An npc who just wants to live idling around.


When Kiriko opened her eyes, she saw that she was in a hospital bed inside the infirmary at ALL.

He was with a vital signs machine next to him and an IV in his arm.

when his consciousness returned, he saw that Kumiko was sleeping in a chair next to him.

Kiriko who was feeling fucking weak extended her hand towards Kumiko with difficulty as if he wanted to feel Kumiko's body heat.

Kumiko, feeling Kiriko's hand, opened her eyes.

Seeing Kiriko awake, she threw herself into his arms crying.

After half an hour, Kumiko calmed down and told him everything that happened while he slept for 1 week.

communications were blocked on All, and no calls for help could be sent to Naomi as normal.

All the nobles and people present complained about All's lousy security and blamed the hero of light for his lousy performance and for letting them almost die, there were even rumors that a high command of the church had to use his holy magic to sacrifice his life to save them all, rumors that the church did not deny since there was no evidence against it.

when Naomi came back, she was faced with a lot of legal problems from all sides.

the Lambart house and Squirre wanted to use that to try to close All

"What!? Those damned!

-don't worry


Kiriko said with a strange look at Kumiko's calm gaze, Kumiko just laughed wryly as he commented.

- our neighbor took care of that

Kumiko said as he pointed his gaze to Kiriko's right.

On the stretcher next to him was Ren while he slept hugging a pillow.


- yes, ren woke up a few days before you, plus he is recovered


"And what is he doing here?

-avoiding the public


Before Kiriko could ask in shock, Ren's voice was heard.

-shhh there are people here who want to sleep, shut up

kiriko was left without knowing how to respond at that moment, but invisible air stopped covering Excalibur which was next to kiriko and made a silencing sphere in addition to cooling the area around ren making ren sleep peacefully


Kiriko lowered his a few degrees to his voice and asked

"So what did Ren do?

- well...

Looking at what happened just now, Kumiko felt that Kiriko would be even more grateful to Ren.

all the problems piled up for Naomi on the first day after the incident.
Many calls from all sides wanting All to be closed and some even wanted Kiriko to go to the church so that he would receive adequate "training" in the use of his power, Naomi was being attacked left and right.

On the second day Naomi received problems with the church, many high commands wanted Kiriko to go to the neighboring country where the saint is and receive real training to complete the mission of the goddess, and it did not help that the testimonies were made public causing the public generally agreed.

The day Ren woke up was the third day.

and after ren is hugged by Akane who was next to him, she told everything that happened up to that moment causing ren to start laughing like crazy while saying how idiotic people were to believe the words of the church.

Ren figured this would happen so when he received Kevin's report while in the ice dome he had Kevin record everything from Hina and save it before they were deleted sure enough all recording was deleted after kiriko activated that light, although the officers searched, and they found nothing.

A hero saved all those people and instead of being greeted by applause for sacrificing himself, all he received were insults.

Kumiko remembers Ren's look of anger at that moment, but when everyone in the room thought that Ren would storm out of the room to do something stupid in a rage, Ren just took a few deep breaths before calming down.

After confirming with Akane that Naomi was in her office discussing countermeasures with her advisers, lawyers, and All's teachers. Ren first asked for a new phone since his old phone was destroyed while fighting with that madman.

Akane already had a phone ready.

Ren grabbed the new phone and injected some of his electric mana into it installing Hina in the process.

Hina installed from her home network all the apps and music of her master on the new device and told the facts on her side.

Ren listened carefully, thanks to Shiro, who gave the emergency code giving Hina permission to close all the doors without having to be in the needle, the smoke was able to stop for a while.

if not for that, the smoke would have reached the people locked up long ago.

besides that Aiko was now sick since the dark mana reached her, although it did not go beyond her arms thanks to Eira who after having prepared things in the demon realm, was returning to the human realm to see the finals of Aiko's competition when Eira received a call from the demon king about the situation and Eira at the same time jumped out of her plane who was relatively close to All.

Ren also received reports about who the subjects were exploited, although they were only petty criminals long since disappeared from the empire, among other countries.

the version of dark mana that the kamikaze guys bit off and what the madman injected himself with was what they absorbed from the dark dungeons.

They put some sort of dark mana-absorbing device in the air, since Kiriko took a long time to get to the first dark dungeon, they were able to absorb enough for their members.

they did experiments to inject that dark mana into some subjects and out of 100 test subjects only 3 survived.

the bodies of the 3, 2 of them could not fully assimilate the injection although it made them stronger, the negative part is that they made them mentally unstable causing some personality changes.

and the oldest of the three was able to accept the dark mana diluted in it, the effect lasted for 5 days, and then he needed to be in bed for a while.

so when they came here he injected himself with diluted dark mana raising him to a B rank.

when the enhanced concentrated version was injected which was the pill those members carried in their mouths, if the body withstands the pressure it can become quite strong for a short time, but if not, the subject will die of explosion.

Those were Naomi's discoveries after she tracked down the student spies.

Ren remembered that the demon god used the concentrated version of dark mana or rather absorb it directly, the demons can use it almost without problems since their bodies accept it.

the problem is that once they accept it, it becomes some kind of addictive drug in addition to corrupting the demon's mind.

The current demon king rejected that kind of power, so he rebelled against his father's tyranny and helped kill him along with the 4 heroes.

Luckily for Ren, Hina recorded on a security camera where Kiriko was releasing the power of Excalibur, the bad thing is that he would rebel against Sadiki as a user of sacred magic.

in the human world, only the holy maiden can have holy magic in the neighboring country of the empire, the higher-ups of the church can use the power of light which is the same as kiriko and also a lower power version of magic holy, the weakest is the light of kiriko that he currently has, then follows the holy magic who has Sadiki and the holy and the holy light was possessed by the previous hero who is the maximum version, kiriko can use holy magic having Excalibur as a medium.

the difference between kiriko and his light and the light of the higher-ups of the church is that they do not have a blessing like kiriko.

kiriko obtained the magic from him directly from a level 10, instead, a member of the church took at least his entire life until he was 50 years old to reach a level 5, in addition to that light evolving and being able to become holy light.

Although the neighboring country where the root of the church is located does not have as much military strength as the empire, they do have a great history and influence as the capital of the church religion, giving them great influence throughout the world.

Ren had to make Sadiki leave the capital immediately before sending the recordings to Naomi.

Naomi was in her office with her daughter by her side, in addition to the other teachers all without knowing what to do to get ahead, Naomi's mind was tired and she was running out of options to keep her school, public opinion about the hero was down and everyone wanted kiriko to go with the church.

At that moment Naomi received a message.

When she opened it, she saw Ren's message, along with the video of Kiriko sacrificing his talent to save everyone, as well as a list of possible suspects of participating in the terrorist attack.

-Merry Christmas in advance Naomi.

It was lucky that Naomi didn't go right away to hug Ren.

Naomi immediately mobilized all her resources so that she could use that video to not only save the image of the hero but also to silence the church about her stupidity that kiriko is not sufficiently committed to her duty.

the other teachers also celebrated with everyone.

Everyone thought that nothing could be done, but it turned out that a video arrived that Hina recorded with everything and audio.

Naomi then began an exhaustive investigation into the entire list of suspects, and within days it was revealed that almost everyone who was on that list participated in some way in the attack.

Ren also saw the breaking news and realized that by acting rashly, he dug his grave.

when he faced those many members of that organization, ren used ice to slaughter them all and absorb their brain energy, ren remembered how from a wound with his sword he made the ice enter their bodies and freeze them until it reached the brains and absorb them all from the frozen floor and then he continued on his way.

The bad thing is that he left a horrible crime scene.

The policemen first saw the ice marks and then found Ren in an ice dome hugging Akane without letting go of her at any time.

One thing that couldn't escape the authorities was that Ren was an ice user.

as well as the show of strength against Brand demonstrating his C-rank strength.

now everyone knows that ren is not a no mana as everyone believed besides being a C rank

It should be said that the natural thing is that a first-year starts from rank E when they are accepted, and at the end, if they are talented, they reach rank -D.

in the second year, talented people can get to -C

and the third years reach C at 18 years since it is more difficult to increase the rank every time.

but Ren Artega demonstrated a C rank strength being a first-rank 16-year-old.

beating kiriko who is a D+.

Ren to avoid the hustle and bustle hid in the infirmary, thanks to Saiko who said that Ren is still delicate, he was saved from the inconvenience.

and Ren was enjoying care these days like being fed by Akane and chatting with Saiko who seemed worried about his injuries.

But Ren was angry at the passive ability that healed him faster and he couldn't have more time with Saiko.

Ren tried to sleep at night, but he was worried about 2 girls.


and kuroka.


for Aiko there wouldn't be that much of a problem, Eira was able to freeze her arm before the infection reached somewhere beyond her arm, but ren couldn't visit her since she was in the demon realm being taken care of by her parents.

when Ren talked to Akane recently she said that Excalibur was far away from Aiko and even though the poison was removed, Aiko lost a lot of vitality and that she needed recovery.

the other business was kuroka.

Thanks to Sadiki, Kuroka's life was not in immediate danger, but there were no more than 48 hours left at that time.

After Ren heard the shit the clones did, Ren slipped off his stretcher as night fell, with Saiko keeping an eye on Ren in case he escaped, the two of them went to Kuroka's room.

when ren saw kuroka, ren saw how bad she was, her face was pale, and from the flow of mana, ren could see that sadiki's mana wouldn't last much longer before her mana fights the dark mana again.

Ren marveled at the human body in this world, from which despite being in bed, Kuroka's mana is constantly in motion and ready to face the dark mana, what separates them both is the magical seal.

Ren took out the ice seed from his inventory and put it in his mouth, controlling Kuroka's nerves a bit and making Kuroka swallow it.

Ren then scanned his body with Saiko and it was confirmed that Kuroka now got a mana talent for ice as level 1.

the power of the ice was able to stop and overcome the passage of the poison better and faster, as the sword Excalibur erased almost all the poison just by being close to the area of ​​effect, kuroka was in the cafeteria of the stadium, the cafeteria was underground where unfortunately Kiriko's mana did not arrive.

ren then went to his stretcher and since then he stays here, Akane likewise does not leave ren's side for almost anything.

if it weren't for ren and kelly wanting her to sleep in a bed, she might very well stay in a chair next to ren.

a few days passed and ren just laughed at how thousands of insults and slanders turned into applause and congratulations for a video.

His days in the infirmary passed relatively uneventfully while All's situation was improving little by little.




it was December 22nd, ren planned to go to her room and try to sleep after quietly escaping from all the reporters.

kiriko also knew that he should be careful with the media, he didn't do anything wrong but they almost sent him to the church in another country, and because of the many stories about the cruelty towards his members in the church, kiriko didn't want to go there.

Ren didn't take a step into his room when he received a message.

-Master, could you come to my territory this Christmas?

"Christmas? um doesn't sound bad

Ren planned to reply to Kiyoshi's message, but he received another message.

-sensei, could you come to my territory to celebrate Christmas?

this was sent by Akane


"Chale, which one am I going to? Kelly or Akane?

- Which one do you like more?

"Could you give a better idea?

- at 2?

"And if I gather them both in one place?


" it is already decided

Ren said before entering his room as he spoke with the voice in his head.




Ren was on the plane to Holland territory while he was talking to Hina about gifts for certain acquaintances.

Carla and Paula



Well he was planning to give those girls a simple gift, but Hina had the initiative to show Ren the girls' talents, so Ren was thinking while he only had one thought in his mind.

'What's up with these girls?

that was ren's doubt.

Reviewing the report on Adela, ren couldn't help but marvel.

that woman was a sponge to learn things.

recently Adela, the hairdresser that ren met in the Holland territory took the exam for a scholarship at ALL to study medicine, despite having only a few months, she managed to learn all the syllabus and get her scholarship, her brain learned all those books completely.

Ana, Ren's constant delivery person, created her own delivery chain, although the method they use to receive deliveries is somewhat inefficient since they only use text messages to receive orders and some workers have to look for one of the free delivery men. to bring the food, what stands out in her is her talent for business, currently, she has dealt with 6 famous restaurants, although there are not many, the detail is that the restaurants signed a contract so that her company receives a percentage of the profits apart from the delivery man's commission, ren thought that Ana would have fucked the owners of those restaurants since that girl is quite beautiful and has a good body, but it turns out that Ana advised those restaurants causing them to increase their profits by 200%, in addition to the fact that Hina claimed that Ana was still a virgin, which made Ren strange since he did not ask for that information and did not want to know how she got it Hina.

But getting back to the topic, Ana is also recently saving money to pay for an industrial engineering degree at ALL.

Carla and Paula are the 2 cat girls that Ren met in the Kitamura territory, those 2 despite being young are currently the leaders of the island where the demihumans are now, according to Hina, those girls are the ones who lead the city and guide the trade with the Holland territory in addition to taking care of the racial differences between the wolves, cats, and bears that exist in that place.

Reading the reports, Ren was surprised, so she decided to give each of those girls a present.

ren first for Adela by non-legal methods normally got books about what they taught in All in the first 2 years, although there are a lot of books, to save space, ren gave her the latest generation Tablet with all the content of those books and with facial scanner and other security means that Hina set up.

for Ana ren thought about it for a while and on the plane, she started to develop an online delivery software, although the online pages already exist, they are quite flawed and ineffective, ren prepared a special software with all the necessary details for both customers such as the delivery people in addition to other possible functions such as recognition of customer information, best route and a possible emergency call to the police, then ren made Ana an administrator of that software and in his account, he can put some other recommendations in writing for Hina make a change if necessary in something for the future.

For the cat girls, Ren couldn't think of much, so I just leave them with some diplomacy books, some agricultural ideas that were used in their old world and tools necessary for work, as well as imported seeds for these seasons of the year, among others. things, after that ren went to sleep while Hina prepared the finishing touches.



Ren arrived in the Holland territory on the morning of the 24th, just as it was snowing.

Ren was getting off the plane about to head to catch a taxi to the Holland mansion, but strangely when he got to the airport exit there was already a man in a black uniform waiting for Ren next to a limousine.

Ren, although somewhat surprised since he never said when he would get off the plane to anyone, took it as something without much importance and followed the man to the limousine which had a lot of delicious food and good music in the background, to which Ren gave him a service of 5 stars.

When Ren arrived at the mansion he was greeted by Kelly who was wearing a cute dress.

- good morning sensei

Ren patted Kelly's head causing the maid who was waiting behind Kelly to startle a little, which was not beyond Ren's perception, Ren thought that as the adoptive sister of the new Duke Holland, she now has a higher status than his. Ren, so that's why the maid was startled by Ren's casual gesture.

Ren quickly withdrew his hand from Kelly's head so as not to embarrass Duke Holland's sister in embarrassment over a much lower-ranking guy, but Ren ended up leaving Kelly with a void as he withdrew his hand, as before her hand Ren climbed down, Kelly grabbed her from Ren and put him back on her head.

Seeing that Kelly didn't care or bother, Ren stopped thinking about it and continued stroking her soft hair for a moment longer before the doors of the mansion opened.

When the doors opened, he was shown to an army of maids bent at 90 degrees as they all said

-welcome master ren

Ren was a little out of it before saying

"Tell me it wasn't your idea to hire an army of maids.

Kelly with a big smile said

-Hina took a test and the result is that you like girls in maid outfits, that's why my brother hired many maids so that he can feast his eyes

Ren had a stoic look scanning all the maids, but in his mind he said

'At what point did she give me the test that I didn't realize? what kind of brain circuit does Kiyoshi have to hire so many maids for that reason? and the most important...

' I like her thighs in maid stockings, not the maids themselves, but looking now...

Ren saw the legs of those girls and secretly gave Kiyoshi a thumbs up, but still, to keep his face, Ren sighed heavily.


Ren began to collect mana in her fist which Kelly noticed and secretly began to back away from the head maid, but she froze when she heard Ren's voice.

“Are you telling me that you fired the older, capable former maids just to hire younger maids?

Kelly breathed a sigh of relief before replying to Ren who was stepping closer to her.

-We gave a great bonus to each sensei, don't worry, besides each of these maids is trained.

Ren stared at Kelly for a moment as she listened to Hina's report through her earpiece.

then ren lowered his fist and started to walk to Balder who was at the bottom of the doorway in the hall with a sandwich on a plate resting in his hand.

When Ren saw the sandwich, he grabbed it and then chewed it and enjoyed the taste of cooking from experience. Ren still couldn't recreate Balder's sandwich, but he wasn't missing much either.

"Hello old Balder, to the times

- it is an honor to see you again young ren, I hope that this detail of my son has been able to satisfy you

" I guess so

said ren as she looked at the maids

- if you wish you can choose any of these girls and have them serve you tonight


ren had a short circuit for a second

"So these girls are...

- they are pure young ren

Balder said with a smile.

"But I only meant if these girls would refuse

Ren said in a low tone.

- I don't think they will refuse, master

said Hina's voice from Ren's hearing aid.

"Really? why?

Ren asked in a low voice, something Balder couldn't hear through his normal senses.

- Well, noticing the somewhat nervous looks of some and the somewhat longing looks of the older ones, these girls apparently want to have a bond with you as a new nobleman, in addition to how the young Kiyoshi appreciates you, surely he will give many benefits to the girl Let her be your personal maid, perhaps as a means for you to stay more often in the Holland territory since he misses it often.

"Knowing Kiyoshi... it's possible, thanks Hina

- when you need me, master, I'm always here to serve you

Ren turned his attention to Balder and just casually said

"Maybe I will, for now, I'll go see Kiyoshi

' although I really have no intention of doing it, especially in a house where there are children like Kiyoshi and Kelly, it is not necessary to set a bad example for them

- sensei

"Yes, Kelly?

-Could you help me?

" what for?

Kelly said something nervous

- well, in our family and the Holland territory there is a custom that the man of the family must cut down the Christmas pine, but my father is not a wake-up man and he is old, and my brother does not like to leave his room if he does not necessary, could you do it?

ren blinked a few times, then smiled a bit as she said

"So Kiyoshi wants to skip the habit and leave it to me right?

-eh... yes?

Kelly said a little nervous about Ren's smile, even the maids who were still close to her were a little scared by Ren's smile which gave them a feeling of fear.

ren nodded with a smile before saying

"Kiyoshi's room is in the same place, right?

- yes sensei


Ren nodded with a smile before stomping his foot on the floor forming an electrical path which at first glance looked like ice speeding toward Kiyoshi's room.

Kiyoshi was in her room as he smiled imagining his sister's smile later for giving the two of them time to be alone while they went into the woods to cut down a pine tree.

Kiyoshi was quietly in front of his computer watching a movie after a night of work being a duke, but when out of curiosity he looked at the security camera in the mansion's lobby, he saw Ren looking into the mansion's interior while a path of ice was forming and the people around looked at ren as if waiting for something.

Kiyoshi was confused until he heard a -kya! from outside his room to later see a part of his door freezing and then breaking showing a hand of ice that was approaching him at high speed.

before Kiyoshi can even react, he was grabbed by that hand and then pulled through the hole, from which the maid who was waiting outside his room chased after him as he yelled


Kiyoshi was pulled like a rag through the mansion before arriving in front of ren and ending up hanging from his heel by the hand of ice.

the maids were left with their minds off when they saw the cold Young Duke Holland being brought as if he were a rag and then left hanging in front of the guest from whom they received orders to treat him with the utmost respect.

The shock of these maids worsened when instead of Kiyoshi frowning or any of his relatives being offended, Balder and Kelly did was laugh, and Kiyoshi scratched the back of his neck while smiling shyly.

-excuse me sensei, could you get me down?

"Not until you tell me where you went wrong.

Ren said with a smile making Kiyoshi shudder and his brain start to go into overdrive thinking about what he did to piss off his sensei.

Kiyoshi was going to reply, but out of nowhere a girl about Kiyoshi's age came running down the stairs she yelled


the girl sees Kiyoshi hanging from the ice that originated from ren's foot, she got furious, so she ran to ren while she threw a flying kick, and screamed

- Release my master bastard!

The girl's kick connected with a wall of ice that appeared in front of Ren.


this time it was the turn of Kelly, Bálder, and Kiyoshi to remain speechless before the sudden attack of the servant.

Ren saw the maid in front of the transparent ice shield, then raised an eyebrow before commenting

" that is all?

The girl frowned before backing up a few feet and launching smoke bombs at Ren's shield.

the smoke blocked the view outside the shield, but ren didn't look at the position where the girl was, ren looked at the ceiling of the room.


Through the smoke, Ren saw the girl with a knife in her hand.

the ice shield immediately transformed into 2 ice tentacles.

At that moment Kiyoshi yelled.

-I beg you sensei, spare Yoko's life!


Ren covered Kiyoshi's mouth with ice before looking back at the girl heading towards the ice tentacles.

There was a surprise in the girl's gaze before she reacted and pointed her knife at the tentacle.

The girl collided with the tip of the tentacle blocking it and using it as a support to avoid the second tentacle.


Ren smiled at the girl's quick response before Ren started attacking girl with both tentacles.

The girl dodged the tentacles, although Ren did it only with enough force for an E rank which the girl had.

As the girl kept dodging the 2 tentacles as she got closer, Ren decided to increase the level and made 2 more tentacles.

The girl's face twitched, but she didn't flinch as she tried to deal with 4 tentacles with her knife, although she managed to dodge many of them, she ended up with some injuries.

Ren stopped the tentacle attacks as she commented to Kiyoshi.

"What a skillful servant you got yourself Kiyoshi, it's a pity that you're silly for not noticing the situation in general

Ren clapped once waking everyone up.

"Now then... first I guess we should heal you

Ren threw a tentacle at the girl, which she wanted to dodge since she still didn't understand what Ren said.

Ren, seeing that she wanted to dodge, increased the speed of her tentacles, quickly trapping her.

She tied each tentacle to her body members as she pulled her closer to him.

"I guess I should fix this.

Ren put a finger on the forehead of the girl who was resisting making the girl feel a warm current in her body and then see with shock how the wounds on her body healed quickly and she recovered her energy.

Ren then dropped her on the ground causing the girl to fall on her butt.

Then Ren grabbed Kiyoshi's leg with his hand and carried him on the shoulder towards the mansion's exit.

"I'll be back in a while with the pine, I'm taking your duke for a while.

Although everyone wanted to say something, no one said anything.

and Kiyoshi with his hands made signs to Yoko so that she doesn't attack ren again.




the place where the pines are obtained is in a forest prepared in advance from which anyone could enter and pay to cut down their pine.

Ren took Kiyoshi to that place, obviously on the way he let him walk on his own, Ren did not want Kiyoshi to end up as a mockery by being treated like this being a duke.

upon arrival at the venue, the manager was bent over 90 degrees as he thanked Kiyoshi for his presence.

Kiyoshi just waved him off with a dignified face making Ren who is trying to keep a calm face want to clap his hands at his performance, apparently Kiyoshi also takes advanced etiquette classes.

On the way the 2 caught up on their time not seeing each other, Ren telling him some things about the school and telling him about his sister's daily life, and Kiyoshi telling him about his experiences as a noble.

Kiyoshi then selected a pine tree from the spot and Ren handed him an axe.

Ren stood to the side as he looked at Kiyoshi who was his first time cutting down a pine tree.

Although Kiyoshi has the base strength of an E rank, he is a mage and he doesn't do much work in which he uses his physical abilities instead of his brain.

ren just gave some pointers so Kiyoshi can get started.

Kiyoshi after hearing nodded and prepared himself in front of the pine tree.

As Kiyoshi was about to hit the pine tree, Ren said something that made Kiyoshi drop the axe.

"So you like that Yoko girl?

Kiyoshi threw the ax at what Ren caught in the air with an ice tentacle before grabbing the ax with his hand.

- can it not be so sudden sensei!?

Kiyoshi said with a face red as a tomato.

"Relax Kiyoshi, there's no one around, I guess they're afraid to pick a tree you like so they made everyone but our leave.

-Ha... am I so obvious?

" Well, taking the fact that you almost screwed up your voice to prevent me from doing something to that girl and how that girl could go against me without fear shows that she cares, I guess congratulations on your new girlfriend.

-ha... it's not as easy as you think sensei

" by?

- well because I am a duke and she is a servant

"Since when do you care about the noble hierarchy?

- since I found out that they can harm her if I take her as my wife when she is just a maiden.

"um... have you thought about making her your concubine?

- well...

"She has to be 15 years old?


"and you can't confirm your feelings with her and keep her by your side until you're 15 where you can make her a concubine?


"And I thought you were the smart one

-I... I didn't think about it

"There is no law that says you can't have concubines, how long have you known each other?

-since she took control of the dukedom, she was the one my father found and brought from an orphanage, she uses her salary to bring food to the minor children who live there

"oh... good choice disciple, you can take advantage of this night to confirm your feelings, you have my blessing, but don't bring a blessing yet until you are older and have more stability and strength.

Kiyoshi blushed at the thought of having a child with Yoko, but he nodded to ren.

Ren patted Kiyoshi's head before handing the ax back to Kiyoshi to continue feeling the pine tree.




When the 2 returned, the servants saw Ren carrying the pine tree on his shoulder as he entered with Kiyoshi on top of the pine tree carried by Ren.

The servants were surprised to see Ren's strength since that pine for its weight could only be carried by someone of Rank D.

ren then with Kiyoshi and Kelly started preparing the pine tree with Christmas decorations leaving the servants tinned but none of the 3 could care enough to pay attention to them.




Ren spend a fun Christmas and New Year with the new Holland family.

The surprise is that Akane, Indis, Paula and Carla, Kiriko, Amerie, Isabel, Saiko, Naomi, and Kumiko suddenly arrived at the Holland mansion.

Seeing so many people gathered at her house celebrating Christmas Eve, many of them great friends, Kelly's heart filled with warmth.

Kelly grasped Kiyoshi's hand on one side of her and Balder on the other, looking at Ren that who was beyond as she laughed quietly as she enjoyed hot chocolate, the three of them giving a big thank you to her hearts.




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