Ant King In MHA

Chapter 12: A Home For The Heart

__________ POV Beru__________

Well then. It seems that the orphanage I moved to is quite nice.

There are a lot of older kids here too. Not many girls though, which makes me sad. But the people here are nice.

This old lady that takes care of the orphanage doesn't seem to care much about my outward appearance either, so that's certainly a nice aspect.

I've received a special phone too. One that I can use with my claws. It makes things a bit easier, I guess technology is quite advanced in this world.

Lately, I've been trying to watch more television. It's filled with Heroes, and hey, I was a pretty big fan of Marvel.

I still think that Heroes being real in this world is quite inspiring. Although the idea of a hero sounds extremely idealistic.

There is some feeling of safety to be had in knowing that someone powerful is tasked with protecting you. But that's not exactly a good thing.

A lot of people with powerful abilities aren't heroes, they also aren't villains. They live normal lives with a few extra perks of being looked upon with awe from time to time.

Well. let's just say that I don't think it's a good idea to make people rely on heroes to this extent...

At least that's what I understood from the limited time I've spent in this strange 'Quirk' based society.

Most of the information I have is from casual observations and listening to people talk around me. My enhanced hearing makes me a perfect eavesdropper.

But some aspects are still strange. Like entire schools dedicated to teaching actual children how to fight crime.

Now, I did get into a pretty dangerous life at a very young age, but I still wouldn't condone others doing it. But it seems that most people actually want to be heroes anyway.

Just like everyone wanted to be an actor or astronaut at some point in their lives. It's just that this 'hero' thing is actually attainable due to the existence of these schools.

Well, being an actor or an astronaut is also attainable, but not everyone is willing to put that much work into it.

From my understanding, most of what you need is a decent physique and a powerful quirk. And Boom! You a hero trainee now.

It's strange how much they idolize these heroes. But I guess some of them do seem quite genuine.

There's this big guy called All Might, he looks to be quite young, around 30 I guess, he's been stirring up quite the storm.

And yes. 30 is still young, certainly not saying that because I am around 30 myself.

Well, I may be trapped into a child's body but I am still a man at heart. I also study the more... Adult rated content. It seems that a lot of fetishes appeared alongside these Quirks...

Not that I mind, but I can only imagine the excitement of some groups of people(furries) if they could see some of this shit.

"Beru! Let's go play!" Screamed out a kid. I was on my bed, I obviously took the top bunk bed.

I looked down at him.

"SuRe~" No need to be mean to kids. I also have nothing better to do than to spend time with them.

This kid. Souma something is quite friendly. Well, he's been nice since day one, I'd say he's been raised quite well, even without parents.

Although, not everyone in the orphanage seems to be just as friendly.

Souma is a bit of a pushover from time to time. I've seen some of the older kids ordering him around quite often.

But I won't pry too much. As long as they don't get violent with each other, I don't care. I may be 6 years old, but I am quite certain I can down most adults.

At least if they don't have some overpowered bullshit ability(like mine).

Souma and I ended up going to the playground, I just watched him swing around on metal bars whilst I practised my flying.

You see, I don't really want to stay on the ground all the time, although my legs are strong, I am still lazy.

I want to be able to lay around in the air and just flap my wings around. But it seems I still need some more strength in my wings.

Until I heard a shout from underneath me. "Beru! Can you do a flip!?" Souma is really making me work huh?

Oh well, why not.

I started doing summersaults in the air. I could hear the little brat gasp in awe. But it's not even that big of a deal.

I guess children are quite easily impressed. In the end. I landed on a pole that was striking out on top of the slide.

It was basically the highest point on the playground. I was balancing myself on one leg and just staying there.

This much isn't really difficult, especially after spending 5 years doing balancing acts on three branches.

"Oh, the little freak is showing off!" Well, there are the rude kids. Souma seems to have hidden behind the slide. I guess these three are the bullies in the orphanage?

They obviously move as three people. One person with a decently powerful quirk will always be the leader of such gathering of idiots.

"ShUt~uP" My distorted voice seemed to creep him out a bit. I don't think this kid saw the news broadcast from that time, he wouldn't have that much courage if he did.

"Oh really? And what are you gonna do kid?" Oh wow, what a cocky idiot. But he's still a kid. I won't cut him up because of his aggressive attitude.

Although he isn't getting on my good books, that's for sure.

"What are you looking at, huh? Fucking Bugeyes, you scared off all the girls in the orphanage." Yep. He sure wants to die.

Still, I find fighting a child to be quite beneath me. So I'll just do my usual response. I jumped down to a spot near him.

"EaT~mE~BitCh" And just like that he charged at me. Works every time.

He started swinging his fists around, his fists turning into spiked balls. I guess that's his quirk? Oh well.

I just took a step out of his reach every time he got too close. He's a tad bit too young to understand the concept of reach and arm span.

He was tired after a minute or two. I guess using his quirk tired him out.

The other two were hesitant at first, but they also joined up at some point. But whether it's one kid or three, it doesn't matter one bit.

They were all on the ground by the end of it. Good workout. I haven't danced like that in a while.

I could see Souma with a surprised look on his face, as well as a silly excited smile. Really, what a shitty brat.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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