An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Eira felt like a mother and subconsciously imagined herself if Ren had children with her, this is how she would raise her children.

which made Eira blush, and to erase those thoughts, she hugged the little boy tighter.

but the more she hugged the little one, those thoughts and ideas penetrated her mind.

while Eira had her heart confused by her spinning into weird ideas, in the Kitamura territory.

Amerie was totally pissed off.

not because ren took the elves.

in fact, ren had already sent through Kevin given to her by Kelly, the list of all the names of the enslaved elves to find her relatives.

she took them with the others so that the humans would have no means to blackmail the elves in exchange for the girls of their race.

Amerie didn't initially think humanity would sink so low for that.

Kelly had looked at Amerie with pity and showed her a video.

it was a video where they interrogated ren about the whereabouts of the elves, the marquises to get rid of the guilt had said that ren had taken the elves.

The officers wanted to get the information out of Ren.

but ren refused to speak, in the video, you could see a man enter with a bag and when he opened it on the table in front of where ren was sitting, you could see a lot of torture tools.

Kelly had turned off the video, but Amerie begged to let her watch the video.

the others like kiriko and kuroka did not want to see the video.

The ones who stayed to see it were Aiko, and Akane obviously, Kelly had already seen it and the test was in a fighting arena where all the opponents ended up with many broken bones.

the other girls and kiriko didn't want to see him, it would be too much for them.

And it's no exaggeration, the reason why they couldn't fight against that armored guy before other than exhaustion was because of the surrounding corpses.

they felt very powerless and vulnerable.

when ordinary humans, especially children, see a corpse, they felt that way, fragile.

they even had nightmares about the faces of those dead men afterward.

To get out of the place, the guards had to cover up the corpses and the girls went by doing their best not to remember the faces of those corpses.

the reason kiriko was able to move was that she had to ignore him to save her friends from him.

Kumiko couldn't help but wonder how Ren could fight with human corpses around him without changing his expression, but he remembered who he was talking about and calmed down and even aroused a little fear towards Ren.

amerie also felt a bit pressured, but she used her relaxed attitude with ren to appear strong, which surprised her that ren comes so naturally.

going back to the present

Amerie and Aiko were the last ones to see the images of how Ren was tortured with a pale face, Akane confessed to them that Ren was just pretending as he did in the dungeon with Duke Holland.

Aiko and Akane stood behind Amerie watching the video, despite knowing that Ren wasn't really in pain, despite knowing that, their expressions were completely cold and angry.

Akane especially felt that his dagger was begging for the blood of those guys, he remembered the faces of those men in his mind.

in the end, ren never talked about the location.

It was seen in the video how they pulled Ren by the arms leaving a trail of blood, they took him to the neighboring room to cure him, and then make him look clean and left him again in his cage, that process had already been repeated 2 times.

Kelly and Akane went out with Aiko to calm her down, she needed to get used to these things soon as they knew ren and also knew Aiko's feelings.

and it was Aiko's request in particular.

on the other hand, amerie was just sitting on her bed still with a pale face, without stopping to think about ren's cries of pain.

She contacted her mother and explained the whole situation to her as best she could. but in the end.

- You can't get into that amerie trial.

"But mother!

- Amerie silence, I am not telling you this as a mother, I am telling you as a queen.

Her mother said with an expression of extreme seriousness, leaving aside her nobility even greater than Amerie's.

Amerie saw great anger in her mother.

she was angry too.

- even though I want to get involved, remember that it is not our territory.

"But mom! He saved our people!

- if found guilty! and he wants to get out of the human territory, with my power as queen I will receive him in my kingdom with open arms and I will receive him in my house as a hero of the highest caliber, but listen to me well amerie Slyford, we cannot decide the judgment of the humans, but if we can...

Amerie was surprised at her mother's plan in case he was found guilty, but she agreed anyway and listened to all of her plans.

In the end, Amerie passed the list of names to her mother. (I'm between Nerdanel or Arwen for the name of the queen, say her opinions)

As the elf queen flipped through the list of names, her eyes began to well up.

- daughter, change of plans, we will not release it after 3 days when the trial is over, we will do it the same day.

"Why mother?

- I found the daughter of my best friend, your sister by name.





returning to a dungeon in the territory of the Kitamura territory.

Ren could be seen lying in his cell after another day of "interrogation".

he had spent a week here waxed, he could only play with invisible air that looked like a child, until it was time for the interrogation.

what a ren just burns his pain inhibitors and was acting all the time.

then they gave him recovery potions and took him out of the room as if they had just chatted with him.

Ren was now playing with the little compressed air, also known as [invisible air].

all this time ren was thinking about his kiss with Akane, he knew he had screwed up, but he couldn't do anything to go back in time, he only had to accept his reality and possibly the responsibility, while ren was playing with invisible air, he decided to think a little on this.

frankly, ren was a little jealous that he had to use this to give to kiriko.

invisible air is made up of multiple layers of wind compressed into super high-pressure air, with a large amount of magical energy that distorts the refraction of light and makes whatever is inside completely invisible.

Ren tried it on his arm and made it look like a sword, he even made a P on the wall on the first day.

In Excalibur, Invisible Air takes the form of the blade and presents it as an invisible sword that doesn't appear even when sparks shoot from it.

to those unfamiliar with the nature of the weapon such as those who do not air users, it appears that it is invisible, enemies cannot discern the length, width, range, or trajectory of the blade, not even the fact that makes it even a blade until they actually make contact with the weapon, which leaves them constantly on their guard due to having to rely solely on Kiriko's movement to decipher her attacks. They are confused both offensively and defensively, leaving them only able to approximate striking moves and stay out of range to avoid being easily knocked down.

(I took this information directly from the wiki, thanks for the information, it was quite useful)

kiriko can't draw Excalibur all the time, the weapon consumes a lot of mana to use, early in the game, it could only be used as a last resort because it depleted your mana by using it.

after Avalon is achieved in the realm of the elves, that excessive consumption is reduced thanks to the benefits of Avalon.

but due to player complaints, they ended up doing an invisible air sale event.

Ren remembered how his sister begged Ren to buy it at the event, which Ren paid with tears in his eyes.

but when I tested the gun, it was really worth the price.

From what I heard from the others who were able to visit him, Kiriko had to summon his weapon every time he wanted to take it out with a super embarrassing oath and the blade made him waste mana just by holding the glowing sword.

ren was going to give him this weapon so that it would be easier for him to draw the sword, and to be able to give him the surprise factor of Excalibur, after all, how bad would he expect to see himself with the hero, invisible air will be like the way to hide that kiriko he is the hero thus avoiding the annoyance of the bustle of the people.

he also gave spirit magic to amerie to also avoid having to learn all the concepts of air and its uses, but after seeing how amerie could use magic even without singing, he regretted it a bit but comforted himself thinking that it took away the first kiss to the princess of the elves and because he sure got a big debt from amerie.

if the plan doesn't work, ren had already left insurance with the Kitamura family, with the good heart of Shiro, who he recently learned hated slavery, ren knew he could leave the silver wolves and some young black wolves with her, the cats would be left to Kiyoshi, so they can make an infiltration corps.

the elves would hand them over to amerie in a few days after they can safely move the elves, without her having to worry about a political issue of business from the humans wanting to sell out the elf people.

As Ren watched the plans, Kiriko arrived.

When Kiriko saw Ren, the first thing he did was kneel in front of him.

- Forgive me, Ren, please forgive me.

Kiriko said throwing herself on the ground and getting dirty.

Ren just raised an eyebrow at that.

"What do I have to forgive you for, idiot?

- It was my fault that you are locked up here! if I were emperor-

"Calm down my King, this dungeon is not so cold and if with that I can get rid of being a noble, it's not so bad.

- stop being so carefree ren! they will execute you if they find you guilty!

Kiriko shouted with almost tears in his eyes, Ren felt strange, Kiriko only saw Ren's same calm and carefree look.

"ha...relax brother, tell me kiriko, Naomi Hakuya will let her student be hanged like this?

- no but-

"Then trust your aunt and relax, I'll get out of here, I've never been in a cage for more than a month, I can assure you.


- Well, I'll still do my best as a hero of light to get you out of here.

"Rather, before you go, can you let me see Excalibur?

Kiriko hearing that, felt bad, he thought that Ren was asking to see the legendary sword for the first and last time, how could he deny him?

Kiriko swore the oath from him and summoned Excalibur.

Ren was almost blinded by this damn light, with more resolve he was going to hand over the sheath to him.

"Don't you have a pod?

- No, every time I try to put it in one, the pod ends up being burned.

" Well, I have a gift for you, extend the sword.

Kiriko without much thought extended the sword.

Ren marveled as he only brushed against the bar of his cage, but cut through it like butter.

looking at this sword that screams "holy", he decided on a little joke.

"Look at this magic trick, now this one.

Ren moved invisible air and moved it towards the sword which made it appear to disappear.

"Now it's gone, praise me, ladies and gentlemen, I made the greatest sword in history disappear.

Ren said with a bow and a quizzical face.

Kiriko couldn't speak because of the shock, he felt that he was holding the sword, but he could only see a lot of pressurized air.

Kiriko was even more moved and looked gratefully at Ren.

Ren, being the target of Kiriko's gaze, couldn't help but say.

"I don't swing for that side brother, I'm straight.

- hahaha, I guess so, thanks ren.

"Not for nothing, it's to avoid that weird and embarrassing oath.

Kiriko couldn't help but blush, he made the oath 3 times so far, and all in public.

"That pod will spare you the oath, plus it drops air resistance to 0 and will confuse all non-air users, use it wisely for the element of surprise."

- I swear in my name as a hero of light that I will treasure this pod and take care of it with my life.

"Aha, as you say, now let me say goodbye to my friend, he extends the sheet.

Kiriko did so and inadvertently cut a couple of bars, she still hadn't gotten used to the invisible blade.

"Goodbye friend, you were a good listener for talks and a partner in-jokes.

Kiriko saw how a breeze ran through Ren's hair, it seemed that the sheath was alive, Kiriko promised to treat it with affection from now on.

Ren touched one last time where the blade should be because of how Kiriko was holding it, but he didn't cut himself.

The pressurized air prevented Ren from touching the blade and sent one last rush of cool air at him, which Ren was grateful for.

after kiriko leaves, ren was moved to another cell, ren couldn't help but sigh.

"And I was already getting used to that cell.

- shut up and move blasphemous

" as you like.




a few days had passed, when ren was taken out of his cell and taken to a big court.

Upon entering, he could see only important characters on the benches, such as nobles, merchants, etc. who looked at Ren with disgust.

Kazuma Nakiri was present, looking seriously at Ren.

even Balder was in the audience.

you could see amerie, as a public, there was also like looking at ren anxiously.

Ren gave him a calm look.

Akane also looked at Ren with tears in her eyes, to which Ren gave her a small sign of silence.

he also saw Eira, next to…

a little ren?

the clone, seeing his king's frown, immediately sent the memories to his king to which ren could only mentally sigh for taking away his peace of mind, he saw his performance as if he were an 8-year-old child and Eira was acting like his mother except for the cooking, although he didn't regret it, seeing Eira's beautiful unconscious smile, it was worth it.

They took him to the dais and seated him.

Ren could see in this large and decorated room how there were seats a little lower than something that looked like the seat of the judge to the 6 great nobles.

There was Duchess Kitamura, an older woman with gray hair, but her violet eyes still had a flame of life.

there was duke squirre who looked a lot like bernard as he glared at ren

Kiyoshi was in the Holland seat and despite looking majestic, his young age made him childish instead of imposing, Kiyoshi had his lip trembling as he was looked at by ren mockingly.

there was Duke Lambart, an intimidating-looking man as if he had come from a war, despite the clothes that covered his entire body, his gorilla arms were still noticeable and it was no laughing matter.

Duke Aaron Miller was there, he had a Caucasian appearance with black hair and a bushy beard with hazel eyes, and a calm look towards Ren, different from the others in which there was no hatred, at best there seemed to be a rush.

Ren found out from his clones that among the 6 dukes, he was the busiest in meetings abroad, he didn't have time for development in his territory which was supposedly not necessary since it was clean, but Ren didn't believe the story.

and there was the rose Scarlett house of the Scarlett house looking at ren directly, but ren could see in his eyes instead of hate, annoyance at the trouble he got himself into.

they were to give the verdict at the end and act as witnesses.

and in front of everyone was the emperor, with a big wig.

Ren had to use all his mental power to keep from laughing until his stomach hurt.

he had already made Kevin get everything for the defense, he planned to let himself be defended only by his clone, and if he couldn't, well...

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