An Incubus Life

Chapter 40 Ashley

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Chapter 40 Ashley

I waited in my room as I heard muffled sounds on the second floor till midnight.  When they stopped, I guessed I would only have to wait an hour before Maya came up to my room.   I still had my ‘see two girls naked’ card that I hadn’t played.  If it was real, then Paige would have probably texted me a reminder, though.  I slept in my mind space for a few hours to rest for some anticipated activity.  I then did my aether manipulation exercises even though it appeared they were useless.

It was 2:09 am, and still no Maya.  I didn’t have her number, so I couldn’t text her.  To distract myself, I downloaded a language app for Latin.  I started the program and was able to quickly work my way through it.  By 6 am, I was all Latined out.  The app was too basic, so I looked for books online.  I found I could have the library pull books and hold them behind the desk.  I found four Latin books highly rated at the beginner to intermediate level and a fifth book for advanced.  I asked the library to hold them for four days.

No one was up in the house, and the library opened at 7 am, so I got my game bag together and left.  Still stinging a bit from not gaining any life essence last night.  I stopped at the local Dunkin for a black coffee.  I didn’t recognize the woman behind the counter who got my coffee.  She was in her mid-20s and somewhat cute and definitely flirting.  Since there was no line, I flirted back.  She was at the community college taking classes, and her name was Beatrice Bates.  We exchanged numbers. 

I got to the library at the opening time, and my books were not behind the desk.  Of course, I had just made the request a few hours ago, but a nice old lady brought them in short order.  I sat and scanned them all into my mind space.  I walked around the library, familiarizing myself with the place.  This was going to be faster and cheaper than buying books online. 

I made my way to the rink, packed my gear, and waited outside in the chilly morning for our bus.  The other guys joined me slowly.  James was late, so he didn’t have time to try and guilt me into coming over to meet Jade’s mother tomorrow.  When the bus arrived, we all got our own seats, so I had time to play on my phone. 

Paige had finally texted me.  They were coming to the game with our parents—no texts from Mary, which was a huge surprise.  Chloe sent me a text confirmation for our date tomorrow.  Coach Sam was talking to the team in front of the bus and getting us focused.  The team we were playing, Mercian Academy, was terrible.  I tuned in about an hour later while we were doing the pre-skate.  Our opponent was small.  The largest guy was 5’11” and 177 lbs, according to their roster. 

I noticed my fans arriving.  My parents, Paige, and her friends were the first to sit in the stands.  Iris and Abigail arrived but sat at the other end of the rink.  The shocker was Mary showing up with five of her rowing friends.  The only one I recognized was Rose.  She waved and smiled at me.  They sat near Iris and Abigail. 

The game was, in fact, a blowout.  The other team was very raw for so early in the season and only had 18 players.  A lot of them were freshmen and sophomores.  I had three goals and three assists.  The final score was 9-0.  It was a total shellacking.  The post-game locker room was not that happy.  There was just no challenge to it.  We could have run up the score to twice that.  With my parents in the stands, I was able to avoid taking the bus back with the team. 

I met my parents in the parking lot, and they hugged and congratulated me.  Paige and her friends left to go into the city after the game.  I saw Iris and Abigail at Iris’ truck.  I told my parents I was going home with Iris. 

“Hey, Iris.  Hey, Abs.” I said as I approached the truck.

Abigail came up and hugged me, “Amazing game again.” Iris didn’t know what to do, so she just watched. 

“Let’s eat if you two didn’t fill up on hotdogs and popcorn at the rink,” I said.  I noticed them eating during the game.  “How about Five Guys?  There was one I saw on the bus ride.”

Abigail asked, “Do they have salads?”  Iris and I looked at each other and laughed. 

While we were eating our burgers, Abigail was dipping her fries in her milkshake.  At our table, Abigail asked, “So Caleb are we going to work on my core tonight?  I really want to start learning magic.”

I thought for a second, “If you can’t wait till Wednesday we can do something tonight.” I eyed Iris, but she didn’t seem surprised or jealous.  After we finished our meal, we drove back to the hockey rink, so I could get my car.  We talked mostly about magic on the trip.  Iris was in full teaching mode.  My own hangups in learning traditional magic still created a barrier for me, but I listened intently. 

I drove my car to Iris’ house, and we moved to the kitchen.  It was weirder with Iris here as Abigail kept saying she was ready whenever I was.  Around 6 pm, I thought it might be time and asked, “Abigail do you want to go to your room?”

“Yes!” She jumped off the couch, but as if the fates were cock blocking me, the doorbell rang.  We all looked at each other, and I went to the door to answer it.  I opened the door and was a little surprised to see Kiri standing there.  She was wearing a modern-style outfit that highlighted her green eyes. 

“Hi, Caleb.  Can I come in?”  The elf asked.

I moved aside, and she walked in and noticed Abigail immediately but just went to the kitchen.  We all followed her, and I asked, “Back from Europe already, Kiri?”

She was pouring some orange juice.  “Yeah, everything is all set.  The elves on your planet are tedious to deal with.  I have never been lectured on law and financial vestments for so long.  Maybe we can just enroll Mardina in your school?” 

I fell silent and looked around at Iris and then at Kiri.  This was not a good idea.  Iris spoke, “I know some people who can get you and Mardina permanent documents in the United States.  You will have to register as demis with the Magus Arcanum, but it shouldn’t be an issue.  If you want, you can live in the guest bedroom.” Iris stopped talking as my jaw fell open.

Kiri was looking at me and not Iris when she spoke, “Both of us?”

I threw my hands up, “Iris if that is what you want, do it.  I shouldn’t be involved in the decision.  This is going to be your burden.”  Kiri turned her focus to Iris.

Iris nodded, “Yes, your presence here would be welcome, and Eilina’s as well.”  I felt I was starting to lose my opportunity at some essence today.  I was about to ask Abigail to go running, but it was now dark out.

“I think I am going to go home.  I have to meet a friend in DC tomorrow.” I gave Iris and Abigail both hugs and drove home.  I went to the third floor and made just enough noise to let the women on the second floor know I was home.  Hopefully, Maya would come up to my room tonight. 

I started my evening by reviewing my phone messages.  Mary sent me congratulations on my game and said Rose thought I was I ‘was awesome at hockey.’  My parents and Paige sent me texts for dinner, which I had already missed.  Molly…said she completed her math textbook.  The entire textbook.  Every problem.  She was now working on her English book.  I groaned.  I hadn’t cut my charm spell when I dropped her off a few days ago.  I needed to end my charm effect on Molly and be a lot more careful in the future.  At least I knew my charm lasted a long time, and Abigail’s father would be gone for good.  Poor Molly, maybe I should end Molly’s pursuit of me?

My door clicked, and I looked up from my phone.  It was not Maya.  It was Ashley.  She looked around the room, came in, and shut the door behind her.  Her face showed uncertainty on it.  Neither of us said a word as she walked over to the bed and sat, and faced me.  I waited for her to speak, and she finally said, “So I am here.”

“Yes, you are here.  Do you want to be here?  And what are you here for?”  I asked with solemnity, even though on the inside, I was doing cartwheels.  This was exactly what I wanted, but I kept my face neutral.

“I have been harassed by everyone to make good on the bet,” she rasped.

“Well, this is not required on my end.  Whatever your bet was.  If you need to stay up here tonight and sleep in my room to keep up appearances, that is fine.  I can sleep on the couch in the sitting room,” I told her.  I was angry with myself for the statement and angry with Ashley.  Maya would have wanted to have sex without question, so she should have come in her stead.

Her face did change to a little bit of surprise.  She seemed to consider, then said, “Really?  Yes.  I would prefer that.”

“Just out of curiosity, what bet were you here to make good on?” I asked as nonchalantly as I could.

“It was…your girlfriend…or friend?  Well, she said that when she…when she gave you oral sex…that it tasted…that it tasted sweet,” she said, struggling to admit it. 

“I knew it!” I said with a little too much enthusiasm.  I collected myself, “Well, you can tell them I used some flavored lube or just tell them I don’t actually taste sweet.”

“It was not the penis…it was the…it all tastes the same…salty,” she said, gaining some confidence. 

I nodded slowly.  I guessed that maybe my sterile seed did, in fact, taste different.  “Well, either way there is no need.  You can sleep on the bed.  The sheets are clean.”  I stood, grabbed my phone, went to the sitting room, and closed the door.  I didn’t need sleep, so I surfed the web for a while.  I found some videos of my goals for hockey and an article detailing how I was one of the top prospects in Virginia for ice hockey.  I checked my school email…I had seventeen messages from college hockey coaches.

Was I planning to go to college?  Maybe before, but as my life became more and more complicated by the day, I didn’t think college was in my future.  I watched the video of my goals over and over.  I was good.  I started planning tomorrow in my head.  I needed to make sure I didn’t miss out on essence again.  I decided to buy a new tablet.  My phone just wasn’t large enough, and my old device was too slow. 

The door to the sitting room clicked, and I dropped my thought.  I looked over, and Ashley was standing there, “Can I change my mind?”

“Yeah, your decision?”  I said, hope rising.

“Get your ass in here and get naked,” she said in a terrible attempt at a seductive voice.

I hopped over the back of the couch and met her at the door, and half tackled her and pushed her to my bed, landing on top of her.  We locked lips, and she forced me away for a second, “Don’t tell Paige we had sex.  Just say I gave you a blow job.”  Then she dove right back into my lips. 

Our clothes came off in pieces, and her body was everything I imagined.  She definitely appreciated my body, as well as she traced, licked, and kissed my muscles.  Her breast mounds felt amazing pressed against my chest, and she moaned in pleasure as I compressed them with my body.  My hands roamed over her hips, butt, hair, and lower back.  The feeling from my touch was smooth, athletic, and youthful.  She didn’t shave her groin, and her muff was soft fluffy-like hair. 

Finally, she slid down my body and grasped my cock in her hand.  She looked into my eyes and said, “It is the biggest I have ever seen in person.  Mary wasn’t lying about that.”  She slowly teased the tip with her tongue.  “Did you use the flavored lubricant?” she said as she licked.  She started getting bolder and sucking the mushroom head like an oversized straw.  I took the opportunity to lock in my vortex. 

“No, I didn’t add anything to it,” I said as she started bobbing her head up and down and building saliva along my shaft.  She was enjoying it and started softly moaning as she went deeper and deeper.  Soon she hit my head at her throat’s entrance.  She wasn’t as experienced as some others who tasted my cock. 

“It does taste like strawberries and cream,” she said when she came up for air with a gasp of delight.  She quickly returned, taking my cock back into her mouth.  After a period of time, she was slowing.  She was getting tired.  Oh!  She wanted to taste my cum for the bet!  Maybe we wouldn’t get to actually having sex after she completed her bet, but I decided to give her a reward for her efforts.

“I’m starting to cum!”  I said with enthusiastic pleasure, and she immediately increased her tempo and brought her hand in to stroke my base.  I released into her mouth and felt my vortex destabilize.  The copious cum was guzzled down noisily by Ashley.  When she was done, her naked body crawled up my body.  She kissed me and ran her hands over my body.

She got comfortable and relaxed, “It was just as she described.  It was like the perfect-tasting dessert.” She snuggled her body into mine.  I thought we were done.  Even though we were naked, Ashley didn’t seem to be up for pursuing intercourse.  I only got a little bit of life essence, maybe if I used my saliva and kissed her to get her aroused.  No.  It had to be her choice.

I rubbed her back, and she kicked her leg over mine, and her soft pussy mound pressed into my hip.  She was enjoying my hand, wandering her back in smooth circles.  Finally, she moved on top of me.  I quickly dropped my vortex in place again.  It was a bit slippery, but it fell in place with some focus to continue drawing life essence through her core.

Ashley sat up, and I ran my hand along her chest, palming her amazing curves and nipples.  Her pillow-like breasts didn’t match the athletic hardness of the rest of her body.  My cock was between her butt cheeks.  Her eyes were closed, and she was enjoying this.  She slid back, and her lips were ready to take me.  She found the head of my cock with her hand and guided it in.  She used her body weight to force it inside.  She was very tight, and her pussy didn’t seem like my girth.

She squirmed as her hips descended.  Her breaths were short, like she was straining.  I wanted to hold her hips and bounce her on my cock.  I resisted and let her go at her own pace.  Her expression of focus was alluring.  It took her time before she was riding me.  She was extremely tight, and I was wondering if I was her first.  I needed to get some saliva involved, so I pulled her down into a kiss and gave her some of my saliva in the exchange.  It immediately had an effect as she gripped my cock tighter with her pussy, and she got slicker.  Her vaginal lubrication had just increased a fewfold from my saliva, like it had been awakened from a slumber. 

She broke away from our kissing to get upright and to allow her hips more freedom.  She was moving faster and faster with soft grunts and a sheen of sweat forming.  Her first orgasm was intense, and she was a squirter.  My cock was squeezed and massaged while Ashley’s body trembled in bliss, and she moaned in happiness.  Her intense eruption was wet and copious across my belly.  She looked embarrassed, but I said, “That is amazing!  Keep going!”  Her embarrassment quickly faded, and she rode out her orgasm quickly to a second and third.  Each time a wave of new fluids flowed from Ashley onto me. 

After her fourth squirt, she collapsed on me.  I held her and rolled her onto her back and kissed her while I found her pussy.  She was spent, but I needed to finish my harvest.  I fucked her beneath me as she lay there with continued longing on her face until I reached my own orgasm.  I filled her pussy to overflowing and rolled off of her, finished and holding her in a side embrace.  Ashley’s breathing slowly steadied.  “I thought my…you are ok with how much I…?” 

I laughed, “Did you see how much I cum?  I think I win in that department!”  I rolled on top of her and straddled her.  “Ashley, everything about your body is amazing.  Everything.”  I kissed her.  “Want to take a shower together?”  She nodded beneath me, but I held her in place for a moment longer while I got some practice kissing her.

We showered and foamed each other up and rinsed.  The shower was long and fun.  I got to explore her body even more, and it was about as perfect as you could imagine.  After the shower, we dried each other off and then changed the sheets together.  We entwined together under sheets and fell asleep.

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