell.” My mind wandered. Could humans and demis mate? I was asking myself because both these women looked ready to devour me sexually and my incubus senses were smelling arousal from each of them. 

“Come on Caleb what physical enhancement spells do you have?” Chided Jade.  The tough young woman suddenly became soft and flirtatious. 

Uncomfortable, I deflected, “Are you going to share all your secrets with me?”  I hadn’t revealed anything they couldn’t guess so far.  I tried a new line of questioning, “Have either of you been inside a transit?” Maybe they could give me some useful info for Sunday.

Did Jade let out a deep throaty growl of…irritation?  This caught me off guard as she was in her human form.  Mandy chirped from the back seat, now also human, “That is a sore subject for Jade.  She was in a dungeon academy and got kicked out for defending herself from a vamp.” 

“Vamp?” I asked but already guessed she meant vampire.  “And what is a dungeon academy?”

Mandy was quiet, letting her cousin answer for herself.  Jade finally spoke, “A vampire.  They are some of the strongest demis on this layer,  usually, they are lower tier 2 demis and sometimes upper tier 2.” Malice was in her voice when she referred to the vamps.

She softened a little and said, “Dungeon academies train teams to harvest materials from the transits.  Academies have humans and dozens of varieties of demis.  It is essentially a school for combat and magic.”

My next question formed, “I have been told a bit about transits and have some books on them but had time to read them.  Why do you need to attend an academy to go to a transit?  What materials do you harvest in a transit?”  I asked, glad to have them offer this information freely.  Iris wasn’t well versed in this aspect even though her parents researched transits.

Jade reclined against the door creating space between us.  “Generally the transits are called dungeons.”  I wanted to say not according to Iris but let Jade continue.  “A dungeon or transit if you prefer, is a thread connecting the same planet through all 23 planes.”  I sat up as this was new information.  Jade smirked realizing she was offering information I wasn’t aware of.  “So aether travels down this thread from the Source and connects the same planet through each layer.  This is generally the same for all inhabited planets in the universe.  One thread for each planet.  Planets that support life, called Gaia’s, need the aether from the source to thrive.  If a planet doesn’t have a thread then life will likely not develop on the planet.  If that thread is cut at a higher layer then the planet will die in the layers below the cut.  Like Mars.”  She finished smugly relaying her extensive knowledge.

I stumbled out words into a question, “So Mars used to have life?  How do you know?”

Jade grinned and looked cute in her smugness, “It is in the histories.  Mages and demis have traveled there and explored the planet’s ruins buried beneath the surface.  I can't quite remember but I think the transit thread was cut on the 20th layer…would have to look it up at the academy library…” she stopped realizing that she no longer had access to the academy.  She suddenly looked...sad.

Jade continued after regaining composure, “Each planet has hundreds of portals to access their transit between the layers.  These portals to the transit are in flux…some disappear…some appear.  A portal usually lasts anywhere from a few months to a few centuries.”  Jade crossed her legs under herself in the passenger seat.

“The thing with portals to the transits is they take a lot of aether to open a portal.  Usually, only an upper tier 2 being has enough aether reserves to open a portal.  There are some very expensive aether devices out there that can store enough aether to open a portal but they are controlled by powerful organizations and clans. The transits are worlds to themselves.  Resources abound from precious metals to aether-infused alchemy ingredients.  Most monsters also have a crystallized aether core that can be harvested when they are slain.”  

Jade put on a longing look, “Adventure, fighting, loot, there is nothing but excitement in the dungeons.”  Mandy reached from the back seat and patted Jade’s shoulder in consultation.  Should I ask Jade to join us on Sunday?  I planned to talk with Iris and ask her opinion.  

I asked Jade a question, “So are you good at…harvesting transits?”

Jade signed, “I spent six years preparing, and now I will probably never get a chance to find out.  I have been blacklisted.  Unless I join an underground delve team I probably won’t see the inside of a dungeon.”

Mandy offered from the back seat, “That’s why Jade is such a bitch.  She will come out of it eventually so if you want to date her know she isn’t as grumpy as she appears.”  Was Mandy trying to pimp out her cousin now?  Just when I was kinda not hating her.  

I decided to leave it open, “Yeah my curiosity has been abated just yet.  Maybe next date it could be just me and you Jade.  No chaperones.” I said eyeing Mandy in the back who huffed but didn’t say anything.

Jade smiled, cracking her RBF (resting bitch face).  “Yeah, just me and you.  Sounds good.  Mandy let’s head inside.”  Jade exited the car and Mandy followed.  I sat in the sat and watched them head inside.  

I didn’t like Mandy and if I was ever going to hate fuck someone it would be her.  She would still have to be willing but I would probably be super aggressive to make her as submissive as possible.  I just didn’t like the way she controlled and manipulated people.  I hoped I never became like her.  I drove home.

I still had a running date with Abigail in a few hours.  My incubus hormones were raging a bit.  I had hoped to possibly get Jade alone and get some life essence from her.  I needed just a few more life essence for evolution.  Since my cat pussy fell through I would need to try a little harder with Abigail.  

When I asked to go running with Abigail I hoped it would become something regular.  Abigail was interested in me and I needed subjects to figure out how effective my life essence harvest was.  For Abigail, I planned to not use my saliva and just use the vortex once a week.  I would monitor her core and how much essence I harvested.  Still, I needed her to be willing so that meant seducing her…I guess I was starting to think like an incubus. 

After getting to my room I showered.  I was still trying to figure out how to tell Iris I had found a possible third for our little expedition.   I slept a full 8 hours in my mind space.  My dreams in the mind space felt off…like someone was watching me.  Was it paranoia? Or had the cat girls sone something to me?  No…oh! was Andromeda!  She was checking in on her investment through the pedestal in the center of my mind space.  She was just taking a peek apparently and soon the feeling of being watched vanished.

I guess this was part of the price I paid for giving myself to a succubus.  It was a bit creepy.  Like a mother spying on her son when he thought he was alone in the house.  I would have to find a way to live with it.

I drove to Abigail’s house a bit excited.  I was dressed in a tee and tight running shorts.  It was chilly out but my incubus body didn’t mind cold or heat.  I got to her house at 5:28 am. It was fairly dark and Abigail was stretching out front.

“Didn’t think you would come Caleb,” she said with a smile as I got out of the car.  Abigail had a sweatshirt and shorts.  “So what are you up for?”

She was really happy I was here even though I had just dropped her off some five hours ago.  “Challenge me,”  I said grinning at her.  I was certain with my demon enhancements I could outdo her.

“A challenge!  You asked for it!  We will do the twin peaks run,  keep up if you can!”  She jogged off her steps flicked on a headlamp and took the path on the side of her house.  The path was well worn and my abyssal eyes worked fantastic in the pre-dawn dark.  Abigail kept looking behind her as I stayed exactly ten feet behind her as the trail ascended into the hills.

She kept increasing her pace trying to get me tired but I kept pace and soon the smell of her sweat and body drifted to me.  We reached a small bald summit after about two miles but she didn’t stop and continued down the path heading for the taller summit that was about another mile away.

When we reached that summit she was breathing heavily and sweating like crazy and put her hands behind her head to breathe air more effectively.  “My god Caleb how are you in such good shape!” She wheezed in the cold air.  The sky was just becoming light.  “That was 4.2 miles with nearly 2500 feet of elevation and right on pace for my personal best of 28 minutes.”  She walked in circles recovering as I looked around.

This peak only had one view which was due east.  The sun was starting to glow on the horizon.  Abigail came and stood next to me after she recovered enough.  “This bald is where I came when my dad died. Then I came every day for the next 6 months.  I ran up here after school and screamed or cried or just sat on the flat rock over there and pondered.”  She had some tears in her eyes as she didn’t meet my gaze.  Her sweat-soaked body shivered in the cold air.

“Let's watch the sunrise from my contemplation rock, Caleb.  You are the first person I have shared this spot with,” she said shyly and we walked over to the flat rock and sat next to each other, and looked east.  Abigail pulled out her phone from the arm sleeve and checked it.  “About 13 minutes for the sun to show.”  She was shivering a lot but didn’t seem like she wanted to leave.

I swung around behind her scooted in close and wrapped my arms around her.  I had barely any sweat from the run and it had evaporated.  She didn’t resist.  She actually snuggled into me, my legs splayed to allow her butt to press into my groin.

“Caleb you are so warm,” Her head rested under my chin.  She took one of my hands and pulled it under her sweatshirt.  “Use your hands to warm me Caleb, I’m cold.”

I did as she asked and had both my hands under her sweatshirt rubbing her abs and her obliques.  Soon I was working up her core to her chest.  I found her sports bra there and just moved my hand warmers over it.  I passed the breasts and felt her nipples respond, getting hard.  I crossed my arms and rubbed her shoulders.  This brought her sweatshirt up to expose her abs so I had to retreat down to start the warming process again.  This repeated three times and I could smell her pussy becoming excited. 

I leaned forward and started kissing her neck and she exposed it like a willing vampire victim.  Her sweat was sweet on my tongue, slightly salty but very sweet.  Her heart and breathing quickened as I kissed her neck and ears while my hot hands explored her torso.  With her arousal built, I locked in my vortex over her aether core.

The sun started to appear and made its way skyward.  I moved my hands from under Abigail’s sweatshirt to her thighs.  The outsides were warm from being in contact with my inner thigh. I started on her inner thighs from the knee to her shorts and she spread her legs slightly to give me open access.  This continued until the orb of the sun was in front of us.  The rays immediately added heat to the area where we sat, pushing at the cold air. 

Abigal moaned very softly when my hands pushed her shorts up slightly as she had expected me to go further but I disappointed her as I traveled back to her knee.  Her own hand bravely went inside her shorts since I refused to administer to her growing excitement.  Her other hand went up her sweatshirt and I assumed she was playing with her nipples under her sports bra.  She played with herself as I continued to rub her thighs and supported her posture from behind.

It took her a good three minutes to achieve an orgasm and her entire body shuddered between my legs.  She didn’t stop and five minutes later she achieved a second orgasm.  I fell backward laying down and pulled her with me.  I wrapped my arms around her and held her in the morning light and said, “Do you want to do anything else?”

She twisted around to face me, laying on top of me, our faces touching and groins touching. “Do you have time before hockey practice to do anything else,” she rasped as she kissed me and her legs straddled my hips.

“Shit!” she said, “the rock is too hard for my knees Caleb.  I’m sorry.”  She stood up and I could see her knee was bleeding.  She looked guilty.  “We could try doing it standing.”  She dropped her shorts and underwear to the ground revealing a shaved pussy and her engorged and moist pussy lips.

I stood and dropped mine as well revealing my massive cock at attention.  She approached and used both hands to stroke it while coming up to kiss me.  She teased the tip of my cock on her pussy while controlling it with both hands like a snake she didn’t want to get too close.  We remained this way for a few minutes before she put her arms around my head and brought her pussy to me.  My height let my cock slip under her sweatshirt and press against her abs, well above the desired target. 

Abigail moaned, “The heat of your cock feels so damn good on my belly.”  She raised and lowered herself as my cock was trapped against her sweaty abs and sweatshirt.  My hands went to her ass cheeks and I didn’t lift her and lower her onto my cock yet.  Instead, I teased her by kneading her ass and letting my scrotum slap into her extremely wet pussy while my dick fucked her abs.  I heard of a titty fuck before but an abdominal fuck?  The muscled abs were getting me excited and I was shocked when Abigial came again.  Normally I could feel when my partner got close but this seemed almost spontaneous in her arousal, before she could come down from it I lifted her and lowered her onto my cock.

She was tight from being abstinent for a year but quickly wrapped her legs around my back for support and began bouncing on my cock working it into her like hammering a nail down.  Her groans and moans got me super excited and I let her do all the work and just kissed her and supported her ass with my hands. 

Soon she found the depth she wanted and began bouncing higher and higher, 6-8 inches up and then down.  Damn this girl was athletic.  She was tight but well lubricated from her own juices and my precum. “Yes, yes, yes.”  She just said repeatedly. 

I watched her aether core and my vortex…she could give more but this coming orgasm would be her last I decided.  I hoped she would give me enough life essence for an upgrade but I would check after.  I timed my own release with hers.

My cum dripped down my cock and my legs as I overfilled her pussy.  Abigail was in pure bliss from her own orgasm.  We finally slowed and broke our kiss and I put her down, my cock straining slightly before releasing from her pussy.  Cum dribbled out of her pussy, and down her legs as well.  We both looked down and laughed at the mess my cum had made of both our inner thighs and legs. 

We used our underwear to wipe up and then just put on our shorts.  “I am definitely not a lesbian,” Abigail said.  “I must be bi-sexual,” she admitted.  “If you want…I mean I would like it if you…you don’t have to but…”

“Yes, Abigail.  How about every Wednesday morning?  I don’t have hockey practice so we don’t have to come so early.”  She nodded excitedly.  So I had accomplished my goal.  I would use Abigail as my test subject.  I would have sex with her every Wednesday and check her aether core to see if it changed. 

“Are you going to make it to hockey practice in time?”  Abigail asked looking at her phone. 

“I should be fine, I am going to run ahead to be sure though.  I am sorry to fuck and run,” I said but after saying it felt stupid.  “Abs…can I call you Abs?  Your Abs are so amazing so it is the perfect nickname.”  She blushed at the compliment. “Abs I have other girls that I see.  You won't be exclusive but up here it will always be just me and you.”  She smiled brightly at this.  Not wanting to say anything else corny or stupid I took off down the trail.

I got to my car and drove to the hockey rink.  I was a tiny bit late.  I only had about 10 minutes to get on the ice and the locker room was already empty.  I was the last guy out and the first drill was just starting.  During practice, it was much of the same as the prior practice.  James kept asking how the date went since his sister and Jade hadn’t told him anything yet.  I told him a boy doesn’t kiss and tell.  He asked me to clarify and I declined because that was a stupid thing to say.

During our practice break, I took a minute to check my life essence.  103.  Yes!  I only harvested 7 but I had enough for another upgrade.  I would need to think about this before deciding what I wanted to improve.


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