An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Ren was walking through the city towards the Kitamura family's mansion, but on the way, he saw a hooded guy.

the strange thing was that it was noon and besides that, the boy had many books in his hands.

Ren smiled wryly before throwing a needle at the boy's feet.

the boy took a perfect fall face to the ground.

Ren then walked over and stretched out his hand to the boy.

" are you OK?

Ryan seeing the man from a few hours ago strangely put his guard up.

- What are you doing here?

Ryan said as he turned wary.

"Calm down, I just want to help you.

Ryan nodded, sensing that Ren was honest but still not letting his guard down.

while he was helped by ren, he hurt his leg too much.

Ren was supporting Ryan with his shoulder toward his mansion.

"So Ryan, does it hurt?

Instead of answering, he threw his question.

- were you right?

"It's cruel that you blame me when we just saw each other, right?

- My instincts tell me that you ambushed me.

"You are cruel brother, after being locked up for 2 hours in the library you get cold like that with me?

Ren said loudly, which made the surrounding people look at them with pity.

- shh! okay, sorry for doubting you.

"Although I was going to congratulate you for suspecting me, that makes it easy for me to explain.

- that?

"Look at this first.

Ren showed one of the crystals he had.

Ryan almost released Ren's grip so he could hold him with his hands.

Ren calmed him down before leading him into an alley.

Touching the crystal, Ryan felt that he saw a treasure, then he looked at Ren, who brought a smile, and Ren's face overlapped as if it were a mine of crystals.

first I take a deep breath, I wanted to know how ren got this

- how?

"I must assume that yesterday's information didn't make it here.

-what are you talking about?

"Let's walk first.

Ren took Ryan to a library, to a private room, and put his silencing orb on the table, he first mentioned the events that brought him here.

Ryan at first didn't want to believe him, but Ren pulled out documents and was going to hand them over.

"1, 2 is missing.

- 1?

"The business I want to discuss with you and the Duchess.

- Why don't you discuss it with her first?

" because I found out that she is a direct woman of few words that if I came to her with this attitude, she would surely throw me out the door.

- um, I guess you investigated my grandmother well.

Ryan began flipping through the documents, the more he read, the uglier his expression became, at some point he even thought he was going to lose his mind.

Ren put a hand on her shoulder and sent calming nerve impulses so she wouldn't drop the documents.

those documents were the most important originals, they were all the slave sale contracts, not that he doesn't have copies, or that he can't catch them if they fall.

but ren was too tired to do it, despite having a recovery enhancement skill.

- What do you want to give me this?

"Are you the boss?


"Don't worry, this will be a courtesy for what's to come.

- What's coming?

Ren instead of answering, I take out a video that I had.

which showed how 1 clone put all the crystals from the hole in his ring and kept them.

"I want to sell these crystals in batches.

Ryan felt his eyes almost pop out of their sockets as he watched the video.

his head was already dizzy from the information, despite being older than ren.

" are you OK?.

- Yes, just a little tired.

Ren patted him on the back until his phone vibrated.

He got a notification that someone was approaching the dungeon.




While Ren was talking to Ryan and negotiating just now, in the supposedly now closed mine, a hooded man secretly came and stood by the slide that led to the dungeon door, and a large amount of mana crystals came out of his ring. which caused the dungeon door to destabilize and rise up into the air.

the man sent a single message.

- the distraction is ready, go to phase 2.




Ryan after seeing that live video heard an explosion, and when he left he saw how the square in the center of the city, a dungeon appeared.

- what happened!?

" take it easy.

- How do you want me to calm down!? I just heard an explosion, and a dungeon is coming out in the middle of the square!

Ryan trailed off at Ren's calm but cold gaze.

"Calm down, they're about to call.

- that?

Ren's phone began to vibrate.

"  Hello?

- Sensei, did you see it?

"Yes, Akane, details?

- wait a moment...

- Yes, it's a rank D dungeon, a lot of monsters are coming out of that place.

"Everyone D?

- Yes, only there are many.

"Are your guild members still in town?

- of course.

"Could you mobilize them?

- on orders.

"Have them hold back, we can't do much destruction here.

Ren hung up and turned to Ryan.

"Can you mobilize the authorities to evacuate the others?


"Perfect, I'll take you.

Ren grabbed Ryan's arm and started running towards a motorcycle somewhere.

he grabbed a couple of wires and turned it on.

" get on.


"Then you accuse me, get on.

- Yes!

Ren started the bike with Ryan on his back, heading towards the duchess's mansion.

On the way, Ryan called the soldiers to help and the police to evacuate the citizens.

Ren saw ents coming out of the portal, they are like tree men crossing, the surroundings were already filling with flowers and plants as they advanced.

wolf-riding kobolds and he saw orcs.

he saw the hunters and the Kitamura family's army heading toward them.

in the air, he saw a large group of bats.

over there he saw kiriko's group running to fight too.

As he walked forward, Ren remembered seeing the man's phone.

'distraction? but from what? one second.

" Ryan.

- Yes?, could you go more slowly, I don't hear you.


- that!

"A dungeon should have appeared a month ago, where is it!?

- It's in the southeast!

" Thank you!

Ren took out his phone and dialed Kumiko's number.


- Don't yell at me, you fucking bastard, I'll go deaf!

"Excuse me, listen, put me through to Kiriko.

- ok.

- hello? we are a little busy here ren.

"Forget that, your compass points southeast?


"Go southeast now, take the girls, leave Amerie to help with the bats and Akane to lead her guild members, then I'll go there.

- ok.

Ren hung up and sped up the bike.

Once he arrived at the gate of the mansion, the guards saw his heir and rushed to leave the pass at the entrance.

Ren skidded the bike to the door.

"Come on, have the citizens evacuated, I'll support the fight.

- ok.

Ren nodded and was about to start the bike.

- wait.


- Take this.

" And this is?.

Ryan had presented him with a medal.

- in case you need to lead the soldiers.

"Well, it will be useful, see you later.

Ren started the motorcycle as fast as he could.

from the bridge and the castle, you could see the chaos in the square.

Although the situation looks dire, the monsters weren't strong, they were just too many.

Normally, a swordsman from Rose's guild could swin to finish everyone off in one fell swoop, but that would amount to destruction.

Arriving at the plaza, Ren was greeted by a bunch of monsters coming out of the gate.

" dammit.

Ren saw a general with a radio nearby, he approached him.

" mister.

- What do you want boy, I'm busy.

"We have to enclose them in a circle.

- What are you talking brat, do not you see their numbers?

" give me that.

- Who do you think you are-

"Hah, look at this.

When the general saw the medal, his eyes almost popped out.

- Please sir, lead the attack.

" Thank you.

- What will we do sensei?

- hi!

the general screamed like a girl when he saw a girl appear out of nowhere behind the young man wearing a general's medal.

"We are going to catch them, could you help me to mobilize your men?

- of course.

"Perfect, I didn't think it would use war tactics, but I guess it is what it is.




while ren took care of the situation in the plaza.

Kiriko, Kumiko, Aiko, Brant(already awake), Kuroka, and Kara ran to the dungeon.

When Kiriko said that Ren would take care of the situation here, Kumiko was the first to move forward to get transport.

On the way in the truck they got, which coincidentally was unlocked, Kumiko got in and Kiriko saw Kumiko pull out a couple of wires from under the steering wheel and start the car.

the only one who found that sight strange was Brant.

but he was too tired to argue.

an hour ago he had woken up in his bed with a tremendous headache.

he remembered that he followed those 2 girls into a factory, and saw a lot of beast people inside.

later, he remembers that he went out to send a letter, to finally drink in a bar and come here.

the problem is that he never sent a letter in his life, he doesn't even remember being nice, especially to some workers.

but he couldn't stop to think about it, there was an attack and out of nowhere, the kiriko leader told them that they were going to go to the dungeon that the goddess commanded.

when they reached the dungeon, which was under a mountain, they saw a door, unlike the normal ones whose portals were blue, this one was a terrifying dark purple.

in the surroundings, there were danger notices.

Kiriko, standing in front of the door, took a deep breath.

he thought of all of his training until now, he thought of the results of how he was the first place for everything and took it as his responsibility.

The others also felt the mana out, although they saw that it was an F rank dungeon, they were not confident, but each of them had pride in their families and felt responsible for being chosen to free them from this dungeon.

each had their resolution, and with that same resolution, they entered the door.




The first thing that greeted them upon entering was a dark sky, there were trees around them, but these were black and rotten at sight.

While the 6 of them were getting nervous, zombies started appearing from the ground.

zombies are known as undead, although they are weak, only with great power can they be killed and get rid of their soul, or with the light attribute.

Kiriko immediately launched spears of light, which directly burned the zombies, seeing the others, he became anxious.

Aiko used his now staff to ease her spells on the zombies, but despite being burned, they kept moving.

Brant had already thrown many of the spear copies of him, but even with the spears in their bodies, the zombies kept moving.

Kumiko was pushing the nearest zombies with all her strength into his shield, but nothing.

Kuroka despite having locked a couple in a bubble of water, the water began to turn black until Kuroka could not control the spell and managed to break it.

In this horrible world and desperate situation, Kiriko's wrist tattoo began to tremble.

<hero of light, you will be given the sword of victory, the sword will accompany you from here on your journey, with time you will be able to discover all its abilities, but how it will turn out, in the end, depends on you, good luck on your journey, remember may the goddess always watch over you and encourage you to save the world from evil>

Kiriko watched as flashes of light formed in front of him, forming the shape of a sword.

<screams his name, hero of light>

kiriko shouted from the bottom of his heart the name that appeared in his mind, and with his name, his surroundings of him were filled with light



from the light, a beautiful sword was formed.

it was a sword 90 centimeters long and 12 centimeters wide, the handle was beautiful.

Beautiful couldn't be used to describe it, Kiriko felt it was holy.

Determinedly, Kiriko grasped the handle of the hope-woven sword.

as kiriko felt this handle and the feeling of strength, when he was about to cut down these zombies, he remembered that he didn't come alone.

Turning to see, he saw how the weapons of his companions looked very weak compared to what he was holding, but he felt something.

he felt that such was the wonder of this sword that he could bless others.

he tried to use his magic, and a few light powders flew from Excalibur towards the weapons of his companions.

His weapons took on a shine, though far inferior to Excalibur's, they felt they could use them against evil creatures.

The 6 went to the front and began to fight with a slash of kiriko imbued with magic that swept away everything that collided, eliminating the zombies and erasing them immediately.

while the 5 marveled at the sight.

Kiriko dropped to one knee as he kept his new sword from touching the ground.

that mana blow consumed almost all of his mana.

Kumiko went to support him with his shield.

Kiriko, seeing the woman he was in love with for so long, stood up and got into a fighting stance, determinedly yelling.

" to fight




while Kiriko's party is empowered by a divine rank sword unmatched or even having a competition in quality, power, skills, speed, offensive power, and range in this world.

Ren was already finishing off the monsters in the plaza, preventing more from coming out.

many soldiers were proud that they could avert disaster by defending their territory from these monsters.

there were some wounded officers and civilians.

but ren did not regret it, leading a team to prevent a large number of monsters from passing made him mentally tired.

Although the ones he led were powerful, they couldn't use special abilities or powerful magic, they could only use their swords to finish them off without them running away.

there were still some bats in the air, but the shooters were already taking care of it.

Ren had approached with the others to see the situation.

when I reach the door, which seemed to be made of flowers, with some fireflies around it, reflecting a beautiful view.

I hear a voice.

- ren.

' What's up?

- amerie will be absorbed in 3, 2,1.

Ren immediately ran towards Amerie who was a little further away.

Amerie was confused by Ren running towards her, but he noticed her a few moments later.

when she felt her body being lifted into the air, dragged into the dungeon.

Ren grabbed her arm trying not to let the dungeon swallow her.

she looked like a vacuum cleaner with great suction power.

When Ren was being pulled with her, chains prevented him from being pulled.

- Sensei!

he heard Akane's scream behind him, along with the hunters who ran to avoid being taken away by pulling the chain.

ren who saw that dungeon like that got confused.

' What's up?

- Let her go.


' because.

- Just listen, let her go.

' don't fuck with me.

-ha..., you will be adsorbed with her.

' Y?.

- as you like.

her voice sounded bitter, but he stopped listening to her.

when she was thinking about what would happen.

the suction force worsened, pulling ren and amerie inside.


Akane immediately ran towards the dungeon.

but a great shield of pressurized air appeared, blocking the passage.

not even the A ranks here could make the air lose.





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