An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Ren woke up the next morning on an animal skin bed.

"holy mother, I feel like a coffee

Ren said as he stretched lazily.

- Didn't you bring a coffee pot that Kiyoshi created for you before you came?

asked the female voice in Ren's mind.

"It's true that this is

Ren got up from the bed, went to the table near his bed, took out a portable coffee maker and took out a bag of coffee, then put his finger on the power button and applied electric mana to it.

a gift from Kiyoshi to ren who was traveling to the elf kingdom where there was no electricity.

the coffee pot turned on.

while ren prepared his coffee, he stared at the package where the coffee beans came from.

"This was sent by Ren's father from abroad, I hope he is rich

It was the first time that Ren tried this brand of coffee and he was curious.

- Wouldn't it be your father?

Ren nonchalantly replied to the voice.

"Of course not, my father died when I was 15 years old in the other life

the voice without missing a beat asked Ren again

- but you're in a new life, don't you want to get acquainted with them?

Ren didn't think about that question for 3 seconds, his response was immediate.

"na, I'm a transmigrator, not a reincarnated, I had a father once and that's enough for my soul.

- but both are dead

Ren frowned at that comment, but then responded to the voice calmly.

"They will live forever in my memory, although I won't be so miserable as to break ties with Ren's parents directly, what I did was send them money.


"Don't sigh, if the coffee is delicious, I'll send them more money next time.

while ren was drinking his coffee, which ren's father will receive a salary increase for the gift, ren heard the voice again.

- By the way, after this are you going to wake up that child?

Ren still didn't fully understand this voice and the perspective of his age.

" the great elven king, one of the 5 heroes for you is a child?

- yes?

" old woman

- you call me old woman again and you won't count it ren


" ok

ren easily admitted defeat.

Ren after drinking some coffee and bacon left the room where a servant who cleaned the corridor greeted Ren with a smile.

Asking the servants, Ren found out that the queen had a meeting with the princes of the ice elf tribe and that she had to work afterward.

Amerie was with Kiriko planning to go to the dungeon, and Arwen gave Ren permission to come and go from that room whenever she wanted.

Ren didn't want to wait for the queen so he walked to the basement, greeted the guards as he followed, and left them something to eat there.

Ren arrived at the entrance of the place and with the necklace that Arwen left him, he entered the place.

Looking into the void inside the blizzard-filled room, Ren wondered if an ice bridge would be able to withstand the mana blow.

now if he can feel the power of that blizzard, unlike yesterday he didn't feel anything thanks to Arwen's barrier.

or that was his doubt until Sylph appeared

-Do you want help from the great Sylph Ren?

Ren replied with a smile.

"don't fuck Sherlock, I don't have an affinity for air or invisible air to get there.

-fufu, don't worry, the great Sylph will save you only in exchange for 5 slices

ren raised an eyebrow at that

-4 slices?


-3 slices?

" Okay

Ren nodded at the defeated and anxious Sylph as she took out the lunch box from her ring.

Sylph celebrated in the air happily before moving Ren with her magic to the center of the room.

On the way, Ren gave him a couple more slices before speaking.

"let's see, I'll get going, don't interrupt me

- of course

Sylph nodded as Ren placed his hands on the glass.

Sylph looked at Ren's precision penetrating the crystal, she nodded with a smile.

12 hours later...

Ren kept her hands inside the glass where the path was like a maze as she frowned and there was sweat on her forehead.

Sylph had fallen asleep and was hungry.

-mou, how much longer do I have to wait?

Sylph said to her as she threw a tantrum.

After a few moments, her head had a brilliant idea.

-I have an idea, I'll go eat and come back in 15 minutes to continue waiting for Ren.

Sylph nodded at her wit and started to walk out of the basement as she hummed a song.

5 minutes later, ren widened her eyes while she was sweating profusely.

"Damn, this is longer than a human nervous system, what the hell did they make this ice out of?

Ren was sweating roughly, the voice spoke to Ren in a pensive tone.

- If I'm not mistaken... that ice was made by one of the heroes back then for his comrade

"ah, that's good I guess, at least I already checked the elf king's condition.

Ren stood up and put his hand on her chin to think about how to cure him.

"This guy was poisoned by dark mana, it left a big hole in his heart, what the ice here did was expel the poison little by little, finally he had nothing else to expel and he began to expel mana, he was a good genius of magic the one who did this.


" Elpis


"It is a name that I will give you since you do not tell me who you are

- I like that name, tell me

"How much percentage of brain energy do I need to heal the old man?

- about 98%

"um, I have now 34%

- I suppose you will go hunting, right?

"Yes, I also need to know the anatomy of the elves' hearts in order to reduce the risk of failure, unlike the human body, I don't know about the elves.

Ren said as he turned around and started to walk while he was still lost in her thoughts.

"But I still don't know how many dungeons I should enter or how many I should absorb, the number of monsters varies too much, I will have to ask permission to explore dungeons

- Will you go with that little elf?

"Amerie? I can't, I have to go alone since no one knows about the absorption

- Hopefully, She doesn't suspect that you lied to him about the takeover.

"It's not that it matters either

- is your ally

Ren stood still for a few seconds, then answered.

"I only consider Akane as my ally

-Ha... you still haven't forgotten, right?

" what thing?

- what made you number 1 in the past

Ren's expression hardened, but after a few moments, he nodded as he answered.

"Well yes, that cost me everything, I shouldn't have left him alive

Ren said with an angry look for a moment before sighing.

-You should have killed him then, number 0

"ha... you're right, I didn't think he would do that despite sparing his life, it was a bummer.

- you just need to be careful when trusting ren, doing so could only lead to your death.

quietly ren nodded.

"I know, I learned it and I have it recorded by heart, I just hope that at least Akane lives

- you fell in love with her right?

" Yeah

-I suppose that phrase of the people of the same wood of him will be found, right?

"That's right, the most loyal we will meet, or at least in this world it works like that

- only this one?

Ren thought for a moment about his life in this world.

"Well, so far apart from the playable characters and nobles, the outsiders haven't changed much with the other world, and the nobles are even darker than in that other world.


"Anyway, now where is Sylph who doesn't say anything?

Ren turned his attention and realized 2 things.

that Sylph was not around

and that at some point a root bridge appeared that made its way to the door where ren was about to arrive.

Ren blinked a few times, before grabbing the necklace.

"was this?

- maybe?

"Like maybe? There must be no other way for a bridge to appear out of nowhere.

- don't ask me, I'm just a voice


Ren left the basement without paying much attention to that bridge, when walking through the corridor, Ren saw Arwen from afar, Ren greeted her but Arwen came walking quickly towards the basement.

"something happens?

- a relief that you are here

Arwen said before sighing in relief.

" something happens?

Ren was a bit for Arwen.

- we think you escaped from the mansion


Although it seemed ridiculous to Ren, he still nodded.

"I was inside the basement trying to scan the elf king

-but you haven't answered all-day

"I was there all-day



" it's something bad?

-Not only...

" only?

- when they didn't see you anywhere all day, including the guards when they changed shifts, we thought you had escaped or something, but I was wrong, sorry

Arwen lowered her head, waiting for the nervous boy's routine.

"Apology accepted queen, for now, I will go to rest, see you later


Arwen blinked a few times, then turned to Sylph who came with her.

- Isn't it supposed to say please raise your head queen and be ashamed?

Arwen knew it was insulting to tell someone who came to help that he ran away from her, but she also thought Ren would be nervous around her as a young man her age.

Ren was also cold and something... distant you could say.

-This is how that child is when he is tired, you will get used to it little girl

-ha... I wanted to invite him to have dinner with us

Arwen wanted to invite ren to accompany them to the table where the other guests are since it is said that ren did not appear in the dining room all day.

-Just give him time to get used to it.




Ren got to his room and lay down to sleep, seeing Arwen's concern as a mother when she saw her introverted son, made Ren remind her of things from her old life.



(tell me)

Will you already tell the previous life of ren?

(okay, ren's previous life wasn't all that interesting)

just tell it.


To tell about Ren's life, I first have to tell about Ren's family starting with her grandfather.

Ren's grandfather participated in the 2 world wars in his world, in the first war he was an infantry soldier at the age of 18, and 5 years later he returned home and got married deciding to stay with his family.

he came to have 5 children when they called him for the second war after 20 years of peace.

In the Second World War, he was no longer called cannon fodder for the infantry, in the 20 years he was away he became a scientist and was in charge of studying all the limits of the human body in the time he could to avenge his companions who died helplessly.

Thanks to that, the government assigned Ren's grandfather to create a special team for special infiltration missions, they saw his research and provided him with the necessary equipment and the necessary funds as well.

5 years passed at war when grandfather was able to create such a team.

there were 6 members in the team, each one with different specialties and great abilities, although along the way there were failures in the experiments, ren's grandfather made it after a long time, the members were friends grandfathers and were very close.

When they were called, they were presented with the opportunity to change their destiny and they accepted, they wanted to serve their country with all their hearts.

the team had 3 missions.

Their first mission was to assassinate an important general from another country which was an impeccable success and they were never found out.

The second mission was to capture one of the pillars of a nation and falsify the tracks causing a concentration in the war between 2 countries, that mission was successful and his country knew how to take advantage of the gap to gain more ground.

The third mission was the most important and it was also his last mission, which Ren's grandfather did not know about until it was too late because he was still in his laboratory.

The government had too many expectations of that team and assigned them a very dangerous mission, but at the same time, it was possible only for them because of their abilities.

They never thought that there would be a traitor among their high command who leaked the content of the mission.

the mission was to steal information from an enemy base, the point is that the base was the main base of said country.

That mission was marked as failed, all 6 team members ended up dead.

shortly after a peace treaty was signed.

Ren's grandfather blamed himself for the death of those 6 people.

They were his best men and he considered them more sons than his sons.

His children thank the influence of his father and their ingenious brains, got medals, therefore they became rich causing the Artega family to grow economically and become giant.

Ren's grandfather resigned from his position and work, and with the money, he accumulated from his scientific achievements, he locked himself in a house on the outskirts of his city, being alone in the forest.

they all thought that being away from the war would do the man well.

a few years later at the age of 50 ren's grandfather had a 6th child.

Ren's father

Ren's grandfather's wife had already died and Ren's grandfather had a relationship with a girl from a nearby town who used to visit Ren's grandfather, she admired the man and became his wife.

In other words, Ren's father when he was a baby was raised in that town and for that reason, the 5 eldest children rejected Ren's father.

Ren's grandfather, upon seeing his youngest and youngest son, had dark feelings in his mind and wanted to train him since he was an immature being unlike his other children who were already old, Ren's father was a baby whom he could manipulate.

so that he is better than the 6 members of his special team, a being that has all the positive results of his old experiments, the perfect soldier who could win wars.

but unfortunately... his son was too kind and had a talent for business, the grandfather could not force him.

because his now-wife loved her son so much that she didn't want him to be a war machine.

Ren's grandfather has since "given up" on creating the perfect soldier.

it was said that now he just wanted to hug his grandson.

another 25 years passed when ren's father had ren.

and another 8 when ren met his grandfather.

Ren's grandfather, upon seeing Ren, saw in Ren the possible squad leader.

He asked Ren's parents to let Ren live with him for a few years while they manage to stabilize his relationship with his siblings.

At that time, Ren's father had serious problems thanks to his brothers and he had no choice but to agree to his father to take care of his son for a few years.

No one knew that Ren's grandfather had built a secret convoy.

No one knew that unable to make his son the perfect soldier because of the emotions, the grandfather began to look for ways to erase human emotions.

really no one could know if they only saw ren's grandfather as a senile and quiet old man.

Ren's grandfather was 83 years old at the time.

the passage to approximately 60 years of research to create the perfect soldier.

all the results were given to ren.

Grandpa wasn't such an idiot for him to turn an 8-year-old into a monster.

what he did was increase ren's potential, and what he did was remove ren's emotions little by little under brainwashing.

So that when there is another war, Ren is the new leader of a specialized mission squad and his country can win the war with overwhelming power.

he made sure of it.

he made a record of ren's results in three years.

when ren's parents came back, they saw the abnormality in their son.

after a while of living with ren again, it was pretty obvious.

Ren's expression was completely calm.

It was not the expression a child might make.

Ren was not scared again by anything, despite once facing a snake in his school, Ren found his weak spot quickly and ripped out his fangs, Ren's teachers were afraid of him.

At first, the change was not noticed, Ren had a smile every time he saw someone, but he no longer played or laughed with amusement.

One day Ren's mother out of curiosity followed Ren after sending him to her room after eating.

she had already noticed the abnormality of her son, and her husband told her to put a camera in her room, she did that, and she couldn't help being scared when she saw the recording after her.

Ren was in his room... the thing is, he wasn't playing with toys, he wasn't watching TV, he just stared at the ceiling with a neutral face without moving an inch for hours.

the 11-year-old ren of what was a very happy and playful boy became totally silent and withdrawn from everyone.

Ren's father claimed his father for what he did.

His wife didn't know something strange about Ren's family, she just believed that there were problems in the family.

even the grandfather's wife also argued with her husband about the stupidity of doing that to her own grandson.

In the end... the grandfather realized his mistake when he saw his grandson look at him with a stoic and emotionless look, the grandfather missed the boy who asked him to hold him at 8 years old.

he realized his stupidity.

To make amends for his mistake, he wanted to try to erase what happened in that convoy.

what he did to his body could no longer be erased, he could only try to return the emotions to ren.

He did a special hypnosis section, but the effect on Ren's mind was so strong that he couldn't get rid of it with anything.

Ren's mind had become someone who could go looking for a national leader if ordered, without fear of death or pain, he would search among the many ways to kill him and would not rest until he achieved it, even if it meant his death. death.

Grandpa had no choice but to seal it with all the methods he could use.

he gave ren 3 stamps.

The first seal is broken when Ren has a huge frustration, when his stress is at its limit, with that there won't be much of a problem, his grandfather thought.

The second seal will be at a higher stress level, when it is broken, Ren will lose many human emotions.

and when the third seal is broken, it will be the result of his experiments.

a cold and emotionless monster with a single objective to fulfill the mission given to him at all costs which can only be commanded by an exact tone of voice which I also include in his report hoping to deliver it when he deems it necessary or in case he breaks the 3 stamps.

all this under a 4th seal, which is when Ren sees death when he is about to die.

Grandpa burned all his research and left the field.

1 year later he died.

Ren's parents moved to another country to escape their family with the help of Ren's father's sister.

After that, life returned to normal, but even though his memories were sealed, Ren's body was not.

that is why he has a monstrous talent for martial arts, that is why he has his ability to learn any technique quickly, and his body that improves day by day.

the day ren broke the seal was an ordinary day for him.

He was coming home from school on a rainy night when he saw an assault.

which was all good, was common in his city.

The girl did not resist the assault, she let her bag be stolen.

but the assailant shot the girl in the stomach and then fled.

Ren ran into the rain towards the girl and stared at her.

Seeing the light coming out of the girl's eyes, the seal was broken as Ren saw death in another person.

little by little ren became weird.

What his grandfather did to Ren had a small mistake, it was that once he saw death in the face, the 3 main seals would be allowed.

in case someone shoots ren, or ren has had an accident, the seal would be broken, but ren would already be about to die, or dead, and his experiments would have finally come to an end.

pitifully for grandpa... ren broke the seal when he saw the death in the girl's eyes.

At that moment, even though Ren felt weird, he didn't take it very seriously.

The first seal was broken when Ren was 15 years old.

It was when Ren's father died.

Ren saw his father's body at his funeral, but Ren didn't shed a tear.

the others complained to ren about his coldness and bothered him.

who at that time was the one who supported ren was the p! #! What we told in the first chapter.

The girl felt sorry to see Ren totally isolated among his schoolmates.

She got close to Ren out of pity, but they ended up being friends.

After Ren met Marcos, Ren easily joined that government organization.

The detail is that although it was said about the government, it was not said how big he was.

it was a world organization, and although it was financed by governments, it was independent.

At that time there were already signs of another war, and a private group rose up to appease affairs in the world with a heavy hand.

a president refused to sign the peace treaty and was silenced within hours.

he went silently and incognito.

there was never a lead on the suspect.

there was no evidence for the government to bother said organization, besides that the organization brought many benefits to the different countries of the world.

years later that organization became known as the vigilantes of the world.

they found criminals and arrested them or if they were irremediable they killed them, they cleaned up the world and that's why it was so famous.

within the organization, there were many members, and among them, there was a rank classification.

they all start at rank 7.

With the missions achieved you will be able to rank up, and the higher the rank, the more privileges you will have.

The leader of the said organization was known as Agent Number 1.

Nobody knew him, but it was known that he alone raised that organization.

but back on topic.

Ren's second seal was broken when Ren was 18 years old.

It wasn't when he saw the girl with her boyfriend in her room.

It was when her sister was humiliated.

at that time ren was already a rank 4 agent in the organization, whose missions were already dangerous and larger scale, ren mastered 8 different languages while traveling the world.

Because of his rank, he didn't face much trouble when he killed the millionaire boy.

Ren was already an agent completing his missions 100%.

the third seal was broken when Marcos died.

at that time ren was ranked 2.

the organization knew ren.

What no one knew was that...

number 1 was a crazy bastard who knew ren thanks to his grandfather's file.

He knew that they wanted Ren to be the perfect soldier.

That is why he dedicated himself to turning Ren into a monster, into a perfect weapon for him to be his faithful subordinate, for that he needed to raise Ren.

the first step was to show him despair.

He made the children despise Ren through rumors and the occasional bribe, causing Ren to isolate himself from others.

But there was a problem, the girl who saw Ren had nothing to do with the affairs.

she became a variable.

so they took advantage of the variable and turned it into an opportunity to increase ren's despair and break the second seal.

They found a drug-dealing hummingbird boy who was selling a few grams.

They convinced him to corrupt that girl and make Ren know despair even more.

They deliberately set everything up for Ren to see the evidence that day.

Finally, when Ren left that house, he deliberately met Marcos on the way.

At that time, number one made Marcos meet Ren from the old man's case, so Marcos was not a stranger to Ren.

He wanted a ren with a single seal to follow that organization.

unfortunately, seal 2 of ren was not broken with that.

Marcos thought that it was a coincidence to find a sad ren that day.

but a couple of years later he saw ren's monstrous talent.

Since then, Marcos, I suspect that maybe it wasn't a coincidence that Marcos was around that day.

His insecurities turned into suspicion, so Marcos started looking for evidence.

He found the ren files after a long time of research.

Marcos seeing what could be ren if he lost 2 more stamps, got scared.

Marcos wanted Ren to leave the organization, he had gone through life and death with Ren and considered Ren's family.

but unfortunately, they found out and sent him on that suicide mission.

Marcos knew that he was going to be the sacrificial lamb to attract the perfect wolf to the pack.

So I devise a plan before I die...

After Mark's death.

ren broke the third seal.

number 1 I hope Ren broke the third seal and would be the perfect killing machine.

but unlucky for the guy.

oblivion Marcos became a level 4 agent not only because of his strength.

it was also because of his ingenuity.

He had a device on his chest connected to his vital signs.

At the moment he dies, he would send a signal via satellite to his daughter, it was a necklace that she had around her neck that Marcos gave to her when he rose to rank 4 at that time and they began the most dangerous missions that before.

Marcos's plan for Ren not to become a pure killing machine was for her sister.

Marcos's daughter had Ren's sister by her side at that time.

When Marcos' heart stopped, his daughter received the signal.

and in her house, a telephone inside a box began to ring, from which Marcos's daughter knew that this telephone could only make one possible call, which was to the receiver of Ren who had also found out at that moment about the death of frames for a similar necklace.

Marcos's daughter collapsed on the floor and told everything to Astrid who was next to her.

When Astrid found out everything that happened to her brother, instead of being scared like anyone else when she found out that her brother was a man of war, she did was look for Marcos' special phone number and talked to Ren with that Marcos hidden phone.




when ren saw the necklace indicating the death of Marcos.

his mind broke the third seal.

The moment he lost that seal, his head felt hollow.

he felt empty and lifeless.

he felt that he had no more goals in his life.

All emotion that he was able to maintain thanks to his sister disappeared, all traces of humanity in him disappeared, and he could only hear special commands.

During that time, Astrid tried to comfort Ren through the headset.

Astrid's voice managed to reach Ren.

Astrid's voice managed to bring Ren back to reality.

something that number 1 did not know is that ren's grandfather was a bloody old bastard.

the voice frequency that can activate a Ren Soldier has the same frequency as Astrid's voice.

At that time Astrid was a 7-year-old girl when Ren's grandfather placed the seal, in his report he only described the frequency but not who had it.

number 1 was waiting for the ren at a place near the ren's position with the frequency ready.

He expected Ren to find out about Marcos's death, and after much research, he knew that Marcos's death could activate his voice, but he was a bit away in case Ren noticed and his plan fails.

but ren's sister went ahead.

and with the voice of Astrid.

Ren was able to wake up, but Ren's emotions were not returned, what Astrid returned to Ren was consciousness.

ren in the time of losing the seals, the first thing he lost was empathy.

But Astrid, who was watching Ren all the time, began to notice it when she saw Ren's indifferent look one day when she saw a child being run over.

She knew that Ren had become strange after his father's death.

so Astrid tried all the time so that Ren doesn't lose emotions by showing emotions to Ren, thanks that Astrid's voice had an effect restores Ren's consciousness in the end.

Ren's new goal was born upon hearing Astrid's voice asking Ren for help to save them from agents of the organization that had them surrounded at Astrid's house.

A single objective was created in Ren's mind, which was a simple one but at the same time the most complicated.

protect his sister.

Ren's mind came to a conclusion after thinking about the possibilities.

the only way ren could help them was by removing the root of the problem.

first, more or less 10 kilometers away, with a sniper, killed the agents that surrounded the house.

ren with all the seals broken and his full abilities of him could do it easily.

taking into account that the world record was 3,450 meters.

After bringing them to safety at that distance, he traveled to the organization's headquarters.

the mission to protect her sister included eliminating possible dangers to her, in other words, Ren eliminated the entire organization only at the request of her sister.

when ren finished, he decided to leave number 1 an outing as a kind of mercy towards the man who had kept his family's data all along, ren had a bit of empathy for the subject since in ren's years of service, ren he got an incredible number of enemies and he was the one who covered him in the beginning.

Ren left number 1 without legs and left the place.

He eliminated the traces and changed his identity.

Ren offered Marcos's family to go with them.

but they refused, not because they have a grudge against Ren.

but because Marcos prepared a place for them.

Ren nodded, took them to that place, and then took his mother and sister, in this moment his sister now knew his secret to move to another relatively quiet country using the excuse of another job.

With another name and another face, Ren lived quietly for 2 years until the tragic accident.





holy mother how deep

(now that girl is not so p!#%# right?)

I apologize, I did not know

(Are you really apologizing?)

can everyone grow up okay? damn author

(relax my King, I was kidding)


(Anyway, until another time, dear readers, but first here, the narrator will show you the characters I'm going with so far).

Merry Christmas, I hope you have a good time.




Here is the narrator speaking, the moron author went to eat his Christmas dinner and it was my turn to do his heavy lifting... anyway, I have to mention the characters that have appeared so far, but I will also add a few words as narrator, so here we go...

-Shiro Kitamura:

s-rank class A tutor.

Her appearance is that of a human female with dark gray hair and gray eyes.

her specialty is a sword, her attribute is water and she specializes in mirages.

She is a kind woman with her students and at the same time strict in her teaching, she is one of Naomi Hakuya's best friends.
her student-teacher friendship with ren is somewhat funny since she sees ren as a talented boy and although at first glance ren is a lazy person who only sleeps, ren usually easily answers her questions, she trains with ren trying to improve her art of mirage and trick ren when they both train in the cube, which gives ren headaches since he needs to watch out for Shiro to appear out of nowhere, obviously Shiro uses range suppressors to be able to fight equally with ren giving him Shiro more experience and ways to improve his magic and giving Ren an improvement in his reaction speed.

She considers Ren a good practice partner when Ren is not sleeping and they sometimes exchange ideas about her magic.

Kiriko Hakuya:

the protagonist of the world

a human boy, his eyes and his hair are black.

Kiriko has the 4 basic elemental attributes which are water, earth, air, and fire, his hobby currently is just to be stronger and become a great king for his people.

but the most important is its light attribute of it.

His main weapon is the heavy sword, so he doesn't usually use his magic to full capacity unless it's to block the opponent's magic.

In the attack on the stadium to save everyone, I sacrifice his talent with air magic in exchange for using a powerful magic called [purification].

relationship with kiriko and ren could be said to be best friends.

Kiriko had to deal with young nobles from a young age, which is why he himself knows that all friendship with nobles is to make contacts as a prince of the empire.

that's why he considers ren as his best friend since ren doesn't give a damn that he's a prince, ren who treats everyone equally regardless of their rank gave kiriko a feeling of true friendship, unlike other people who usually want to praise him after every fight, instead ren could easily and frankly say when kiriko does something wrong.

Kiriko also considers Ren a brave man who could go into danger without fear for others, even though she considers Ren a strange person having no ambition or greed for power, Kiriko still respects Ren as a swordsman and as a swordsman. dude, kiriko is also confident enough to ask ren for advice on anything outside of fighting, she currently considers ren as her equal.

Yuchiro Nakiri:

Kuroka's grandfather and duke of the nakiri house: the appearance of senzaemon nakiri...

he is an old man and a businessman, he has a giant and solid company, he has business abroad and many resources.

Recently thanks to the peace treaty, he was stuck in business outside the empire.

Since he is not a mana user, his body weakens with time, and recently his grandson Kazuma Nakiri is taking over the business.

Yuchiro currently considers Ren as a marriage option to his granddaughter, he thinks that Ren as a lightning user will have a promising future.

Kuroka Nakiri:

A human girl with a beautiful appearance, her eyes are deep blue and her hair is black, she usually has a cold face, although she is discreet, Kuroka has a talent for business, her newly acquired hobby is food which seizes the golden opportunity when ren cooks for everyone or steals some food from Aiko secretly from ren.

She is a water magic user, although after receiving the talent seed she acquired the ice talent, her weapon before was a staff with which she could do magic, but since ren's massive training and the stadium attack, she started to use a rapier.

She is a cold-hearted person who does not like contact with the opposite sex, in the game she begins to arouse feelings for Kiriko after she has been kidnapped and later saved by him, but thanks to Ren breaking that event by exterminating almost the entire white fang guild who was the cause of that kidnapping.

She currently has somewhat delicate feelings towards Ren, who awakened her taste for food after the death of her parents years ago.

On the first day of school, the former "ren" declared to Kuroka causing Kuroka to remember his trauma from a year ago when his older brother ended up with a fatal injury that left him in a coma until he was secretly healed by Ren in the present.

The cause of the said attack was the son of the white fang leader who took advantage of the fact that Kuroka was a sociable girl up to that moment and knowing that his son was madly in love with her, he gave his son a love potion to make her his.

But the boy found Kuroka when she was out walking with her brother in the hospital who was recovering after a dungeon raid.

The boy went berserk and took out an S-rank dagger-type artifact from his father's office with which he stabbed Kazuma at night and fatally injured him.

That left Kuroka with severe trauma from men, her mind began to imagine that everyone has the plan to hurt her, unfortunately for her, "ren" after that statement began to be indifferent to her, giving Kuroka a strangeness, that her brother was cured, she began to search for the man who saved him until today, she wants to apologize to him for attacking him and reward him.

Although it is said that she began to like Ren because of his cooking, the truth is that I do not know exactly what feelings she has towards him after being saved by him in the dungeon, although she still does not know that she was able to recover from being injured by dark mana and awakening the ice talent thanks to ren, she doesn't really feel uncomfortable when she's around ren besides her cooking, that's why she asked for the commitment, it may sound simple, but it's also from the head of someone who measures the pros and the cons of things, giving an excuse that he is simply awakening feelings for him.

Amerie Slyford:

an elf girl, she has blonde hair and green eyes, her weapon is a bow and she is a wind magic user, her hobby is drawing.

Amerie is a girl raised in a noble cradle, after losing her father she was under the care of her servant Níniel who took care of her more than her mother, after Níniel's death she began to have a certain obsession with the nobility, and she is usually full of that, along with her charm inherited from elven nobility, she is a double combo for anyone who happens to see her giving a beautiful representation of a noble lady.

She is a reserved and polite girl, currently, she says that she has a lot of interest in Ren, who is a rare person who was not attracted to her at the beginning.

Amerie was initially curious about Ren after Ren ignored her in their first meeting, but over time she developed a friendship and trust towards him, Ren is also the one who took care of her for more than 2 weeks when they were captured at 2 by slave traders, Amerie had a noble image to hide her weak side from her subjects, she was able to relieve herself of her trauma thanks to venting in Ren's arms, although she is still not completely cured of her trauma, it is no longer like in the It began when she was in the carriage being taken with a rein to the mine where she had severe anxiety attacks every short period of time.


Kara is from the dwarven race, her appearance is that of a girl with short brown hair, her eyes are amber, her weapon is a large mallet and her attribute is earth, her hobby is blacksmithing despite the contempt of his father.

She is a cheerful and sociable girl who she can get along with anyone from the start, including the antisocial Kuroka.

Kara wants to be a great blacksmith like her father but her father always makes her feel less by saying that she doesn't understand blacksmithing and that she does a lousy job, apparently her pain and insecurities are hidden under a mask of being friendly.

Currently, as a narrator, I don't know much about her since Ren has a certain distrust towards that double-faced girl according to Ren, who hides her insecurities deeply from her under a false mask.

-Aiko's evilness:

Aiko Evilness is from the demon race, her hair is white, her horns are black pointing forward and her eyes are red, her magic is that of fire and her weapon is a long wooden staff with which she can channel more easily. Her magic, she currently tries to practice magic without singing and without using a staff as a catalyst, she is a girl who likes to push herself and remains firm in her difficult training of magic without singing.

Aiko is a girl raised in a family full of love where she developed her kindness towards others, her hobby is cooking even though she is terrible at it.

In the game, Aiko is a character who suffered a lot under the misfortunes of life where she lost her mother in the prologue, then she lost her father and her race suffered hostility from humans for being able to use mana. Dark.

after the pain, she begins to develop hostile feelings towards humans, although she could not enter the war due to lack of military power which was greatly exploited by the other races including the organization [Clan of the Unknown] who stole the many treasures of His father, just in the late stage, receives a light in his dark life which is known as love for the protagonist Kiriko who never gave up on her.

in the game, it is said that the demons began to darken after the death of their king and they used the dark mana until the middle stages of the game where after much slaughter towards the demons, they surrender and join the other races to finish off the demons. the demon god.

His race is known for being able to use dark mana almost professionally without needing to be Awakened or not.

Dark mana corrupts the demon's mind over time, but it is a strong power that the race used before Abadon's reign.

Nowadays, thanks to Ren, Aiko still has her father alive and still has her kind heart.

Aiko developed feelings towards Ren when she saved her mother, and little by little with time getting to know Ren, Aiko's love deepens.

she apparently has sadistic tendencies toward her enemies but she doesn't even notice it.

Naomi Hakuya:

Kiriko's aunt and headmistress of the SSS class.

Her appearance is of a human woman with black hair and blood-red eyes that usually shine when using magic, she has the ability of the 4 main elements and is a magic specialist, although her sword skills are not far behind.

Naomi is the director of ALL a school for heroes to develop those of the 4 main races who can use mana.

her school is so big that she also accepts other professions besides those awakened by mana, such as engineering, and medicine among other important professions.

Being a princess of the empire Naomi met many types of people and she concluded that there are few pure-hearted men in the world, in the game, she is extra of which she supports Kiriko at all times and is in charge of cleaning after the acts of kiriko.

Naomi is a 27-year-old single woman whom every time she gets drunk can't help but have existential doubts about her singleness.

but Naomi also has different standards when looking for a partner, reflecting that she would want a partner like her nephew who is a kind person and who does not have a great hunger for political power that many if not all men have.

she would like a man who can live in a simple way, without having to have everyone under him.

Naomi has a daughter named Saiko, when she was 15 years old her father engaged her to a talented man whose type was also a lustful man, but due to the noble customs of this world in which it is not allowed to have sexual relations since a person is in a commitment even with the fiancée, giving the lecherous man a lot of hatred towards his commitment to Naomi, after a misfortune Naomi acquired the DNA of her fiancée and later agreed with his DNA to create the first artificial human, named Saiko Hakuya.

her relationship with ren could be said to be friends, as you know... ren treats everyone equally regardless of rank, race, etc. It makes Naomi feel a different kind of feeling when chatting with Ren, plus Ren's mental age is that of a man almost the same age as Naomi, it gives Naomi the feeling of chatting with an equal instead of an equal. child, combining that with the fact that ren is a calm person who does not get excited by humor, his extreme beauty, or Naomi's dark side, it could be said that Naomi considers ren a good chat partner, his hobby is drinking alcohol from the which he can only drink sometimes in his office, which was also reduced after the incident with Ren.

-Abadon evilness:

he is the demon king, father of Aiko, and husband of Bianca.

his appearance is that of a man with white hair and black eyes.

Currently, I don't have much information about him, apart from the fact that he is a love slave to his daughter, he is a loving husband and he is a guy although somewhat impulsive, he doesn't completely lose control and keeps his mind steady in front of her. difficulty.

He is one of the 4 heroes who fought against his father, the demon god, although I don't know his main weapon yet, he is a powerful user of fire magic with an interesting variable that he used in the great war.

Although he considers Ren a strange human, he can't help but be grateful for returning his wife from being captured and taking care of his daughter from the abuse academy that Ren usually avoids stealthily since there is still some discrimination against demons by power. use dark mana



a human with black hair and deep blue eyes.

He is normally a serene and calm guy, he came into this world as a transmigrator due to an unknown presence, and he is a somewhat introverted and serene person who is somewhat bored by the world in which he was.

Coming to this world with something as interesting and new as mana, Ren from the beginning began to use it in his daily life, unlike many who consider it only as a form of weapon, Ren trained at first managing his nerves and experimenting. with them normally prudently increasing his mana control precision to a fairly huge level, after acquiring the ice that habit intensified quite a bit causing him to have massive control over mana usage surpassing anyone of his same rank.

He is quite a talented person in the eyes of others for quickly reaching C rank at 16 years old, on Ren's part he doesn't think so, his view is with the high ranks with whom he interacts regularly such as Shiro Kitamura an S rank woman with whom he trains and when he is defeated by her his improvement in fighting with weapons and against magic his water magic equally, Eira an S rank demon general with whom he trains in improving his ice or Naomi hakuya a female magician of SSS rank with whom on few occasions he trains his countermeasure to the different magics of different elements.

Being a person from another world, Ren does not give much importance to the difference of races or a noble rank to which humans in this world are so used, thanks to that Ren can get along with any race without problems and without having any feelings. Negative towards them no matter what it is, and that's also why people of different races can get along with him.

Ren is usually a person who is not affected by the mockery of others or even physical pain, the matter comes when the mockery or damage is directed at someone other than him and who is close to him, at that moment depending on the gravity could make him angry, which is bad enough considering that in his old life he destroyed an entire millionaire family who made their fortune with terrorism just because the eldest son of said family publicly humiliated his sister, in addition to his Past his common sense is somewhat distorted, including the fact of not having anyone to call friend or family when he comes to this world, he usually appreciates those people a lot.

He is also a person who likes quiet spaces free of people unless, of course, they are his friends, currently he is facing the ghosts of his past, and possibly it is what has him so tormented in his day to day, now same.

His hobby is sleeping and things that could be interesting and fun (don't ask me what his weird brain of him might consider funny).


one of the 4 generals under the direct command of the demon king.

her appearance is of a young woman with white hair and amber eyes, she usually wears a blue maid outfit, her main weapons are the sword and shield, although she is also good at magic, her attribute is ice, she uses her magic to enlarge his shield and also has great control on his magic.

Eira was the one who took care of Aiko when her parents were busy, having great affection and responsibility for her, currently thanks to Ren's second clone called Re, she began to awaken certain feelings towards Ren whom she considers as Aiko's future husband, knowing Aiko since childhood knows the deep feelings that Aiko has towards ren.

She usually mainly trains Re in his magic, but she also trains Ren in his ability to control magic by training him mainly in the multiple uses he can do with ice, his hobby is meditation in icy rooms where currently he also takes Re to meditate. making ren improve the density of his magic and therefore ren does too (what the clones train goes to ren too, if Re trains his ice magic the buff goes to ren too, if Sadiki trains his holy magic when ren gets it he will also have great base control).


Kiriko's maid and Kiriko's love interest.

a human girl with blonde hair and light blue eyes.

Her weapon is a big and heavy shield, and her attribute is the wind, she doesn't have an exact hobby since she works as a maid, but apparently, her hobby is cleaning.

Kumiko is a girl with a strong character and a strong temperament, she usually maintains a stoic facet when she is working as Kiriko's servant in meetings and trips where she is required to accompany him, but that facet is broken when she confronts Ren who makes her anger easily.

Kumiko is an orphan girl found by Naomi when she was young, which is why at first she had certain insecurities when facing Kiriko, thinking that she was not worthy of being by her side, but after serving Ren for a while, that mentality began to fade. gradually change giving him enough bravery to declare his love to Kiriko on the Ferris wheel after Kiriko's declaration.

She usually keeps a stoic face throughout, but when she faces Ren who always annoys her that facet quickly breaks causing her to curse Ren.

Her relationship with Ren could be considered family, being an orphan she only had Naomi as a mother figure, so Ren's confidence and security influenced her to be freer to express herself with Kiriko, whom she has as the love of his life, he considers ren as if he were a brother that he never got to have, being ren himself considering Kumiko for a reason that neither of them knows as a little and problematic sister.

Saiko hakuya:

daughter of Naomi's DNA and cousin of Kiriko.

Saiko is a girl with black hair and red eyes like her mother but has a different hairstyle in which she covers one of her eyes and wears a robe at all times.

she was not born as a person is normally born, she was born from the combination of Naomi's egg and DNA extracted from her father under an experiment, she is the first artificial human in her world, and as an artificial human, she has only 20 years of life expectancy.

in the game Saiko is a girl with a life full of pain for not being a complete human, suffering from pain similar to menstruation in a woman every day, to finally fight one on one against the demon god and die.

currently, she has an almost broken engagement with Brant Lambart who totally ignores her for being after Aiko, he considers ren as a friend of hers, but she doesn't know how to treat him normally.

since she knows that ren has feelings towards her, living her life with insecurities and fear knowing that she will only live for a short time, that's why she keeps a distance from almost all the people around her, for that fact she wants to be useful to her family.

That's why she had no complaints about being forced into a commitment, and that's why she keeps a distance from everyone, but Ren gradually broke that distance, thanks to receiving affection for the first time from someone other than family, she doesn't know how to react So, to thank Ren for that affection, she helps Ren, hoping that Ren will give up on her. Recently, she wants to confess to Ren that she won't be able to live more than 20 years, but she still doesn't know how to do it, being afraid of the deal she's dealing with. I can give you ren after finding out.

-Brant Lambard:

Kiriko's a proud rival and loves Aiko.

He is an attractive-looking boy, he has brown hair and brown eyes, his weapon is a long spear and his magic is wind, he has tattoos on his left arm and could be considered a thug.

Being trained with the ideology that the strong rule, he began to despise the weak, and he considered Kiriko as his only rival when he joined ALL.

At first, he despised Ren who was close to Aiko, but over time that annoyance turned into hatred until he was expelled from the hero's group.

then his father hit him for revealing the slaves, recently keeping a low profile especially since ren humiliated him in the arena.

-Rose Scarlett:

General of the human army, and Akane's sister, she has a sister complex.

I really don't know much about this woman, what I know so far is that she is a fire mage, rank S, and a general under the emperor.

unlike other characters, this woman was able to raise her family's dukedom from ruin with her achievements alone, she is the older sister of Akane Scarlett and has a great love for her younger sister, she is also quite direct and frank with Other people, unfortunately, of course, she is incredibly busy and she doesn't even have time to go home at any time of the year, thanks to that her parents did what they wanted with her younger sister and she couldn't find out.

She considers Ren as almost her brother-in-law, they only got to have a formal meeting where she admitted that she liked her guts by not lowering her head under the unconscious pressure of an S rank.

-Akane Scarlett: dagger user and former antagonist of the game.

she is the youngest daughter of the Scarlett family.

in childhood, she was despised for her low talent unlike her sister, or her intelligence unlike her, over time she developed a great inferiority complex towards others and became a submissive girl to humiliation and mockery.

When she entered All from the beginning of classes, she was the victim of bullying by her fiancé Bernard Squirre, who was a talented boy in the eyes of others.

she met ren by accident when she was trying to save him from death after being attacked by Bernard, then ren who was not prejudiced towards her when Akane at that time was considered talentless trash, when dealing with her ren threatened her to fight against her fears and fight Bernard in a duel betting the breaking of the engagement.

Over time, under Ren's hellish training, Akane began to gain confidence in her talent and strength, awakening her motivation and hidden talent, as well as her care, which caused her fear of Ren to turn into massive affection, making Ren The only light in her life, after defeating Bernard, her affection for Ren intensified, turning her into a yandere-type girl who would kill anyone who tried to hurt Ren.

Despite having a serious mental problem of ignoring human life, Akane is still a shy and submissive girl in the eyes of others when she is around Ren, but she is also a person who will clean you up if you do something harmful to her. ren, currently ren's relationship is considered a somewhat ambiguous relationship because of the kiss they shared recently which keeps my blood boiling for the idiot who broke in at the moment... anyway, in my eyes, Akane is still a pretty girl who only has a pretty heavy love for ren, his hobby books, he loves to know about history.

-Bernard Squirre: Akane's extra fiancé.

From what I understand, he is an arrogant and abusive boy the weak, thanks to being able to use 3 magical elements, his pride was through the roof making him despise anyone he considers weak, and his hobby at school was bothering Akane.

after taking humiliated by ren who defended himself from his sword attacks with only a wooden sword, he then challenged his fiancée Akane Scarlett to a duel only to lose and end up even more humiliated, finally after entering a dungeon S rank disappeared after everything went to hell, currently his location is unknown and I think no one would care if he died somewhere, this guy is not worth my time...

Leonard Wylde:

a simple extra who locked up the entire class A and 10 students of class B in an active dungeon, later he knows his end when he is captured by rose Scarlett and taken to the demon king who will have finished him after torturing him for putting in danger to his daughter, his plan originally was to lock up class A for a week and let them all die, being an expedition no one brought their weapons apart from his coworker, frankly an idiot guy who just wanted to cause chaos among the races to a foreign country.

Elizabeth Squirre:

she was a guide in the dungeon incident, she is a daughter abandoned by the Squirre family for only possessing the air talent that those parents despised, unlike Akane, Isabel ran away from home and had a low profile having a massive hatred towards the greedy nobles or anyone with power.

After the incident, he entered ALL as a first-year student under Naomi's care, he considers Ren a close friend and possibly his only friend since he hates everyone since the other students are usually the children of aristocrats or merchants, or adventurers famous, and ren unlike them also acquired a noble title, but ren does not maintain any noble customs, besides he does not want to be a noble.

Her main weapon is needles, her magic is air and she is a field nurse, currently, she doesn't know if she has any kind of hobby.


She is the daughter of Bálder, she was born in the Holland territory and lived most of her young life in extreme poverty, by living in hiding she obtained a weak character (temperament is controlled by character, if you have a strong temperament you are someone who she can be easily angered, but if you have a strong character then you can remain calm in the face of any insult or adversity) and strong temperament, her wish in her youth was to be an underground fighter to earn money for herself, her father and her brother.

he met ren one day after they cleared out a dungeon in his territory, then ren saw that Kelly was Awakened and after a simple test of heart which was to send him on an errand and see if he would steal his money or not, decided to help her.

Later, Ren found out that she was a playable character, which further increased his intention to raise her to make her a strong ally to accompany Kiriko as in the game, but unfortunately, Kelly obtained a strong affection for Ren, who saved her from death. hiding her and her family and making her the adoptive sister of the new Duke Holland or better known as his adoptive brother.

Kelly is a girl with blonde Bob cut hair and light blue eyes, she has a fine and beautiful face which is known to be a beauty when she grows up, she usually specializes in fist fights besides she loves fighting, her magic is the land and under Ren's guidance he quickly awakened his talent, he considers Ren his sensei and is quite annoyed when someone tries to annoy him at school, Ren became an important figure in his life despite the short time they have known each other, She currently has romantic feelings for Ren but she also knows that since she is young she will not be able to attract Ren's attention, so she works hard in her training to not be left behind and also acquires knowledge of books to be useful to Ren in the future.


is a playable character, Kelly's biological father and Kiyoshi's adoptive father.

He is a great accountant and worked under the former Duke Holland, he met Kiyoshi when the duke planned to throw him away as Kiyoshi was a newborn at the time and took him to raise him with Kelly.

Unlike his 2 children, he is an ordinary human, but he is also quite a capable man.

He has great respect for Ren, who has power and strength, but at times it does not take away his simplicity and humility, which he noticed when they met since Ren did not look at him with disgust or revulsion, being from the clandestine area of Holland territory. and even treated him with a lot of respect despite his dirty appearance which he was when he met ren.

He considers Ren the benefactor of his family being helped by him and believes that everything he now has is owed to him.

Adela: young extra, future hairdresser for Ren in the capital.

Adela is a kind girl who lived in the middle zone in the territory of Duke Holland, having only her mother Adela who did not have studies due to lack of money, only had to work as a hairdresser, with great skill she came to work in an important hairdresser in her city.

she met ren when ren was taking a dirty Kelly to be bathed, cleaned, and changed into new clothes, Adela as a girl who was about to go to the clandestine zone understood poverty, unlike her other classmates, thanks to her that Ren got a good impression of Adela.

after her, in curious confusion, she obtained a large amount of money from ren which she used to save the life of her mother who needed an operation at that time.

She considers Ren as her greatest benefactor, and after Ren found out that Adela was a sponge to acquire medical knowledge by acquiring a scholarship for medicine at ALL, in addition to her talent for medicine, Ren decided to give her a chance and help her.

Currently, she is studying the gifts that Ren gave her and it may not be long before her efforts change the world of medicine as a dermatologist, and as a gossip storyteller, I know that she will create a revolutionary invention...

-White Fang Guild Leader: Zaff Malum

a barbaric-looking man, a bushy beard and unkempt appearance with a bushy beard and drunken paunch.

I don't know much about him other than the fact that he was the one who was going to kidnap Kuroka in the game, a plan which could not even be thought of since he lost almost all the members of his white fang guild, currently his whereabouts are unknown and no one knows where he went with Bernard.

Carla and Paula:

a pair of sisters of the cat race, who escaped from a slave cage after being bought.

Ren accidentally met them and after the events of the mine, he took them to an island where they were located with all the other members of the beast people.

They currently run the new city of Ren where they have Ren as king to the point of idolizing him, something that Ren did not know until recently, both have a great talent for diplomacy, and under their command and the leaders of the other races the people of Ren it develops and grows rapidly day by day.


she is an elf who knew Ren by the House of Slaves and is the future administrator of Ren's territory.

Indis is Amerie's cousin and Arwen's niece, her main weapon is a spear.

Her hair is blonde and she has beautiful eyes the color of sapphire.

She has a great appreciation for Ren who took her out of the life of a slave, although her attitude is somewhat tsundere, apart from that she is a proud girl as an elf as well as being very strong as a B+ rank.

Ryan Kitamura:

Shiro's younger brother, a boy with a strong will, great diplomacy in dealing with his peers, is affectionate, considers morality and ethics fundamental in his life, was harshly guided by Duchess Kitamura to be a great nobleman who can guide his territory, and is passionate about reading.

he has a commercial and friendly relationship with ren who helped save his territory in addition to ren selling him wholesale magic crystals, he has great respect for ren as a person and admiration for ren who has no desire to screw others for political power as her grandmother always taught her.

Sadiki: 3rd clone with holy magic ability, similar to Ren and Gabriel.

a boy with blond hair and light blue eyes, he is a loyal person and kind to others almost becoming a saint for such kindness.

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