An Incubus Life

Chapter 30 Elf S*x Ed

Chapter 30 Elves

The elves were dressed in tight camo clothing.  I couldn’t see their ears behind their long hair.  They looked human to my sight, maybe in their late twenties or early thirties.  Jade whispered to me, “Don’t be fooled.  Elves are arrogant.  This bunch is old, at least three centuries.  Elves live two to three millennia.”

A feminine voice came from the elf with the sleek rifle.  Her voice was melodic, but I didn’t recognize the words.  Jade and Iris looked confused as well.  Jade spoke English, “Stop jerking our chains, elf.  I know you can speak English and probably a dozen other languages.”

The elf woman smirked the smiled with her bright white teeth.  The elf spoke in a British accent, “Fine, no games.  Why are you here?”  The elf looked relaxed, like we were absolutely no threat to her or her companions.

I was waiting for Jade to answer but it was Iris who spoke, “We are looking for two human mages.  William and Eloise Cartwright.  Have you seen them in the last few months?”  Iris looked hopeful.  The elf woman didn’t betray her thoughts as her face remained neutral. 

Finally, the elf spoke, “Two mages passed through our commune a few months ago.  They were headed to the elven city of Kealon.  It is roughly 100 miles due north toward the 22nd.”

Cardinal directions in the transit didn’t make sense to me.  Jade and Iris were saying, “We don’t have enough supplies to make a 100-mile journey.”  At least they were making some sense.  I had actually been ready to drag both of them back to the portal and toss them through.  My aether was almost back to 100, so opening a portal would soon be possible.  As my two companions talked, the elves observed us.  They probably didn’t get many visitors from our world here. 

The elf woman with the rifle was around 5’9,” and it is it wasn’t for her modest breasts; I might have thought she was a handsome man with long hair.  All the elven faces were similar, it was their bodies that showed their gender.  One of the elves with a bow sported some very small breasts and very slight hips.  The other two had flat chests, straight hips, and broader shoulders.  My studying of the elves got the lead female to speak, “I saw your takedown of the matron cave crab.” Her eyes were locked on me.  “That was an impressive ride down the mountain.  I was certain when you were launched into the canopy, you were a dead man.”

So she must have watched me and decided not to assist.  She seemed to be reading my mind.  “I went to get my siblings after I lost you in the tree canopy.  Since you were an unknown I didn’t want to risk searching for you alone.  My brother is the healer so if you were injured, I would have needed to fetch him anyway.”  Iris and Jade were still talking, so I approached the elf.

“Your clothes seem to be from Earth, and your rifle…is it also from Earth?  Being my first time in a transit, I was expecting something more medieval.  The bows fit more with my expectations,” I said with a half smile. 

She returned my smile, “Misconceptions.  Even though my race has mostly left your world, we still trade regularly.  The shops in our cities have goods from Earth and many other planets.  My rifle works on aether, not gunpowder.  Gunpowder is unreliable within the transit.”

The elf seemed to think, “My name is Kiri.  The eldest of my siblings.  I would be honored if you would enjoy our hospitality this evening.” 

As if the two girls were listening the entire time, Jade spoke, “We will not partake of your food, elf.” Jade sounded defensive.  “We have decided to return Caleb.” Jade was eyeing the elf.  I was a bit irritated with the girls.  They thought they were in charge, and I wasn’t going to be bossed around forever. 

“I would love to see your home Kiri.  Not sure about eating your food just yet, but I could use some time resting before hiking back up the mountain.”  Jade looked perturbed, and Iris looked helpless.  Kiri smiled, and we were soon following the foursome, albeit Jade and Iris were reluctant.

With Jade next to me, I spoke, “If we are going to be coming through that portal and passing by these elves’ home multiple times it is best to get on good terms with them.”  Jade’s eyes widened, and nodded at my wisdom reluctantly. 

After some time, Jade spoke to me quietly, “Caleb, what are you?  I don’t believe you are human.  No human or human mage could have survived what you did.  I promise not to tell anyone.”  Jade, in her armor with her sweaty hair looked hot.  The big golden eyes almost pleaded with me to share my secret.

The elves clearly had superior hearing as Kiri was twenty feet in front of us and cocked her head slightly revealing she was also interested in my answer.  I decided it was not a good time to reveal my true nature, “I am human.  I do have access to a few unique abilities but I can assure you I was born a human.”  That was mostly the truth.  I was technically in my human form and I was born a human.  Jade looked at me skeptically but didn’t press me.

The elven siblings lived at the base of a large tree.  Their house blended into the massive trunk and ran up three stories.  The wood of the house looked to be fused together into an organic structure.  Kiri said, “My skill is wood manipulation.  I can mold wood to my vision.”

“It is beautiful,” I said, looking at the structure, and Kiri blushed.  It was a soft blush but easily seen in her paler skin.  Even elves liked flattery.

One of the other elves who had entered had come outside to yell, “Mother wishes to have tea with the visitors, Kiri.” 

Kiri looked at me again.  Her deep green eyes were studying me, “Follow me, human Caleb.  Mother’s tea is not something you want to miss.”  Jade and Iris seemed reluctant but followed us inside.

The first-floor interior was a large single room with a kitchen, dining room, and sitting room all contained within the space.  An elf woman with streaks of white in her deep black hair was preparing tea in the kitchen.  A sixth elf who appeared to be a teenage version of the race was helping her.  The older elf spoke, “This tea is safe for you to drink.  It has been purified of aether and will be the best tea you have ever consumed.”  Kiri guided us to the sitting room and we all sat around in a circular set up of couches.  The cushions were very comfortable and I felt bad to be wearing an outfit caked with dried crab blood. 

Soon the tea was ready and the older elf came and sat while the younger elf served everyone tea.  “Welcome to my home.  My name is Danila, the Frost Druid.  These are my five children, Kiri, my oldest.  Borseen and Laith, my twin boys.  Mardina is my second youngest.  And my youngest, Eilina, is serving us tea.”  She introduced our family.

“My name is Caleb.  These are my friends Iris and Jade.  We came here searching for Iris’ parents who passed through here a few months ago.”  I took the tea and sipped it even with Jade’s eyes going up in alarm.  It was good tea and its warmth lined my stomach as the sweet earthy taste lingered in my mouth.  Danila smiled as I drank.

Danila fixed her gaze on Iris, “Your parents did pass this way.  Borseen talked with them briefly before they headed to the city.  We didn’t see them again.” 

Borseen spoke for the first time, “They each had large backpacks and just asked for directions to the nearest city.  I told them, and they headed that way.”  Iris looked skeptical but eager to find them.  I looked at the group of elves, and they didn’t look like killers to me. 

Kiri spoke next, “We owe you for eliminating the matron crab from the caverns.  When they reached overpopulation, the excess crabs invaded the forest and were a pain to track down and eliminate.  We have no trouble culling the regular forest monsters, but the crabs burrow into the earth and take forever to track down.”

The elves did look appreciative at me.  “Could you tell us how you managed to defeat the matron?” Danila asked. 

“Certainly.  But one question first.  What is a Frost Druid?” I asked, wanting my curiosity answered.

Danila laughed and relaxed on the couch.  “It is just a title.  I have a number of ice spells and nature spells.  My late husband gave me the title.  I have kept it.”

I then spun my tale of how I tried to ambush the crab by jumping on it when it emerged from the cave opening.  And how the crab surprisingly collapsed, I dropped my maul and went down the slope.  I made good humor at my folly of waving to my companions as I skidded by and almost fell off.  I kept coming back to the crab’s eye stalks eyeing me angrily…even though I only noticed it once.  The elves were taking joy in my tale, and even Jade and Iris who were there were engrossed with my tale.  The point of me being catapulted into the trees was met with laughs.  I just noted the branches slowed me enough to halt my momentum and that I climbed down one of the trunks. 

Danila voiced her amazement, “An amazing tale.  You should write it down so it can be retold with your words.  You are welcome to stay here and rest before returning.  The guest room is on the third floor.  Children bring them to the bathing pool to clean up.”

I looked at Jade and Iris who seemed indecisive, so I answered, “Thank you.  We will clean up and rest for a few hours before heading back.”  We walked with the five children of Danila.

Jade asked a question as we moved with them, “Why are you living out here by yourselves?  I thought elves were highly social.”  The elves seemed uncomfortable, but finally, Kiri answered. 

“When Eilina was born a little over twenty years ago, she was promised to marry a minor noble without either of my parent’s permission.  Father went to cancel the engagement and was killed.  We snuck away and entered the transit.  We are from the 22nd layer,” Kiri gave their story.

I looked at the youngest elf.  She looked to be 14 or 15 in regards to a human.  “Eilina is 20 years old?  Are years the same in the transit?” I asked. 

Eilina answered in a cute feminine voice, “Yes, I am going to be 21!  Years are measured the same on every Earth along this thread as it matches the planet’s orbit around the sun.  You are really ignorant!” She walked faster, getting farther ahead of the group.

Borseen chuckled and said, “She is a bit sensitive about being the youngest.  Mother doesn’t let her go out alone.  At least not until she is 30.”  The other siblings seemed amused by Eilina’s pouting as well.

We arrived at a crystal clear pool that was fed by a small stream.  The pool was drained by a small waterfall that had a large number of sticks in water.  Borseen said, “The sticks in the waterfall are made to hold your clothes while you bathe.” He began taking off his clothes as the other elves did as well.  I looked at Jade and Iris for direction, but they were staring as well.

Kiri saw our reluctance, “I heard humans are afraid to show their bodies.  It is what you were born with.  Eilina was already naked and working her clothes on the sticks in the waterfall.  She was pale and thin.  The water splashed against her torso, and her long hair quickly got wet and brought her wet hair to her back, showing her elven pointed ears.  Her small breasts were cute, and her nipples hardened in the splashing water.  My gawking was interrupted by her two brothers joining her in placing their clothes.  The male elves looked didn’t look very muscled.  They also had pale skin and ruined my line of sight on their younger sister. 

Eilina was moving into the pool, and her lithe body showed her small feminine slit in her front briefly before she submerged her lower body in the pool.  The brothers moved after her to the pool, and I had to look.  Their penises were small, the size and length of my index finger.  Extremely unimpressive.  Maybe they got larger when excited.   Or maybe all male elves had tiny dicks.

Kiri and Mardina were adding their clothes and I stared at them as they stripped.  Both elven women had attractive bodies.  Mardina’s figure was definitely more feminine with larger hips and fist-sized breasts that popped when she removed her top.   Kiri’s body was the most athletic of all the siblings.  She had good muscle lines and was the only elf who had visible ab muscles.  Kiri looked up at us,  “Are you three going to stare, or are you going to get clean?  I don’t think mother would let you use the guest room covered in that filth.”

Jade and Iris were both apparently shy.  I had been too busy examing the elves and now moved to the waterfall.  It allowed me to get closer and look at the pelvic region of the older sisters as they finished with their clothes.  They were completely bare, and their slits seemed small and tight.  Their nipples looked normal.  I was getting aroused by the two elven women in front of me.  I moved into the base of the mini waterfall as they moved to the pool with their siblings.  I turned to face the swimming elves, and the girl’s breasts and nipples bobbing in the water was extremely erotic. 

Jade was now next to me.  She had left her armor on the shore and was now stripping her underclothes, leaving just Iris on the shore.  As I took my shirt off the elves’ eyes were all locked on me.  I was a mass of muscles flexing beneath my skin as I moved.  I placed my shirt on one of the open branches to let the waterfall get it clean.  The wash water was brown as it worked on the garment.  I had killed a lot of crabs.  I removed my jeans and underwear next.  All eyes were focused below my waist.  I was willed my ten-inch phallus to remain flaccid.  It would be slightly embarrassing to walk at the elves with a twelve-inch erection.  I walked up the bank and submerged in the pool slightly away from the elves who followed me with admiration and curiosity.

I turned to watch Jade strip.  Her body was thick with muscle and her height of just under 5’10” made her firm breasts look spectacular.  She made eye contact with me as she finished removing her underclothes.  Her gorgeous abs were thicker than Abigail’s…more for power than fitness.  I had thoughts of trying to rub my dick across them as I did with Abigail to achieve an orgasm.  Jade dropped her underwear, and nicely trimmed hair highlighted her mons pubis leading to her feminine slit.  Her vaginal opening was longer than the elves, and my stares had caused her to become excited as her pussy lips started to flush pink. 

Her excitement was such that as she walked the short distance on the bank her lips parted slightly.  Jade was too proud to acknowledge that my stares had aroused her.  She just moved into the pool and swam to the center, and relaxed.  Only Iris remained on the shore. 

“Come on Iris!  The water is great and you need to get clean too.  You will feel better,” I encouraged her.  She finally went and stripped.  She did her best to cover her pelvic region as she undressed and joined us.  With all of us in the pool, the elves moved toward us to socialize.

Kiri said, “The water flows through the roots of some nurturing trees upstream.  Bathing in these waters for a human should be very therapeutic.” She looked hesitant for a moment but then asked, “ Caleb how did your body get so…muscular?”  I could tell Kiri was very interested in my muscled body. 

“Lots of food and lifting weights,” I said with a grin.  “Jade has a fantastic muscled body too,” I said moving a little closer to Jade who eyed me and gave me her predatory eyes.  I was certain sex with Jade was going to be coming sooner rather than later.  Maybe once we returned back to Earth.

Laith spoke for the first time, “Caleb is your penis normal for humans?”  So the elves were having penis envy.  Surprisingly it was Jade who answered him.

Jade said, “It has to do with a tiny difference in human anatomy from elves.  Female elves have a shorter vagina and their uterus isn’t as deep so male elves don’t need as long of a penis.” My strange look had Jade continue, “Demi sex education class at the dungeon academy.  We learned about most of the demi-human reproductive differences.”  She was a little prideful in her education.

Eilina got close to our little conclave in the pool, “Oh, what did you learn about elves?”  She asked excitedly.

Jade thought for a second before saying, “Elven females ovulate once every five years or so and give off a pheromone that excites the male elves.  Without the pheromone, it is difficult for male elves to get aroused.”

“You only want to fuck once every five years!” I gasped in surprise at Borseen and Laith.

Borseen laughed, “No.  Generally, in a big city, there is enough of the pheromone kicking around that it isn’t hard to get hard.”  He laughed at his joke.  “Without the pheromone, it just takes a lot of work.”  I realized that their entire community out here for the last twenty years had just been the siblings and mother.  Was incest ok with elves?  Jade realized, too and we were looking at the siblings with horrid fascination.

Laith elbowed his brother, “We go to the city to satisfy our needs Caleb if that is what you were thinking…and when mother, Kiri, or Mardina is giving off their pheromones, they leave the house for those three weeks.” 

“And me!” Eilina shouted.  “I had my first ovulation a few months ago!” She said proudly.  The siblings smiled at the youngest.  She wanted everyone to know she was in fact a full woman. 

The topic switched from reproductive differences to the knowledge of the monsters in the forest on the way to the city of Kealon.  We were bombarded with different species of wolves and bears.  Goblins were rare but not unheard of.  A few fairies and pixies would be found closer to the city.  The only tier 2 creature they encountered in their two decades was a forest troll.  Since it was alone Kiri had bound it with magical roots and they slew it then burned it. 

When it was time to retrieve our clothes Mardina had a magical drying spell.  It meant we all had to bring our wet clothes to her on shore while she dried them one at a time.  I noticed all the women staring at me as I went to retrieve my clothes.  Their eyes were focused between my legs and I peacocked a little to give my length some sway as I walked. 

Iris rolled her eyes at my antics, but it didn’t stop her from staring with the others.  When I brought my clothes to Mardina she took much longer to dry mine, and her eyes unabashedly studied my cock up close.

Clean and with dry clothes we returned to their house and climbed to the third floor.  There were no beds, just lots of pillows and blankets.  Kiri said, “Caleb do you want to see the view from the top?” She had asked me alone to join her but Eilina butted in.

“Oh, I want to come and see too!”  Eilina said.  Kiri looked annoyed but acquiesced.  It was not the roof of the house as I had thought but instead a long rope ladder climb up the tree.  Kiri had switched to loose-fitting clothes from her camo wear and was in front of me.  So I got to stare up at her ass as we climbed the three hundred-plus feet up, out above the canopy.  Up slightly above the canopy, there was a small observation platform.   

Eilina was slower than us so it gave us a moment together to enjoy the view.  It was like being in the middle of a sea of leaves.  A few larger birds could be seen in the distance.  “I once saw a drake that had to be 60 feet wing tip to wing tip from here,” she said.  I was in awe of the view with the multicolored sky adding to the beautiful alien nature of it all.  Eilina soon joined us a little out of breath.

Eilina spoke, “I haven’t been up here in months.  It is really a fantastic view of the sky Caleb, right?” I looked at the young elf whose eyes were focused on my crotch and not the sky. 

“Yes, it is an amazing view,” I said.  “Kiri said she once saw a drake up here.”

“Oh, I remember that!  It was about five years ago, and we hid in the forest for a week!  Mother was worried it would find this platform and investigate down the tree,” she said excitedly.

The platform wasn’t huge, and we bunched together.  “Is there ever a sunset in the transit?” I asked as Eileen backed into me and pressed herself into my body. 

Eilina excitedly added, “No sunset, but you see that blue band in the sky?” She pointed and leaned into me harder.  “That band rotates once a day.  All the bands do.  You can tell the time if you are familiar with all the patterns.  Difficult to learn in the forest but most city dwellers can do it.” 

Eilina was short, maybe 5’5”, and I was pretty certain she was trying to use her lower back to feel out my penis as she squirmed whenever her sister looked away.  Her light brown hair smelled nice…like flowers, I couldn’t identify the scent but the situation was a little awkward with her sister to my left.

“It is time for you to head back, Eilina,” Kiri said.  The younger elf was about to say something but instead moved to the rope ladder and started down.  Kiri sat down with her legs dangling over the edge and I sat next to her.  Once her sister was halfway down, she whispered,  “Mother may ask you to take Eilina to your world and bring her to an elf clan there.  I would accompany her.  We have lived out here for her safety for so long.  She is almost old enough now.”  She looked at me.  “Mother doesn’t have enough aether to open a portal, but Iris said you do?”  I nodded.

“I should tell you this then.  I do not share the same father as Eilina.  Mother doesn’t talk about it but I think she was…seduced by a court noble.  Father was killed when he confronted the man.  There was no promised marriage for Eilina, we are in hiding.  We are just protecting her from the noble who killed our father.  He rules on the 22nd layer and I don’t think he is aware mother carried his child.”  She looked at me.

I was stunned, “Why me?  How do you know I am trustworthy?”  I was perplexed about how I got into this situation.  Maybe my new body just made women trust me. 

“We don’t.  I want my brothers and sisters to be free of this.  They left their families to protect her, but it is time for them to return home.  I don’t have a family so I will travel with Eilina.  Mother was born on the 22nd layer…she can’t move to the 23rd for more than a few months before having to return to the transit.”  She said somberly.

“Were you born on the 23rd layer then?”  I asked curiously.  I remember Andromeda saying creatures could only move up and never down.

“I was born in this transit like all my siblings.  It gives us the flexibility to go to the 23rd layer.  We would be slightly uncomfortable down there but not exceedingly so.  After Eilina spends a century or so there then she can choose her own fate.”  Kiri finished.

“I can do that for you.  It is just opening the portal for you.  But after you or one of your siblings acts as a guide to get us to the city on our next trip,”  I said after thinking.

“Agreed.  We will pay you a fair price for opening the portal.  I will travel back with you to Earth after you and your companions rest.  That way I can contact the free clans and set up Eilina’s education.”  She smiled weakly at me, a huge weight coming off her shoulders.  I thought I was about to get a piece of elf up here as she leaned into me, but she just swung over to the ladder and descended. 

I reclined and looked up at the pretty sky.  What had I just agreed to?

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