An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Gabriel could be seen in the sky cooking something for Uriel who came to visit his house.

Uriel had been looking frustrated for a couple of days, so Gabriel had been giving her food during this time.

Uriel was frustrated, by his apostle's failure to kill ren.

Who would have thought that brat could use ice?

though the ice was weak to ren.

the ice was not weak to Uriel.

that ice was able to fend off Uriel's blessing to his apostle.

it was a flaming sword like the one she uses, but obviously of much lower rank.

still, those flames could surpass even someone by 1 or 2 ranks higher.

and ren was in the same rank as him.

he was able to defend himself against that.

Uriel could only think.

' What a bummer that lizard's blessing was.

Uriel could only wait for Gabriel to sleep again, but the thing is, angels, don't need to sleep.

Gabriel slept that day at Uriel's request with the excuse that he needed to rest.

while Uriel was lamenting.

Gabriel was happy.

these days, he was watching ren all the time, except when he slept of course.

but she saw through her connection with ren to those slaves.

she saw how thin they were, how they were abused and beaten, being all cornered in a cage.

how they were sold

At first, Gabriel felt a degree of depression, he even locked himself in his room for days.

but over time, she saw how ren was able, little by little, to improve a little the quality of life of those humans.

she liked how ren little by little improved the quality of life of humans, with food and secretly medicine.

she even helped bring justice to a father.

Ren had always seen the man with a blank, lifeless look, she reminded him of something from his old life, so she decided to help him.

asking other slaves, she found out what happened.

It turns out that when I arrive here, I arrive with his daughter, a sweet and kind girl.

the man always stopped eating to give it all to her, even though there was hardly any of her.

the girl always helped the other slaves and everyone had a love for the little girl, she was the one who bowed her head to the other races so that they would forgive their people, thanks to her and her belief that one day they would escape, there was hope.

but as they say, good people are the first to go, they never expected a guard to feel the desire to subdue that girl, and the guard with her companions decided to take her away.

trying to prevent her from being taken away, her father and many other slaves were beaten by the guards.

the man could only scream while they took his daughter away, she never came back.

since then, the slaves who were already without hope worsened.

the man especially, always looked like a stone and did not move despite being so thin that he looked like he would break.

ren who heard that began to look for the names of those who killed the little girl and found 3 men.

the day she had work in the mine, she made the slaves who knew the girl change their shift with people of other races.

and 10 humans were in the mine.

Fortunately, on that day, or so the slaves thought later, the guards on duty were the 3 guards who raped and killed the little girl.

Ren used her suppressors on them and led the humans and their pickaxes in hand with the 3 guards to a corner on the side of the mine.

at the end of the day, many cried in the cage while thanking ren, and the place was left with 3 guards, the report said that they fell into a poorly built mine area and ended up crushed, ren did not plan to have clones with the appearance of that garbage.

Gabriel felt sorry for the little girl and found her in heaven.

Gabriel personally prepared a place for her and even visited her from time to time.

When Ren began to be whipped by the torturer who happened to be the old man who captured him, Gabriel felt the pain from him.

he didn't feel the pain directly, he just felt the agony that ren went through.


hey author


Why is Ren still sane after 100 lashes? shouldn't that drive you crazy?

(ren is already a crazy narrator, his previous life left him crazy)



Gabriel felt a small pause in space and time, but he ignored it, his concern made it so.

she remembered ren's pain, but this time, he didn't look for her sister Uriel, Gabriel wanted to experience what ren experienced.

although it was horrible, she was able to bear it.

Then it happened how they freed the slaves, Gabriel was happy for them, but later when Ren entered that dungeon with Amerie and ended up in a dream, although Gabriel could only see Ren's dream for an instant, he could only see for an instant that Ren was on a throne.

what scared her is that the ren on that throne was at a level of power that Gabriel could not calculate, he could only see it for a few moments, but she felt the need to kneel too.

she decided that she would watch ren carefully.

And in that attention, she saw the kiss with Amerie.

unconsciously Gabriel touched his lips to see ren kiss another girl, he couldn't help but blush completely.

he already knew what her kisses were for, and instead of him bothering her because ren cheated on her with her kiss, what he confused her with was that he didn't bother her.

His heart didn't know what he felt, but he could only describe it as discomfort at seeing Ren kiss another woman.

in this short time observing ren, for Gabriel they were no longer just moments, looking at the life of the human ren, brought him a lot of new sensations, and he liked that.

Gabriel had become a bit addicted to seeing Ren's life as a little stalker.

even now while he was cooking he was looking at ren in his judgment, although he didn't understand those human things of judgment, still he couldn't help but frown at the many absurd things that ren was accused of.

when she thought ren was going to win the case, the church priest stepped in.

Frankly, Gabriel got mad at the priest, and from the perspective of the angel of innocence and goodness, that's saying a lot.

Aside from the sheer number of lies she was telling, what bothered her the most was that they wanted to kill those innocent demi-humans.

but what terrified her to her soul was what ren thought, although he didn't know why, she could only hear a very small part of it since something blocked almost all of the ren's mind, but it was enough to alarm her like Never before.

'I should help in the awakening of the demon god -------- but this country is rotten, it has no salvation.

Seeing that statement, Gabriel checked the statement, since it should be just something desperate, but killing her hopes and to her horror, what she said was true.

her heart couldn't take it and she ran away leaving Uriel confused in her house.

he went to an altar of the goddess and knelt before her.

"Mother, please let me go over there and save those children.

Gabriel was anxious, thinking that she would be rejected or not even answered.

but to her relief, I hear her voice.

- I allow it.

Gabriel thanked and with all the haste in the world he used magic to get down to the human world.




back to the human world.

ren that he was feigning pain since the beams from this artifact don't affect him, he looked up at the sky.

everyone else was already kneeling in the presence of the angel that came down.

Ren also stopped pretending, which left his friends realizing how stupid they were to care about Ren and that he was a lightning user.

- This country is lucky that Gabriel comes down.

' Really?

-of course yes, I know you ren, you would have been able to destroy this country if you didn't do it yourself.

' I'm not that dangerous, was something I said in my moment of depression.

- do not think that he does not review your memories of your past life.

' It's not like I've done anything that bad.

- Is nothing so bad? re crazy?

- You literally destroyed and burned down an entire underground building worth millions of dollars because of the pets that were there.

' I must admit that back then getting them out of that place was difficult and then removing all that drug was expensive, I had been in the red back then, plus those bastards deserved it for trying to use that place, they deserved a resting place those poor puppies, not that they fill their graves with boxes of weapons and men in suits.

- Are you going to tell me that it was small to destroy the entire government organization you worked for just because Marcos had been sent on a suicide mission after trying to defend a corruption issue in that place?

' Well, I did and I would do it over and over again if I had to.

-ha..., you are the complete opposite of a hero.

' Thank you.

- It is said that a hero is one who would sacrifice someone and himself to save the world, you are the other way around, you would sacrifice the whole world to save someone.

' well, the world afterward will only give me a medal and congratulations, what the hell is a damn piece of metal to me if my best friend Marcos, the one who took care of me and helped me a lot in all my service time was dead, frankly, I wish I poisoned them and then burned them, but there wasn't enough poison to cover the entire building, so I just settled for locking them up and killing them, although I must admit activating the lockdown protocol and covering the only emergency exit and killing everyone who wanted to get through going around and then disappearing from the place and deleting all my data from the system was fun, luckily the bastards were using pure technology and there were no physical files of mine.

-although it doesn't bother me that you destroy this whole country, remember that this is the home of the hero, if he dies, you would have to do his job.

'Damn it's true, I guess I should negate that idea of ​​making the demon god come and do it myself right?

- I like it that way.

- much more training?

' much more training.

As Ren laughed at whatever was on his mind, outside of his mind was a real shock.

An angel appeared, in a place where the church was not.

the priest was thinking about how the angel came down to punish ren, secretly he was happy, at this rate if he guides the events well, he could be promoted to a bishop, even pope.

while the priest smirked, Gabriel was looking at the king.

the king of the empire had his head on the ground like a chicken pecking at rice.

-His Holiness, what an honor to have her in my territory.

Gabriel only looked at him for a few moments before turning her gaze to Ren, to see him looking at her in surprise.

her looking at herself.

Gabriel was in cute pajamas that had angel wings as decorations on them.

Gabriel blushed thinking that everyone was looking at her, but she remembered that only Ren could see her which calmed her down and even made her smile since she liked her wings a lot and shared that with Ren, who shares something with her all the time.

Ren, on the other hand, was looking at Gabriel that who was embarrassed by the cute pajamas she was wearing, which highlighted the size of those weapons, out of nowhere she became proud.

'she likes someone to look at her?

- she likes that you look at her


then Gabriel remembered what he came for.

and he looked directly at the priest and saw in his heart the great greed in him, though he couldn't read minds, he could feel where that greed was going, and he didn't like what he saw.

The priest unconsciously knelt down and began to worship and try to start his plan.

-His Holiness, what an honor to have her among us if this humble servant can suppose, he comes to punish the heretic who does not deliver the slaves?

- You're the wrong human, I'm not here for that, I'm here to stop this insult to mother.

- that?

-Seriously, is his holiness saying that? But an apostle gave us the order to hate slaves 100 years ago! Are you telling me that this apostle is lying?

- Why do you lie human? the last apostle of one of my sisters existed 500 years ago, since then heaven has not interfered with humans.

- So, may I know what the occasion is due to? Does it come for the hero of light?

-No, the hero of light has his orders, this time I come for the human, you are going to leave the slaves in peace from this moment, and if the order is denied it will be heresy against mother.

everyone was in shock, after that Gabriel didn't say anything else, but turned and looked directly at ren.

ren who had already come to his senses, he was concerned at being the target of his gaze.

He hadn't expected Gabriel to come down here to save the slaves at all, and now from the look, he guessed he would be called again.

-It seems that he wants to connect with you again.

'so it seems.

-Please make sure you don't take Gabriel's virginity, if you do, Uriel himself will come down to kill you and you still can't face his sword.

' wait, what?

Ren couldn't ask any more as he felt dizzy as he felt his soul being pulled from his body.

he widened his eyes dizzily.

' I don't think I'll get used to this leaving my body thing.

Breathing to calm his dizziness and looking ahead, Ren saw Gabriel looking at him with a calm face.

Ren stood up straight and didn't dare to speak at first, he remembered his first meeting and knew that Gabriel must have found answers, according to the thing, Gabriel is curious.

Gabriel looked at the human that gave him new sensations almost every day, but now he knew that the human in front of her had a method to make the world go into chaos.

Normally Gabriel would report it and they would make the human speech, but his heart ached as he imagined Ren feeling direct pain in his soul, he decided that he would not report it, but he couldn't just let it go.

ren being under Gabriel's gaze, he couldn't help but blurt out a comment.

"I liked the kiss last time.

that comment made Gabriel think about it too, and unable to help it, he blushed.

Ren planned to make a ghost chamber the next time he comes here, Gabriel's shy look was quite a sight to behold.

Gabriel who was looked at by ren felt shy out of nowhere but remembered his goal to bring ren here and took a deep breath to calm down.

- I have a question for you.

" ahead.

Are you seriously going to destroy the world?

"You too huh...

"ha... it's not like that, I thought so just seeing those humans wanting to kill those innocent demihumans.

- ...

"It was something I decided on impulse, I have no plan to release the demon god.

Gabriel looked directly at Ren, and Ren returned his gaze.

Gabriel looked at Ren's heart, confirming the truth of it, he nodded.

- Okay, but I'll be watching you.

"It's true that this is, how are you looking at me?

- We have a connection from that...

" that kiss?

Gabriel nodded with red cheeks.

- I was looking in the libraries, but I couldn't find anything.

"I didn't know the heavens had libraries, that's a good tip.

- Of course, we have libraries, we also have silver cities and cloud parks...

Gabriel was still talking about her home with a happy look, and ren seeing her like that, he didn't interrupt her.

like a girl talking about her favorite place, ren listened to his stories while he tried to update his idea of ​​heaven.

but at some point, ren felt how her head ached, and the more time passed, the more pain she had.

-and praises are sung at noon-

" Sorry?

- eh? you did not understand a part?

"It's not that, it's just that I have a headache.

- Ah, it's just your mind-breaking.



Gabriel was going to continue with his story until he realized Ren's situation, and who was beginning to sweat.

- your mind breaks, oh mother, what do I do? I need to use healing magic?, but you can't do it here in the mind, oh mother I don't know what to do

"And if you return me to my body?

- eh? true, good idea ren.

Gabriel was about to prepare the spell, but he watched as Ren's thought form began to turn transparent.

His eyes widened suddenly, Ren's mind was already damaged.

- what do I do!?

Ren saw the angel looking at him while he looked like he was going to cry, he would have moved him but he couldn't because the pain got worse.

but he remembered the last time, how kissing Gabriel gave him a warm sensation, at first he thought it was just his blessing, but that improved his mana, made it denser.

to get the last time, he made the little plan of it.

he threw himself on his back to the grass, Gabriel panicked when he saw Ren fall out of nowhere and have a pitiful and painful expression.

As if it were a scene from a romantic movie, Ren shakily raised his hand.

Gabriel immediately with tears in his eyes held Ren's hand.

Ren was whispering something, which normally wouldn't be heard, but Gabriel's sharpened senses could hear it.

"come...come closer...

Gabriel brought his face closer to Ren, Ren seemed to use all the effort of the rest of his life and said to Gabriel.

"Please... a kiss from you will save me...


With a deep blush, Gabriel nodded and slowly approached Ren.

joining his lips to his for the second time, Gabriel looked like a chicken about to chomp on some rice.

Upon colliding with Ren's lips, Ren took advantage and held Gabriel's face and deepened the kiss.

Gabriel froze in shock and was about to walk away.

but what stopped she was to see how the almost transparent image of ren began to clear up again, seeing that it was effective, Gabriel allowed himself to be kissed.

ren when seeing the 0 resistance of Gabriel, Ren approaches her.

Gabriel let out a cute squeal as she was pulled into Ren, her huge breasts pressing into Ren's chest. The cheeks of both began to redden as they deepened the kiss, Gabriel's lips had a persistent taste of honey of the best quality that left Ren wanting more.

Ren tightened his hold on Gabriel's soft waist and Gabriel began to show signs of life as he hesitantly returned the kiss, most likely because he already had a previous experience with Ren.

Ren turned away from the face of the flushed and cute Gabriel.

Ren licked his lips with the taste still on them, Gabriel's mind was racing faster than ever to find an answer to what had just happened, his heart was now racing like crazy and his mind was struggling in a mess, but was finally able to tell.

- do you feel better?

Ren smiled and answered him.

"After this, I feel much better.

Gabriel lowered his head and got close to Ren's chest, she was super embarrassed and despite being much older than Ren, she looked like a young girl.

the sweet moment broke when the world they were in began to crumble.

Gabriel quickly opened his eyes and looked around.

- The mana of the spell is over.

"so see you later?

Gabriel looked at Ren who was in front of him.

- Yes See you later.

- remember that I'm watching you ren, please be careful, I don't like to see you in pain.

"I can promise if there's a reward next time I come here.

- hehe, promised.

Ren felt the tug on her body again and came back to reality, to see Gabriel looking at him with a smile before putting on a serious expression and looking at the priest.

- Beastmen will not be slaves again, it is an order.

this time, the emperor who was silent this time responded with a loud voice.

- yes your holiness!

Gabriel didn't say more but seeing Ren, he remembered something that was in her memories and made a peace sign and left.

when the light dimmed and the room returned to normal.

It took a long time for everyone who was present to come.

Ren thought that this annoyance would end since the priest had gone to inform the superiors about her.

the king raised his voice in the environment.

- I order all those present in this room to be subjected to a contract not to divulge anything they saw in this place.

everyone had no choice but to agree, if it is disclosed that Gabriel came down from heaven to defend the slaves, the world will go into despair for having sinned against them.

the charges linked to slaves vanished at trial, but the other crimes still remained.

it would ultimately be decided whether he pleaded not guilty or guilty.

the king raised his voice.

- Whoever declares Ren Artega guilty, raise your hand.

Ren watched as Duke Squirre who had just returned raised his hand immediately, Duke Lambart also raised his hand as he gave Ren a sharp look.

Duke Miller and the other 4 had their hands down.

the emperor nodded and asked again.

- now raise your hand to those who believe that Ren Artega is innocent.

Kiyoshi immediately raised his hand as if he were a student about to answer a question on the board that he did know.

The next to raise her hand gracefully was Duchess Kitamura, looking elegant throughout the process.

Rose finally looked at Ren for a moment before raising her hand.

Only the hand of Duke Miller was missing, which was staring at Ren.

At some point a girl approached her ear, Duke Miller smiled.

- Ren Artega, my daughter wants to ask you a question.

Ren raised his eyebrow at that, but she nodded anyway.

Duke Miller stepped back and a fucking beautiful woman appeared at his podium.

at the level of the other heroines.

(image in the comments, and the image is not mine, just reference)

when the others saw this girl, they all felt that drool would fall from their mouths.

Ren looked directly at the girl waiting for her question, the girl known as Daniela Miller was looking at Ren directly, she opened her mouth and spoke with a majestic and beautiful voice.

"If her sanctity hadn't gone down, would you have continued to defend the slaves?"

After saying that, Daniela waited patiently for Ren's reply.

Ren without blinking replied.

"Even if the church itself had objected, I would have stood up for them and run away.

After Ren says those words, no one said anything for a few moments.

The first thing that sounded was a laugh from someone in the public, and it continued in a chain.

- ha ha ha ha ha ha

Everyone around laughed at Ren, who bravely declared that he could escape from this place as if he were powerful.

the only ones not laughing were ren's friends.

and the ones who were even frowning were the 6 dukes.

the 6 looked inside ren's body and saw that they couldn't feel anything in ren, it seemed that he was an ordinary person, without the attribute.

so if ren used an escape stone and camouflaged himself, even though these strong awakened ones can locate which city he is in, they couldn't sense the difference from ordinary people, which means they could only search by sight, which limits them.

Daniela felt confidence in Ren's voice, there was no hint of doubt in her voice or in his look.

Daniela nodded with a serious expression and spoke again.

- The Miller family votes for Ren Artega's innocence.

The emperor nodded and with his court gavel declared.

- Baron Artega is declared innocent, with my power as king I declare that this trial is over




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