An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Coming back to the present, Akane thought about those words.

-If Ren saw you like this, she would be angry with you.

'Sensei, sensei would you hate me to be a murderess?

that doubt tormented Akane.

Akane obviously didn't know that Ren had killed before, and Amerie didn't tell her.

She only knew that Ren is capable of torture, but there is still a barrier between torturing and killing someone.

Plus Amerie planned to keep Ren's secrets.

her mind wandered day by day with that doubt, she couldn't get rid of that concern.

and restlessness turned to anxiety.

She remembered Kiriko's disapproving look and imagined that look on Ren...

Her heart felt like it would break, Akane could only pray that Kiriko didn't say anything to Ren.




while Akane had her existential problems, in the arena it was another story.

aiko won against kuroka.

Ren carefully watched Kuroka's frustrated look, who couldn't defend himself much against Aiko.

It's not that his magic is weak, it's just that Kuroka has spells more linked to immobility and harassing enemies.

Ren knew that water magic could be a good killer with an ultra-concentrated stream or by drowning another person.

While Ren was seriously thinking about using the Ice Seed on Kuroka, Aiko came to him.

- Ren! I win!

Ren looked at Aiko who was jumping in front of him, she looked cute.

but ren didn't know that she had to see his victory with him, she was about to say something until...

Kumiko smacked him on the hip and told him with her eyes.

' congratulate her.


Ren raised his hand and patted Aiko on the head a couple of times.

"Well done Aiko.

Aiko went happily with Amerie to tell her.

Hina also sighed into Ren's phone.

She had researched everything about love between men and women and she could see Aiko's feelings, although she still didn't understand them.

She also knew that Ren mistook Aiko's affection for her kind personality.

even so, she didn't plan to say anything to her teacher, not because she wanted to deceive him, but because a few days ago she had a girl talk to learn to be more like a human, and Hina learned from the girls what things she shouldn't say, for example, that Aiko is in love with Ren.

Ren then heard the presenter's voice.

- ren Artega and Brant Lambart, please forward.

Ren sighed before handing Kumiko his phone to take care of.

As Ren climbed into the arena, something was happening in the infirmary.

to be more exact, under the sand.

the men dressed in black took out explosives, wanting to blow up the place.

only one bomb was missing and the B-rank crazy guy went to the supposedly empty infirmary to plant the bomb, and there he was able to see something interesting.

Akane was with her eyes closed, she was asleep.

When the guy saw the red-haired woman who killed her brother last time, he smiled madly.

- So here you are, huh? You're the b#%&$ that killed my brother last time.

The guy took a dagger out of his pocket and gently approached Akane.

-Heh heh, here comes the dagger of your runny end, remember not to get into other people's business next time.

The man raised his hand with the dagger raised and lowered it aiming at Akane's heart.

Just as the dagger was about to hit her heart, a shield appeared.

a transparent mana shield, the man could see as if there was a light coming from a necklace on Akane's chest.

- tch, don't think I'll give up.

The guy powered up his dagger with mana and hit the shield.

then he hit him again.

then another

then another.

the shield could now be seen as almost transparent.

The man raised his dagger one last time and slashed down destroying the shield.

- hm, that artifact made me spend a good portion of mana, too bad it's broken, now yes, see you later girl.

At that moment Akane opened her eyes, seeing the guy breaking the artifact that her sensei gave him.

the man under the hand.

the artifact was already broken.

Akane was backing away.

- bye brat.

The man lowered his hand, but at that moment an ice shield appeared.

- again!?

he turned her eyes and saw 2 people standing at the entrance of the infirmary, the man could still see the path of ice on the foot of the much smaller guy.

- the inconvenience does not end

- who would have thought that they would really come here

- Lucky that miss Akane had her phone in her pocket, otherwise the king would have been sad.

- We should escort this man to the exit, right?

- come on Kevin

the 2 clones recognized as Re and Kevin ran toward the man.

- tch, only 2 D ranks.

Akane woke up and took out her weapons, although she was injured she nodded to the 2 clones.

- we go.

after 3 minutes, the man couldn't help but frown.

since he was undercover, he couldn't use mana, but still, his body was strong.

and his 2 opponents kept harassing him with coordinated attacks while the little boy was behind him trying to immobilize him.

the man heard a warning in his earpiece.

- All set boss.

he immediately uses mana and expels the 2 against the wall.

Akane hit the wall and passed out, Kevin flipped and landed on the wall.

Re covered himself, but the mana blast left him with injuries.

the man walked over to the unconscious Akane and carried her on her shoulder.

- I guess this brat must be someone important to that lightning brat, I'll take her.

Re lying on the ground, he spits up blood before reaching for Kevin.

- Warn the king.

- He is coming.




Brant who was facing Ren tightened his grip on his spear.

his father was furious for a long time.

His father couldn't say that he made it into the trial, but he beat Brant to the breaking point.

the emperor got the support of the Kitamura house, giving Duke Lambart many difficulties in his plans, he lost influence among the nobles of his territory and all because of Brant and his inability to keep his mouth shut about the slaves.

Brant was furious, plus he was given an ultimatum not to bother Ren.

now Brant could get his revenge and he would enjoy it.

He saw on Ren's face the same boring look wishing he wasn't here.

But when the referee was about to call out the countdown, Ren suddenly had a hollow look.

It was at that moment that Re warned Ren about the intruder.

Brant's skin prickled at that look.

but ren immediately looked at the referee and spoke.

"Can you open the barrier? I have to go.

- you can't unless one of the 2 loses or you give up.

"Okay, I give up, now open the barrier.

the referee nodded and the barrier was opened.

everyone was silent before the now ren.

Brant seeing Ren stop looking at him and walk to the left of him, felt an insult never before.

he ran at ren with all his might.

- Don't fuck with me you fucking bastard.

ren who was about to go down, out of nowhere he saw Brant running towards him with his spear pointed at his head, now with no barrier that can prevent the cut from killing him.

It seems that Brant was going to kill Ren, the public froze their blood when they saw the scene.

Ren then took a step back to let Brant pass with the sound of the wind whistling.

Ren with his left arm, empowered his arm showing all his power as a C rank, and hit Brant with all his strength leaving Brant knocked out on the ground.

then he ran out of the arena.

in the crowd, someone shouted
- rank c at age 16!?



Kumiko's mouth was open, and she was scared to see Ren in that state.

at that moment he saw Hina making the phone vibrate.

- We're under attack.

" that?

- they infiltrated the arena, I used an antenna and managed to scan 5 bombs, I can deactivate them but for that, they need to get close to them.

Kumiko came to her senses and nodded.

first, notice to the tutor Shiro.

Shiro immediately mobilized the entire staff to escort the students.

then she would come back for the others.

Kumiko continued with Hina.

- that do I have to do?

- call your allies.

Kumiko called Amerie, Aiko, Kara, Kiriko and Kuroka.

- Please, they will receive a call and with that, I will be able to connect to their telephones, they only need to approach me within 1 meter of the bomb and I will be able to deactivate it.

" it is understood.

each phone of the 6 rang and they separated, kiriko and Kumiko went together, and the other girls decided to go their separate ways.

Meanwhile, among the students, one of them, seeing the 6 go to specific locations, took out an intercom.

- Sir, they're heading to defuse the bombs.

After saying that, the boy put his phone away and went with the others to the state of emergency.

he did not notice a camera that was filmed.




Turning back to the hooded man, hearing the agent's report from him, he frowned and warned the men about him.

"They discovered us, protect the bombs, kill each one of them.

- Do we use the gift, sir?

"Yes, use the gift.




a few minutes later.

Aiko was the first to arrive at the location under Hina's guidance.

" what do I have to do now?

- Bring me closer to the pump, it will take me about 5 minutes of time.

Aiko nodded and was reaching for her phone before a dagger came at her.

Aiko immediately stepped back, and she could see a hooded man appearing from the shadows.

- I'm sorry, little one, but you can't play with grown-up things.

Aiko frowned and replied.

"Why do they do this?

- because? Well, it's simple, we are servants of the great, under his guidance, he will be able to come to this world and cleanse sinners.

-His name is something sacred, as a humble servant am not worthy, but his name will soon make people tremble, his name is-

" tall


"Whoever it is, it's just things said by a madman.

- you! how dare you disrespect the great

"I don't really care, but I appreciate your presence, you will be able to help me.

-seriously, with what?

Before answering, the man felt something hot on his foot.

and he saw a flame below the middle of the pants.

Looking ahead, he saw the sweet-eyed girl in front of him, summoning a bunch of fireballs.

"Please help me prove something.

- what?

How long does a human body last before it burns to death?




In another part of the arena, she could see Amerie arriving under the stadium parking lot.

Upon reaching the bomb, Sylph spoke

- Amerie care, I feel dark mana.

"dark mana?

- this mana seems to be a concentrate brought from the dark dungeons.


Amerie looked at the bomb that had some kind of purple liquid inside.

- please miss coming closer

Amerie was going to do that, but an arrow brushed past her hair.

Amerie immediately positioned herself behind a cement pillar as she summoned her bow and quiver.

" Who are you!?

A man with a crossbow in his hand appeared before Amerie.

- an elf? this will be interesting

"Why do you want to destroy the stadium?

- it's all for the big one

" the big one?

- yes, the big one

"they are nonsense

- an elf like you could not understand

- Be careful girl, don't trust yourself, I feel something dark in him, he's not like the bandits they faced.

"in agreement.




Kuroka could be seen running toward the location of the bomb.

- is turning the corner miss

" ok.

Kuroka turned around the corridor and arrived at the cafeteria of the stadium.

walking towards the pump he saw that inside the pump there was something like tubes that contained some kind of purple liquid.

" that I have to do?

-an enemy is coming, and you will have to defeat him before trying to defuse the bomb, the enemy must have knowledge of our objective, if he destroys his phone, I will not be able to connect to any equipment in a nearby radius.

" that!?

-He runs behind the concession stand, he has a sword.

Kuroka immediately ran and jumped behind the stall.

after 1 minute, he could hear someone's voice.

- That bastard told me that there would be someone here, but nothing? I guess anyone is wrong

said the voice before footsteps can be heard walking away from the cafeteria.

Kuroka was about to leave, but on the screen of his phone a written message appeared

-don't go out, he's still there

Kuroka used [Presence Reduced] skill and tried to huddle behind a refrigerator.

A chat window appeared displaying the subject's information.

[number 14 wanted in the second kingdom for extortion and murder in practice fights]

[he does not have an identified style, but the police report says that he has the sword as an ornament, he specializes in fist fighting]

kuroka write a message

" that I have to do?

-calculating the best strategy...

- must electrocute him

" What?

- you have to make a puddle connecting from under the refrigerator to its position that is 10 meters away.

"will die?

- only then can you live miss

kuroka frowned

- if you don't want to do it don't worry, my master won't bother about it

"I don't like Ren

-Don't deny it, miss, I know you look at my master surreptitiously, only he doesn't want to get close to him because he thinks he has some kind of grudge against you, right?


"Why do you tell me?

-I heard that he spoke with his brother to restart the plans to make a commitment

" Yes

Kuroka felt embarrassed, but she couldn't deny it.

- then you could start by trying to get along with him, my king does not have bad opinions of you

" Really?

-Of course, his brother told my master about his past.

'ha... you should have kept your mouth shut brother.

Kuroka then nodded and asked

" that I have to do?

- you have to make your water pure enough, enough so that the water isn't visible and doesn't look like mana was involved but not so pure that it doesn't lose its electrical conducting effect

"Do you think that guy would let me do it?

- I'm on it

it was heard as the TV in the cafeteria turned on showing the image of a random naked woman having sex

- huh? oh yes, that! move it

kuroka could only make a disgusted face

- excuse my rudeness, but it is the only thing that can distract a man like him from the reports

" I guess.




Kara was with her mallet on her shoulder as she ran through the halls.

Just as she was about to turn a corner, she heard Hina's voice.

- watch out!

Kara without thinking stepped back and a claw strike appeared.

Kara could see a boy on 4 legs using metal claws on his hands

- good reflexes

" Thank you

Kara listened to Hina's report.

- that boy is wanted by psychiatrists and the police for having murdered people believing himself to be a cat, at the beginning, there were not many problems with his idea of being a cat, but after 2 years it is said that there were 14 cases of homicides linked to a murderer with claws, they recently discovered that he was the perpetrator when he mercilessly murdered a noble -

- oh, that voice knows me well, miss, do you also have cats?

"I have cats, but not like you

- it's a pity that I have to kill her in the same way

" So?

Kara nodded as she ran with her mallet to try and smash the guy.

but the guy dodged while she commented

- how cruel it is with this poor cat, miss, but don't worry, I'll make sure not to scratch him in the face.

"Then let me show you how to smash the cat with the mallet.




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