An Incubus Life

Chapter 37 I’m Calling Bullshit


Chapter 37 I'm Calling Bullshit

I was a little shocked that I had punched the man.  But when I saw him, I remembered Abigail crying and lashed out with my fist.  I had him in a chair and was sitting across from him now, waiting for him to wake up.  I kicked his shin, and he came to with a panicked look on his face.

I immediately used my voice and made eye contact to charm him.  I hadn’t tied him to the chair and he leaped backward and fell to the floor with the chair.  I rushed forward and pinned him to the floor to make eye contact, “Calm down.  I just came here to talk with you.  The punch was a mistake.  We are good friends, and you can tell me anything.  Do you understand?” Even with my voice and gaze in concert, it took a moment to get him calm and start looking at me with puppy dog eyes.  I guess attacking someone kind of ruined the effects.  

He finally relaxed, and I got him in the chair facing me again, “Ok, I just want to ask you some questions.” I breathed deeply.  “Have you spied on your stepdaughter in the shower?” 

He didn’t pause and responded, “Yes.” Before I could ask my next question, he continued, “I have a video of her from the last two years if you need to see it.” My mind felt like it had been kicked.  Information I had hoped not to get.  Abigail was going to turn 18 in March, I think.  At least, that is what I remembered from our brief conversations.  

Doing the math, he had been filming her since she had turned 16.  That was as soon as he had moved into the house.  I hesitated but then asked, “Have you filmed her anywhere else?” My heart thudded as rage built in me.

“I have a hidden camera above her bed and another in her walk-in closet.  They are motion activated, and all the video is on my work laptop,” he said cheerily, still believing I was his best friend from my abilities.  I really wanted to hit him again but pressed on.

“Have you ever touched Abigail inappropriately or intentionally?” I closed my eyes and didn’t really want to hear what was said.

“Oh, just a handful of times.  I am waiting till she turns 18 to get more frisky,” I opened my eyes and he had a lecherous grin that I wanted to punch into oblivion.  He continued, “I wanted to wait till she was 18 in case I was reported or something.  That way, I could always say she just came on to me.  The only reason I married her mother was how hot Abigail was back then.”   

My fist flew on its own into the man’s already broken nose.  His chair flipped over, and he went with it, sprawling on the floor unconscious again.

I couldn’t believe I had done that.  It felt good, though.  It felt right.  

I didn’t know if I could get him back under my charm spell after that strike.  His nose was bleeding and definitely broken.  I got him an ice pack and waited till he came around.  I aged myself to my max.  When he finally regained his senses, I lied to him, “Are you ok.  The guy got away, but I got you home.”  He seemed very confused as I spoke and still seemed dazed.  Using my voice and charm, I continued, “The guy who struck you was outside your home.  You were looking at his daughter, and it upset him.  I was there to protect and get you inside.”  I guessed he did this a lot in public, so it should trigger some memory to connect it to. 

He seemed to be coming under my charm again, so I tried to stir him to action, “You should delete all the video and destroy all the evidence you have been accumulating while spying on Abigail.  I tell you as a friend, and the cops are really not kind when they catch people doing this.”  His eyes panicked, but my voice soothed him.  He nodded and retrieved his computer.  “Better yet, let me dispose of that for you.  Is this the only copy?  No cloud device?” I said, taking the computer.  He let me take it and affirmed it was the only copy.

My next words were carefully spoken, “I think you need to leave Abigail’s mother.  She is better without you.  Actually, I think you don’t like women anymore.  And you don’t like men either.  Nothing excites you sexually.  You will never have another erection as long as you live.”

His eyes seemed unfocused as I spoke, like he was processing internally.  My charm effect would fade over time, but maybe this would hold in the man’s thoughts like an implanted hypnotic suggestion.  Had I just crossed my moral line in the sand?  If I did, I was fine with moving it.  

“Before you leave make sure all the bank accounts and assets are in Abigail’s mother’s name solely,” I finished putting the final nail in my plan to extract Abigail from her stepfather.

I left the man as he started following my suggestions.  I dropped the computer off a bridge into a river on my way home.  I tried to block out what I had just done.  When I got home, I went upstairs via the fire escape and crawled into bed.  It was 2 am, and I went to sleep.

When I woke, I stretched and headed downstairs.  Since it was Thanksgiving, we had to pick up our annual pre-cooked feast at the steakhouse in town.  We never cooked in our house beyond scrambled eggs and burnt toast. 

That is what I was working on, cracking eggs and heating a pan.  I dropped some butter in and was ready to pour the eggs in when one of Paige’s friends entered.  It was the friend who had an aether aura, so I was a bit shocked, “It’s not hot enough,” she said as she walked to the stove.  “They will just burn and stick to the pan.”  I noticed her accent but couldn’t place it.  She took over the cooking.  “I’m Maya.  Paige’s teammate from Spain.  You left in such a hurry after dropping Mary off we were never really introduced.”  Left?  I was kicked out.

Maya did look Spanish with olive skin, dark hair, and eyes.  I wondered what was under the aetheric illusion, though.  She was lean and muscled like all of Paige’s teammates.  As she focused on cooking, I noticed she was just wearing a thin white cotton top and sleeping boxers.  Her nipples started to show through the shirt as they hardened from my staring.  Her light brown skin got darker and darker as she blushed from my focus on her chest.  “You look a lot older than the pictures Paige showed me.”  Why was Paige showing this woman my pictures…unless this is the one she had referred to.  This was the one interested in having sex with her brother.

“Yeah, I hit a growth spurt recently.  It has really helped with my hockey.  How do you like going to school in America?” I asked, curious about what kind of demi she might be.  I was searching for clues.

“It has been alright.  The schoolwork is very hard, and we spend like 20 hours a week training with the team.  Between schoolwork and practice, I haven’t had much time to have fun.” She said as she plated the eggs and handed me the plate. 

I ate them while standing and asked, “Isn’t rowing fun?  I know Paige said it is her stress relief.” The eggs were already gone, and I put the plate and fork in the dishwasher.  Maya was cracking some eggs for herself.

“It is more like a job.  Before college, it was fun, but now the stress of performing and earning your spot in a boat.  I don’t know if I can do it.” She paused as she had accidentally made an admission she didn’t want to be spoken aloud.  She slowly continued while facing me, “It’s hard.  Paige and my other teammates have been awesome and supportive, but I miss my friends back home.  I miss my family.”  She seemed about ready to break down crying. 

I didn’t know what to do.  I resorted to what I did with Abigail when she had cried, I moved in and gave her a hug.  She returned it much stronger than I expected, pulling our bodies together tightly.  Her hair smelled like coconut.  The hug seemed to last longer than I was comfortable with.  She hadn’t been aroused though.  I think she was just craving human contact. 

She finally broke the constrictor grip hug, “Thank you.  I really needed that.”  She continued making breakfast, buttering toast and cooking her eggs.  I made us Kureig coffees.  She liked hers black.  I added cream and sugar to mine.

She picked at her food and said, “The mints were a cute touch.” Seeing my confusion, she added, “You left mints on the pillows for us, like at a fancy hotel.”  I had forgotten about that.

“Would you have preferred something else on your pillow?” I kicked myself mentally.  I had been planning to use that phrase in jest, but now I thought it just sounded creepy.  Maya giggled, though.  She didn’t say anything.  I was a little shocked when Mary walked into the kitchen in Paige’s old pajamas and with bare feet. 

Her eyes were bloodshot and glassy.  Maya leaned into me, “Her first time drinking hard alcohol.”  She sat down hard in the chair at the table and seemed to notice us for the first time.

I slid my half-finished coffee to her, and she greedily took it.  “Mary, do you need a ride home?” I asked as she tried to clear her head. 

“Um yeah, my parents just called.  They want me home now.  We are going to my grandparent’s house tonight for Thanksgiving,” she spoke, but the words were forced out.

“Well, I can drop you off then,” I said, standing.  She looked at herself and quickly went upstairs to change back into her clothes.  We left shortly after.

On the drive, Mary confessed she had sent her mom pictures of her with Paige’s friends.  They knew she was at my house.  I was ok with that.  Then she said something that caused me to pause.  She confessed to the girls that my penis tasted like strawberries and cream and my jizz like caramel.  She apologized and said she was drunk, and when they asked how far we had gone, she didn’t want to seen the prude, so she told them all the details. 

Mary was still in a sorry state, so I didn’t think we would be parking anywhere for act two.  As for her giving details of our intimacy, I told her I forgave her.  I didn’t think it was a big deal.  If anything at all, I thought it might actually help my chances with one of two of Paige’s friends. 

I parked in her driveway, and she psyched herself up to go inside and face her parents.  She reminded me that I was taking her dress shopping after school next week.  I held up my phone and told her it was in my planner. 

I swung by a Dunkin and got an assortment of bagels and cream cheese, and a few English muffin sandwiches.  I didn’t think college girls would go for donuts.  On the way back to the house, Abigail called.  She was extremely upset.  Her stepfather was leaving her mother.  Her mother was a wreck and wasn’t planning to come home from Abigail’s grandparents.  I told her I would be over there as soon as I could.

This of course, was my fault.  I had used my powers and created turmoil by doing what I thought was right.  Now Abidgail’s mother was depressed, and Abigail was a wreck.  I dropped off the massive load of Dunkin at my house and found six scantly clad college girls in the kitchen.  Paige smirked, seeing my instant reaction.  “My friend needs me.  I have to go,” I said reluctantly.  My eyes kept drifting to Ashley.  The blonde Australian.  Unlike the others who wore baggy sleeping clothes, Ashley’s tank top hugged her and outlined her breasts and nipples.  Her feminine hips sported dark blue spandex. 

Paige laughed, “I win!  Told you he wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes off of you in that!”

Ashley looked abashed, “I forgot to bring clothes to sleep in.  This is one of my workout outfits.”  Ashley was defensive.  “You said you had a gym in the basement?” 

“Yeah,” Paige added, “We can do the workout before dinner tonight.  It will make the food taste better.”  I was actually a little embarrassed as Ashley looked like a swimsuit model with her curves.  Paige said, “So what problem is Rob having that he needs you on Thanksgiving?”

“Oh, it’s not Rob; it’s Abigail.  She is at Iris’ house,” I answered truthfully. 

“And Iris is your girlfriend?” Paige asked.  The girls seemed to be focused on my response.

“No, just a friend.  Abigail too.  I have to go.  Maybe I will get back in time to work out with you all?”  I added.  I planned to give them a full demonstration of how fit and strong an incubus body was in person.  Mother came out of the living room.

“Caleb, I overheard you were headed over to Iris’ house.  Can you pick up Thanksgiving dinner on the way home?  Our number is 36.  It is already paid for.  Pick up is 3 o’clock.  You should still have time to work out with Paige’s friends as it will take two hours to heat everything up.  Amelia and Brad will be here around five so don’t spend too long working out.” Mother was already in hostess mode.  She was a terrible cook, but hosting functions was right up her alley as long as she had a small army of workers to order around, and I was the number one soldier today, it appeared.

“No problem; need anything else?”  I knew most places were closed so there shouldn’t be anything else, but I was playing the dutiful son in front of all the college women.  It had the effect I wanted as they were looking at me with some longing.

I left after taking in Ashley’s figure once more.  Maybe I could create a facsimile in my mind space of various women?  I arrived at the house to find the kitchen ablaze with activity.  Abigail appeared to be cooking a feast for ten.  Iris caught me by the arm, “It is her coping mechanism.  She is doing much better now.  Her mother said her stepfather was giving them the house.”  I approached Abigail.

“Abigail, it’s going to be fine.  You are free of your stepfather, and your mother can find someone new.  Isn’t this what you wanted?”  I consoled her.

Her face widened at the realization that I had done this.  Maybe I shouldn’t have been so direct.  “He was filming you.  He had hidden cameras in the bathroom and bedroom,” I tried to explain.  Hopefully, she wouldn’t ask for evidence as I had destroyed it and told him to remove the cameras.  Her eyes flickered.  Should I use my voice to calm her or let her vent?

“Really?” she asked. 

“Yes, I destroyed the videos, but he thinks I still have them.  He should be giving your mother everything, the bank accounts, house, cars…everything,” I continued seeing I was winning her over without my voice.  She wanted to believe everything I said, so it was easier to accept it. 

I looked at the massive meal she was preparing, “What is all this for?”  I asked.

Iris chimed in, “When she is done, we are boxing meals and bringing them to the homeless shelter in the city.”  Abigail nodded to confirm. 

“Well, I can help you two cook and package everything,” I said, willing to help. 

Iris whispered to me, “She is actually pretty nice once you get to know her.  Not going to win any academic scholarships but very nice.”  She paused, “I like her.  It is good you are using your abilities on her.  It makes her happy to feel wanted.”  She stepped away as Abigail got closer.

“If your cooking skills are like Iris’, then you should just box the meals,” she said. 

For the next few hours, we prepared and packaged food in large take-out containers.  Abigail stopped every once in a while to talk to or text her mother back.  She was trying to enforce that her stepdad leaving was a good thing with her mother.

Abigail wore herself out and collapsed on the house when we were done.  I needed to leave soon to get my family’s Thanksgiving dinner, but I wanted to confide in Iris, so I got her into the bathroom, “Have you heard from Jade?”

“No, she still is not answering my texts or calls,” she relayed.

“I know.  Her mother is coming to town this weekend, and I am planning to have dinner with them on Monday night.  I guess her mother is a big deal, and I am worried they may be seeking answers for Jade’s expanded aether core,” I expressed my thoughts truthfully. 

Iris seemed to think on it.  “If that is the case, then what are you worried about?  They should celebrate you.”

“Or I could wind up in a sex dungeon and be forced to copulate with every demi they want enhanced,” I said, voicing the root of my concern.  Her eyes widened.  “I was thinking of going to the Magus Arcanum first.”  Now her eyes popped.

“Probably not a good idea.  Maybe if you were actually human…” she paused and looked embarrassed.  “The Magus Arcanum is focused on keeping humanity afloat in the sea of demis.  While Earth doesn’t have a large population of demis, other planets on our layer do.”  She paused.  “I will attend the dinner with you.  That seems like the best course to navigate this.”  It felt good that Iris was behind me on this.  I had thought about just skipping the meeting, but the situation would probably balloon. 

“Ok, I would feel better with you at my side.  I also wanted to ask a favor,” I said sheepishly.  “One of my sister’s friends is using an aether mask.  Do you have anything to see through the disguise?”  I really just wanted to make sure I knew what type of demi I might be having sex with soon.

“She must be upper tier 1 then if you can’t penetrate the illusion or guise.  I don’t have anything.  I am sorry.  I could get something at the bazaar tonight if you are interested?” she offered.

“No, it is fine.  I will just make sure to upgrade my abyssal eyes next time I have the option.  I have to go.  Take care of Abigail.”

I drove and collected the large Thanksgiving meal at the steakhouse.  It was a large ham and medium turkey and a dozen sides.  I spent a lot of time trying not to have anything risk spilling over.  When I arrived home, the entourage came and took everything inside.  Vivian, Paige’s roommate who didn’t row, spilled some of the gravy.  She squeezed the foam container too tightly, and the lid popped off.  She apologized and promised to clean up the gravy spill in my car later. 

With everything in the kitchen, the girls dragged me to the basement for a workout, as I had promised.  Everyone but Vivian went downstairs.  Ashley noted the 5:36 time.  “What is this, Caleb?” she pointed at the number.

I couldn’t tell her it was my 2k time so I said, “My best mile time on the treadmill.”  She looked at me and then the time and back at me.

Finally, she said, “I’m calling bullshit.”  The other girls all gasped.  “If he can’t run a mile in this time or faster, then I am off the hook for last night.”  Some silent words were passed among the woman before Paige said agreed.  I had no idea what was going on.

Paige pulled me aside, “Last night Mary said some things…that no one believed.  So Ashley called bullshit.  Now the burden of proof is on her to confirm or find evidence to the contrary.”  I had an inking…it had to be what my dick and cum tasted like.  I was a little sad that Ashley didn’t want to find out the truth and was trying to get out of it.  Of all the girls currently sweating on weights around me, I was most attracted to her body.

“Well, if I do run that fast what do I get?”  I asked.  “That is my fastest time, and I am going to have to work hard to beat it.”  My sister Paige, ever the leader, brought the girls to a huddle.  The whispers were just banter, as I could clearly hear them.

“When is dinner…”

“Are you going to wear the red dress at dinner?”

“What should we do tonight?”

The idle talk was just to raise my anxiety.  I was sure none of them thought I could run that fast.  I had never been a runner, and a 5:36 mile was impressive for an anaerobic athlete like ice hockey who was used to doing sprints instead of sustained endurance.  Finally, the group broke, and Paige spoke for the hasty council. 

“You can choose any one of us to see naked.  There will be no penalty if you fail…just Ashley’s bullshit call will be erased.”  Paige, the judge, slammed an air gavel down.  Ashley had relief on her face.  I decided to input my own conditions.

“How about if I go sub 5 minutes I can see two of you naked.  If I fail, I fail.” 

They looked at each other and nodded.  Paige said, “Agreed.”  I shook the judge’s hand at the informal agreement. 

I stripped to my shorts and got some gasps.  My body was well hidden under my baggy clothes.  I now displayed a chiseled, muscular torso and arms.  Maya whispered, “Can I still call bullshit?”

I stretched while they distractedly continued their weight training for rowing, hitting deep squats, pullups, weighted bridges, one-arm rows, and a series of shoulder and back mobility exercises with bands and dumbbells.

“I am ready,” I announced.  I was wearing running shorts and forgot the outline of my cock would be visible when I ran.  I stepped on the treadmill while they circled around.  I got the treadmill to speed at 5-minute mile pace.  “As soon as I start running, reset the timer Paige.”  She moved to the timer reset, and I fell on the treadmill, stumbled once, and then was taking long strides with ease.  Some girls cheered, some just watched, and some focused on my bouncing dick.  I was just focused on completing the challenge.

At the halfway point, I increased the pace to 4:30, meaning my final time would be 4:45.  This was closer to my limit.  When the distance tracker hit 1 mile, Paige stopped the time, 4:47.4.  I straddled the belt and stopped it to cheers.  I had a light sheen of sweat on my body.  I sucked air for a minute and recovered quickly.  I knew I could go faster but didn’t want to show off too much.

Paige was probably the most in shock of anyone.  Her baby brother was a phenomenal athlete.  Paige asked the question on everyone’s mind, “Which two would have to fulfill the bet?”

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