Ankaido, the ancestor of pirates

Chapter 29 We have a mine at home!No shortage of money!

Chapter 29 We have a mine at home!No shortage of money!

"Okay! So the population has been initially solved, but what about the money? The workers have to eat and spend! Where do we have so much money to support their expenses?"

When Quinn heard that Kaido planned to go to sea to rob, this was indeed a good way, but the money problem was still unsolved, and strength alone could not solve the future survival mode of Zu'an.

"Don't worry about this, we have mines! Zu'an is the most valuable thing in this world!"

When Kaido heard that Quinn had mentioned money, he couldn't help but smile. Kaido, who owns the world's largest Hailou Quarry, is not short of money at all.

"We currently only have a total of 1000 tons of high-purity Hailou quarry in stock, and the current black market price is about 100 million Baileys per ton. That is to say, even if we sell all these mines, it is only [-] billion Baileys... this money That’s enough to last us for a while.”

Jhin nodded slightly and said.

"Well... just distribute [-] tons this year, tell the black market that there are only so many this year, tell them Zu'an country... the world's largest Hailou quarry is about to dry up, and the Hailou stone will only increase in the future The less...the one with the highest price of the [-] tons of Hailou Stone will get it!"

Kaido pondered for a while listening to Jhin's words, and then ordered.

"Is that so? In this world, things are always rare and expensive. If this is the case, there will probably be a group of people fighting over these sea stones. Will someone swallow our goods?"

Jhin understood the meaning of Kaido's words as soon as he heard them, and then asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Tell them this is my product, and if anyone dares to swallow my product, let's eat it! Well... tell Morganz and Stracey, if anyone dares to swallow my product, I will dismantle it I don’t care who swallowed the newspaper office and Happy Street, anyway, as long as the goods are gone, the two of them will die!”

Kaido doesn't care about all the mess, anyway, if the goods are out of stock, he will definitely go to these two giants of the dark world.

"As ordered!"

Quinn nodded lightly, he had already decided that he would deliver the goods this time, and after the delivery, he could have fun on Happy Street... Hehehe...Thinking about it, it's tm exciting.

"Okay! That's all for today, let's celebrate happily together! To the pillars of the future world!"

Kaido raised the wine glass in his hand and shouted.

"To the future king of the world!"

The three of Jin quickly raised their wine glasses and shouted in unison.


"ton ton ton..."

With a crisp crash, everyone gulped down the wine in their cups.


Early the next morning, Kaido went out to sea on his main ship, the Invincible Yamato... As for why he used this name... The main reason is that the previous name was too ugly, and it would be better to just use his daughter's name.

"md... I'm sloppy... I drank a little too much yesterday, and now I'm a little dizzy watching things."

Kaido covered his head, raised his head slightly, and looked at the sun gradually rising from the east in the sky, feeling a little dizzy.

"Kay...boss! Where are we going?"

Asura boy is still not used to calling Kaido the boss, he still thinks Kaido is an enemy from the bottom of his heart.

"Go and catch some young, powerful and young guys and come back to sell...cough coughcough...I mean come back to work."

Kaido, who was a little dizzy, opened his mouth and almost said what was in his heart... no, he almost said the wrong thing.

"Come back to sell? Why are we arresting the young man?"

Ashura boy asked with some doubts.

"That's why you don't understand! Good boy! Good-looking ones can be sold to be cowherds...err...I mean go to work in shrines, and bad-looking ones can also be used for manual labor. It's a perfect creation, except that it can't have children..."

The dizzy Kaido directly told Asura Boy without thinking.


"Been taught a lesson!"

Asura Boy was silent for a while and finally nodded. He instantly felt that there was some strange knowledge in his mind.

"Cough cough..."

Kaido looked at Asura boy's surprised eyes, and helplessly covered his forehead.

"I really think I haven't woken up yet, I'd better go to sleep again! By the way, if you see other pirates, remember to wake me up!"

Kaido shook his head helplessly, and walked towards his room.


Asura boy looked at Kaido returning to the room, his eyes burst into colorful light, his chance finally came!
"Hey! Everyone! Kaido has gone to bed now! I have a big plan, please listen, if we sail the ship to Whitebeard's territory now, then maybe the time to deal with Kaido is now!"

Boy Asura gathered all his subordinates and told everyone about his plan in detail.

"good idea!"

"You really deserve to be the big brother Ashura boy!"

"Our hope of recovering the country of Harmony has arrived!"

"Tomorrow is the day of restoration!"

All the young Asura boys became excited instantly, they had already fantasized about the scene where Kaido was violently beaten by Whitebeard.

"Uh...does any of you know how to get to Whitebeard's territory?"

Just when everyone was excited, the only samurai with reason raised his own doubts.


"That's a good question! Does any of you know how Whitebeard's territory is opened?"

Boy Asura slapped his thigh, this problem is the problem that has troubled him for the longest time, and it is also the key to implementing this plan.

"Um... I grew up in Wano Country."

"I don't know... I don't know... I haven't been abroad."

"Denjiro must know, but we don't know."

All the samurai shook their heads. As natives of Wano, they had never been to sea, let alone knew how to get to Whitebeard's territory.

"I know one person who definitely does."

Just when everyone said they didn't know, a voice gave everyone hope.

"Who is that person you are talking about, Mifune?"

Asura boy looked at the samurai who claimed to know the route and asked.

"That's Kaido! He must know how to get to Whitebeard. We just need to deceive him and let him take us there to hunt. I have already planned a mature plan."

The samurai named Mifune said obscenely.


As Mifune's voice fell, the whole scene became deserted in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, I don't know who took the lead in laughing.


"Give me a break……"

"Killing me……"

"Are you here to be funny?"

A group of warriors laughed at Mifune.

"This plan won't work. Kaido is not a fool. Forget it. Since everyone doesn't know how to get to Whitebeard, then let's put this plan on hold for now! Sigh..."

Asura boy shook his head slightly at Mifune, sighed helplessly, turned and left lonely.

"It's's gone..."

Seeing that Asura boy had left, the other warriors also left the deck one after another, leaving only Sanchuan and one person.

"Obviously as long as there are strong newcomers there as an excuse, Kaido should be able to get a little closer to Whitebeard's territory! After all, Whitebeard's territory is so big, Kaido will definitely think that he may not meet Whitebeard."

Mifune said a little aggrieved.

 Ask for collection!Ask for a recommendation!Seek investment!


(End of this chapter)

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